Exemplo n.º 1
        public String CreatePurchaseOrder(Document document)
            string Flag = "";

            if (document.DocumentLines == null || document.DocumentLines.Count <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Purchase order does not contains lines.");

                string POPNumber;
                //string DocPrefix = "SWEB"; //ej: SWEB o como se deban crear las ordenes
                //string Batch = "BATCH"; //Numero de Batch de las ordenes a Crear

                // Next consecutive for a P.O.
                Flag = "PO Sequence";

                GetNextDocNumbers nextPopNumber = new GetNextDocNumbers();
                POPNumber = nextPopNumber.GetNextPONumber(GetNextDocNumbers.IncrementDecrement.Increment,

                taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[] docLines = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[document.DocumentLines.Count];

                //Create an object that holds XML node object
                taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine curLine;
                int i = 1;

                // Next consecutive for a Purchase Receipt
                foreach (DocumentLine dr in document.DocumentLines)
                    //Debe ser active, para garantizar que no es Misc, o service Item
                    if (dr.Product.Status.StatusID == EntityStatus.Active)
                        curLine = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine();

                        //Validate Item/Vendor, GP requires that the Vendor has assigned the ItemNumber
                        ValidateItemAndVendor(document.Vendor.AccountCode, dr.Product.ProductCode);

                        //Validate Item/Location, GP requires that the Location has assigned the ItemNumber
                        ValidateItemAndLocation(document.Location.ErpCode, dr.Product.ProductCode);

                        // Populate Lines
                        Flag                      = "Line Info";
                        curLine.PONUMBER          = POPNumber;
                        curLine.POTYPE            = GP_DocType.PO_Standard;
                        curLine.VENDORID          = document.Vendor.AccountCode;
                        curLine.QUANTITY          = (decimal)dr.Quantity;
                        curLine.QUANTITYSpecified = true;
                        curLine.REQDATE           = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        curLine.ITEMNMBR          = dr.Product.ProductCode;
                        curLine.LOCNCODE          = document.Location.ErpCode;
                        curLine.ORD               = i;
                        curLine.UOFM              = dr.Unit.ErpCode;
                        curLine.POLNESTA          = 1; //NEW

                        docLines[i - 1] = curLine;

                //Create a SOPTransactionType schema object and populate its taSopLineIvcInsert_Items poperty
                POPTransactionType docType = new POPTransactionType();

                //Adicionado Track Lists
                docType.taPoLine_Items = docLines;

                //Create a taSopHdrIvcInsert XML node object
                taPoHdr docHdr = new taPoHdr();

                //Populate Header
                Flag = "Header Info";

                docHdr.PONUMBER = POPNumber;
                docHdr.POSTATUS = 1; //NEW
                docHdr.POTYPE   = GP_DocType.PO_Standard;
                docHdr.REQDATE  = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                docHdr.VENDORID = document.Vendor.AccountCode;
                docHdr.NOTETEXT = document.Comment;

                docType.taPoHdr = docHdr;

                POPTransactionType[] docTypeArray = new POPTransactionType[1];
                docTypeArray[0] = docType;

                //Create an eConnect XML document object and populate its docType property with
                //the docType schema object
                Flag = "eConnect";

                eConnectType eConnect = new eConnectType();
                eConnect.POPTransactionType = docTypeArray;

                //Serialize the XML document to the file
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(eConnectType));
                StringWriter  writer     = new StringWriter();
                serializer.Serialize(writer, eConnect);



            catch (Exception ex)
                //ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("CreatePurchaseOrder: ", ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null,
                //    ListValues.ErrorCategory.ErpConnection);

                throw new Exception(Flag + ". " + WriteLog.GetTechMessage(ex));
        public String CreatePurchaseOrder(Document document)
            string Flag = "";

            if (document.DocumentLines == null || document.DocumentLines.Count <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Purchase order does not contains lines.");


            string POPNumber;
            //string DocPrefix = "SWEB"; //ej: SWEB o como se deban crear las ordenes
            //string Batch = "BATCH"; //Numero de Batch de las ordenes a Crear

