unsafe int TryEmvPseCardRead(string df_name, string szTitlePse)
            EMV_STATUS emv_status;


            uFCoder reader = new uFCoder();

            bool head_attached = false;

            emv_tree_node_t head = new emv_tree_node_t();
            emv_tree_node_t tail = new emv_tree_node_t();
            emv_tree_node_t temp = new emv_tree_node_t();

            afl_list_item_t afl_list      = new afl_list_item_t();
            afl_list_item_t afl_list_item = new afl_list_item_t();

            byte afl_list_count;

            byte[] r_apdu = new byte[258];
            int    Ne;

            byte[] aid     = new byte[16];
            char[] chr_aid = new char[16];
            byte[] sw      = new byte[2];

            byte sfi, record = 0, cnt = 1, aid_len = 0;

            byte[] gpo_data_field      = new byte[4];
            ushort gpo_data_field_size = 0;

            bool card_found = false;

            byte[] card_nr     = new byte[8];
            int    card_nr_len = 0;

                status = uFCoder.SetISO14443_4_Mode();

                if (status > 0)
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("Error while switching into ISO 14443 - 4 mode, uFR status is: " + uFCoder.status2str(status));

                ReadPSERtb.AppendText(cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Select PSE\" command:  \n");
                ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" [C] 00 A4 04 00 " + BitConverter.ToString(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(df_name)).Replace("-", " ") + " 00");

                Ne = 256;

                status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive(0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, df_name.ToCharArray(), df_name.Length, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                if (status > 0)
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("Error while executing APDU command, uFR status: " + uFCoder.status2str(status));
                    if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("Could not continue execution due to an APDU error. \n");

                    if (Ne > 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n APDU command executed, response data length: " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[R] ");

                        for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");

                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");

                emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref head, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                if (emv_status > 0)
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                emv_status = reader.getSfi(ref head, &sfi);

                if (emv_status == 0)
                    record = 1;

                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n" + cnt.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Read Record\" command (record = " + record.ToString() + ", sfi = " + sfi.ToString() + ")\n");
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[C] 00 B2 " + record.ToString("X2") + " " + ((sfi << 3) | 4).ToString("X2") + " 00\n");

                        emv_status = reader.emvReadRecord(r_apdu, &Ne, sfi, record, sw);
                        if (emv_status == 0)
                            emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                            if (!head_attached)
                                head.next     = temp;
                                head_attached = true;
                                tail.next = temp;
                                tail      = tail.next;

                            if (Ne > 0)
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" APDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[R] ");

                                for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");
                            if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText("There is no records.\n");

                    } while (emv_status == 0);

                emv_status = reader.getAid(ref head, ref aid, ref aid_len);
                if (emv_status == 0)
                    Array.Copy(aid, chr_aid, aid.Length);
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n " + cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Select the appplication command\": \n");
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" [C] 00 A4 00 00 " + aid_len.ToString("X2") + " ");
                    for (int print = 0; print < aid_len; print++)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(aid[print].ToString("X2") + " ");
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" 00");
                    Ne = 256;

                    status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive(0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, chr_aid, aid_len, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                    if (status != 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" Error while executing APDU command, uFR status is: " + uFCoder.status2str(status) + "\n");
                        if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("Could not continue execution due to an APDU error.\n");

                        if (Ne > 0)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n APDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + " bytes \n");
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[R] ");
                            for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");

                    emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);
                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                    if (!head_attached)
                        head.next     = tail = temp;
                        head_attached = true;
                        tail.next = temp;
                        tail      = tail.next;

                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n " + cnt++.ToString() + ". Formatting \"Get Processing Options\" instruction (checking PDOL).\n");
                    emv_status = reader.formatGetProcessingOptionsDataField(temp, ref gpo_data_field, &gpo_data_field_size);

                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n " + cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Get Processing options\" command:\n");
                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" [C] 80 A8 00 00 " + gpo_data_field_size.ToString("X2") + " ");
                    for (int comm = 0; comm < gpo_data_field_size; comm++)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(gpo_data_field[comm].ToString("X2") + " ");

                    Ne = 256;

                    char[] chr_gpo_array = new char[gpo_data_field_size];

                    Array.Copy(gpo_data_field, chr_gpo_array, gpo_data_field.Length);

                    status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive_Bytes(0x80, 0xA8, 0x00, 0x00, gpo_data_field, gpo_data_field_size, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                    if (status != 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" Error while executing APDU command, uFR status: " + uFCoder.status2str(status) + "\n");

