Exemplo n.º 1
 public BeatMap(bga_settings bga_settings, song_info_struct song_info, song_meta_struct song_meta, string songFilePath)
     this.song_meta    = song_meta;
     this.bga_settings = bga_settings;
     this.song_info    = song_info;
     this.state        = STATE.SAMPLES_LOADED;
     //this.name = name;
     this.fileName     = song_meta.title + "~" + song_meta.artist + "~" + song_meta.album + ";" + bga_settings.rng_seed.ToString() + ".dat";
     this.songFilePath = songFilePath;
     this.timesPlayed  = 0;
     laneObjectStore   = new List <LaneObject>();
     scoreboard        = new List <WinDataClass>();
Exemplo n.º 2
    private IEnumerator getAudioClipFromPath(string path)
        //see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip.html

        // AudioType audioType;
        // #if UNITY_ANDROID
        //   audioType = AudioType.MPEG; //for android use MPEG (.mp3)
        // #else
        //   audioType = AudioType.OGGVORBIS; //for testing on windows use OGGVORBIS (.ogg) since windows does not have mpeg codec native
        // #endif


        using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip("file://" + path, BGACommon.AUDIO_TYPE))
            yield return(www.Send());

            if (www.isNetworkError)
                //state = STATE.AUDIO_CLIP_ERROR;
                AudioClip inputAudioClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(www);

                //Replace song info with new song info that is created from inputAudioClip, and set samples (normally we do not keep samples when saving (because they are 70+mb))
                song_info_struct song_i = new song_info_struct(inputAudioClip);
                song_i.samples      = new float[song_i.sampleCount * song_i.channels];
                song_i.sampleLength = song_info.length / (float)song_i.sampleCount;
                inputAudioClip.GetData(song_i.samples, 0);
                this.song_info = song_i;
                state = STATE.SAMPLES_LOADED;
                //state = STATE.AUDIO_CLIP_LOADED;
                //callBGA(ref audioClip);
                //bga.StartBGA(ref audioClip);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void StartBGA(ref AudioClip audioClip, ref WebInfo webInfo, bga_settings settings, song_meta_struct song, string songFilePath)
        this.songFilePath = songFilePath;
        this.song_meta    = song;
        if (this.state != STATE.READY)
            throw new Exception("Cannot start the beat generating algorithim if it is already being run! State: " + this.state);
        this.state = STATE.ACTIVE;
        Debug.Log("Threshold, multiplier:");
        this.settings = settings;
        if (settings.rng_seed == 0)
            this.settings.rng_seed = generateNewRandomSeed();

        bga_random = new System.Random(settings.rng_seed);

        song_info              = new song_info_struct(audioClip);
        song_info.samples      = new float[song_info.sampleCount * song_info.channels];
        song_info.sampleLength = song_info.length / (float)song_info.sampleCount;
        //GetData returns samples for both the L(eft) and R(ight) channels
        //audioClip.GetData(song_info.samples, 0);
        song_info.samples = webInfo.samples;

        output = new output_struct();

        persistentDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath; //We can't use unity specific calls in the bga thread, and we need this variable for later

        //Create the background thread and run the BGA algorithim
        //The algorthim will have access to all the public structs
        Debug.Log("make thread");
        //Thread BGAThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(algorithimWrapper));
        // crash the ui thread #yolo