Exemplo n.º 1
        void get_DirTree(TreeNode parent, wz_file f, string fPath, byte enc_type, bool all_on_list_child)
            List<string>	dirs	= new List<string>();
            string			name	= "";
            int				size	= 0;
            int				cs32	= 0;
            int				offs	= 0;
            int				count	= packed_int(f);
            bool			on_list	= false;
            bool			use_enc	= !WZ.encryption.listwz ? true : false;
            bool			all_lst	= (all_on_list_child || WZ.encryption.list.Contains(parent.Text.ToLower() + '/')) ? true : false;

            for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                switch(f.bStream.ReadByte()) {
                    case 0x02:
                        name = readStrAt(f.header.head_size + 1 + f.bStream.ReadInt32(), f, use_enc);
                        size = packed_int(f);
                        cs32 = packed_int(f);
                        offs = calc_offset(f);
                        on_list = (all_lst || ((parent.Text == "Base.wz" || parent.Text == "base.wz") && WZ.encryption.list_contains(name.ToLower())) || WZ.encryption.list_contains(parent.Text.ToLower().Replace(".wz", "") + '/' + name.ToLower())) ? true : false ;
                        parent.Nodes.Add(name).Tag = new image(name, size, cs32, offs, false, false, on_list, WZ.wz_files.IndexOf(f));

                    case 0x03:
                        name = readStr(f, use_enc);
                        size = packed_int(f);
                        cs32 = packed_int(f);
                        f.stream.Position += 4;

                    case 0x04:
                        name = readStr(f, use_enc);
                        size = packed_int(f);
                        cs32 = packed_int(f);
                        offs = calc_offset(f);
                        on_list = (all_lst || ( (parent.Text == "Base.wz" || parent.Text == "base.wz") && WZ.encryption.list_contains(name.ToLower()) ) || WZ.encryption.list_contains(parent.Text.ToLower().Replace(".wz", "") + '/' + name.ToLower())) ? true : false ;
                        parent.Nodes.Add(name).Tag = new image(name, size, cs32, offs, false, false, on_list, WZ.wz_files.IndexOf(f));

            foreach(string dir in dirs) {
                TreeNode t = parent.Nodes.Add(dir);
                t.Tag = "";
                if(f.header.file_name == "Base.wz" || f.header.file_name == "base.wz") {
                    WZ.has_basewz = true;
                    get_DirTree(t, f, fPath, enc_type, false);
                    load_file(fPath + "\\" + dir + ".wz", t);
                } else { get_DirTree(t, f, fPath, enc_type, all_lst); }
Exemplo n.º 2
        Bitmap extract_png(PNG png, wz_file f)
            DeflateStream		zlib;
            int					size_png = 0;
            int					x = 0, y = 0, b = 0, g = 0;
            Bitmap				png_decoded = null;
            BitmapData			bmp_data;
            byte[]				plain_data;
            f.stream.Position	= png.offs;

            if(f.bStream.ReadUInt16() == 0x9C78) {
                zlib = new DeflateStream(f.stream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
            } else {
                f.stream.Position -= 2;
                MemoryStream	data_stream		= new MemoryStream();
                int				blocksize		= 0;
                int				end_of_png		= (int)(png.data_length + f.stream.Position);

                while(f.stream.Position < end_of_png){
                    blocksize = f.bStream.ReadInt32();
                    for(int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) {
                        data_stream.WriteByte((byte)(f.bStream.ReadByte() ^ WZ.encryption.keys[i]));
                data_stream.Position	= 2;
                zlib					= new DeflateStream(data_stream, CompressionMode.Decompress);

            switch (png.form) {
                case 1:
                    png_decoded	= new Bitmap(png.w, png.h, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    bmp_data	= png_decoded.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, png.w, png.h), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    size_png	= png.w * png.h * 2;
                    plain_data	= new byte[size_png];
                    zlib.Read(plain_data, 0, size_png);
                    byte[] argb = new Byte[size_png * 2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size_png; i++) {
                        b = plain_data[i] & 0x0F; b |= (b << 4); argb[i * 2] = (byte)b;
                        g = plain_data[i] & 0xF0; g |= (g >> 4); argb[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)g;
                    Marshal.Copy(argb, 0, bmp_data.Scan0, argb.Length);

