public ActionResult CreateCategory(vmForumAdminCategory model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //if (categoryViewModel.ParentCategory != null)
                    //    var parentCategory = _categoryService.Get(categoryViewModel.ParentCategory.Value);
                    //    category.ParentCategory = parentCategory;
                    //    SortPath(category, parentCategory);

                    int SuccID = db_Forum.InsertUpdateCategory(model);

                    if (SuccID > 0)
                        TempData["Success"] = "Added successfully.";
                catch (Exception)

            TempData["Error"] = "There was an error creating the category";
        public ActionResult EditCategory(vmForumAdminCategory model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // Check they are not trying to add a subcategory of this category as the parent or it will break
                    var category = db_Forum.GetCategoryByID(model.Id);
                    if (model.ParentCategory == category.Id)
                        model.ParentCategory = null;

                    //if (model.ParentCategory != null)
                    //    // Set the parent category
                    //    var parentCategory = _categoryService.Get(model.ParentCategory.Value);
                    //    category.ParentCategory = parentCategory;

                    //    // Append the path from the parent category
                    //    SortPath(category, parentCategory);
                    //    // Must access property (trigger lazy-loading) before we can set it to null (Entity Framework bug!!!)
                    //    var triggerEfLoad = category.ParentCategory;
                    //    category.ParentCategory = null;

                    //    // Also clear the path
                    //    category.Path = null;

                    int SuccID = db_Forum.InsertUpdateCategory(model);

                    if (SuccID > 0)
                        TempData["Success"] = "Updated successfully.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

            TempData["Error"] = "There was an error editing the category";
        private vmForumAdminCategory CreateEditCategoryViewModel(Category category)
            var vmForumAdminCategory = new vmForumAdminCategory
                Name           = category.Name,
                Description    = category.Description,
                IsLocked       = category.IsLocked,
                ModeratePosts  = category.ModeratePosts,
                ModerateTopics = category.ModerateTopics,
                SortOrder      = category.SortOrder,
                Id             = category.Id,
                PageTitle      = category.PageTitle,
                MetaDesc       = category.MetaDescription,
                Image          = category.Image,
                CategoryColour = category.Colour,
                ParentCategory = category.Category_Id ?? Guid.Empty

        public ActionResult CreateCategory()
            var model = new vmForumAdminCategory();