                        if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("Could not continue execution due to an APDU error.");
                        if (Ne > 0)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("APDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[R] ");
                            for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");

                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));

                    emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);
                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());
                    tail.next = temp;
                    tail      = tail.next;

                    emv_status = reader.getAfl(temp, afl_list, &afl_list_count);

                    if (emv_status == EMV_STATUS.EMV_ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND)
                        emv_status = reader.getAflFromResponseMessageTemplateFormat1(temp, afl_list, &afl_list_count);

                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                    afl_list_item = afl_list.next;

                    while (afl_list_item != null)
                        for (int r = afl_list_item.record_first; r <= afl_list_item.record_last; r++)
                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n" + cnt.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Read Record\" command (record = " + r.ToString() + ", sfi = " + afl_list_item.sfi.ToString() + "):\n");

                            ReadPSERtb.AppendText(" [C] 00 B2 " + r.ToString("X2") + " " + ((afl_list_item.sfi << 3) | 4).ToString("X2") + " 00\n");

                            emv_status = reader.emvReadRecord(r_apdu, &Ne, afl_list_item.sfi, (byte)r, sw);

                            if (card_found == false)
                                card_found = reader.GetCardNumber(r_apdu, (int)Ne, ref card_nr, &card_nr_len);
                            if (emv_status == 0)
                                byte[] emv_apdu = new byte[r_apdu.Length];

                                Array.Copy(r_apdu, emv_apdu, r_apdu.Length);

                                emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, emv_apdu, Ne, false);
                                if (emv_status == 0)
                                    tail.next = temp;
                                    tail      = tail.next;
                                if (Ne > 0)
                                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("APDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");
                                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("[R] ");
                                    for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                        ReadPSERtb.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");

                                ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                                if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                                    ReadPSERtb.AppendText("\n[SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                        afl_list_item = afl_list_item.next;
            } while (false);
            tCNR1.AppendText(card_nr[0].ToString("X2") + " " + card_nr[1].ToString("X2"));
            tCNR2.AppendText(card_nr[2].ToString("X2") + " " + card_nr[3].ToString("X2"));
            tCNR3.AppendText(card_nr[4].ToString("X2") + " " + card_nr[5].ToString("X2"));
            tCNR4.AppendText(card_nr[6].ToString("X2") + " " + card_nr[7].ToString("X2"));


        unsafe int tryEmvPseLog(string df_name, string szTitlePse)
            uFCoder reader = new uFCoder();

            EMV_STATUS emv_status = 0;

            emv_tree_node_t head          = new emv_tree_node_t();
            emv_tree_node_t temp          = new emv_tree_node_t();
            emv_tree_node_t tail          = new emv_tree_node_t();
            emv_tree_node_t log_list_item = new emv_tree_node_t();

            ushort log_list_len = 0;

            bool head_attached = false;

            byte log_records = 0;

            byte[] r_apdu = new byte[258];

            int Ne = 256;

            byte[] sw = new byte[2];

            byte record = 1;

            byte cnt = 1;

            byte aid_len = 0;

            char[] chr_name = new char[df_name.Length];

            byte sfi = 0;

            byte[] log_list_data = null;

            byte[] log_list_ptr = null;
            byte[] aid          = new byte[16];
            char[] chr_aid      = new char[16];

            int len = df_name.Length;

                status = uFCoder.SetISO14443_4_Mode();
                if (status != 0)
                    tDebug.AppendText("Error while switching into ISO 14443-4 mode, uFR status is: " + uFCoder.status2str(status) + "\n");
                tDebug.AppendText(cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing Select PSE command: " + df_name + "\n" + "  [C] 00 A4 04 00 " + df_name.Length.ToString("X2") + " ");
                tDebug.AppendText(BitConverter.ToString(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(df_name)).Replace("-", " ") + " 00");

                char[] name_array = df_name.ToCharArray();

                status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive(0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, df_name.ToCharArray(), df_name.Length, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                if (status > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error while executing APDU command, uFR status: " + uFCoder.status2str(status));
                    if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                        tDebug.AppendText(" [SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                        tDebug.AppendText(" Could not continue execution due to an APDU error.\n");

                    if (Ne > 0)
                        tDebug.Text += "\nAPDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + "\n";

                        tDebug.AppendText(" [R] ");

                        for (int k = 0; k < Ne; k++)
                            tDebug.AppendText(r_apdu[k].ToString("X2") + ":");

                    tDebug.AppendText("\n [SW] " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref head, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                if (emv_status > 0)
                    tDebug.AppendText("Emv parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                emv_status = reader.getSfi(ref head, &sfi);

                if (emv_status == 0)
                    record = 1;

