Exemplo n.º 1
        string NameBuilder(wsdlParser.qname qn)
            if (m_namemap.ContainsKey(qn.ExpandedName))

            string name    = vcProject.safeClassName(qn.localname);
            string suffix  = "";
            int    num     = 0;
            string newName = name;

            while (m_namemap.ContainsValue(newName))
                suffix = "";
                while (num > 0)
                    suffix = suffix + ((num % 26) + 'A');
                    num    = num / 26;
                newName = name + suffix;

            m_namemap[qn.ExpandedName] = newName;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Parameter(CppType cppType, string cppName, wsdlParser.qname xmlName, bool isHeader, IdlDirection dir)
     this.cppType      = cppType;
     this.cppName      = safeCppName(cppName);
     this.xmlName      = xmlName;
     this.isHeader     = isHeader;
     this.idlDirection = dir;
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal CppType mapType(wsdlParser.qname type)
            if (m_sf.IsAnyType(type.localname, type.@namespace))
                return(CppType.Create((int)VarEnum.VT_VARIANT, "VARIANT", CppType.ArrayType.NotArray, CppType.TypeStyle.Primative, false, type));
            CppType t = null;

                Object ct = m_sf.FindComType(type.localname, type.@namespace);
                if (ct is int)
                    return(CppType.TypeFromVariantType((int)ct, type));
                return(CppType.Create((int)VarEnum.VT_VARIANT, "VARIANT", type));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // todo, catch specific exception
                // todo, handle complex types.
                // Console.WriteLine(type.ExpandedName + " : " + ex.Message);
            // handle non-primitive types

            // first off, check the cache
            t = (CppType)m_typesCache[type.ExpandedName];
            if (t != null)

            // look for a schema definition
            MSXML2.ISchema     schema = SchemaForType(type);
            MSXML2.ISchemaType oType  = (MSXML2.ISchemaType)schema.types.itemByQName(type.localname, type.@namespace);
            if (oType is MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType)
                t = CreateComplexType(type, (MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType)oType);
            else if (oType.enumeration.length > 0)
                t = CreateEnumType(type, oType);
                t = CreateRestrictedSimpleType(type, oType);
                throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, this type " + type.ExpandedName + " is not yet supported");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public SerializerWriter(vcProject project, wsdlParser.qname serializerQName, string serializerName, string serializeeName)
            ProjectClass cls = project.AddClass(serializerName, new Interface("ISoapSerializer", "IUnknown"));

            m_hdr            = cls.header.Create();
            m_impl           = cls.impl.Create();
            m_cppName        = serializerName;
            m_serializeeName = serializeeName;
            m_deserA = new ArrayList();
            m_deserE = new ArrayList();
            m_deserC = new ArrayList();
Exemplo n.º 5
 // note that sc.getSchema(someNS) fails when xs:import is used, as imported types will appear in the
 // schema that imported them, not in the original schmea (which isn't in the schema collection)
 private MSXML2.ISchema SchemaForType(wsdlParser.qname qn)
     MSXML2.IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2 sc = m_wsdl.Schemas;
     MSXML2.ISchema s;
     for (int idx = 0; idx < sc.length; idx++)
         s = sc.getSchema(sc[idx]);
         foreach (MSXML2.ISchemaType t in s.types)
             if ((t.name == qn.localname) && (t.namespaceURI == qn.@namespace))
     throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find schema for " + qn.ExpandedName);
Exemplo n.º 6
        CppType HandleArrayType(wsdlParser.qname typeName, MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType typeDesc)
            MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType ct           = typeDesc;
            MSXML2.ISchemaItem        encArrayType = ct.attributes.itemByQName("arrayType", Consts.SOAP_11_ENCODING);
            string wsdlArrayType = null;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < encArrayType.unhandledAttributes.length; idx++)
                if ((encArrayType.unhandledAttributes.getLocalName(idx) == "arrayType") &&
                    (encArrayType.unhandledAttributes.getURI(idx) == Consts.WSDL_URL))
                    wsdlArrayType = encArrayType.unhandledAttributes.getValue(idx);
            if (wsdlArrayType == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("SOAP-ENC:Array derivation must include a wsdl:arrayType attribute");

            wsdlParser.qname qn = new wsdlParser.qnameClass();
            int lastColon       = wsdlArrayType.LastIndexOf(":");

            qn.@namespace = wsdlArrayType.Substring(0, lastColon);
            int rank = wsdlArrayType.IndexOf("[", lastColon);

            qn.localname = wsdlArrayType.Substring(lastColon + 1, rank - lastColon - 1);
            CppType itemType = mapType(qn);

