Exemplo n.º 1
    public static int newton
        (Func <vector, vector> f, ref vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        vector fx = f(x), z, fz;
        int    nsteps = 0;

        while (++nsteps < 999)
            matrix          J   = jacobian(f, x, fx);
            qrdecomposition qrJ = new qrdecomposition(J);
            vector          Dx  = qrJ.solve(-fx);
            double          s   = 1;
            do     // backtracking linesearch
                z  = x + Dx * s;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                if (s < 1.0 / 32)
            }while((s /= 2) > 1.0 / 64);
            x  = z;
            fx = fz;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
Exemplo n.º 2
    // The following method performs the inverse iteration method on a real symmetric matrix A
    public static int inverse_iteration(matrix A, ref double s, ref vector v, double tau = 1e-6, double eps = 1e-6, int n_max = 999, int updates = 999)
        int    n = 0; int m = 0;
        matrix As; matrix I = new matrix(A.size1, A.size1); I.set_identity();

        v  = v / v.norm();
        As = A - s * I;
        qr     As_QR = new qr(As);
        double abs = 0; double rel = 0;

        while (converge(v, A, s, tau, eps, ref abs, ref rel) && n < n_max)
            v = As_QR.solve(v);
            v = v / v.norm();
            s = v.dot(A * v);
            if (m > updates)             // Update QR decomposition if Rayleigh updates are used (if updates<999)
                m     = 0;
                s     = v.dot(A * v) / (v.dot(v));
                As    = A - s * I;
                As_QR = new qr(As);
            n++; m++;
        s = v.dot(A * v) / (v.norm() * v.norm());
        v = v / v.norm();
Exemplo n.º 3
public static vector newton(Func<vector,vector> f,
	vector x, double eps=1e-3, double dx=1e-7)
	double n=x.size;
	vector fx=f(x),z,fz;

		matrix J=jacobian(f,x,fx);
		var qrJ= new gs(J);
		matrix B= qrJ.inverse();
		vector Delta_x=-B*fx; //the newton step
		double lambda=1;
			if(fz.norm()<(1-lambda/2)*fx.norm()) break;		//stop if the step is good
			else if(lambda<1.0/32) break;		//stop if minimum stepsize is reached
			else lambda/=2;						//backtrack by making a half step
		if(fx.norm()<eps) break; //stop if tolerance is reached
		else if(x.norm()<dx) break;

	return x;
}// method Newton
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static vector newton(Func<vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7){
     int n = x.size;
     matrix J = new matrix(n,n);
     vector root = x.copy();
     vector f_r = f(root);
     vector z,fz;
         for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){
             root[i] = root[i]+dx;
             vector df = f(root)-f_r;
             for(int j=0; j<n; j++){
                 J[i,j] = df[j]/dx;
             } // for
             root[i] -= dx;
         } // for
         QRdecompositionGS qr = new QRdecompositionGS(J);
         vector dr = qr.solve(-1*f_r);
         double lambda = 1.0;
         z = root+lambda*dr;
         fz = f(z);
             double lambda_min = 1/64.0;
                 lambda = lambda/2;
                 fz = f(root+lambda*dr);
             } // if
             else{Error.WriteLine($"Bad step: lambda = {lambda_min}"); 
             } // else
         } // while
         root += lambda*dr;
         f_r = f(root);
     } // while
     return root;
 } // newton
Exemplo n.º 5
    private static int limit = 5;     // maximum number of times we halve the step size

    /* find the roots of an equation.
     * f: the equation
     * x: the starting point
     * epsilon: accuracy goal
     * dx: the length-scale used to calculate the Jacobian
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double epsilon = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        vector fx = f(x), s, fs;

        while (fx.norm() > epsilon)
            matrix J = jacobian(f, x, dx), R = new matrix(J.size2, J.size2);
            qr_decomp.gs.decomp(J, R);
            matrix B  = qr_decomp.gs.inverse(J, R);            // B = J^-1
            vector Dx = -B *f(x);

