Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult SelectSvcDate()
            string        strPastDate = "";
            string        strDay      = "";
            string        strDate     = "";
            string        strSpaces   = "      ";
            List <string> availDts    = new List <string>();

            uls_dbDataContext ulsdb_dc = new uls_dbDataContext();

            if (Session["PastServiceDate"] != null)
                strPastDate = Convert.ToString(Session["PastServiceDate"]);
                DateTime pastDt = Convert.ToDateTime(strPastDate);
                strDay = String.Format("{0:ddd}", pastDt).ToUpper();

            if (strPastDate.Length > 0)
                availDts.Add(strDay + Server.HtmlDecode(strSpaces) + strPastDate);
                IEnumerable <DateTime> availDates = ulsdb_dc.GetAvailSvcDates();

                foreach (DateTime dt in availDates)
                    strDay  = String.Format("{0:ddd}", dt).ToUpper();
                    strDate = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dt);
                    availDts.Add(strDay + Server.HtmlDecode(strSpaces) + strDate);

            ViewData["AvailableDates"] = new SelectList(availDts);
            ViewData["SaveResultMsg"]  = Session["SaveResultMsg"];

            svc_contact sc = ulsdb_dc.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

            ViewData["ContactName"]  = sc.contact_name;
            ViewData["ContactPhone"] = sc.contact_number;
            ViewData["ContactEmail"] = sc.contact_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail1"] = sc.notify1_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail2"] = sc.notify2_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail3"] = sc.notify3_email;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult SvcAdmin()
            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();
            svc_contact       sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

            ViewData["ContactName"]  = sc.contact_name;
            ViewData["ContactPhone"] = sc.contact_number;
            ViewData["ContactEmail"] = sc.contact_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail1"] = sc.notify1_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail2"] = sc.notify2_email;
            ViewData["NotifyEmail3"] = sc.notify3_email;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult SaveContact()
            string            strRet;
            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();

            string strName         = Request.Form["txtName"];
            string strPhone        = Request.Form["txtPhone"];
            string strEmail        = Request.Form["txtEmail"];
            string strEmailNotify1 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif1"];
            string strEmailNotify2 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif2"];
            string strEmailNotify3 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif3"];

                svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

                sc.contact_name   = strName;
                sc.contact_number = strPhone;
                sc.contact_email  = strEmail;
                sc.notify1_email  = strEmailNotify1;
                sc.notify2_email  = strEmailNotify2;
                sc.notify3_email  = strEmailNotify3;


                strRet = "Success";
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;

                strRet = msg;

Exemplo n.º 4
        // GET: /Service/

        public ActionResult Index()
            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();
            svc_contact       sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

            ViewData["ContactName"]  = sc.contact_name;
            ViewData["ContactPhone"] = sc.contact_number;
            ViewData["ContactEmail"] = sc.contact_email;

            Session["SaveResultMsg"]  = "";
            Session["SaveResultName"] = "";

            if (Session["emailVal"] == null)
                ViewData["emailVal"] = "Yes";
                ViewData["emailVal"] = Session["emailVal"];

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void SendEmailNofication(string strSvcDate)
            string strSMTPServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPServer"];
            string strSMTPUID    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPUserID"];
            string strSMTPPWD    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPUserPWD"];
            string strSMTPFrom   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPUserFromAddress"];

            SmtpClient  smtpClient  = new SmtpClient();
            MailMessage message     = new MailMessage();
            MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress(strSMTPFrom, "ULS Service Notification");

            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();

            svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

            string strEmail1 = sc.notify1_email;
            string strEmail2 = sc.notify2_email;
            string strEmail3 = sc.notify3_email;

            // You can specify the host name or ipaddress of your server
            smtpClient.Host = strSMTPServer; //you can also specify mail server IP address here

            //Default port will be 25
            smtpClient.Port = 25;

            NetworkCredential info = new NetworkCredential(strSMTPUID, strSMTPPWD);

            smtpClient.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
            smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
            smtpClient.Credentials           = info;

            //From address will be given as a MailAddress Object
            message.From = fromAddress;

            // To address collection of MailAddress

            if (strEmail1.Length > 0)
            if (strEmail2.Length > 0)
            if (strEmail3.Length > 0)

            message.Subject = "A new service appointment has been scheduled";

            message.IsBodyHtml = false;

            // Message body content
            string ss_body = "A service appointment has been scheduled for:\r\n\r\n" +
                             Convert.ToString(Session["LName"]) + "\r\n" +
                             Convert.ToString(Session["txtAddress"]) + "\r\n" +
                             Convert.ToString(Session["txtCity"]) + ", " + Convert.ToString(Session["ddlState"]) + ", " + Convert.ToString(Session["txtZip"]) + "\r\n" +
                             "Phone: " + Convert.ToString(Session["txtHomePhone"]) + "\r\n\r\n" +
                             "on " + strSvcDate;

            message.Body = ss_body;

