Exemplo n.º 1
 //Adds new product to database
 private void btnSubmitProd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Validator.IsPresent("Product Name", prodNameTextBox))
         Product newProduct = new Product
             ProdName = prodNameTextBox.Text
         using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
             Product ExistingProduct = db.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProdName == newProduct.ProdName);
             if (ExistingProduct != null)
                 MessageBox.Show("Product Already Exists");
                 DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                 MessageBox.Show("New product added");
Exemplo n.º 2
        //submits new supplier to database
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validator.IsPresent("Supplier Name", supplierAddTextBoc))
                Supplier newSupplier = new Supplier
                    SupName = supplierAddTextBoc.Text

                using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())

                    Supplier existingSup = db.Suppliers.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SupName == newSupplier.SupName);
                    if (existingSup != null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Supplier already exists");//doesnt allow existing suppliers to be added
                        DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                        MessageBox.Show("New Supplier added");
Exemplo n.º 3
        //  Takes current selected Product_Supplier and adds it to the package [Ronnie]
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get ProductSupplierID from combobox
            int prodSupID = Convert.ToInt32(productSupplierIdTextBox.Text);
            int packageID = currentPackage.PackageId;

            // if the current product and supplier combination does not exist for the package, add it to the database
            if (!TravelExpertsQueryManager.ExistPackagesProductsSupplier(packageID, prodSupID))
                // Create a PackagesProductSupplier with that ID, and the Package ID from the current package
                Packages_Products_Supplier newPackProdSup = new Packages_Products_Supplier
                    ProductSupplierId = prodSupID,
                    PackageId         = packageID

                // Add that PackagesProductsSupplier to the db
                using (travelexpertsDataContext dbContext = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                    // insert through data context object from the main form
                    dbContext.SubmitChanges(); // submit to the database

                // Re-load the datagrid view
                MessageBox.Show("The selected product and supplier portfolio has already been added to the package. Please try again.", "Input Error");
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Checks to ensure valid fields and then updates the current package entry in the database.
        // Note: we insert a new Package with default properties when entering this form in add mode.
        // As such, the save button functions the same in either mode. See Load and Cancel code for differences.
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // VALIDATION [Ronnie]
            if (Validator.IsPresent("Name", pkgNameTextBox) &&
                Validator.IsPresent("Description", pkgDescTextBox) &&
                Validator.IsPresent("Base Price", pkgBasePriceTextBox) &&
                Validator.IsValidEndDate(pkgStartDateDateTimePicker, pkgEndDateDateTimePicker, ref tmpEndDate) &&
                Validator.IsDecimal("Base Price", pkgBasePriceTextBox) &&
                (pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text == "" ||
                 (Validator.IsDecimal("Agency Commission", pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox) &&
                  Validator.IsNonNegativeDecimal("Agency Commission", pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox) &&
                  Validator.IsLEBasePrice(pkgBasePriceTextBox, pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox)
                 )) &&
                Validator.IsNonNegativeDecimal("Base Price", pkgBasePriceTextBox)

                    using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                        // get the product with Code from the current text box
                        Package packageFromDB = db.Packages.Single(p => p.PackageId == currentPackage.PackageId);

                        //MessageBox.Show("Testing concurrency: update or delete current record from SSMS and click OK");

                        if (packageFromDB != null)
                            // make changes by copying values from text boxes
                            packageFromDB.PkgName      = pkgNameTextBox.Text;
                            packageFromDB.PkgStartDate = tmpStartDate;
                            packageFromDB.PkgEndDate   = tmpEndDate;
                            packageFromDB.PkgDesc      = pkgDescTextBox.Text;
                            packageFromDB.PkgBasePrice = Decimal.Parse(pkgBasePriceTextBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

                            //AgencyCommission can be null, so we check for that first
                            if (pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text == "")
                                packageFromDB.PkgAgencyCommission = null;
                            // If not null, we have to parse it out of the formatted textbox
                                packageFromDB.PkgAgencyCommission = Decimal.Parse(pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

                            // submit changes
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
Exemplo n.º 5
        //Delete from GridView so it won't add to database [Ronnie]
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Grab data from selected cell on gridview
            int rowNum     = grdProdSup.CurrentCell.RowIndex;              // index of the current row
            int prodSuppID = Convert.ToInt32(grdProdSup[0, rowNum].Value); // Column for ProductSupplierID

            using (travelexpertsDataContext dbContext = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                Packages_Products_Supplier packProdSupForRemoval = (from match in dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers
                                                                    where (match.ProductSupplierId == prodSuppID &&
                                                                           match.PackageId == currentPackage.PackageId)
                                                                    select match).Single();

