// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        int reee;

        if (can_move == !CanMove)
            reee = 3;
        if (is_dead)
        if (hp < 0.0001)
            hp = 0;
            gameObject.AddComponent <DieAndFall>().Duration = 2.0f;
            can_be_attacked = false;
            //destroy hp bar
            Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>());
            Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>());
            Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshObstacle>());
            is_dead = true;
        //set hp bar position
        //hp_bar_back.transform.position = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
        hp_controller.SetPosition(transform.position + Vector3.up * HealthBarHeight);
        //update the hp bars hp
        hp_controller.SetHpAndMaxHp(hp, MaxHp);

        //decide whether we can attack the player or noy
        //set attack target to something in range if we dont have one
        if (can_attack && heading_target == null && (target == null || target.IsDead()))
            //get the units in range and choose one randomly
            List <unit_control_script> units_in_range = GlobalManager.GetGlobalManager().GetLevelManager().GetPlayerUnitsInRange(GetPosition(), DetectionRange);
            if (units_in_range.Count > 0)
                heading_target = units_in_range[Random.Range(0, units_in_range.Count)];
                heading_target = null;

        //Check to see if there are any units in attack range
        if (can_attack && (target == null || target.IsDead()))
            List <unit_control_script> units_in_range = GlobalManager.GetGlobalManager().GetLevelManager().GetPlayerUnitsInRange(GetPosition(), AttackRange);
            if (units_in_range.Count > 0)
                target = units_in_range[Random.Range(0, units_in_range.Count)];

        if (can_attack && target != null)
        else if (can_attack && heading_target != null)

        ////get the nav agent
        //if (can_attack && nav_agent == null)
        //    nav_agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
        //set the movespeed and acceleration
        if (can_move)
            nav_agent.speed        = MoveSpeed / 10;
            nav_agent.angularSpeed = MoveSpeed;
            nav_agent.acceleration = MoveSpeed;
            if (nav_agent != null)
                nav_agent.speed        = 0;
                nav_agent.acceleration = 0;

        //check to see if we can attack the player
        if (can_attack && (target != null || !target.IsDead()) && Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, transform.position) < AttackRange / 100.0f)
            windup -= Time.deltaTime;
            //reset windup
            windup = BaseAttackTime;

        if (can_attack && windup <= 0)
            //attack the enemy target
            target.Damage(Damage, this);
            //reset windup
            windup = BaseAttackTime;