                case 2:
                    png_decoded	= new Bitmap(png.w, png.h, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    bmp_data	= png_decoded.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, png.w, png.h), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    size_png	= png.w * png.h * 4;
                    plain_data	= new byte[size_png];
                    zlib.Read(plain_data, 0, size_png);
                    Marshal.Copy(plain_data, 0, bmp_data.Scan0, plain_data.Length);

                case 513:
                    png_decoded	= new Bitmap(png.w, png.h, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);
                    bmp_data	= png_decoded.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, png.w, png.h), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);
                    size_png	= png.w * png.h * 2;
                    plain_data	= new byte[size_png];
                    zlib.Read(plain_data, 0, size_png);
                    Marshal.Copy(plain_data, 0, bmp_data.Scan0, plain_data.Length);

                case 517:
                    png_decoded	= new Bitmap(png.w, png.h);
                    size_png	= png.w * png.h / 128;
                    plain_data	= new byte[size_png];
                    zlib.Read(plain_data, 0, size_png);
                    byte iB = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size_png; i++) {
                        for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                            iB = Convert.ToByte(((plain_data[i] & (0x01 << (7 - j))) >> (7 - j)) * 0xFF);
                            for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
                                if (x == png.w) { x = 0; y++; }
                                png_decoded.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(0xFF, iB, iB, iB));

            return png_decoded;
Exemplo n.º 3
        void extract_value(int offset, TreeNode parent, wz_file f, bool use_enc)
            parent = parent.Nodes.Add(get_string(offset, f, use_enc));
                case 0x00:
                    parent.Tag = null;

                case 0x02:
                    parent.Tag = f.bStream.ReadInt16();

                case 0x03:
                    parent.Tag = packed_int(f);

                case 0x04:
                    parent.Tag = packed_float(f);

                case 0x05:
                    parent.Tag = f.bStream.ReadDouble();

                case 0x08:
                    parent.Tag = get_string(offset, f, use_enc);

                case 0x09:
                    extract_img(offset, parent, f.bStream.ReadInt32() + (int)f.stream.Position, f, use_enc);

                case 0x0B:
                    parent.Tag = f.bStream.ReadInt16();

                    MessageBox.Show("Error in get_value. Offset: " + Convert.ToString(f.stream.Position, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
 static int packed_int(wz_file f)
     int s = f.bStream.ReadSByte();
     return (s == -128) ? f.bStream.ReadInt32() : s;
Exemplo n.º 5
        void extract_img(int offset, TreeNode parent, int eob, wz_file f, bool is_on_list)
            int entries = 0;

            switch(get_string(offset, f, is_on_list)) {
                case "Property":
                    f.stream.Position += 2;
                    entries = packed_int(f);
                    for(int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
                        extract_value(offset, parent, f, is_on_list);

                case "Shape2D#Vector2D":
                    parent.Tag = new vector(packed_int(f), packed_int(f));

                case "Canvas":
                    if(f.bStream.ReadByte() == 0x01) {
                        f.stream.Position += 2;
                        entries = packed_int(f);
                        for(int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { extract_value(offset, parent, f, is_on_list); }
                    int w		= packed_int(f);
                    int h		= packed_int(f);
                    int form	= packed_int(f) + f.bStream.ReadByte();
                    f.stream.Position += 4;
                    int bufsize	= f.bStream.ReadInt32();
                    //parent.Tag = new PNG(w, h, bufsize-1, form, (int)f.stream.Position+1, f.header.file_name);
                    parent.Tag = new PNG(w, h, bufsize-1, form, (int)f.stream.Position+1, WZ.wz_files.IndexOf(f));
                    f.stream.Position += bufsize;

                case "Shape2D#Convex2D":
                    entries = packed_int(f);
                    for(int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { extract_img(offset, parent, 0, f, is_on_list); }

                case "Sound_DX8":
                    int len				= packed_int(f);
                    int ms				= packed_int(f);
                    parent.Tag			= new MP3(eob - len, len, ms);
                    f.stream.Position	= eob;

                case "UOL":
                    parent.Tag = new UOL(get_string(offset, f, is_on_list));