            double min = 1.0 / Pow(2, limit), l = 1.0; // l is lambda
            do                                         // backtracking
                s  = x + l * Dx;                       // current step
                fs = f(s);
                if (fs.norm() < (1 - l / 2) * fx.norm())
                    break;              // accept the step
                l /= 2;                 // halve the step size
            } while (l > min);
            x  = s;
            fx = fs;
Exemplo n.º 6
public static vector newton(Func<vector,vector> f, vector x, double eps=1e-3, double dx=1e-7){
	int n=x.size;
	vector fx=f(x);
	vector z,fz;
		matrix J=jacobian(f,x,fx); // define the Jacobian matrix with partial derivatives
		qrdecomposition qrJ=new qrdecomposition(J); // use QR-decomposition 
		matrix B=qrJ.inverse(); // construct the inverse of our QR-decomposition
		vector Dx=-B*fx;	// solve the Newton's algorithm in matrix form (using eq. 5)
		double s=1;
		while(true){	// backtracking linesearch
			z=x+Dx*s;   // creating left-hand side of eq. 8
			fz=f(z);	// creating left-hand side of eq. 8
			if(fz.norm()<(1-s/2)*fx.norm()){	// stop if step is good
			if(s<1.0/32){						// stop if minimum step-size is reached
			s/=2;								// backtrack using half the step-size
		if(fx.norm()<eps)break;					// until converged
	return x;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x_start, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        vector x     = x_start.copy();
        int    n     = x.size;
        matrix J     = new matrix(n, n);
        vector fx    = new vector(n);
        vector df    = new vector(n);
        vector y     = new vector(n);
        vector fy    = new vector(n);
        vector Dx    = new vector(n);
        bool   bool1 = true;

            bool bool2 = true;
            fx = f(x);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                x[j] += dx;
                df    = f(x) - fx;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    J[i, j] = df[i] / dx;
                x[j] -= dx;
            Dx = qrDecomp.qr_givens_solve(J, fx * (-1));
            double s = 2;
                s /= 2;
                y  = x + Dx * s;
                fy = f(y);
                if (fy.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                    bool2 = false;
                if (s < 0.02)
                    bool2 = false;

            x  = y;
            fx = fy;
            if (Dx.norm() < dx)
                bool1 = false;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
                bool1 = false;

Exemplo n.º 8
    public static vector newton
        Func <vector, vector> f, //takes the input vector x and retrun f(x)
        vector xstart,           //Starting point
        double eps = 1e-3,       //The accuracy goal, ||f(x)||< epsilon
        double dx  = 1e-6        //finite difference
        vector x  = xstart.copy();
        int    n  = xstart.size;
        vector fx = f(x);
        vector y;
        vector fy;

            matrix J = new matrix(n, n);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                x[j] += dx;
                vector df = f(x) - fx;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    J[i, j] = df[i] / dx;
                x[j] -= dx;
            var    JQR = new qrdecompositionGS(J);
            matrix B   = JQR.inverse();
            vector Dx  = -B * fx;
            double s   = 1;
                y  = x + Dx * s;
                fy = f(y);
                if (fy.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                if (s < 1.0 / 32)
                s /= 2;
            } while (true);
            x  = y;
            fx = fy;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
        } while (true);
Exemplo n.º 9

    public static int broyden
        (Func <vector, vector> f, ref vector x, double eps = 1e-3)
        vector fx = f(x), z, fz;
        matrix J      = jacobian(f, x, fx);
        var    qrJ    = new qrdecomposition(J);
        matrix B      = qrJ.inverse();
        int    nsteps = 0;

        while (++nsteps < 999)
            vector Dx = -B * fx;
            double s  = 1;
            while (true)
                z  = x + Dx * s;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                if (s < 1.0 / 32)
                    J   = jacobian(f, x, fx);
                    qrJ = new qrdecomposition(J);
                    B   = qrJ.inverse();
                s /= 2;
            vector dx = z - x;
            vector df = fz - fx;

            if (dx.dot(df) > 1e-9)
                vector c = (dx - B * df) / dx.dot(df);
                B.update(c, dx);

            //vector c=(dx-B*df)/(df%df); B.update(c,df);
            //vector c=(dx-B*df)/(dx%(B*df)); B.update(c,B*df);

            x  = z;
            fx = fz;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
Exemplo n.º 10
    static void Main()
        Func <vector, double> f1 = (z) => (1 - z[0]) * (1 - z[0]) + 100 * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0]) * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0]); // Rosenbrock's valley function (a=1,b=100)
        double eps = 1e-4;
        vector p   = new vector("2 3");                                                                                // starting point

        Write("SR1: Rosenbrock's valley function\n");
        p.print("start point:");
        int nsteps = qnewton.sr1(f1, ref p, eps);

        p.print("minimum:    ");
        Write($"f(x_min)          = {(float)f1(p)}\n");
        vector g = qnewton.gradient(f1, p);

