Exemplo n.º 1
 void loadInDirs(string filePath)     // recursively loops all dirs and loads their spritesheet
     string[] subDirectories = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(filePath);
     if (subDirectories.Length > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < subDirectories.Length; i++)
         string[] fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(filePath);
         for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.Length; i++)
             if (fileNames[i].Contains(".png"))                 // we only want to load .png files
             // NOTE this will load any file that contains .png, not just ones that have it at the end
                 if (!fileNames[i].Contains(".meta"))                     // only call if its NOT a meta file
                     sheetIndex index = getIndexData(fileNames[i]);
                     this.spriteSheets.Add(index.sheetName, loadSpriteSheet(fileNames[i]));
Exemplo n.º 2
    sheetIndex getIndexData(string filePath)     // gets data from <index>
        string        baseSpritePath = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
        string        xmlPath        = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName, baseSpritePath + ".xml"); // NOTE the xml extension must be in LOWER CASE
        XmlTextReader reader         = new XmlTextReader(xmlPath);

        if (!reader.ReadToDescendant("index"))
            Debug.LogError("spriteManager::getIndexData: No <index> in " + xmlPath);
        string  name      = null;
        string  author    = null;
        string  pivot     = null;
        int     pixelsPer = 0;
        Vector2 point     = new Vector2();

        name      = xmlHelperManager.getStringRequired("sheetName", reader);
        author    = xmlHelperManager.getStringRequired("author", reader);
        pivot     = xmlHelperManager.getStringDefault("pivot", "BL", reader);
        pixelsPer = xmlHelperManager.getIntRequired("PPU", reader);

        if (pivot == "C")         // TODO support more pivots
            point = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            point = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);

        sheetIndex tmpIndex = new sheetIndex();

        tmpIndex.sheetName  = name;
        tmpIndex.author     = author;
        tmpIndex.pivotPoint = point;
        tmpIndex.PPU        = pixelsPer;