                dbContext.SubmitChanges(); // submit to the database
Exemplo n.º 6
 //submits modified supplier to database
 private void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Validator.IsPresent("Supplier Name", supplierNameTextBox))
         using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
             Supplier        supplierfrmDB    = db.Suppliers.Single(p => p.SupplierId.ToString() == supplierIdTextBox.Text);
             List <Supplier> ExistingSupplier = db.Suppliers.Where(q => q.SupName == supplierNameTextBox.Text).ToList();
             if (ExistingSupplier.Count > 0 && ExistingSupplier[0].SupName != currentSupplier.SupName)
                 MessageBox.Show("Cannor modify Supplier because supplier name already exists");
             else if (supplierNameTextBox.Text != supplierfrmDB.SupName)
                 supplierfrmDB.SupName = supplierNameTextBox.Text;
                 DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                 MessageBox.Show("Supplier Modified");
Exemplo n.º 7
 //submits modified product to database
 private void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Validator.IsPresent("Product Name", prodNameTextBox))
         using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
             Product        productFromDB  = db.Products.Single(p => p.ProductId.ToString() == productIdTextBox.Text);
             List <Product> ExistingProdut = db.Products.Where(q => q.ProdName == prodNameTextBox.Text).ToList();
             if (ExistingProdut.Count > 0 && ExistingProdut[0].ProdName != currentProduct.ProdName)
                 MessageBox.Show("Cannot modify product because product already exists");
             else if (prodNameTextBox.Text != productFromDB.ProdName)
                 productFromDB.ProdName = prodNameTextBox.Text;
                 DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                 MessageBox.Show("Proudct modified");
Exemplo n.º 8
        //Adds new Packages to Database
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmAddModify secondForm = new frmAddModify();

            secondForm.isAdd = true;

            // Because we give the user the option to add products to the new package before saving it,
            // we need to do a preliminary insert into the database in order to get a valid PackageID
            // for the PackageProductsSuppliers table.
            // We don't use the current highest PackageID + 1, in order to avoid concurrency issues.
            // These alterations done by [Eric]
            Package newPackage = new Package
                PkgName             = "DEFAULT",
                PkgStartDate        = DateTime.Now,
                PkgEndDate          = DateTime.Now,
                PkgDesc             = "DEFAULT",
                PkgBasePrice        = 0,
                PkgAgencyCommission = 0

            // submit changes to database
            using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                db.Packages.InsertOnSubmit(newPackage); // insert the new package through data context object
                db.SubmitChanges();                     //submit to database
            secondForm.currentPackage = newPackage;     // Now that the new package has been added to the database, the Object has an Id (magic!)

            DialogResult result = secondForm.ShowDialog(); // display second form modal

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)                 // new row got inserted
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Go back to last page without saving changes. This may involve some cleaning up, depending on the mode and if products were added [Eric]
        private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (travelexpertsDataContext dbContext = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                // First, we have to check to see if any products were added to the package before cancelling
                if (didAddProducts) // this will be true if so - no need to spend time querying the db
                    // Get the current PPS entries in the database corresponsind to this package
                    List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsCurrent =

                    // Next, we have to get the PPS entries to re-add (if they were deleted) and/or remove (if new ones were added)
                    // This is not a super efficient process, but packages shouldn't have enough products for it to make much difference
                    // First, get the ones to re-add
                    List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsToAdd = ppsSnapshot                                                                     // Creating a list of Package_Product_Suppliers where...
                                                                 .Where(ppsSnap => !ppsCurrent                                                   // ...for each snapshot entry, it is NOT the case that...
                                                                        .Any(ppsCurr => ppsCurr.ProductSupplierId == ppsSnap.ProductSupplierId)) // ...any current entry has that snapshot entry's ProductSupplierID

                    // Next, the ones to remove
                    List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsToDelete = ppsCurrent                                                                      // Creating a list of Package_Product_Suppliers where...
                                                                    .Where(ppsCurr => !ppsSnapshot                                                  // ...for each current entry, it is NOT the case that...
                                                                           .Any(ppsSnap => ppsCurr.ProductSupplierId == ppsSnap.ProductSupplierId)) // ...any snapshot entry has that current entry's ProductSupplierID

                    // Add the needed entries back
                    foreach (Packages_Products_Supplier ppsA in ppsToAdd)
                        // LINQ to SQL doesn't let you re-add old entity objects, so we need to create copies to add back in place
                        Packages_Products_Supplier clone = new Packages_Products_Supplier
                            PackageId         = ppsA.PackageId,
                            ProductSupplierId = ppsA.ProductSupplierId


                    // Delete the entries to undo
                    foreach (Packages_Products_Supplier ppsD in ppsToDelete)
                        // Deleting only works on entities from the current context, so need to grab them
                        // I'm sure this could be done in the ones-to-remove LINQ query above, but I couldn't manage it
                        Packages_Products_Supplier deleteTarget = dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers     // Search in the table...
                                                                  .Single(pps =>                            // ...for the one entry, with...
                                                                          pps.ProductSupplierId == ppsD.ProductSupplierId && //...the matching ProductSupplierID...
                                                                          pps.PackageId == ppsD.PackageId); //... and the matching PackageID


                    // Save changes. Phew!