            CppType t = CppType.CreateArray(itemType, CppType.ArrayType.Encoded, false, qn);

            m_typesCache.Add(typeName.ExpandedName, t);

            if (t.Style == CppType.TypeStyle.Object)
                string qnln = m_factory.IdForString(qn.localname, IdType.Localname);
                string qnns = m_factory.IdForString(qn.@namespace, IdType.Namespace);
                string psad = m_factory.IdForString("PocketSOAP.ArrayDeserializer.1", IdType.ProgId);
                string psas = m_factory.IdForString("PocketSOAP.ArraySerializer.1", IdType.ProgId);
                m_factory.Add(string.Format("m_sf->Deserializer({0}, {1}, VARIANT_TRUE, VT_UNKNOWN, {2});", qnln, qnns, psad));
                m_factory.Add(string.Format("m_sf->Serializer(VT_UNKNOWN | VT_ARRAY, {0}, {1}, {2});", qnln, qnns, psas));
Exemplo n.º 7
        void AddElementsToContainer(wsdlParser.qname xmlName, MSXML2.ISchemaModelGroup smg, ComplexTypeWriter ctw, SerializerWriter sw)
            foreach (MSXML2.ISchemaParticle particle in smg.particles)
                if ((particle.itemType == MSXML2.SOMITEMTYPE.SOMITEM_ALL) || (particle.itemType == MSXML2.SOMITEMTYPE.SOMITEM_SEQUENCE))
                    AddElementsToContainer(xmlName, particle as MSXML2.ISchemaModelGroup, ctw, sw);
                else if (particle.itemType == MSXML2.SOMITEMTYPE.SOMITEM_ELEMENT)
                    MSXML2.ISchemaElement e = (MSXML2.ISchemaElement)particle;
                    CppType itemType        = CppType.FromParticle(this, particle);
                    string  itemName        = vcProject.safeClassName(particle.name);

                    ctw.AddPropertyField(itemName, itemType);
                    sw.AddElement(itemName, itemType, e);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static CppType TypeFromVariantType(int vt, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
            CppType t = null;
            Mapping m = (Mapping)mappings[(VarEnum)vt];

            if (m != null)
                t = Create((int)m.vt, m.name, xmlType, m.style);
                t = Create(vt, "VARIANT", xmlType, TypeStyle.Primative);

            if ((vt & (int)VarEnum.VT_ARRAY) > 0)
                return(Factory(t, ArrayType.Encoded, TypeStyle.Primative, false, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 9
        CppType CreateComplexType(wsdlParser.qname typeName, MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType typeDesc)
            // look to see if its a section 5 encoded array first
            foreach (MSXML2.ISchemaType bt in typeDesc.baseTypes)
                if ((bt.name == "Array") && (bt.namespaceURI == Consts.SOAP_11_ENCODING))
                    return(HandleArrayType(typeName, typeDesc));

            CppType t = CppType.Create((int)VarEnum.VT_UNKNOWN, NameBuilder(typeName), CppType.ArrayType.NotArray, CppType.TypeStyle.Object, false, typeName);

            // a qname for the serializer class
            wsdlParser.qname tSerQName = new wsdlParser.qnameClass();
            tSerQName.localname  = "s" + typeName.localname;
            tSerQName.@namespace = "http://serializers.schemas.pocketsoap.com/";

            // register the type mapping now, incase there is some recursive nonsense going on
            m_typesCache[typeName.ExpandedName] = t;

            // a complexTypeWriter
            ComplexTypeWriter ctw = new ComplexTypeWriter(m_project, typeName.ExpandedName, t.CppName);

            // a SerializerWriter
            SerializerWriter sw = new SerializerWriter(m_project, tSerQName, NameBuilder(tSerQName), t.CppName);

            MSXML2.ISchemaComplexType complexType = typeDesc;
            MSXML2.ISchemaModelGroup  smg         = complexType.contentModel;

