Inheritance: EditorWindow
Exemplo n.º 1
//	[MenuItem ("Window/xARM/xARM Gallery")]
    public static void ShowxARMGalleryWindow() {
		// undock msg
		 if(EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("xARM will now undock the GameView", 
			"Please keep the GameView undocked while working with xARM.", 
			"OK", "Cancel")){
			_myWindow = GetWindow<xARMGalleryWindow>();
			_myWindow.title = myWindowTitle;
			_myWindow.minSize = new Vector2(300, 150);
			// undock GameView only on window open (not while switching between Editor and Play mode)
			xARMManager.FloatingGameView (xARMManager.DefaultGameViewResolution);
Exemplo n.º 2
//	[MenuItem ("Window/xARM/xARM Gallery")]
    public static void ShowxARMGalleryWindow()
        // undock msg
        if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("xARM will now undock the GameView",
                                        "Please keep the GameView undocked while working with xARM.",
                                        "OK", "Cancel"))
            _myWindow         = GetWindow <xARMGalleryWindow>();
            _myWindow.title   = myWindowTitle;
            _myWindow.minSize = new Vector2(300, 150);

            // undock GameView only on window open (not while switching between Editor and Play mode)