Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SaveEditItem(short StatusID, bool print)
            string iLogID      = string.Empty;
            string mobil       = string.Empty
            , sopir            = string.Empty
            , keterangan       = null;
            int kernetid       = -1
            , sopirid          = -1
            , mobilid          = -1
            , kotaid           = -1
            , salesid          = -1
            , custid           = -1;
            short custtypetoid = -1
            , custtypeid       = -1;
            int paid           = 0;

            DataRow[] dr = this.sinarekDataSet.custtype.Select("name = 'gudang barang'");
            custtypetoid = short.Parse(dr[0]["custtypeid"].ToString());
            dr           = this.sinarekDataSet.custtype.Select("name = 'supplier'");
            custtypeid   = short.Parse(dr[0]["custtypeid"].ToString());
            string[] sep = { "_" };

            custid = int.Parse(rddSup.SelectedValue.ToString().Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);

            using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter())
                //Always Create with status created
                iLogID = tbl.pInsertLogProd(tanggalDateTimePicker.Value
                                            , 1
                                            , kernetid
                                            , sopirid
                                            , mobilid
                                            , kotaid
                                            , salesid
                                            , mobil
                                            , sopir
                                            , keterangan
                                            , custid
                                            , custtypetoid
                                            , custtypetoid
                                            , NBConfig.ValidUserName
                                            , StatusID, paid, 0).ToString();

            foreach (GridViewRowInfo item in radGridView1.Rows)
                using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logotherTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logotherTableAdapter())
                                                 , item.Cells["keterangan"].Value.ToString()
                                                 , 0
                                                 , custtypeid
                                                 , null
                                                 , decimal.Parse(item.Cells["quantity"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , int.Parse(item.Cells["productid"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , decimal.Parse(item.Cells["harga"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , NBConfig.ValidUserName);
                    catch (Exception ex)

            MessageBox.Show("Data sudah terinput.", "SMS");

            DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Siapkan kertas untuk print.", "SMS - Verification"
                                               , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
                                               , MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                PrinterSettings printerSettings;
                ReportProcessor reportProcessor;

                rptSJ rpt = new rptSJ();
                rpt.ReportParameters["user"].Value         = NBConfig.ValidUserName;
                rpt.ReportParameters["logid"].Value        = iLogID;
                rpt.ReportParameters["custtypetoid"].Value = 18;

                IReportDocument iRpt = (IReportDocument)rpt;
                //// PrinterSettings
                printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                //// Adjust the printer settings if necessary...

                // Print the report using the printer settings.
                reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
                reportProcessor.PrintReport(iRpt, printerSettings);
                MessageBox.Show("Transaksi masuk ini dapat dilihat di daftar transaksi yg belum di print.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SaveEditItem(short StatusID, bool print)
            string iLogID      = string.Empty;
            string mobil       = string.Empty
            , sopir            = string.Empty
            , keterangan       = null;
            int kernetid       = -1
            , sopirid          = -1
            , mobilid          = -1
            , kotaid           = -1
            , salesid          = -1
            , custid           = -1;
            short custtypetoid = -1
            , custtypeid       = -1;
            int paid           = 0;

            DataRow[] dr = this.sinarekDataSet.custtype.Select("name = 'gudang barang'");
            custtypetoid = short.Parse(dr[0]["custtypeid"].ToString());
            dr           = this.sinarekDataSet.custtype.Select("name = 'supplier'");
            custtypeid   = short.Parse(dr[0]["custtypeid"].ToString());
            string[] sep = { "_" };

            custid = int.Parse(rddSup.SelectedValue.ToString().Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]);

            using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter())
                //Always Create with status created
                iLogID = tbl.pInsertLogProd(tanggalDateTimePicker.Value
                                            , 1
                                            , kernetid
                                            , sopirid
                                            , mobilid
                                            , kotaid
                                            , salesid
                                            , mobil
                                            , sopir
                                            , keterangan
                                            , custid
                                            , custtypetoid
                                            , custtypetoid
                                            , NBConfig.ValidUserName
                                            , StatusID, paid, 0).ToString();

            foreach (GridViewRowInfo item in radGridView1.Rows)
                using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logotherTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logotherTableAdapter())
                                                 , item.Cells["keterangan"].Value.ToString()
                                                 , 0
                                                 , custtypeid
                                                 , null
                                                 , decimal.Parse(item.Cells["quantity"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , int.Parse(item.Cells["productid"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , decimal.Parse(item.Cells["harga"].Value.ToString())
                                                 , NBConfig.ValidUserName);
                    catch (Exception ex)

            helper.NotifMessage("Data sudah terinput.\nTransaksi masuk ini dapat dilihat di daftar transaksi yg belum di print.");