            // Next consecutive for a P.O.
            Flag = "PO Sequence";

            GetNextDocNumbers nextPopNumber = new GetNextDocNumbers();
            POPNumber = nextPopNumber.GetNextPONumber(GetNextDocNumbers.IncrementDecrement.Increment,
                taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[] docLines = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[document.DocumentLines.Count];

                //Create an object that holds XML node object
                taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine curLine;
                int i = 1;

                // Next consecutive for a Purchase Receipt
                foreach (DocumentLine dr in document.DocumentLines)
                    //Debe ser active, para garantizar que no es Misc, o service Item
                    if (dr.Product.Status.StatusID == EntityStatus.Active)

                        curLine = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine();

                        //Validate Item/Vendor, GP requires that the Vendor has assigned the ItemNumber 
                        ValidateItemAndVendor(document.Vendor.AccountCode, dr.Product.ProductCode);

                        //Validate Item/Location, GP requires that the Location has assigned the ItemNumber 
                        ValidateItemAndLocation(document.Location.ErpCode, dr.Product.ProductCode);

                        // Populate Lines      
                        Flag = "Line Info";
                        curLine.PONUMBER = POPNumber;
                        curLine.POTYPE = GP_DocType.PO_Standard;
                        curLine.VENDORID = document.Vendor.AccountCode;
                        curLine.QUANTITY = (decimal)dr.Quantity;
                        curLine.QUANTITYSpecified = true;
                        curLine.REQDATE = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        curLine.ITEMNMBR = dr.Product.ProductCode;
                        curLine.LOCNCODE = document.Location.ErpCode;
                        curLine.ORD = i;
                        curLine.UOFM = dr.Unit.ErpCode;
                        curLine.POLNESTA = 1; //NEW

                        docLines[i - 1] = curLine;

                //Create a SOPTransactionType schema object and populate its taSopLineIvcInsert_Items poperty
                POPTransactionType docType = new POPTransactionType();

                //Adicionado Track Lists
                docType.taPoLine_Items = docLines;

                //Create a taSopHdrIvcInsert XML node object
                taPoHdr docHdr = new taPoHdr();

                //Populate Header   
                Flag = "Header Info";

                docHdr.PONUMBER = POPNumber;
                docHdr.POSTATUS = 1; //NEW
                docHdr.POTYPE = GP_DocType.PO_Standard;
                docHdr.REQDATE = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                docHdr.VENDORID = document.Vendor.AccountCode;
                docHdr.NOTETEXT = document.Comment;

                docType.taPoHdr = docHdr;

                POPTransactionType[] docTypeArray = new POPTransactionType[1];
                docTypeArray[0] = docType;

                //Create an eConnect XML document object and populate its docType property with
                //the docType schema object
                Flag = "eConnect";

                eConnectType eConnect = new eConnectType();
                eConnect.POPTransactionType = docTypeArray;

                //Serialize the XML document to the file
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(eConnectType));
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                serializer.Serialize(writer, eConnect);


                return POPNumber;

            catch (Exception ex)
                //ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("CreatePurchaseOrder: ", ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null,
                //    ListValues.ErrorCategory.ErpConnection);

                throw new Exception(Flag + ". " + WriteLog.GetTechMessage(ex));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// save new vendor order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="orderLines"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OperationResult SaveVendorOrder(POP10100_PurchaseOrder_Work order, List <POP10110_PurchaseOrderLine_Work> orderLines)
            var operationResult = new OperationResult();

            logger.Debug("Vendor Order is being created...");

            using (eConnectMethods e = new eConnectMethods())
                    if (orderLines != null && orderLines.Count > 0)
                        taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[] lineItems = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine[orderLines.Count];

                        var orderLineNumber = 16384;
                        var lineNumber      = 0;