Exemplo n.º 6
            public void detect_encryption(wz_file f)
                int				old_off	= (int)f.stream.Position;
                f.stream.Position		= 62;
                int				len		= (int)(-f.bStream.ReadSByte());
                byte[]			bytes	= f.bStream.ReadBytes(len);
                StringBuilder	sb		= new StringBuilder();

                for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    bytes[i] ^= (byte)(0xAA + i);

                if(sb.ToString().Contains(".img") || sb.ToString().Contains("Cash")) {
                    this.all_strings_encrypted = false;
                } else {
                    sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
                    if(this.enc_type != WZ_crypto.enc_unknown) {
                        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                            bytes[i] ^= this.keys[i];
                        if(sb.ToString().Contains(".img") || sb.ToString().Contains("Cash")) {
                            this.all_strings_encrypted	= true;
                            this.encryption_detected	= true;
                    } else {
                        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.Append((char)(bytes[i] ^ keys_kms[i])); }
                        if(sb.ToString().Contains(".img") || sb.ToString().Contains("Cash")) {
                            this.enc_type				= WZ_crypto.enc_KMS;
                            this.keys					= this.keys_kms;
                            this.all_strings_encrypted	= true;
                            this.all_pngs_encrypted		= true;
                            this.encryption_detected	= true;
                        } else {
                            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
                            for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.Append((char)(bytes[i] ^ keys_gms[i])); }
                            if(sb.ToString().Contains(".img") || sb.ToString().Contains("Cash")){
                                this.enc_type				= WZ_crypto.enc_GMS;
                                this.keys					= this.keys_gms;
                                this.all_strings_encrypted	= true;
                                this.all_pngs_encrypted		= true;
                                this.encryption_detected	= true;

                f.stream.Position = old_off;
Exemplo n.º 7
 static float packed_float(wz_file f)
     float fl = f.bStream.ReadSByte();
     return (fl == -128) ? f.bStream.ReadSingle() : fl;
Exemplo n.º 8
 void saveMP3(MP3 mp3, string filename, wz_file f)
     FileStream	save	= new FileStream(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
     f.stream.Position	= mp3.offset;
     save.Write(f.bStream.ReadBytes(mp3.length), 0, mp3.length);
Exemplo n.º 9
        int calc_offset(wz_file f)
            uint	offset		= (uint)(f.stream.Position - 0x3C) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
            uint	bytes		= f.bStream.ReadUInt32();
            int		distance	= 0;
            long	pos			= f.stream.Position;
            uint[]	test_offset	= new uint[5];

            if (!f.header.checked_version)	{
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    test_offset[i]	=	offset * System.Convert.ToUInt32(f.header.hash_version_test[i]);
                    test_offset[i]	-=	0x581C3F6D;
                    distance		=	(int)test_offset[i] & 0x1F;
                    test_offset[i]	=	(test_offset[i] << distance) | (test_offset[i] >> (32 - distance));
                    test_offset[i]	^=	bytes;
                    test_offset[i]	+=	0x78;

                    if (test_offset[i] < f.header.file_size) {
                        f.stream.Position = test_offset[i];
                        if (f.stream.ReadByte() == 0x73) {
                            f.stream.Position = pos;
                            f.header.c_version = f.header.c_version_test[i];
                            f.header.hash_version = f.header.hash_version_test[i];
                            f.header.checked_version = true;
                            offset = test_offset[i];
                            i = 5;
            } else {
                offset		*=	f.header.hash_version;
                offset		-=	0x581C3F6D;
                distance	=	(int)offset & 0x1F;
                offset		=	(offset << distance) | (offset >> (32 - distance));
                offset		^=	bytes;
                offset		+=	0x78;
            return (int)offset;
Exemplo n.º 10
        Bitmap render_layer(TreeNode layer_node, int height, int width, int centerX, int centerY, wz_file f, image map_img)
            TreeNode t_node, t_node2;
            int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, i = 0;
            vector v		= new vector(0, 0);
            bool flipped	= false;
            SortedList<int, List<tile>> z_layer_objects	= new SortedList<int, List<tile>>();
            SortedList<int, List<tile>> z_layer_tiles	= new SortedList<int, List<tile>>();
            Bitmap bMap		= new Bitmap(width, height);
            Graphics gMap	= Graphics.FromImage(bMap);
            image tile_img, obj_img;
            string tS_tile	= "";
            TreeNode		found_node;

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Getting Objects...";