                        tDebug.AppendText("\n" + cnt.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Read Record\" command (record = " + record.ToString() + ", sfi = " + sfi.ToString("X2") + "):\n");
                        tDebug.AppendText("  [C] 00 B2 " + record.ToString("X2") + " " + ((sfi << 3) | 4).ToString("X2"));

                        emv_status = reader.emvReadRecord(r_apdu, &Ne, sfi, record, sw);
                        if (emv_status == 0)
                            emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                            if (!head_attached)
                                head.next     = tail = temp;
                                head_attached = true;
                                tail.next = temp;
                                tail      = tail.next;

                            if (Ne > 0)
                                tDebug.AppendText("\n APDU command executed, response data length: " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");
                                tDebug.AppendText(" [R] ");
                                for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                    tDebug.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");
                            tDebug.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + " " + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                            if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                                tDebug.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + " " + sw[1].ToString("X2"));
                                tDebug.AppendText("\nThere is no records");
                    } while (emv_status == 0);


                emv_status = reader.getAid(ref head, ref aid, ref aid_len);
                if (emv_status == 0)
                    tDebug.AppendText("\n" + cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing Select the application command: ");

                    tDebug.AppendText("\n[C] 00 A4 04 00 " + aid_len.ToString("X2") + " ");

                    for (int print = 0; print < aid_len; print++)
                        tDebug.AppendText(aid[print].ToString("X2") + " ");


                    Ne = 256;

                    Array.Copy(aid, chr_aid, aid.Length);

                    status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive(0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, chr_aid, aid_len, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                    if (status > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error while executing APDU command, uFR status is:" + uFCoder.status2str(status));

                        if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                            tDebug.AppendText("[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));


                        if (Ne > 0)
                            tDebug.AppendText("\nAPDU command executed, response data length: " + Ne.ToString());

                            tDebug.AppendText("\n[R]: ");

                            for (int resp = 0; resp < Ne; resp++)
                                tDebug.AppendText(r_apdu[resp].ToString("X2") + ":");
                            tDebug.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));

                    emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());

                    if (!head_attached)
                        head.next     = tail = temp;
                        head_attached = true;
                        tail.next = temp;
                        tail      = tail.next;

                emv_status = reader.getLogEntry(temp, &sfi, &log_records);
                if (emv_status > 0)
                    tDebug.AppendText("\nCan't find Log Entry. \n");

                    tDebug.AppendText("EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());
                    tDebug.AppendText("\n" + cnt++.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Get Log Format\" command:\n");

                    tDebug.AppendText("  [C] 80 CA 9F 4F 00\n");

                    Ne = 256;

                    status = uFCoder.APDUTransceive(0x80, 0xCA, 0x9F, 0x4f, null, 0, r_apdu, &Ne, 1, sw);

                    if (status > 0)
                        tDebug.AppendText("Error while executing APDU command, status: " + uFCoder.status2str(status));

                        if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                            tDebug.AppendText("[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + " " + sw[1].ToString("X2"));

                            tDebug.AppendText(" Could not continue execution due to an APDU error.\n");

                        if (Ne > 0)
                            tDebug.AppendText("APDU command executed: response data length = " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");

                            for (int j = 0; j < Ne; j++)
                                tDebug.AppendText(r_apdu[j].ToString("X2") + ":");

                        tDebug.AppendText("\n[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + sw[1].ToString("X2"));

                    emv_status = reader.newEmvTag(ref temp, r_apdu, Ne, false);

                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        tDebug.AppendText("EMV parsing error code: " + emv_status.ToString());


                    tail.next = temp;

                    tail = tail.next;

                    // Now temp->tl_list_format should contain Log List:

                    log_list_item = temp.tl_list_format;

                    if (log_list_item == null)
                        tDebug.AppendText("\nCan't find Log Entry\n");


                    emv_status = reader.getListLength(ref temp, &log_list_len);

                    if (emv_status > 0)
                        tDebug.AppendText("\nCan't find Log Entry\n");


                    log_list_data = new byte[log_list_len * log_records];

                    int array_index = 0;

                    for (record = 1; record < log_records + 1; record++)
                        tDebug.AppendText("\n" + cnt.ToString() + ". Issuing \"Read Record\" command (record = " + record.ToString() + ", sfi = " + sfi.ToString() + "):\n");

