Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            // deserialize data

            // initialize everything just once
            if (!initialized)
                // add supply resources to pods

                // initialize subsystems

                // prepare storm data
                foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                    if (Storm.skip_body(body))
                    storm_data sd = new storm_data();
                    sd.body = body;

                // various tweaks to the part icons in the editor

                // setup callbacks
                callbacks = new Callbacks();

                // everything was initialized
                initialized = true;

            // detect if this is a different savegame
            if (DB.uid != savegame_uid)
                // clear caches

                // sync main window pos from db

                // remember savegame id
                savegame_uid = DB.uid;

            // force CommNet off when signal is enabled
            HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet &= !Features.Signal;
Exemplo n.º 2
  void Start()
    // create subsystems
    cache           = new Cache();
    resource_cache  = new ResourceCache();
    background      = new Background();
    signal          = new Signal();
    storm           = new Storm();
    launcher        = new Launcher();
    info            = new Info();
    body_info       = new BodyInfo();
    message         = new Message();
    console         = new Console();
    editor          = new Editor();

    // prepare storm data
    foreach(CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
      if (Storm.skip_body(body)) continue;
      storm_data sd = new storm_data();
      sd.body = body;
Exemplo n.º 3
        void FixedUpdate()
            // remove control locks in any case

            // do nothing if paused
            if (Lib.IsPaused())

            // maintain elapsed_s, converting to double only once
            // and detect warp blending
            double fixedDeltaTime = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            if (Math.Abs(fixedDeltaTime - elapsed_s) > double.Epsilon)
                warp_blending = 0;
            elapsed_s = fixedDeltaTime;

            // evict oldest entry from vessel cache

            // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
            double           last_time      = 0.0;
            Vessel           last_v         = null;
            vessel_info      last_vi        = null;
            VesselData       last_vd        = null;
            vessel_resources last_resources = null;

            // for each vessel
            foreach (Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                // get vessel info from the cache
                vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

                // set locks for active vessel
                if (v.isActiveVessel)
                    Misc.setLocks(v, vi);

                // maintain eva dead animation and helmet state
                if (v.loaded && v.isEVA)

                // keep track of rescue mission kerbals, and gift resources to their vessels on discovery
                if (v.loaded && vi.is_vessel)
                    // manage rescue mission mechanics

                // do nothing else for invalid vessels
                if (!vi.is_valid)

                // get vessel data from db
                VesselData vd = DB.Vessel(v);

                // get resource cache
                vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

                // if loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // show belt warnings
                    Radiation.beltWarnings(v, vi, vd);

                    // update storm data
                    Storm.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

                    // show signal warnings
                    Signal.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

                    // consume ec for transmission, and transmit science data
                    Science.update(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply rules
                    Profile.Execute(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s);

                    // apply deferred requests
                    resources.Sync(v, elapsed_s);

                    // call automation scripts
                    vd.computer.automate(v, vi, resources);

                    // remove from unloaded data container
                // if unloaded
                    // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
                    unloaded_data ud;
                    if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vi.id, out ud))
                        ud = new unloaded_data();
                        unloaded.Add(vi.id, ud);

                    // accumulate time
                    ud.time += elapsed_s;

                    // maintain oldest entry
                    if (ud.time > last_time)
                        last_time      = ud.time;
                        last_v         = v;
                        last_vi        = vi;
                        last_vd        = vd;
                        last_resources = resources;

            // if the oldest unloaded vessel was selected
            if (last_v != null)
                // show belt warnings
                Radiation.beltWarnings(last_v, last_vi, last_vd);

                // update storm data
                Storm.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

                // show signal warnings
                Signal.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

                // consume ec for transmission, and transmit science
                Science.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply rules
                Profile.Execute(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // simulate modules in background
                Background.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time);

                // apply deferred requests
                last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_time);

                // call automation scripts
                last_vd.computer.automate(last_v, last_vi, last_resources);

                // remove from unloaded data container

            // update storm data for one body per-step
            if (storm_bodies.Count > 0)
                storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
                storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
                Storm.update(sd.body, sd.time);
                sd.time     = 0.0;
                storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;
Exemplo n.º 4
  // called every simulation step
  void FixedUpdate()
    // do nothing if paused
    if (Lib.IsPaused()) return;

    // do nothing in the editors and the menus
    if (!Lib.SceneIsGame()) return;

    // do nothing if db isn't ready
    if (!DB.Ready()) return;

    // get elapsed time
    double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s;

    // evict oldest entry from vessel cache

    // store info for oldest unloaded vessel
    double last_time = 0.0;
    Vessel last_v = null;
    vessel_info last_vi = null;
    vessel_data last_vd = null;
    vessel_resources last_resources = null;

    // for each vessel
    foreach(Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
      // get vessel info from the cache
      vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

      // skip invalid vessels
      if (!vi.is_valid) continue;

      // get vessel data from db
      vessel_data vd = DB.VesselData(v.id);

      // get resource cache
      vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(v);

      // if loaded
      if (v.loaded)
        // show belt warnings
        Radiation.beltWarnings(v, vi, vd);

        // update storm data
        storm.update(v, vi, vd, elapsed_s);

        // consume relay EC and show signal warnings
        signal.update(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation);

        // apply rules
        Rule.applyRules(v, vi, vd, resources, elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation);

        // apply deferred requests
        resources.Sync(v, elapsed_s);

        // update computer
        vd.computer.update(v, elapsed_s);

        // remove from unloaded data container
      // if unloaded
        // get unloaded data, or create an empty one
        unloaded_data ud;
        if (!unloaded.TryGetValue(vi.id, out ud))
          ud = new unloaded_data();
          unloaded.Add(vi.id, ud);

        // accumulate time
        ud.time += elapsed_s;

        // maintain oldest entry
        if (ud.time > last_time)
          last_time = ud.time;
          last_v = v;
          last_vi = vi;
          last_vd = vd;
          last_resources = resources;

    // if the oldest unloaded vessel was selected
    if (last_v != null)
      // show belt warnings
      Radiation.beltWarnings(last_v, last_vi, last_vd);

      // decay unloaded vessels inside atmosphere
      Kerbalism.atmosphereDecay(last_v, last_vi, last_time);

      // update storm data
      storm.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_time);

      // consume relay EC and show signal warnings
      signal.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // apply rules
      Rule.applyRules(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // simulate modules in background
      Background.update(last_v, last_vi, last_vd, last_resources, last_time * last_vi.time_dilation);

      // apply deferred requests
      last_resources.Sync(last_v, last_time);

      // update computer
      last_vd.computer.update(last_v, last_time);

      // remove from unloaded data container

    // update storm data for one body per-step
    storm_bodies.ForEach(k => k.time += elapsed_s);
    storm_data sd = storm_bodies[storm_index];
    storm.update(sd.body, sd.time);
    sd.time = 0.0;
    storm_index = (storm_index + 1) % storm_bodies.Count;