Exemplo n.º 1
        //  interface_post_reset - work to be done after a
        //  device is reset
        public override void interface_post_reset()
            // reset the interrupt vectors and queues
            for (int line = 0; line < m_input.Length; line++)

            // reconfingure VBLANK interrupts
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_vblank_interrupt_screen))
                // get the screen that will trigger the VBLANK
                screen_device screen = device().siblingdevice <screen_device>(m_vblank_interrupt_screen);

                //assert(screen != NULL);

            // reconfigure periodic interrupts
            if (m_timed_interrupt_period != attotime.zero)
                attotime timedint_period = m_timed_interrupt_period;
                //assert(m_timedint_timer != NULL);
                m_timedint_timer.adjust(timedint_period, 0, timedint_period);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
     draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);
     m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        //  interface_post_reset - work to be done after a
        //  device is reset
        public override void interface_post_reset()
            // reset the interrupt vectors and queues
            foreach (var elem in m_input)

            // reconfingure VBLANK interrupts
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_vblank_interrupt_screen))
                // get the screen that will trigger the VBLANK
                screen_device screen = device().siblingdevice <screen_device>(m_vblank_interrupt_screen);

                //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
                assert(screen != nullptr);


            // reconfigure periodic interrupts
            if (m_timed_interrupt_period != attotime.zero)
                attotime timedint_period = m_timed_interrupt_period;

                //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
                assert(m_timedint_timer != nullptr);

                m_timedint_timer.adjust(timedint_period, 0, timedint_period);
Exemplo n.º 4
        uint32_t screen_update_dkong(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            machine().tilemap().set_flip_all(m_flip != 0 ? TILEMAP_FLIPX | TILEMAP_FLIPY : 0);

            switch (m_hardware_type)
            case HARDWARE_TKG02:
            case HARDWARE_TKG04:
                m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, 0x40, 1);

            case HARDWARE_TRS01:
            case HARDWARE_TRS02:
                m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, 0x40, 1);
                radarscp_draw_background(bitmap, cliprect);

                fatalerror("Invalid hardware type in dkong_video_update\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
        *  Video update

        public u32 screen_update_centiped(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            ListBytesPointer spriteram  = m_spriteram.target; //uint8_t *spriteram = m_spriteram;
            rectangle        spriteclip = cliprect;
            int offs;

            /* draw the background */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* apply the sprite clip */
            if (m_flipscreen != 0)
                spriteclip.min_x += 8;
                spriteclip.max_x -= 8;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = 0; offs < 0x10; offs++)
                int code  = ((spriteram[offs] & 0x3e) >> 1) | ((spriteram[offs] & 0x01) << 6);
                int color = spriteram[offs + 0x30];
                int flipx = (spriteram[offs] >> 6) & 1;
                int flipy = (spriteram[offs] >> 7) & 1;
                int x     = spriteram[offs + 0x20];
                int y     = 240 - spriteram[offs + 0x10];

                m_gfxdecode.target.digfx.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, spriteclip, (UInt32)code, (UInt32)color, flipx, flipy, x, y, m_penmask[color & 0x3f]);

Exemplo n.º 6
        static void draw_testpat(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            // Test pattern Grey scale
            const int stripes = 255;
            //auto va(screen.visible_area());
            var va = cliprect;

            for (int i = 0; i < stripes; i++)
                int l = va.left() + (i * va.width() / stripes);
                int w = (va.left() + (i + 1) * va.width() / stripes) - l;
                int v = (255 * i) / stripes;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, va.top() + 20, w, va.height() / 2 - 20, new rgb_t(0xff, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v));

                int l = va.left() + va.width() / 4;
                int w = va.width() / 4;
                int t = va.top() + va.height() / 2;
                int h = va.height() / 2;
                // 50% Test pattern
                for (int i = t; i < t + h; i += 2)
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i, w, i, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i + 1, w, i + 1, new rgb_t(0xff, 0, 0, 0));

                l += va.width() / 4;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, t, w, h, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3)); // 195
Exemplo n.º 7
        *  Video update

        u32 screen_update_centiped(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            rectangle spriteclip = cliprect;

            /* draw the background */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* apply the sprite clip */
            if (m_flipscreen != 0)
                spriteclip.min_x += 8;
                spriteclip.max_x -= 8;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (int offs = 0; offs < 0x10; offs++)
                int code  = ((m_spriteram[offs].op & 0x3e) >> 1) | ((m_spriteram[offs].op & 0x01) << 6);
                int color = m_spriteram[offs + 0x30].op;
                int flipx = (m_spriteram[offs].op >> 6) & 1;
                int flipy = (m_spriteram[offs].op >> 7) & 1;
                int x     = m_spriteram[offs + 0x20].op;
                int y     = 240 - m_spriteram[offs + 0x10].op;

                m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, spriteclip, (u32)code, (u32)color, flipx, flipy, x, y, m_penmask[color & 0x3f]);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public UInt32 screen_update_galaga(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     bitmap.fill(m_palette.target.palette_interface.black_pen(), cliprect);
     draw_stars(bitmap, cliprect);
     draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);
     m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        screen_device m_screen;                   // pointer to the screen device