            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "obj");
            for (i = 0; i < t_node.Nodes.Count; i++) {
                t_node2 = FindNode(t_node, i.ToString());

                if (t_node2 != null) {
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "x"); if (found_node != null) { x = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "y"); if (found_node != null) { y = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "z"); if (found_node != null) { z = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "f"); if (found_node != null) { flipped = System.Convert.ToBoolean(found_node.Tag); }
                    string oS_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "oS").Tag);
                    string l0_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l0").Tag);
                    string l1_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l1").Tag);
                    string l2_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l2").Tag);

                    obj_img			= FindImage("Map\\Obj\\" + oS_obj + ".img",treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                    object png_uol	= get_value(l0_obj + "\\" + l1_obj + "\\" + l2_obj + "\\0", obj_img);

                    PNG png;
                    if (png_uol.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                        MessageBox.Show("UOL obj");
                        TreeNode uol_node		= FindNode(FindNode(FindNode(FindNode(obj_img.node, l0_obj), l1_obj), l2_obj), "0");
                        png						= (PNG)resolve_UOL((UOL)png_uol, uol_node).Tag;
                    else { png = (PNG)png_uol; }

                    found_node	= FindByFullPath(l0_obj + "\\" + l1_obj + "\\" + l2_obj + "\\0", obj_img.node);
                    found_node	= FindNode(found_node, "origin"); if (found_node != null) { v = (vector)found_node.Tag; }

                    if (z_layer_objects.ContainsKey(z)) {
                        z_layer_objects[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));
                    } else {
                        z_layer_objects.Add(z, new List<tile>());
                        z_layer_objects[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Getting Tiles...";
            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "info");
            if (t_node.Nodes.Count > 0) { tS_tile = (string)(FindNode(t_node, "tS").Tag); }

            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "tile");
            if ((t_node.Nodes.Count > 0)) {
                for (i = 0; i < t_node.Nodes.Count; i++) {
                    t_node2 = FindNode(t_node, i.ToString());
                    if (t_node2 != null) {
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "x");	if (found_node != null) { x = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "y");	if (found_node != null) { y = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "zM");	if (found_node != null) { z = (int)found_node.Tag; }

                        string u_tile = "", no_tile = "";

                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "u");	if (found_node != null) { u_tile	= (string)(found_node.Tag); }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "no");	if (found_node != null) { no_tile	= found_node.Tag.ToString();}

                        tile_img	= FindImage("Map\\Tile\\" + tS_tile + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                        PNG png		= (PNG)get_value(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile, tile_img);
                        found_node	= FindByFullPath(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile , tile_img.node);
                        found_node 	= FindNode(found_node, "origin"); if (found_node != null) { v = (vector)found_node.Tag; }

                        found_node	= FindByFullPath(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile, tile_img.node);
                        found_node 	= FindNode(found_node, "z");
                        if (found_node != null) { z += (int)found_node.Tag; }

                        if (z_layer_tiles.ContainsKey(z)) {
                            z_layer_tiles[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));
                        } else {
                            z_layer_tiles.Add(z, new List<tile>());
                            z_layer_tiles[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding Objects";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<tile>> z_layer in z_layer_objects) {
                foreach (tile t in z_layer.Value) {
                    if (!t.flip) {
                        gMap.DrawImage(t.pic, t.x + centerX - t.ox, t.y + centerY - t.oy);
                    } else {
                        Bitmap flippedBmp = t.pic;
                        gMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, t.x + centerX + t.ox - flippedBmp.Width, t.y + centerY - t.oy);

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding Tiles...";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<tile>> z_layer in z_layer_tiles) {
                foreach (tile t in z_layer.Value) {
                    if (!t.flip) {
                        gMap.DrawImage(t.pic, t.x + centerX - t.ox, t.y + centerY - t.oy);
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set position X {0} {1}",t.x,t.ox));
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set position Y {0} {1}", t.y, t.oy));
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set map {0} {1}", centerX, centerY));
                    } else {
                        Bitmap flippedBmp = t.pic;
                        gMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, t.x + centerX + t.ox - flippedBmp.Width, t.y + centerY - t.oy);

            return bMap;
Exemplo n.º 11
        bool render_map(image map_img, wz_file f)

            int map_width = 0, map_height = 0, map_centerX = 0, map_centerY = 0;
            List<Bitmap> layers = new List<Bitmap>();
            TreeNode found_node;
            image t_img;

