Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <CustomProductsDTO> GetRecommendedProducts(Dictionary <int, int> userRatings)
            int[]                    userIds     = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(@"select distinct user_id_id from user_rates ur
                                                        inner join inventory i on ur.product_id_id = i.product_id_id and i.in_stock > 0").ToArray();
            List <user_rates>        userRates   = db.user_rates.Where(x => userIds.Contains(x.user_id_id)).ToList();
            Dictionary <int, double> uCoeficient = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            double avgAURRating = userRatings.Sum(x => x.Value) / userRatings.Count;

            if (avgAURRating % 1 == 0)
                avgAURRating += 0.00001;
            foreach (int userID in userIds)
                double            divisible   = 0;
                double            divisorAUR  = 0;
                double            divisorUR   = 0;
                double            coeficient  = 0;
                List <user_rates> uRates      = userRates.Where(x => x.user_id_id == userID).ToList();
                double            avgURRating = uRates.Sum(x => x.rate) / uRates.Count;
                if (avgURRating % 1 == 0)
                    avgURRating += 0.00001;
                foreach (int prodID in userRatings.Keys)
                    user_rates rate = uRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.product_id_id == prodID);
                    if (rate == null)
                    divisible  += (userRatings[prodID] - avgAURRating) * (rate.rate - avgURRating);
                    divisorAUR += Math.Pow((double)(userRatings[prodID] - avgAURRating), 2);
                    divisorUR  += Math.Pow((double)(rate.rate - avgURRating), 2);
                coeficient = divisible / (Math.Sqrt(divisorAUR) * Math.Sqrt(divisorUR));
                if (Double.IsNaN(coeficient))
                    coeficient = 0;
                uCoeficient.Add(userID, coeficient);

            int[]             topUsers     = uCoeficient.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(10).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();
            List <user_rates> topUserRates = userRates.Where(x => topUsers.Contains(x.user_id_id)).ToList();

            int[] productsArray = topUserRates.Select(x => x.product_id_id).ToArray();

            List <inventory> inventory = db.inventory.ToList();

            inventory = inventory.Where(y => productsArray.Contains(y.product_id_id) && !userRatings.ContainsKey(y.product_id_id)).ToList();
            Dictionary <int, double> recrate = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            foreach (inventory inv in inventory)
                int prodId = inv.product_id_id;
                List <user_rates> ratesByProduct = topUserRates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == prodId).ToList();
                double            totalRateValue = 0;
                foreach (user_rates rate in ratesByProduct)
                    totalRateValue += uCoeficient[rate.user_id_id] * rate.rate;

                recrate.Add(prodId, totalRateValue / ratesByProduct.Count);

            int[]           topProductIds = recrate.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(10).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();
            List <products> topProducts   = db.products.Include("categories").Include("vendors").Include("vendors.regions").Include("vendors.regions.countries").Include("appellation").Where(x => topProductIds.Contains(x.id)).ToList();

            List <CustomProductsDTO> result = new List <CustomProductsDTO>();
            int currentRank = 1;

            foreach (products prod in topProducts)
                CustomProductsDTO newDTO = new CustomProductsDTO();
                newDTO.ProdID       = prod.id;
                newDTO.ProdName     = prod.name;
                newDTO.VendorName   = prod.vendors.name;
                newDTO.CategoryName = prod.categories.name;
                newDTO.RegionName   = prod.vendors.regions.name;
                newDTO.CountryName  = prod.vendors.regions.countries.name;
                newDTO.PhotoPath    = prod.photo_path;
                newDTO.Rate         = (int)recrate[prod.id];

            result = result.Where(x => x.Rate > 0).OrderByDescending(x => x.Rate).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <ProductDetailsDTO> GetRecommendedProductsByProductCategory(int productId)
            products selectedProduct = db.products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == productId);

            int[] productIds = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(@"  select distinct ur.product_id_id from user_rates ur
                                                          inner join inventory i on ur.product_id_id = i.product_id_id and i.in_stock > 0
                                                          inner join products p on p.id = ur.product_id_id
                                                          where ur.product_id_id <> '" + productId + "' AND p.category_id_id = '" + selectedProduct.category_id_id + "'").ToArray();

            List <user_rates>        userRates   = db.user_rates.Where(x => productIds.Contains(x.product_id_id)).ToList();
            Dictionary <int, double> uCoeficient = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            List <user_rates> spRates = db.user_rates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == productId).ToList();

            if (spRates.Count == 0)
            double avgSPRating = spRates.Sum(x => x.rate) / spRates.Count;

            if (avgSPRating % 1 == 0)
                avgSPRating += 0.00001;

            foreach (int prodID in productIds)
                double            divisible  = 0;
                double            divisorSP  = 0;
                double            divisorP   = 0;
                double            coeficient = 0;
                List <user_rates> pRates     = userRates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == prodID).ToList();
                double            avgPRating = pRates.Sum(x => x.rate) / pRates.Count;
                if (avgPRating % 1 == 0)
                    avgPRating += 0.00001;
                foreach (int userID in pRates.Select(x => x.user_id_id))
                    user_rates rate   = pRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.user_id_id == userID);
                    user_rates spRate = spRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.user_id_id == userID);
                    if (rate == null || spRate == null)
                    divisible += (spRate.rate - avgSPRating) * (rate.rate - avgPRating);
                    divisorSP += Math.Pow((double)(spRate.rate - avgSPRating), 2);
                    divisorP  += Math.Pow((double)(rate.rate - avgPRating), 2);
                coeficient = divisible / (Math.Sqrt(divisorSP) * Math.Sqrt(divisorP));
                if (Double.IsNaN(coeficient))
                    coeficient = 0;
                uCoeficient.Add(prodID, coeficient);

            int[] topProducts = uCoeficient.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(10).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();

            List <inventory> inventory = db.inventory.ToList();

            inventory = inventory.Where(y => topProducts.Contains(y.product_id_id)).ToList();
            Dictionary <int, double> recrate = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            foreach (inventory inv in inventory)
                int prodId = inv.product_id_id;
                List <user_rates> ratesByProduct = userRates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == prodId).ToList();
                double            totalRateValue = 0;
                foreach (user_rates rate in ratesByProduct)
                    totalRateValue += uCoeficient[rate.product_id_id] * rate.rate;

                recrate.Add(prodId, totalRateValue / ratesByProduct.Count);

            int[]           topProductIds       = recrate.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(10).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();
            List <products> recommendedProducts = db.products.Include("categories").Include("vendors").Include("vendors.regions").Include("vendors.regions.countries").Include("appellation").Where(x => topProductIds.Contains(x.id)).ToList();

            List <ProductDetailsDTO> result = new List <ProductDetailsDTO>();

            foreach (products prod in recommendedProducts)
                ProductDetailsDTO newDTO = new ProductDetailsDTO();
                newDTO.ProdID       = prod.id;
                newDTO.ProdName     = prod.name;
                newDTO.VendorName   = prod.vendors.name;
                newDTO.CategoryName = prod.categories.name;
                newDTO.RegionName   = prod.vendors.regions.name;
                newDTO.CountryName  = prod.vendors.regions.countries.name;
                newDTO.PhotoPath    = prod.photo_path;
                newDTO.UserAvgRate  = (int)recrate[prod.id];

            result = result.Where(x => x.UserAvgRate > 0).OrderByDescending(x => x.UserAvgRate).ToList();
