Exemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetUpdateBgdcShSql(DataTable dttv, shenghuaBean sh)
            int    flag = Common.JudgeValueForSh(dttv, sh);
            String sql  = "update zkhw_tj_bgdc set ShengHua='" + flag + "' where aichive_no = '" + sh.aichive_no + "' and bar_code='" + sh.bar_code + "'";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string GetUpdatePEShInfoSql(shenghuaBean sh)
            String sql = @"update physical_examination_record set sgft='" + sh.ALT + "', ast='" + sh.AST + "', albumin='" + sh.ALB +
                         "', total_bilirubin='" + sh.TBIL + "', conjugated_bilirubin='" + sh.DBIL + "', scr='" + sh.Crea +
                         "', blood_urea='" + sh.UREA + "', tc='" + sh.CHO + "',tg='" + sh.TG + "',ldl='" + sh.LDL_C +
                         "',hdl='" + sh.HDL_C + "',blood_glucose_mmol='" + sh.GLU + "' where aichive_no = '" + sh.aichive_no + "' and bar_code='" + sh.bar_code + "'";

Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool insertShenghuaInfo(shenghuaBean sh)
            int    rt             = 0;
            string id             = Result.GetNewId();
            string timeCodeUnique = sh.bar_code + "_" + sh.createTime;
            String sql            = "insert into zkhw_tj_sh (ID,aichive_no,id_number,bar_code,ALB,ALP,ALT,AST,CHO,Crea,DBIL,GGT,GLU,HDLC,LDLC,TBIL,TG,TP,UA,UREA,createtime,ZrysSH,timeCodeUnique,upload_status,deviceModel,CK,CKMB,LDHL,HBDH,HCY, HBA1C) values('" + id + "','" +
                                    sh.aichive_no + "','" + sh.id_number + "','" + sh.bar_code + "','" + sh.ALB + "','" + sh.ALP + "','" + sh.ALT + "','" + sh.AST + "','" + sh.CHO + "','" + sh.Crea + "','" + sh.DBIL + "','" + sh.GGT + "','" + sh.GLU + "','" + sh.HDL_C + "','" + sh.LDL_C + "','" +
                                    sh.TBIL + "','" + sh.TG + "','" + sh.TP + "','" + sh.UA + "','" + sh.UREA + "','" + sh.createTime + "','" + sh.ZrysSH + "','" + timeCodeUnique + "',0,'" + sh.deviceModel + "','" + sh.CK + "','" + sh.CKMB + "','" + sh.LDHL + "','" + sh.HBDH + "','" + sh.HCY + "','" + sh.HBA1C + "')";

            rt = DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
            return(rt == 0 ? false : true);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool updateShenghuaInfo(shenghuaBean sh)
            int    rt  = 0;
            String sql = "update zkhw_tj_sh set ALB='" + sh.ALB + "',ALP='" + sh.ALP + "',ALT='" + sh.ALT + "',AST='" + sh.AST +
                         "',CHO='" + sh.CHO + "',Crea='" + sh.Crea + "',DBIL='" + sh.DBIL + "',GGT='" + sh.GGT + "',GLU='" + sh.GLU +
                         "',HDLC='" + sh.HDL_C + "',LDLC='" + sh.LDL_C + "',TBIL='" + sh.TBIL + "',TG='" + sh.TG + "',TP='" + sh.TP +
                         "',UA='" + sh.UA + "',UREA='" + sh.UREA + "',upload_status=0,deviceModel='" + sh.deviceModel +
                         "',CK='" + sh.CK + "',CKMB='" + sh.CKMB + "',LDHL='" + sh.LDHL + "',HBDH='" + sh.HBDH + "',HCY='" + sh.HCY + "', HBA1C='" + sh.HBA1C +
                         "' where aichive_no = '" + sh.aichive_no + "' and bar_code='" + sh.bar_code + "'";

            rt = DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
            return(rt == 0 ? false : true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static shenghuaBean GetShengHuaObj(string ZrysSH, DataRow dr, out string timecodeUnique, out string shid)
            timecodeUnique = "";
            shid           = dr["ID"].ToString();
            shenghuaBean sh = new shenghuaBean();

            sh.ZrysSH   = ZrysSH;
            sh.bar_code = dr["bar_code"].ToString();