        Write($"|gradient| goal   = {(float)eps}\n");
        Write($"|gradient| actual = {(float)g.norm()}\n");
        if (g.norm() < eps)
            WriteLine("test passed");
            WriteLine("test failed");
        // Minimum at (1,1)

        Func <vector, double> f2 = (z) => (z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) * (z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) + (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7) * (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7); // Himmelblau's function

        eps = 1e-4;
        p   = new vector("0 1");                // starting point
        Write("\nSR1: Himmelblau's function\n");
        p.print("start point:");
        nsteps = qnewton.sr1(f2, ref p, eps);
        p.print("minimum:    ");
        Write($"f(x_min)          = {(float)f2(p)}\n");
        g = qnewton.gradient(f, p);
        Write($"|gradient| goal   = {(float)eps}\n");
        Write($"|gradient| actual = {(float)g.norm()}\n");
        if (g.norm() < eps)
            WriteLine("test passed");
            WriteLine("test failed");
        // Minima at (3,2), (-2.805118,3.131312), (-3.779310,-3.283186), and (3.584428,-1.848126)
Exemplo n.º 11
    public static void generate_errors(qr As_QR, ref matrix A, ref matrix I, ref List <double> errors, ref List <double> errors_s, double s, int updates, double e_J, vector v_0, double tau = 1e-6, double eps = 1e-6, double n_max = 999)
        int    n = 0; int m = 0;
        matrix As;
        vector u; vector v;

        u = v_0 / v_0.norm();
        double abs = 0; double rel = 0;

        while (converge(u, A, s, tau, eps, ref abs, ref rel) && n < n_max)
            v = As_QR.solve(u);
            u = v / v.norm();
            s = u.dot(A * u);
            if (m > updates)
                m     = 0;
                s     = u.dot(A * u) / (u.dot(u));
                As    = A - s * I;
                As_QR = new qr(As);
            n++; m++; errors.Add(rel); errors_s.Add(Abs(s - e_J));
        errors_s.Add(Abs(s - e_J));
        s = u.dot(A * u) / (u.norm() * u.norm());
Exemplo n.º 12
    public static Tuple <vector, int> qnewton(Func <vector, double> f, vector x0, double acc = 1e-3, double eps = 1.0 / 4194304)
        vector x  = x0.copy();
        double fx = f(x);
        matrix B  = new matrix(x.size, x.size);

        int    n  = 0;
        vector gx = gradient(f, x, eps);

        while (n < 1000)
            vector Dx = -B * gx;
            if (gx.norm() < acc || Dx.norm() < eps * x.norm())
            double lam = 1.0;
            // Commence backtracking
            vector z;
            double fz;
                z  = x + Dx * lam;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz < fx)
                    break;           // Defines a good step
                if (lam < eps)       // Here we just don't care
                lam /= 2;
            vector s   = z - x;
            vector gz  = gradient(f, z, eps);
            vector y   = gz - gx;
            vector u   = s - B * y;
            double uTy = u.dot(y);
            // Updating B
            if (Abs(uTy) > 1e-6)
                for (int i = 0; i < B.size1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < B.size2; j++)
                        B[i, j] += u[i] * u[j] * (1 / uTy);
            x  = z;
            gx = gz;
            fx = fz;
        return(Tuple.Create(x, n));
Exemplo n.º 13
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        matrix J      = jacobian(f, x, dx);
        qr     Jqr    = new qr(J);
        vector deltax = Jqr.solve(-1.0 * f(x));
        double a      = 1;

//		while((f(x) + a*deltax).norm() < (1-a/2)*f(x).norm() && a>1/64){a = a/2;}
        while ((f(x + a * deltax).norm() > (1 - a / 2.0) * f(x).norm()) && a > 1.0 / 64)
            a = a / 2.0;
        x += a * deltax;
        if (deltax.norm() < dx)
        else if (f(x).norm() < eps)
            return(newton(f, x, eps, dx));
Exemplo n.º 14
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x0, double eps = 1e-6, double dx = 1e-7)
        // Prepare a bunch of stuff
        int    n  = x0.size;
        vector x  = x0.copy();
        vector fx = new vector(n);
        vector df = new vector(n);
        vector y  = new vector(n);
        vector fy = new vector(n);
        vector Dx = new vector(n);
        matrix J  = new matrix(n, n);
        matrix R  = J.copy();
        bool   conin;  // Condition for inner loop
        bool   conout; // Condition for outer loop

