private void Start()
		isShow = false;

		middleClickDetected = false;
		cameraActionDetected = false;

		skin = (GUISkin) Resources.Load("uteForEditor/uteUI");

		// Get runtime builder main class
		runtimeBuilder = (uteRuntimeBuilder) this.gameObject.GetComponent<uteRuntimeBuilder>();

		// List all available category names
		List<string> allCategoryNames = runtimeBuilder.GetListOfCategoryNames();

		for(int i=0;i<allCategoryNames.Count;i++)
			// Get all Category tiles and info by name
    private void Start()
        isShow = false;

        middleClickDetected  = false;
        cameraActionDetected = false;

        skin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("uteForEditor/uteUI");

        // Get runtime builder main class
        runtimeBuilder = (uteRuntimeBuilder)this.gameObject.GetComponent <uteRuntimeBuilder>();

        // List all available category names
        List <string> allCategoryNames = runtimeBuilder.GetListOfCategoryNames();

        for (int i = 0; i < allCategoryNames.Count; i++)
            // Get all Category tiles and info by name
	private void Start()
		QualitySettings.shadowDistance = 100;

		Weapon = GameObject.Find("weapon");

		isShow = false;

		// Get runtime builder main class
		runtimeBuilder = (uteRuntimeBuilder) this.gameObject.GetComponent<uteRuntimeBuilder>();

		// Set Raycast distance (to not let build far away)

		// Set snapping to be fixed 1.0f

		// Set fixed raycast position from Screen point (form center of the screen)
		runtimeBuilder.SetFixedRaycastPosition(new Vector2(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2));

		// Get mcraft Category
		mCraftCategory = runtimeBuilder.GetCategoryByCategoryName("mcraft");

		// Get mouseLook component to disable or enable looking if UI shown
			isiOSExample = false;
			mouseLookX = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent<MouseLook>();
			mouseLookY = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller/Main Camera").GetComponent<MouseLook>();
			isiOSExample = true;

			// Disale shadows for iOS
			GameObject.Find("Directional light").GetComponent<Light>().shadows = LightShadows.None;

    private void Start()
        QualitySettings.shadowDistance = 100;

        Weapon = GameObject.Find("weapon");

        isShow = false;

        // Get runtime builder main class
        runtimeBuilder = (uteRuntimeBuilder)this.gameObject.GetComponent <uteRuntimeBuilder>();

        // Set Raycast distance (to not let build far away)

        // Set snapping to be fixed 1.0f

        // Set fixed raycast position from Screen point (form center of the screen)
        runtimeBuilder.SetFixedRaycastPosition(new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2));

        // Get mcraft Category
        mCraftCategory = runtimeBuilder.GetCategoryByCategoryName("mcraft");

        // Get mouseLook component to disable or enable looking if UI shown
        if (!GameObject.Find("iOSControls"))
            isiOSExample = false;
            mouseLookX   = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller").GetComponent <MouseLook>();
            mouseLookY   = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller/Main Camera").GetComponent <MouseLook>();
            isiOSExample = true;

            // Disale shadows for iOS
            GameObject.Find("Directional light").GetComponent <Light>().shadows = LightShadows.None;
