public List <tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model> GetList(DbConn PubConn, string sqlhash, string sqlcontent, string url, string orderby, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int count)
            int _count = 0;
            List <tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model> model = new List <tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model>();
            DataSet dsList = SqlHelper.Visit <DataSet>(ps =>
                string sqlwhere = " where 1=1 ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlhash))
                    ps.Add("sqlhash", sqlhash);
                    sqlwhere += " and C.sqlhash = @sqlhash ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
                    ps.Add("url", url);
                    sqlwhere += " and C.url=@url";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlcontent))
                    ps.Add("sqlcontent", sqlcontent);
                    sqlwhere += " and (E.sql like '%'+@sqlcontent+'%') ";
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderby))
                    orderby = "C.url";
                string sql    = @"select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by " + orderby + @" desc) as rownum,C.*,ISNULL(D.avgtime,0) avgtime,ISNULL(D.maxtime,0) maxtime,ISNULL(D.mintime,0) mintime,ISNULL(,getdate()) date,E.sql,ISNULL(D.count,0) count from tb_sqlhash_url_contrast C with (nolock) 
                left hash join 
                (select * from tb_timewatchlog_sql_dayreport with (nolock)
                where id in
                (select MAX(id) from tb_timewatchlog_sql_dayreport with (nolock) group by sqlhash)) D 
                on C.sqlhash=D.sqlhash
                LEFT HASH JOIN
                tb_sqlhash_consult E
                on C.sqlhash=E.sqlhash ";
                _count        = Convert.ToInt32(PubConn.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from (" + sql + sqlwhere + ") A", ps.ToParameters()));
                DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
                string sqlSel = "select * from (" + sql + sqlwhere + ") A where rownum between " + ((pageindex - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagesize * pageindex;
                PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sqlSel, ps.ToParameters());

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsList.Tables[0].Rows)
                tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model m = CreateModel(dr);
                m.avgtime = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["avgtime"]);
                m.maxtime = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["maxtime"]);
                m.mintime = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["mintime"]);
          = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["date"]);
                m.sql     = dr["sql"].ToString();
                m.count   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["count"]);
            count = _count;
        public virtual bool Add(DbConn PubConn, tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model model)
            List <ProcedureParameter> Par = new List <ProcedureParameter>()
                new ProcedureParameter("@sqlhash", model.sqlhash),
                new ProcedureParameter("@url", model.url)
            int rev = PubConn.ExecuteSql(@"insert into tb_sqlhash_url_contrast(sqlhash,url)
										   values(@sqlhash,@url)"                                        , Par);

            return(rev == 1);
        public virtual bool Edit(DbConn PubConn, tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model model)
            List <ProcedureParameter> Par = new List <ProcedureParameter>()
                new ProcedureParameter("@sqlhash", model.sqlhash),
                new ProcedureParameter("@url", model.url)

            Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@id",;

            int rev = PubConn.ExecuteSql("update tb_sqlhash_url_contrast set sqlhash=@sqlhash,url=@url where id=@id", Par);

            return(rev == 1);
        public virtual tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model CreateModel(DataRow dr)
            var o = new tb_sqlhash_url_contrast_model();

            if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains("id"))
       = dr["id"].Toint();
            if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains("sqlhash"))
                o.sqlhash = dr["sqlhash"].Toint();
            if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains("url"))
                o.url = dr["url"].Tostring();