                // One more step if in Add mode.
                // A package was inserted into the database initially (to get the add products half to work).
                // So, if cancelling, we want to delete it this created package.
                if (isAdd)
                    // Delete package
                    Package packToDelete = dbContext.Packages
                                           .Single(p => p.PackageId == currentPackage.PackageId);

                    dbContext.SubmitChanges(); // submit to the database

            // Exit the form
            DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Exemplo n.º 10
        // Modifies the ProductSupplier associated with the selected row of the datagrid using the user inputs [Eric]
        private void btnModifyProdSupp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get user inputs
            int newProdId = Convert.ToInt32(productIdComboBox.SelectedValue);
            int newSupID  = Convert.ToInt32(supplierIdComboBox.SelectedValue);

            // The user may not have selected a value for the supplierIDComboBox yet, if so, they want the visible (top) one
            if (newSupID == 0)
                supplierIdComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                newSupID = Convert.ToInt32(supplierIdComboBox.SelectedValue);

            // grab data from dropdown selectedvalues & hidden id field (productSupplierIdTextBox)
            using (travelexpertsDataContext db = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                if (addMode == false) // if modifying
                    // Get current product supplier ID
                    int prodSupID = Convert.ToInt32(productSupplierIdTextBox.Text);

                    // Grab the current entry from the database
                    Products_Supplier prodSup = db.Products_Suppliers
                                                .Single(ps => ps.ProductSupplierId == prodSupID);

                    // Validate by ensuring this unique combination isn't in the database
                    Products_Supplier matchingProps = Validator.prodSupComboAlreadyExists(db, newProdId, newSupID, prodSupID);

                    if (matchingProps == null)
                        // Update with inputted values
                        prodSup.ProductId  = newProdId;
                        prodSup.SupplierId = newSupID;
                    else // there is a match for the product/supplier combo
                        //Give the user the option to change to this combination anyway (this will move all associated packages to the matching Product_Supplier)
                        DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show($"That product/supplier combination already exists (ID #{matchingProps.ProductSupplierId} - {matchingProps.Product.ProdName} - {matchingProps.Supplier.SupName}). Would you like to change any associated packages to have the selected product?",
                                                              "Existing Product/Supplier", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                            // Get all Package_Product_Suppliers entries that refer to the current ProdSup ID (these will need to be modified)
                            List <Packages_Products_Supplier> ppsWithCurrentProdSupID = db.Packages_Products_Suppliers.Where(pps => pps.ProductSupplierId == prodSupID).ToList();

                            // Go through each, updating the ProdSupID to the existing combination
                            foreach (Packages_Products_Supplier pps in ppsWithCurrentProdSupID)
                                // We can't directly update ProdSupID in an existing entry as it is part of the entry's Primary key.
                                //Instead, we have to delete it and create a new one.
                                int currentPackageId = pps.PackageId; // to keep track of the package ID
                                db.SubmitChanges();                   // have to submit changes here otherwise we can't create a new one

                                    using (travelexpertsDataContext db2 = new travelexpertsDataContext())
                                        // Now, create a new PPS using the PPS and the new ProdSupID
                                        Packages_Products_Supplier newPps = new Packages_Products_Supplier
                                            PackageId         = currentPackageId,               // the same package id
                                            ProductSupplierId = matchingProps.ProductSupplierId // the prod_sup id that matches what the user wants to change it to
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
                            MessageBox.Show($"Any associated packages successfully transffered to ID# {matchingProps.ProductSupplierId} - {matchingProps.Product.ProdName} - {matchingProps.Supplier.SupName})");
                    // Reload data
                    checkboxFilterProducts_CheckedChanged(sender, e);//this updates the main datagrid based on whether the filter is on
                }    // end modify

                else // if in add mode
                    // Validate to ensure the combo is new
                    Products_Supplier match = Validator.prodSupComboAlreadyExists(db, newProdId, newSupID);
                    if (match == null) //if new
                        // create a new Product_Supplier with the data
                        Products_Supplier newProdSup = new Products_Supplier
                            ProductId  = newProdId,
                            SupplierId = newSupID

                        // insert into db and save

                        // Re-enable Add new button
                        btnAddProdSupp.Enabled = true;

                        // Reload main data
                        checkboxFilterProducts_CheckedChanged(sender, e); //updates main datagrid based on status of filter checkbox

                        // Go to the new entry in the gridview
                        checkboxFilterProducts.Checked = false;                          // uncheck filter so new product can be seen
                        int lastIndex = grdProductSuppliers.Rows.Count - 1;              // get last row of the grid
                        grdProductSuppliers.Rows[lastIndex].Selected        = true;      // select it
                        grdProductSuppliers.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = lastIndex; // go down to it
                        grdProductSuppliers_CellClick(sender, new DataGridViewCellEventArgs(1, lastIndex));

                        // Reload related data
                        productIdComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
                    else // if the combo already exists
                        // Alert the user
                        MessageBox.Show($"That product/supplier combination already exists (ID #{match.ProductSupplierId}).");