Exemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadXML(string sFileName)
            XmlDocument docXML = new XmlDocument();
            bool bFirst = true;

            foreach (XmlNode node in docXML.SelectNodes("QVCSLog/Files/File"))
                stFile newTable = new stFile();
                newTable.sFileName  = node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText;
                newTable.sPath  = node.SelectSingleNode("Path").InnerText;
                newTable.stHistorys=new List<stHistory>() ;
                newTable.stLabels =new List<stLabel>() ;

                foreach (XmlNode fieldnode in node.SelectNodes("Historys/History"))
                    stHistory newHistory = new stHistory();
                    newHistory.sLabel = fieldnode.SelectSingleNode("Label").InnerText;
                    newHistory.sRevision = fieldnode.SelectSingleNode("Revision").InnerText;
                    newHistory.sDescription = fieldnode.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerText;
                    newHistory.sCheckedInBy = fieldnode.SelectSingleNode("CheckedInBy").InnerText;

                foreach (XmlNode labelnode in node.SelectNodes("Labels/Label"))
                    stLabel newLabel = new stLabel();
                    newLabel.sLabel = labelnode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText;
                    newLabel.sRevision = labelnode.SelectSingleNode("Revision").InnerText;
                if (bFirst == true)
                    _stLabels = newTable.stLabels;
                    bFirst = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ReadLog(string sPath , string sFileName, bool bAddToLabels)
            List<stHistory> stHistorys = new List<stHistory>();
            List<stLabel> stLabels = new List<stLabel>();
            bool bProcessingLabels = false;
            bool bProcessingRevision = false;
            bool bProcessingDescription = false;

            string sError;
            string sResponse;
            sResponse = CommandLineHelper.Run(@"C:\QVCSBin\qlog ","\""+ sFileName +"\"" , out sError, sPath);
            if (sError.Length > 0 || (sResponse.Length < 50 && sResponse.Contains( " not found!")==false))
                //sResponse = sResponse;

            string sCurrentRevision = "";
            string sCurrentDescription = "";
            string sCheckedInBy = "";
            string lastLabel = "";

             *           Labels:
            Revision 1.47 labeled by *Name* as 'Utilinet_S00237-05.05.E22'
            Revision 1.50 labeled by *Name* as 'S00244-05.05.D62'
            Revision 1.50 labeled by *Name* as 'U14 init version'
            Revision 1.47 labeled by *Name* as 'Utilinet_S00237-
             * -------------------------------------------
            Revision 1.50: created by *Name*
               Last file edit: 4/04/2013 3:08:40 PM

            Revision inserted: 4/04/2013 3:10:42 PM

             Compressed from: 169376 to 48983
            Removed LoadProf.c from U1300 and added  DynamicLP.c */
            foreach (string sLine in sResponse.Split('\n'))
                if (sLine.Trim().StartsWith("Labels:"))
                    bProcessingLabels = true;

                if (sLine.Trim().StartsWith("Description:"))
                    bProcessingLabels = false;

                if (sLine.Trim().StartsWith("-------------------------------------------"))
                    if (bProcessingDescription == true)

                        stHistory newHistory = new stHistory();
                        newHistory.sDescription = sCurrentDescription;
                        newHistory.sRevision = sCurrentRevision;
                        newHistory.sCheckedInBy = sCheckedInBy;
                        newHistory.sLabel = "";
                        foreach (stLabel stlab in stLabels)
                            if (stlab.sRevision == newHistory.sRevision)
                                newHistory.sLabel = stlab.sLabel;
                                lastLabel = stlab.sLabel;
                        if (newHistory.sLabel=="")
                        { newHistory.sLabel = lastLabel; }
                        sCurrentRevision = "";
                    bProcessingRevision = true;
                    bProcessingDescription = false;

                if (bProcessingLabels == true && sLine.Trim().Length > "Revision ".Length)
                    int iRevisionEnd = sLine.Trim().IndexOf(' ', "Revision ".Length);
                    int iLabelEnd = sLine.Trim().LastIndexOf('\'');
                    int iLabelStart = sLine.Trim().LastIndexOf('\'', iLabelEnd - 1);
                    int i = 0;
                    bool bFound = false;
                    stLabel newLabel = new stLabel();
                    newLabel.sLabel = sLine.Trim().Substring(iLabelStart + 1, iLabelEnd - iLabelStart - 1);
                    newLabel.sRevision = sLine.Trim().Substring("Revision ".Length, iRevisionEnd - "Revision ".Length);
                    foreach (stLabel stlab in _stLabels)
                        if (newLabel.sLabel.Trim().CompareTo (stlab.sLabel.Trim())>0)

                        if (stlab.sLabel.Trim() == newLabel.sLabel.Trim())
                            bFound = true;

                    if (bFound == false)
                        if (bAddToLabels == true)
                            _lastFileName = sPath + sFileName;

                if (bProcessingDescription == true)
                    sCurrentDescription += sLine + "\r\n";

                if (bProcessingRevision == true)
                    bProcessingLabels = false;
                    if (sLine.Trim().StartsWith("Revision ") && sLine.StartsWith("Revision inserted:") == false)
                        int iRevisionEnd = sLine.Trim().IndexOf(' ', "Revision ".Length);
                        int iCheckedInStart = sLine.Trim().IndexOf ("created by ");
                        sCurrentRevision = sLine.Trim().Substring("Revision ".Length, iRevisionEnd - "Revision ".Length - 1);
                        sCheckedInBy = sLine.Trim().Substring(iCheckedInStart + "created by ".Length);
                    if (sLine.Trim().StartsWith("Description:"))
                        sCurrentDescription = "";
                        bProcessingDescription = true;

            if (bProcessingDescription == true)

                stHistory newHistory = new stHistory();
                newHistory.sDescription = sCurrentDescription;
                newHistory.sRevision = sCurrentRevision;
                newHistory.sCheckedInBy = sCheckedInBy;
                newHistory.sLabel = "";
                foreach (stLabel stlab in stLabels)
                    if (stlab.sRevision == newHistory.sRevision)
                        newHistory.sLabel = stlab.sLabel;
                sCurrentRevision = "";
            bProcessingRevision = true;
            bProcessingDescription = false;

            stFile newFile=new stFile();
            newFile.sFileName = sFileName;
            newFile.sPath = sPath;
            newFile.stHistorys = stHistorys;
            newFile.stLabels = stLabels;