            // Send SMTP mail
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult SaveDate()
            string            strRet;
            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();

            string strDateForm = Request.Form["AvailableDates"];

            string strDate = strDateForm.Substring(4).Trim();

            string strDateFormatted = strDateForm.Substring(0, 3) + ", " + strDate;

            string resched = Convert.ToString(Session["ReSchedule"]);

                svc_schedule_day ssa = db.svc_schedule_days.SingleOrDefault(s => s.svc_sched_dt == Convert.ToDateTime(strDate));

                if (ssa.cur_svcs_sched >= ssa.tot_crews)
                    Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!";
                    throw new Exception(strDateFormatted + " is no longer available. Please select another date.");

                svc_appointment sa2 = db.svc_appointments.SingleOrDefault(a => a.home_phone == Convert.ToString(Session["txtHomePhone"]) && a.svc_date > DateTime.Now);

                if (sa2 != null && resched == "No")
                    svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

                    string strName  = sc.contact_name;
                    string strPhone = sc.contact_number;
                    string strEmail = sc.contact_email;

                    Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!";
                    throw new Exception("You were already scheduled for service. Your service day is currently set for " + String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", sa2.svc_date) +
                                        ". + If you need to reschedule please call or email " + strName + " (" + strEmail + ")" + " at " + strPhone + " or return to the Save Contact Page and click the Reschedule link.");

                if (resched == "Yes")
                    svc_schedule_day ssa2 = db.svc_schedule_days.SingleOrDefault(s => s.svc_sched_dt == sa2.svc_date);
                    ssa2.cur_svcs_sched = ssa2.cur_svcs_sched - 1;

                if (resched == "Yes")
                    Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!";
                    throw new Exception("To reschedule an appointment you must supply ahome telephone number when entering contact info.");

                svc_appointment sa = new svc_appointment();

                IEnumerable <int> crewNums = db.GetCrewNums(Convert.ToDateTime(strDate));

                bool bHit    = false;
                int  ourCrew = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i <= ssa.tot_crews; i++)
                    foreach (int crew in crewNums)
                        if (i == crew)
                            bHit = true;

                    if (bHit == false)
                        ourCrew = i;

                    bHit = false;

                sa.city           = Convert.ToString(Session["txtCity"]);
                sa.crew           = ourCrew;
                sa.email          = Convert.ToString(Session["txtEmail"]);
                sa.first_name     = Convert.ToString(Session["FName"]);
                sa.last_name      = Convert.ToString(Session["LName"]);
                sa.home_phone     = Convert.ToString(Session["txtHomePhone"]);
                sa.other_phone    = Convert.ToString(Session["txtOtherPhone"]);
                sa.state          = Convert.ToString(Session["ddlState"]);
                sa.street_address = Convert.ToString(Session["txtAddress"]);
                sa.svc_date       = Convert.ToDateTime(strDate);
                sa.zip            = Convert.ToString(Session["txtZip"]);
                sa.comments       = Convert.ToString(Session["txtNotes"]);

                int intForemanID = db.GetForemanID(ourCrew);

                sa.foreman_id = intForemanID;


                ssa.cur_svcs_sched = crewNums.Count() + 1;

                if (resched == "Yes")
                    sa.reschedule = true;
                    sa.reschedule = false;


                strRet = "Thanks " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!";

                Session["SaveResultName"] = strRet;

                Session["SaveResultMsg"] = "Your service renewal on " + strDateFormatted + " has been successfully scheduled. You will receive an email reminder the day before your service date.";

                Session["ShowReturnLink"] = "No";


            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;

                Session["SaveResultMsg"] = msg;

                if (msg.Contains("available"))
                    Session["ShowReturnLink"] = "Yes";

Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult ReSchedPhoneSave()
            uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext();
            string            strDay;
            string            strDate;
            string            strSpaces = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            List <string>     availDts  = new List <string>();

            string strHomePhone = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Request.Form["txtHomePhone"], "\\D", "");

                svc_appointment sa = db.svc_appointments.SingleOrDefault(a => a.home_phone == strHomePhone && a.svc_date > DateTime.Now);

                if (sa == null)
                    svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1);

                    string strName  = sc.contact_name;
                    string strPhone = sc.contact_number;
                    string strEmail = sc.contact_email;

                    throw new Exception("The phone number supplied is not on record as having a scheduled service. If you feel this message " +
                                        "is in error please call or email " + strName + " (" + strEmail + ")" + " at " + strPhone + ".");

                Session["txtHomePhone"]  = strHomePhone;
                Session["txtCity"]       = sa.city;
                Session["txtEmail"]      = sa.email;
                Session["FName"]         = sa.first_name;
                Session["LName"]         = sa.last_name;
                Session["txtHomePhone"]  = sa.home_phone;
                Session["txtOtherPhone"] = sa.other_phone;
                Session["ddlState"]      = sa.state;
                Session["txtAddress"]    = sa.street_address;
                Session["txtZip"]        = sa.zip;
                Session["txtNotes"]      = sa.comments;

                IEnumerable <DateTime> availDates = db.GetAvailSvcDates();

                foreach (DateTime dt in availDates)
                    if (dt > DateTime.Now.AddDays(3))
                        strDay  = String.Format("{0:ddd}", dt).ToUpper();
                        strDate = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dt);
                        availDts.Add(strDay + Server.HtmlDecode(strSpaces) + strDate);

                Session["ReSchedule"] = "Yes";

                ViewData["AvailableDates"] = new SelectList(availDts);

            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;

                Session["SaveResultMsg"]  = msg;
                Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry!";

                Session["ShowReturnLink"] = "Yes";