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Getting map size...";
            try {
                map_width	= (int)get_value("miniMap\\width",		map_img);
                map_height	= (int)get_value("miniMap\\height",		map_img);
                map_centerX	= (int)get_value("miniMap\\centerX",	map_img);
                map_centerY	= (int)get_value("miniMap\\centerY", 	map_img);
            } catch {
                int map_top = 0, map_bottom = 0, map_left = 0, map_right = 0;

                try {
                    map_top		= (int)get_value("info\\VRTop",		map_img);
                    map_bottom	= (int)get_value("info\\VRBottom",	map_img);
                    map_left	= (int)get_value("info\\VRLeft",	map_img);
                    map_right	= (int)get_value("info\\VRRight",	map_img);

                    map_width	= map_right		- map_left;
                    map_height	= map_bottom	- map_top;
                    map_centerX	= -map_left;
                    map_centerY	= -map_top;
                } catch {
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, but this map cannot be rendered due to size information lacking. Maybe this map might be rendered in the future.", "Impossible to render this map", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    return false;

            foreach (TreeNode n in map_img.node.Nodes) {
                if ("0123456789".IndexOf(n.Text.Substring(0), 0) != -1) {
                    layers.Add(render_layer(n, map_height, map_width, map_centerX, map_centerY, f, map_img));

            Bitmap		finalMap	= new Bitmap(map_width, map_height);
            Graphics	fMap		= Graphics.FromImage(finalMap);

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Creating picture...";
            switch (lstRenders.SelectedIndex) {
                case 0:
                    fMap.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, map_width, map_height);

                case 1:
                    fMap.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, map_width, map_height);

                case 2:
                    fMap.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, map_width, map_height);

            foreach (Bitmap bmp in layers) { fMap.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0); }

            if (chkPortalr.Checked == true) {
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding portals";
                TreeNode portals = FindNode(map_img.node, "portal");

                if (portals != null) {
                    image	MapHelper		= FindImage("Map\\MapHelper.img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                    Bitmap	portal_picture	= extract_png((PNG)get_value("portal\\game\\pv\\0", MapHelper), f);
                    foreach (TreeNode node in portals.Nodes) {
                        if ((int)FindNode(node, "pt").Tag == 2 && Convert.ToString(FindNode(node, "pn").Tag).Substring(0, 2) != "in") {
                            fMap.DrawImage(portal_picture, (int)FindNode(node, "x").Tag + map_centerX - 43, (int)FindNode(node, "y").Tag + map_centerY - 173);

            if (chkReactorr.Checked == true) {
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding reactors";
                TreeNode reactors = FindNode(map_img.node, "reactor");
                if (reactors != null) {
                    if (reactors.Nodes.Count > 0){
                        foreach (TreeNode reactor in reactors.Nodes){
                            found_node = FindNode(reactor, "id");
                            if (found_node != null){
                                t_img = FindImage("Reactor\\" + (string)found_node.Tag + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                                if (t_img != null){
                                    string link = (string)get_value("info\\link", t_img);
                                    if (link != null){
                                        t_img = FindImage("Reactor\\" + link + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);

                                    vector v = (vector)get_value("0\\0\\origin", t_img);
                                    bool flip = Convert.ToBoolean(FindNode(reactor, "f").Tag);
                                    if (!flip){
                                        fMap.DrawImage(extract_png((PNG)get_value("0\\0", t_img), WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]), (int)FindNode(reactor, "x").Tag + map_centerX - v.x, (int)FindNode(reactor, "y").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);
                                        Bitmap flippedBmp = extract_png((PNG)get_value("0\\0", t_img), WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]);
                                        fMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, (int)FindNode(reactor, "x").Tag + map_centerX + v.x - flippedBmp.Width, (int)FindNode(reactor, "y").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);

            if (chkMobr.Checked == true) {
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding monsters...";
                TreeNode monsters = FindNode(map_img.node, "life");
                if (monsters != null) {
                    if (monsters.Nodes.Count > 0) {
                        string stand_fly = "stand";
                        foreach (TreeNode life in monsters.Nodes) {
                            if ((string)FindNode(life, "type").Tag == "m") {
                                t_img = FindImage("Mob\\" + (string)FindNode(life, "id").Tag + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                                string link = (string)get_value("info\\link", t_img);
                                while(link != null) {
                                    t_img = FindImage("Mob\\" + link + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                                    link = (string)get_value("info\\link", t_img);