                        tDebug.AppendText("[C] 00 B2 " + record.ToString("X2") + " " + ((sfi << 3) | 4).ToString("X2") + " 00");

                        emv_status = reader.emvReadRecord(r_apdu, &Ne, sfi, record, sw);

                        if (emv_status == 0)
                            if (Ne > 0)
                                Array.Copy(r_apdu, 0, log_list_data, array_index, Ne);

                                tDebug.AppendText("\n APDU command executed: response data length: " + Ne.ToString() + "\n");

                                for (int j = 0; j < Ne; j++)
                                    tDebug.AppendText(r_apdu[j].ToString("X2") + ":");
                                array_index += Ne;
                            tDebug.AppendText("\n" + "[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + " " + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");
                            if (sw[0] != 0x90)
                                tDebug.AppendText("\n" + "[SW]: " + sw[0].ToString("X2") + " " + sw[1].ToString("X2") + "\n");

                                tDebug.AppendText("there is no records");
            } while (false);

            var ATCounter = 0;

            ushort ATCounter_pos, TransactionDate_pos, TransactionTime_pos, AmountAuthorised_pos, TransactionCurrency_pos;

            ushort ATCounter_len, TransactionDate_len, TransactionTime_len, AmountAuthorised_len, TransactionCurrency_len;

            String TransactionDate_str = "";

            String TransactionTime_str = "";

            UInt16 short_curr = 0;

            String vrednost = "";

            bool ATCounter_exist = reader.isExistATCounter(log_list_item, &ATCounter_pos, &ATCounter_len);

            bool TransactionDate_exist = reader.isExistTransactionDate(log_list_item, &TransactionDate_pos, &TransactionDate_len);

            bool TransactionTime_exist = reader.isExistTransactionTime(log_list_item, &TransactionTime_pos, &TransactionTime_len);

            bool AmountAuthorised_exist = reader.isExistAmountAuthorised(log_list_item, &AmountAuthorised_pos, &AmountAuthorised_len);

            bool TransactionCurrency_exist = reader.isExistTransactionCurrency(log_list_item, &TransactionCurrency_pos, &TransactionCurrency_len);

            string curr = "";

            if (log_list_data != null)
                log_list_ptr = log_list_data;

                for (int i = 0; i < log_records; i++)
                    if (ATCounter_exist)
                        if (ATCounter_len == 2)
                            ATCounter = (ushort)((log_list_ptr[ATCounter_pos]) << 8) + log_list_ptr[ATCounter_pos + 1];
                    if (TransactionDate_exist)
                        TransactionDate_str = log_list_ptr[TransactionDate_pos + 2].ToString("X2") + "." + log_list_ptr[TransactionDate_pos + 1].ToString("X2") + ".20" + log_list_ptr[TransactionDate_pos].ToString("X2");

                    if (TransactionTime_exist)
                        TransactionTime_str = log_list_ptr[TransactionTime_pos].ToString("X2") + ":" + log_list_ptr[TransactionTime_pos + 1].ToString("X2") + ":" + log_list_ptr[TransactionTime_pos + 2].ToString("X2");

                    if (AmountAuthorised_exist)
                        byte[] ammount = new byte[256];

                        vrednost = "";

                        Array.Copy(log_list_data, AmountAuthorised_pos, ammount, 0, AmountAuthorised_len);

                        String nesto = BitConverter.ToString(ammount).Replace("-", "");

                        int position = 0;

                        for (int z = 2; z < 12 && nesto[z] == '0'; z++)
                            position = z;

                        if (nesto[position + 1] != '0')
                            for (int j = position + 1; j < 12; j++)
                                vrednost += nesto[j];
                        else if (nesto[position] == '0')
                            vrednost += "0";

                            vrednost = vrednost.Insert(vrednost.Length - 2, ".");
                        catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                            vrednost = "0.00";

                    if (TransactionCurrency_exist)
                        short_curr = 0;

                        curr = log_list_ptr[TransactionCurrency_pos].ToString() + log_list_ptr[TransactionCurrency_pos + 1].ToString("X2");

                        short_curr = UInt16.Parse(curr);

                    dLogs.Rows.Add(ATCounter.ToString(), TransactionDate_str, TransactionTime_str, vrednost, reader.findCurrencyIndexByNumCode(short_curr).ToString());

                    Array.Copy(log_list_data, log_list_len, log_list_ptr, 0, (log_list_data.Length - log_list_len));

            MessageBox.Show("Transactions command log printed out in \"Read and parse cards EMV log\" tab.");