            conin = true;
            fx    = f(x);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x[i] += dx;
                df    = f(x) - fx;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    J[j, i] = df[j] / dx;
                x[i] -= dx;
            Dx = matrix.givens_qr_solve(J, (-1) * fx);
            double lam = 1.0;     // Commence the backtracking
                y     = x + Dx * lam;
                fy    = f(y);
                lam  /= 2;
                conin = (fy.norm() > (1 - lam / 2) * fx.norm() && lam > 1.0 / 128);
            x      = y;
            fx     = fy;
            conout = (Dx.norm() > dx && fx.norm() > eps);
Exemplo n.º 15
    public static int qnewton(Func <vector, double> f, ref vector x)
        double eps = 1e-3;
        //  Hessian Matrix
        int    n = x.size;
        matrix B = new matrix(n, n);


        // Starting values
        double fx = f(x);
        vector gx = gradient(f, x);
        vector delta_x;

        int counts = 0;

            delta_x = -B * gx;

            // Back-tracking linesearch
            double fz, l = 1.0;
            while (true)
                fz = f(x + l * delta_x);
                if (fz < fx)
                if (l < EPS)
                l = l / 2;

            vector s     = l * delta_x;
            vector gz    = gradient(f, x + s);
            vector y     = gz - gx;
            vector u     = s - B * y;
            double udoty = u.dot(y);
            if (Abs(udoty) > 10e-6)
                B = B + outer(u, u) * 1 / udoty;

            x += s;
            gx = gz;
            fx = fz;
        } while(gx.norm() > eps && delta_x.norm() > EPS * x.norm());

Exemplo n.º 16
    public static int qnewton
        Func <vector, double> f, /* objective function */
        ref vector xstart,       /* starting point */
        double eps               /* accuracy goal, on exit |gradient| should be <eps */
        double fx      = f(xstart);
        vector grad_fx = gradient(f, xstart);
        matrix A       = matrix.id(xstart.size);
        int    n_steps = 0;

        while (n_steps < 999)
            var Dx = -A * grad_fx;
            if (Dx.norm() < EPS * xstart.norm())
            if (grad_fx.norm() < eps)
            double lam = 1.0;
            vector y;
            double fy;
            while (true)
                y  = xstart + Dx * lam;
                fy = f(y);
                if (fy < fx)
                if (lam < EPS)
                lam /= 2;
            vector s       = y - xstart;
            vector grad_fy = gradient(f, y);
            vector z       = grad_fy - grad_fx;
            vector u       = s - A * z;
            double uTz     = u.dot(z);
            if (Abs(uTz) > 1e-6)
                A.update(u, u, 1.0 / uTz);
            xstart  = y;
            grad_fx = grad_fy;
            fx      = fy;
Exemplo n.º 17
    static vector driver()
        double t = a;
        vector yt = ya;
        vector yh, dy;
        double e, tol, hOld;
        int    s, nSteps = 0;

        if (ts != null)
        if (ys != null)

        while (t < b)
            s = 0;
            if (nSteps > nMax)
                Error.Write("To many steps taken! \n");
                if (t + h > b)
                    h = b - t;
                vector[] trialStep = rkstep12(t, yt, h);
                yh   = trialStep[0];
                dy   = trialStep[1];
                tol  = (acc + err * yt.norm()) * Sqrt(h / (b - a));
                e    = dy.norm();
                hOld = h;
                h    = h * Pow(tol / e, 0.25) * 0.95;
            }while(e > tol);
            Error.Write("Step taken with step size: {0} \n Number of bad steps: {1} \n", hOld, s - 1);
            t += h;
            yt = yh;
            if (ts != null)
            if (ys != null)
Exemplo n.º 18
    public static (vector, int) qnewton(
        Func <vector, double> f,        /* objective function */
        vector xstart,                  /* starting point */
        double acc = 1e-3,              /* accuracy */
        double eps = 1e-7               /* small number epsilon */
        vector x      = xstart.copy();
        double fx     = f(x);
        vector gx     = gradient(f, x);
        matrix B      = matrix.id(x.size);
        int    nsteps = 0;