                                if (FindNode(t_img.node, "stand") == null){ stand_fly = "fly"; }

                                vector	v		= (vector)get_value(stand_fly + "\\0\\origin", t_img);
                                bool	flip	= Convert.ToBoolean(FindNode(life, "f").Tag);

                                if (!flip) {
                                    object mob_picture = get_value(stand_fly + "\\0", t_img);
                                    if (mob_picture != null) {
                                        PNG png_mob;
                                        if (mob_picture.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                                            TreeNode uol_node = FindNode(FindNode(t_img.node, stand_fly), "0");
                                            png_mob = (PNG)(resolve_UOL((UOL)mob_picture, uol_node).Tag);
                                            TreeNode resolved_node = resolve_UOL((UOL)mob_picture, uol_node);
                                            resolved_node = FindNode(resolved_node, "origin");

                                            v = (vector)resolved_node.Tag;
                                        else { png_mob = (PNG)mob_picture; }
                                        Bitmap bitmap_mob = extract_png(png_mob, WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]);
                                        int x_mob = (int)FindNode(life, "x").Tag + map_centerX - v.x;
                                        int y_mob = (int)FindNode(life, "cy").Tag + map_centerY - v.y;
                                        fMap.DrawImage(bitmap_mob, x_mob, y_mob);
                                    object mob_picture = get_value(stand_fly + "\\0", t_img);

                                    if (mob_picture != null)
                                        PNG png_mob;
                                        if (mob_picture.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                                            TreeNode uol_node = FindNode(FindNode(t_img.node, stand_fly), "0");
                                            png_mob = (PNG)(resolve_UOL((UOL)mob_picture, uol_node).Tag);
                                            TreeNode resolved_node = resolve_UOL((UOL)mob_picture, uol_node);
                                            resolved_node = FindNode(resolved_node, "origin");
                                            v = (vector)resolved_node.Tag;
                                        } else { png_mob = (PNG)mob_picture; }

                                        Bitmap flippedBmp = extract_png(png_mob, WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]);
                                        fMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, (int)FindNode(life, "x").Tag + map_centerX + v.x - flippedBmp.Width, (int)FindNode(life, "cy").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);
                            } else { continue; }

            if (chkNPCr.Checked == true) {
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding NPCs...";
                TreeNode npcs = FindNode(map_img.node, "life");
                if (npcs != null) {
                    if (npcs.Nodes.Count > 0) {
                        foreach (TreeNode life in npcs.Nodes) {
                            if ((string)FindNode(life, "type").Tag == "n") {
                                t_img		= FindImage("Npc\\" + (string)FindNode(life, "id").Tag + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                                vector v	= (vector)get_value("stand\\0\\origin", t_img);
                                found_node	= FindNode(life, "f");

                                if (found_node != null) {
                                    bool flip = Convert.ToBoolean(FindNode(life, "f").Tag);
                                    if (!flip) {
                                        object npc_picture = get_value("stand\\0", t_img);
                                        if (npc_picture != null) {
                                            PNG png_npc;
                                            if (npc_picture.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                                                TreeNode uol_node = FindNode(FindNode(t_img.node, "stand"), "0");
                                                png_npc = (PNG)(resolve_UOL((UOL)npc_picture, uol_node).Tag);
                                                TreeNode resolved_node = resolve_UOL((UOL)npc_picture, uol_node);
                                                resolved_node = FindNode(resolved_node, "origin");
                                                v = (vector)resolved_node.Tag;
                                            } else { png_npc = (PNG)npc_picture; }

                                            fMap.DrawImage(extract_png(png_npc, WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]), (int)FindNode(life, "x").Tag + map_centerX - v.x, (int)FindNode(life, "cy").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);
                                    } else {
                                        object npc_picture = get_value("stand\\0", t_img);
                                        if (npc_picture != null) {
                                            PNG png_npc;
                                            if (npc_picture.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                                                TreeNode uol_node = FindNode(FindNode(t_img.node, "stand"), "0");
                                                png_npc = (PNG)(resolve_UOL((UOL)npc_picture, uol_node).Tag);
                                                TreeNode resolved_node = resolve_UOL((UOL)npc_picture, uol_node);
                                                resolved_node = FindNode(resolved_node, "origin");
                                                v = (vector)resolved_node.Tag;
                                            } else { png_npc = (PNG)npc_picture; }