                        foreach (var orderLine in orderLines)
                            // Instantiate a taUpdateCreateItemRcd XML node object
                            taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine orderLineItem = new taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine();

                            //Populate elements of the taUpdateCreateItemRcd XML node object
                            orderLineItem.PONUMBER = orderLine.PONUMBER;
                            orderLineItem.VENDORID = orderLine.VENDORID;
                            orderLineItem.DOCDATE  = orderLine.DOCDATE;
                            orderLineItem.LOCNCODE = orderLine.LOCNCODE;
                            orderLineItem.VNDITNUM = orderLine.VNDITNUM;
                            orderLineItem.ITEMNMBR = orderLine.ITEMNMBR;
                            orderLineItem.QUANTITY = orderLine.QUANTITY;
                            //DUE DATE
                            orderLineItem.PRMDATE = orderLine.PRMDATE;
                            //SHIP DATE
                            orderLineItem.PRMSHPDTE      = orderLine.PRMSHPDTE;
                            orderLineItem.UpdateIfExists = 0;

                            lineItems[lineNumber] = orderLineItem;

                            orderLineNumber = orderLineNumber * 2;


                        // Instantiate a taUpdateCreateItemRcd XML node object
                        taPoHdr orderHeader = new taPoHdr();

                        //Populate elements of the taUpdateCreateItemRcd XML node object
                        orderHeader.POTYPE         = order.POTYPE;
                        orderHeader.PONUMBER       = order.PONUMBER;
                        orderHeader.VENDORID       = order.VENDORID;
                        orderHeader.SUBTOTAL       = order.SUBTOTAL;
                        orderHeader.UpdateIfExists = 0;

                        // Instantiate a IVItemMasterType schema object
                        POPTransactionType ordertype = new POPTransactionType();

                        // Populate the IVItemMasterType schema with the taUpdateCreateItemRcd XML node
                        ordertype.taPoLine_Items = lineItems;
                        ordertype.taPoHdr        = orderHeader;
                        POPTransactionType[] orderEntry = { ordertype };

                        // Instantiate an eConnectType schema object
                        eConnectType eConnect = new eConnectType();

                        // Instantiate a Memory Stream object
                        MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

                        // Create an XML serializer object
                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(eConnect.GetType());

                        // Populate the eConnectType object with the IVItemMasterType schema object
                        eConnect.POPTransactionType = orderEntry;


                        // Serialize the eConnectType.
                        serializer.Serialize(memoryStream, eConnect);

                        // Reset the position of the memory stream to the start.
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;

                        // Create an XmlDocument from the serialized eConnectType in memory.
                        XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();


                        //string xmldocument;

                        //SerializeReceiptHeaderObject("C:\\receipt.xml", receipt, receiptLines);

                        ////Use an XML document to create a string representation of the customer
                        //XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
                        //xmldocument = xmldoc.OuterXml;

                        ////Call eConnect to process the xmldocument.
                        //e.CreateEntity(_dynamicsConnection, xmldocument);


                        // Call eConnect to process the XmlDocument.
                        e.CreateEntity(_dynamicsConnection, xmlDocument.OuterXml);

                        operationResult.Success = true;
                        operationResult.Message = "Success";
                        operationResult.Success = false;
                        operationResult.Message = "No items are attached to receive.";
                // The eConnectException class will catch eConnect business logic errors.
                // display the error message on the console
                catch (eConnectException exc)
                    operationResult.Success = false;
                    operationResult.Message = "Error";
                    logger.ErrorFormat("Error saving new receipt: {0} ", exc.ToString());
                // Catch any system error that might occurr.
                // display the error message on the console
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    operationResult.Success = false;
                    operationResult.Message = "Error";
                    logger.ErrorFormat("Error saving new receipt: {0} ", ex.ToString());
                    // Call the Dispose method to release the resources
                    // of the eConnectMethds object
            } // end of using statement