        while (nsteps < 999)
            vector Dx = -B * gx;
            if (Dx.norm() < eps * x.norm())
            if (gx.norm() < acc)
            vector z;
            double fz, lambda = 1;
            while (true)    // backtracking linesearch
                z  = x + Dx * lambda;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz < fx)
                if (lambda < eps)
                lambda /= 2;
            vector s   = z - x;
            vector gz  = gradient(f, z);
            vector y   = gz - gx;
            vector u   = s - B * y;
            double uTy = u % y;
            if (Abs(uTy) > 1e-6)
                B.update(u, u, 1 / uTy);     // rank-1 update
            x  = z;
            gx = gz;
            fx = fz;
        return(x, nsteps);
Exemplo n.º 19
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        int    n = x.size;
        vector fx = f(x), z, fz;

        while (true)
            matrix J = jacobi(f, fx, x);
            matrix R = new matrix(n, n);
            QR.qr_gs_decomp(J, R);
            matrix B = QR.qr_gs_inverse(J, R);
            //B.print("inverse B");
            vector del_x  = -B * fx;
            double lambda = 1;
            while (true)
                z  = x + lambda * del_x;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz.norm() < (1 - lambda / 2) * fx.norm())
                else if (lambda < 1.0 / 64)
                    lambda /= 2;
            x  = z;
            fx = fz;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
            else if (x.norm() < dx)
Exemplo n.º 20
    }//Method: gradient

    public static vector sr1(Func <vector, double> f, vector x, double acc = 1e-6)
        double fx     = f(x);
        vector gx     = gradient(f, x);
        matrix B      = matrix.id(x.size);
        int    nsteps = 0;

        while (nsteps < 999)
            vector delta_x = -B * gx;
            if (delta_x.norm() < eps * x.norm())
                Error.WriteLine($"broyden: |delta_x|<eps*|x|");
            if (gx.norm() < acc)
                Error.WriteLine($"broyden: |gx|<acc");

            double fz, lambda = 1, alpha = 1e-4;
            vector z, s;
            while (true)
                s  = delta_x * lambda;
                z  = x + s;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz < fx + alpha * s.dot(gx))
                }                                                                               //Stop if step is good
                if (lambda < eps)
                    B.setid(); break;
                }                                               //If step is too small: reset B and stop
                lambda /= 2;

            vector gz = gradient(f, z);
            vector y  = gz - gx;
            vector u  = s - B * y;

            if (Abs(u.dot(y)) > 1e-6)
                B += matrix.outer(u, u) / (u.dot(y));
            x  = z;
            gx = gz;
            fx = fz;

    } //Method: sr1
Exemplo n.º 21
    public static vector qnewton(Func <vector, double> f, vector xstart, double eps)
        double fx = f(xstart);
        vector gx = gradient(f, xstart, eps);
        int    m  = xstart.size;
        matrix B  = new matrix(m, m);

        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            B[i, i] = 1;
        int n = 0;

        while (n < 500)
            vector Dx = -B * gx;
            if (gx.norm() < eps)
            double lambda = 1.0;
            while (f(xstart + lambda * Dx) > fx)
                if (lambda < eps)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                        B[i, i] = 1;
                lambda /= 2.0;
            vector s  = lambda * Dx;
            vector gz = gradient(f, xstart + s, eps);
            vector y  = gz - gx;
            vector u  = s - B * y;
            if (Abs(u % y) > 1e-6)
                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                        B[i, j] = B[i, j] + u[i] * u[j] * 1.0 / (u % y);
            xstart = xstart + s;
            gx     = gz;
            fx     = f(xstart);
Exemplo n.º 22
    public static (vector, int) qNewton(
        Func <vector, double> f,   // Function phi
        vector x0,                 // Starting point
        double eps                 // Desired accuracy
        int    steps = 0;
        vector x     = x0.copy();
        matrix B     = resetB(x.size);
        vector dfdx  = gradient(f, x);

        while (dfdx.norm() > eps)
            // Calc dx
            vector dx = -1 * B * dfdx;
            // Backtracking search
            double lambda = 1;

            matrix dxT = new matrix(1, dx.size);
            for (int i = 0; i < dx.size; i++)
                dxT[0, i] = dx[i];

            double armijo = (dxT * dfdx)[0];             // Armijo condition
            while (f(x + lambda * dx) > f(x) + lambda * armijo / 10000)
                if (lambda < 1.0 / 64)
                    B = resetB(x.size);
                lambda /= 2;
            // SR1 update of B
            vector y  = gradient(f, x + lambda * dx) - dfdx;
            vector u  = lambda * dx - B * y;
            matrix uT = new matrix(1, u.size);
            for (int i = 0; i < u.size; i++)
                uT[0, i] = u[i];
            double uTy = (uT * y)[0];
            if (Abs(uTy) > 1e-6)
                B.update(u, u, 1 / uTy);