                                            Bitmap flippedBmp = extract_png(png_npc, WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]);
                                            fMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, (int)FindNode(life, "x").Tag + map_centerX + v.x - flippedBmp.Width, (int)FindNode(life, "cy").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);
                                } else {
                                    fMap.DrawImage(extract_png((PNG)get_value("stand\\0", t_img), WZ.wz_files[t_img.wz_f]), (int)FindNode(life, "x").Tag + map_centerX - v.x, (int)FindNode(life, "cy").Tag + map_centerY - v.y);
                            } else { continue; }

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Ending process...";
            picRender.Image	= finalMap;
            picRender.Size	= finalMap.Size;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
 string readStrAt(int offset, wz_file f, bool use_enc)
     int	oldoffset		= (int)f.stream.Position;
     f.stream.Position	= offset;
     string	ret			= readStr(f, use_enc);
     f.stream.Position	= oldoffset;
     return	ret;
Exemplo n.º 13
        string readStr(wz_file f, bool use_enc)
            StringBuilder	retStr	= new StringBuilder();
            int				size	= f.bStream.ReadSByte();

            if(size < 0) {
                byte	mask = 0xAA;
                        size = (size == -128) ? f.bStream.ReadInt32() : -size;

                for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    retStr.Append((char)(f.bStream.ReadByte() ^ (use_enc || WZ.encryption.all_strings_encrypted ? mask ^ WZ.encryption.keys[i] : mask)));
                    unchecked { mask++; }
                return retStr.ToString();

            if(size > 0) {
                int mask = 0xAAAA;
                if (size == 127) { size = f.bStream.ReadInt32(); }

                for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    retStr.Append((char) (f.bStream.ReadByte() + f.bStream.ReadByte()*0x100 ^ (use_enc || WZ.encryption.all_strings_encrypted ? mask ^ WZ.encryption.keys[2*i] ^ (WZ.encryption.keys[2*i+1]*0x100) : mask)));
                    unchecked { mask++; }
                return retStr.ToString();

            return "";
Exemplo n.º 14
        void load_file(string filename, TreeNode parent)
            string fName = Path.GetFileName(filename);
            string fPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
            wz_file f;

            try {
                f = new wz_file(filename);
                if(!WZ.encryption.encryption_detected){ WZ.encryption.detect_encryption(f); }
            } catch {
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error!";
                treeView1.Enabled = true;
                menuStrip1.Enabled = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + fName + " could not be opened! Maybe it's used by another program already.", "Error while opening " + fName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                mnuHeaderInfo.Enabled = false;

            f.header = get_header(fName, f);
            if (f.header == null) {
                treeView1.Enabled = true;
                menuStrip1.Enabled = true;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error!";
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                MessageBox.Show("Wrong file signature in " + fName + "!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
                mnuHeaderInfo.Enabled = false;

            if(fName.ToLower() == "map.wz") {
                WZ.index_map = WZ.wz_files.IndexOf(f);;
            get_DirTree(parent, f, fPath, WZ.encryption.enc_type, false);
Exemplo n.º 15
        string get_string(int offset, wz_file f, bool use_enc)
            switch(f.bStream.ReadByte()) {
                case 0x00:
                    return readStr(f, use_enc);

                case 0x01:
                    return readStrAt(offset + f.bStream.ReadInt32(), f, use_enc);

                case 0x04:
                    f.stream.Position += 8;
                    return "";

                case 0x73:
                    goto case 0x00;

                case 0x1B:
                    goto case 0x01;

                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown string type at offset: " + Convert.ToString(f.stream.Position, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0);
            return "";
Exemplo n.º 16
        wz_header get_header(string filename, wz_file f)
            string signature = new string(f.bStream.ReadChars(4));

            if(signature != "PKG1"){ return null; }

            int		filesize	= (int)f.stream.Length;
            int		datasize	= (int)f.bStream.ReadInt64();
            int		headersize	= f.bStream.ReadInt32();
            string	copyright	= new string(f.bStream.ReadChars(headersize - (int)f.stream.Position));
            int	 	encver		= f.bStream.ReadUInt16();

            int[]   ver		 = new int[5];
            uint[]  h_ver	   = new uint[5];

            int start_ver = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                ver[i] = get_version(encver, start_ver);
                h_ver[i] = get_version_hash(encver, ver[i]);
                start_ver = ver[i];

            wz_header header = new wz_header(signature, copyright, filename, headersize, datasize, filesize, ver, h_ver, false);
            return header;