            // walk through each contained particle

            // attributes
            foreach (MSXML2.ISchemaAttribute attr in complexType.attributes)
                wsdlParser.qname ptype = new wsdlParser.qnameClass();
                ptype.@namespace = attr.type.namespaceURI;
                ptype.localname  = attr.type.name;
                CppType itemType = mapType(ptype);
                string  itemName = vcProject.safeClassName(attr.name);
                ctw.AddPropertyField(itemName, itemType);
                sw.AddAttribute(itemName, itemType, attr, ptype);

            AddElementsToContainer(typeName, smg, ctw, sw);


            // add type registrations
            string serProgId = m_project.ProjectName + "." + sw.SerializerName;
            string clsProgId = m_project.ProjectName + "." + ctw.ComplexTypeName;
            string clsItfIID = string.Format("CComVariant(OLESTR(\"{{{0}}}\"))", ctw.InterfaceIID);

            m_factory.Add(string.Format("m_sf->Serializer({0}, CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{1}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{2}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{3}\")));", clsItfIID, typeDesc.name, typeDesc.namespaceURI, serProgId));

            string typeLN = string.Format("CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{0}\"))", typeName.localname);
            string typeNS = string.Format("CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{0}\"))", typeName.@namespace);

            m_factory.Add(string.Format("m_sf->Deserializer({0}, {1}, VARIANT_FALSE, CComVariant(OLESTR(\"{2}\")), {3});", typeLN, typeNS, clsProgId, makeBstr(serProgId)));
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static CppType Factory(int vt, string name, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
            if (name == "BSTR")
                return(new CppTypeBSTR(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));

            if (name == "DATE")
                return(new CppTypeDate(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));

            if (name == "VARIANT_BOOL")
                return(new CppTypeBool(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));

            if (style == TypeStyle.Object)
                return(new CppTypeInterface(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));

            return(new CppType(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 11
 private CppType genDocLiteralType(wsdlParser.qname elementName)
     // todo
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected CppType(int vt, string name, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
     this.cppName  = name;
     this.Array    = array;
     this.Style    = style;
     this.Optional = optional;
     this.XmlType  = xmlType;
     this.vt       = vt;
Exemplo n.º 13
 CppType CreateRestrictedSimpleType(wsdlParser.qname typeName, MSXML2.ISchemaType typeDesc)
     throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, this type " + typeName.ExpandedName + " is not yet supported");
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static CppType Create(int vt, string name, wsdlParser.qname xmlType, TypeStyle style)
     return(Factory(vt, name, ArrayType.NotArray, style, false, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static CppType Create(int vt, string name, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
     return(Factory(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 16
 // todo: fix all the VarEnum/int casting nonsense
 private static CppType Factory(CppType arrayItem, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
     return(new CppTypeArray((int)VarEnum.VT_ARRAY, arrayItem, array, style, optional, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void AddAttribute(string propertyName, CppType propType, MSXML2.ISchemaAttribute attr, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
            if (m_firstAttr)
                m_firstAttr = false;
                m_impl.WriteLine("\tCComQIPtr<ISerializerOutput2> dest2(dest);");
                m_deserA.Add("\tCComQIPtr<ISoapDeSerializerAttributes2> a(Attributes);");
                m_deserA.Add("\tCComVariant av;");
            // serializer
            m_impl.WriteLine("\t{0} {1};", propType.CppName, propertyName);
            m_impl.WriteLine("\t_HR(obj->get_{0}(&{1}));", propertyName, propertyName);
            m_impl.WriteLine("\t_HR(dest2->SerializeAttribute(CComVariant({0}), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{1}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{2}\"))));", propertyName, attr.name, attr.namespaceURI);

            // de-serializer
            m_deserA.Add(string.Format("\t_HR(a->get_AsValue(CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{0}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{1}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{2}\")), CComBSTR(OLESTR(\"{3}\")), &av);", attr.name, attr.namespaceURI, xmlType.localname, xmlType.@namespace));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static CppType CreateArray(CppType arrayItem, ArrayType array, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType)
     return(Factory(arrayItem, array, TypeStyle.Primative, optional, xmlType));
Exemplo n.º 19
 internal CppTypeInterface(int vt, string name, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType) : base(vt, name, array, style, optional, xmlType)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public CppTypeArray(int vt, CppType arrayItem, ArrayType array, TypeStyle style, bool optional, wsdlParser.qname xmlType) : base(vt, "SAFEARRAY *", array, style, optional, xmlType)
     this.arrayItemType = arrayItem;