            // Update x, dfdx
            x    = x + lambda * dx;
            dfdx = gradient(f, x);
        return(x, steps);
Exemplo n.º 23
    public static int sr1
        (Func <vector, double> f, ref vector x, double acc = 1e-3)
        double fx     = f(x);
        vector gx     = gradient(f, x);
        matrix B      = matrix.id(x.size);
        int    nsteps = 0;

        while (nsteps < 999)
            vector Dx = -B * gx;
            if (Dx.norm() < EPS * x.norm())
                Error.Write($"broyden: |Dx|<EPS*|x|\n");
            if (gx.norm() < acc)
                Error.Write($"broyden: |gx|<acc\n");
            vector z;
            double fz, lambda = 1;
            while (true)    // backtracking linesearch
                z  = x + Dx * lambda;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz < fx)
                    break;             // good step
                if (lambda < EPS)
                    break;             // accept anyway
                lambda /= 2;
            vector s   = z - x;
            vector gz  = gradient(f, z);
            vector y   = gz - gx;
            vector u   = s - B * y;
            double uTy = u % y;
            if (Abs(uTy) > 1e-6)
                B.update(u, u, 1 / uTy);     // SR1 update
            x  = z;
            gx = gz;
            fx = fz;
    } //SR1
Exemplo n.º 24
    //function to find roots of f. x is the start guess..
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        bool seed2 = true;

        while (seed2)
            //First the jacobian matrix J is calculated:
            vector fx = f(x);
            matrix J  = new matrix(x.size, x.size);
            for (int k = 0; k < x.size; k++)  // for-loop over vector x
                x[k] = x[k] + dx;             //change x
                vector df = (f(x) - fx) / dx; // the differnce in f(x)
                for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
                    J[i, k] = df[i]; // calculate the matrix element
                }                    //end for
                x[k] = x[k] - dx;    // reset x
            }                        // end for

            // solving J*DX=-f(x)
            gram_s GJ = new gram_s(J);
            vector Dx = GJ.solve((-1) * fx); // using my own method to solve the equation ...

            //calculating the step size s
            double s     = 2;
            bool   seed1 = true;
            while (seed1)
                s = s / 2;
                if ((f(x + s * Dx).norm() < (1 - s / 2) * f(x).norm()) && (s < 1.0 / 64))
                    seed1 = false;
                }           //end if
            }               //end while

            x = x + s * Dx; //calculate the new x!

            //if((Dx.norm()<dx) && (f(x).norm() < eps)){
            if (Dx.norm() < dx)
                seed2 = false;
            }    //end if
            else if (f(x).norm() < eps)
                seed2 = false;
            }    //end else if

        }//end while
    }    //end newton...
Exemplo n.º 25
    public static vector makeRandUnitVector(int n)
        var    rand = new System.Random();
        vector v    = new vector(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            v[i] = rand.NextDouble();

        return(v / v.norm());
Exemplo n.º 26
    public static vector newton
        (Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        int    n = x.size;
        vector fx = f(x), z, fz;

        while (true)
            matrix          J   = jacobian(f, x, fx);
            qrdecomposition qrJ = new qrdecomposition(J);
            matrix          B   = qrJ.inverse();
            vector          Dx  = -B * fx;
            double          s   = 1;
            while (true)    // backtracking linesearch
                z  = x + Dx * s;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                if (s < 1.0 / 32)
                s /= 2;
            x  = z;
            fx = fz;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
    } //broyden
Exemplo n.º 27

    public void gkl(matrix A)
        int    m = A.size1;
        int    n = A.size2;
        double alpha, beta;

        beta = 0;

        vector v = new vector(n);
        vector u = new vector(m);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            v[i] = 1.0 / Sqrt(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            u[i] = 0;

        U = new matrix(m, n);
        V = new matrix(n, n);
        B = new matrix(n, n);