            DataTable dtjkinfo = jkdao.selectjkInfoBybarcode(sh.bar_code);

            if (dtjkinfo != null && dtjkinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                sh.aichive_no = dtjkinfo.Rows[0]["aichive_no"].ToString();
                sh.id_number  = dtjkinfo.Rows[0]["id_number"].ToString();
            sh.ALT         = dr["ALT"].ToString();
            sh.AST         = dr["AST"].ToString();
            sh.TBIL        = dr["TBIL"].ToString();
            sh.DBIL        = dr["DBIL"].ToString();
            sh.Crea        = dr["CREA"].ToString();
            sh.UREA        = dr["UREA"].ToString();
            sh.GLU         = dr["GLU"].ToString();
            sh.TG          = dr["TG"].ToString();
            sh.CHO         = dr["CHO"].ToString();
            sh.HDL_C       = dr["HDLC"].ToString();
            sh.LDL_C       = dr["LDLC"].ToString();
            sh.ALB         = dr["ALB"].ToString();
            sh.UA          = dr["UA"].ToString();
            sh.TP          = dr["TP"].ToString();
            sh.ALP         = dr["ALP"].ToString();
            sh.GGT         = dr["GGT"].ToString();
            sh.createTime  = dr["createtime"].ToString();
            timecodeUnique = dr["timecodeUnique"].ToString();
            if (dr["deviceModel"].ToString() == "")
                sh.deviceModel = "SH_YNH_001";
                sh.deviceModel = dr["deviceModel"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static string GetSqlForShenHua(shenghuaBean sh, string timecodeUnique)
            string sql1 = "select count(id) from zkhw_tj_sh where timeCodeUnique='" + timecodeUnique + "'";
            bool   flag = DbHelperMySQL.Exists(sql1);
            string sql  = "";

            if (flag == false)
                string id = Result.GetNewId();
                sql = "insert into zkhw_tj_sh (ID,aichive_no,id_number,bar_code,ALB,ALP,ALT,AST,CHO,Crea,DBIL,GGT,GLU,HDLC,LDLC,TBIL,TG,TP,UA,UREA,createtime,ZrysSH,timeCodeUnique,upload_status,deviceModel) values('" + id + "','" + sh.aichive_no + "','" + sh.id_number + "','" + sh.bar_code + "','" + sh.ALB + "','" + sh.ALP + "','" + sh.ALT + "','" + sh.AST + "','" + sh.CHO + "','" + sh.Crea + "','" + sh.DBIL + "','" + sh.GGT + "','" + sh.GLU + "','" + sh.HDL_C + "','" + sh.LDL_C + "','" + sh.TBIL + "','" + sh.TG + "','" + sh.TP + "','" + sh.UA + "','" + sh.UREA + "','" + sh.createTime + "','" + sh.ZrysSH + "','" + timecodeUnique + "',0,'" + sh.deviceModel + "')";
                sql = "update zkhw_tj_sh set ALB='" + sh.ALB + "',ALP='" + sh.ALP + "',ALT='" + sh.ALT + "',AST='" + sh.AST + "',CHO='" + sh.CHO + "',Crea='" + sh.Crea + "',DBIL='" + sh.DBIL + "',GGT='" + sh.GGT + "',GLU='" + sh.GLU + "',HDLC='" + sh.HDL_C + "',LDLC='" + sh.LDL_C + "',TBIL='" + sh.TBIL + "',TG='" + sh.TG + "',TP='" + sh.TP + "',UA='" + sh.UA + "',UREA='" + sh.UREA + "',upload_status=0,deviceModel='" + sh.deviceModel + "' where timeCodeUnique = '" + timecodeUnique + "'";