        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                V[i, k] = v[i];
            u     = (A * v) - beta * u;
            alpha = u.norm();
            u    /= alpha;
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                U[i, k] = u[i];
            v       = (A.transpose() * u) - alpha * v;
            beta    = v.norm();
            v      /= beta;
            B[k, k] = alpha;
            if (k < n - 1)
                B[k, k + 1] = beta;
Exemplo n.º 28
    public static (vector, int) qnewton(Func <vector, double> f, vector x0, double eps)
        int    n = 0;                   // Number of steps
        vector x = x0.copy();           // Position vector
        vector s;                       // Position vector
        double fx = f(x);               // Function value
        double fxs;                     // Function value
        vector gx = gradient(f, x);     // Gradient vector
        vector gxs;                     // Gradient vector
        double a = 1e-4;                // Alpha in Armijo condition
        matrix B = matrix.id(x.size);   // Inverse Hessian, initially set to the identity matrix

        while (eps < gx.norm())         // The accuracy goal
            vector Dx     = -B * gx;            // Equation 6
            double lambda = 1;
            s   = lambda * Dx;                  // Equation 8
            fxs = f(x + s);
            while (!(fxs < fx + a * s.dot(gx))) // Backtracking
                s   = lambda * Dx;              // Equation 8
                fxs = f(x + s);
                if (lambda < 1.0 / Pow(2, 5))
                    B = matrix.id(x.size);                     // Reset B if lambda becomes to small
                lambda /= 2;                    // Halve the step size
            gxs = gradient(f, x + s);
            vector y   = gxs - gx;           // Statement after eq 12
            vector u   = s - B * y;          // Statement after eq 12
            double uty = u.dot(y);           // Denominatior of eq 18
            if (Abs(uty) > eps)              // Condition for eq 18
                B.update(u, u, 1 / uty);     // SR1 update
            // Prepare for next iteration
            x  = x + s;
            gx = gxs;
            fx = fxs;
        return(x, n);          // Return the vector x, and the number of steps taken
Exemplo n.º 29

public static int sr1(Func<vector,double> f, ref vector x, double acc=1e-3){ //symmetric-rank-1 update
	double fx=f(x);
	vector gx=gradient(f,x);	//the gradient of f
	matrix B=matrix.id(x.size);	//identity matrix, B
	int nsteps=0;
		vector Dx=-B*gx;		//the gradient of the objective function at x (eq. 6), i.e., the Newton's step
			Error.Write($"broyden: |Dx|<EPS*|x|\n");	//stop if the denominator is too small?
			Error.Write($"broyden: |gx|<acc\n");		//stop if the denominator is too small?
		vector z;
		double fz;
		double lambda=1;
		while(true){			//backtracking linesearch
			z=x+Dx*lambda;		//x+s, where s=λ*∆x (i.e, lambda*Dx)
			fz=f(z);			//φ(x+s)
			if(fz<fx){			//(eq. 9)
				break; 			//good step
				break; 			//accept anyway
			lambda/=2;			//backtrack using half the step-size
		vector s=z-x;
		vector gz=gradient(f,z);	//∇φ(x+s)  (eq. 10)
		vector y=gz-gx; 			//y = ∇φ(x+s)- ∇φ(x)
		vector u=s-B*y;				//u = s-B*y
		double uTy=u%y;				//demoninator of eq. 18, u^T*y
		if(Abs(uTy)>1e-6){			//we make sure that the denominator is not too small
			B.update(u,u,1/uTy); 	//SR1 update (eq. 18)
		x=z;		//
		gx=gz;		//
		fx=fz;		//
	return nsteps;
Exemplo n.º 30
    public static vector qnewton(Func<vector, double> f, vector xstart, double acc=1e-7){
        int nsteps = 0, n = xstart.size;
        vector x = xstart;
        matrix B = new matrix(n,n);
        vector g = gradient(f,x);
        vector dx = -B*g;

        // Lineseach
            if(g.norm() < acc){
                Error.WriteLine("Norm of Gradient < accuracy goal");
            } // if
            if(dx.norm() < eps*x.norm()){
                Error.WriteLine("|dx| < eps*|x|");
            } // if

            double fx = f(x), lambda = 1;
            vector increm = lambda*dx;
            while(f(x+increm) > fx){
                lambda /= 2;
                increm = lambda*dx;
                if(lambda < eps){
                } // if
            } // while
            vector y = gradient(f, x+increm);
            vector dy = y - g;
            vector u = increm-B*dy;
            double uTdy = u%dy;
            if(Abs(increm.dot(dy)) > eps){
            }// if
            x += increm;
            fx = f(x);
            g = y;
            dx = -B*g;
        } // while
        return x;
    } // qnewton