        // construction/destruction
        //  device_video_interface - constructor
        public device_video_interface(machine_config mconfig, device_t device, bool screen_required = true)
            : base(device, "video")
            m_screen_required = screen_required;
            m_screen_base     = device;
            m_screen_tag      = s_unconfigured_screen_tag;
            m_screen          = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
 u32 screen_update_galaga(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     bitmap.fill(m_palette.op0.black_pen(), cliprect);
     m_starfield.op0.draw_starfield(bitmap, cliprect, 0);
     draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);
     m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect);
Exemplo n.º 11
        u32 screen_update_digdug(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);

Exemplo n.º 12
        *  Main refresh
        uint32_t screen_update_atarisy2(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            // start drawing

            // reset priorities
            bitmap_ind8 priority_bitmap = screen.priority();

            priority_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

            // draw the playfield
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 1, 1);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 2, 2);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 3, 3);

            // draw and merge the MO
            bitmap_ind16 mobitmap = m_mob.op0.bitmap();

            for (sparse_dirty_rect rect = m_mob.op0.first_dirty_rect(cliprect); rect != null; rect = rect.next())
                for (int y = rect.m_rect.top(); y <= rect.m_rect.bottom(); y++)
                    PointerU16 mo  = mobitmap.pix(y);        //uint16_t const *const mo = &mobitmap.pix(y);
                    PointerU16 pf  = bitmap.pix(y);          //uint16_t *const pf = &bitmap.pix(y);
                    PointerU8  pri = priority_bitmap.pix(y); //uint8_t const *const pri = &priority_bitmap.pix(y);
                    for (int x = rect.m_rect.left(); x <= rect.m_rect.right(); x++)
                        if (mo[x] != 0xffff)
                            int mopriority = mo[x] >> atari_motion_objects_device.PRIORITY_SHIFT;

                            // high priority PF?
                            if (((mopriority + pri[x]) & 2) != 0)
                                // only gets priority if PF pen is less than 8
                                if ((pf[x] & 0x08) == 0)
                                    pf[x] = (uint16_t)(mo[x] & atari_motion_objects_device.DATA_MASK);

                            // low priority
                                pf[x] = (uint16_t)(mo[x] & atari_motion_objects_device.DATA_MASK);

            // add the alpha on top
            m_alpha_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
        // optional operation overrides
        public override void interface_config_complete()
            // find the screen if explicitly configured
            if (m_screen_tag != null && std.strcmp(m_screen_tag, s_unconfigured_screen_tag) != 0)
                m_screen = m_screen_base.subdevice <screen_device>(m_screen_tag);

            // device_config_complete may now do whatever it needs to with the screen
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void ___empty(machine_config config)
            // video hardware
            screen_device screen = SCREEN(config, "screen", SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER);

            screen.set_size(640, 480);
            screen.set_visarea(0, 639, 0, 479);
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: info.cs Projeto: kwanboy/mcs
 //  get_screen_desc - returns the description for
 //  a given screen
 protected string get_screen_desc(screen_device screen)
     if (new screen_device_iterator(m_machine.root_device()).count() > 1)
         return(string.Format("Screen '{0}'", screen.tag()));
Exemplo n.º 16
 //  get_screen_desc - returns the description for
 //  a given screen
 protected string get_screen_desc(screen_device screen)
     if (new screen_device_enumerator(m_machine.root_device()).count() > 1)
         return(string_format(__("Screen '{0}'"), screen.tag()));
Exemplo n.º 17
        //  interface_pre_start - make sure all our input
        //  devices are started
        public override void interface_pre_start()
            // only look up screens if we haven't explicitly requested no screen
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_screen_tag))
                if (std.strcmp(m_screen_tag, s_unconfigured_screen_tag) != 0)
                    // find the screen device if explicitly configured
                    m_screen = m_screen_base.subdevice <screen_device>(m_screen_tag);
                    if (m_screen == null)
                        throw new emu_fatalerror("Screen '{0}' not found, explicitly set for device '{1}'", m_screen_tag, device().tag());
                    // otherwise, look for a single match
                    screen_device_enumerator iter = new screen_device_enumerator(device().machine().root_device());
                    m_screen = iter.first();
                    if (iter.count() > 1)
                        throw new emu_fatalerror("No screen specified for device '{0}', but multiple screens found", device().tag());

            // fatal error if no screen is found
            if (m_screen == null && m_screen_required)
                throw new emu_fatalerror("Device '{0}' requires a screen", device().tag());

            // if we have a screen and it's not started, wait for it
            if (m_screen != null && !m_screen.started())
                // avoid circular dependency if we are also a palette device
                device_palette_interface palintf;
                if (!device().interface_(out palintf))
                    throw new device_missing_dependencies();

                // no other palette may be specified
                if (m_screen.has_palette() && palintf != m_screen.palette())
                    throw new emu_fatalerror("Device '{0}' cannot control screen '{1}' with palette '{2}'", device().tag(), m_screen_tag, m_screen.palette().device().tag());
Exemplo n.º 18
 //  watchdog_vblank - VBLANK state callback for
 //  watchdog timers
 void watchdog_vblank(screen_device screen, bool vblank_state)
     // VBLANK starting
     if (vblank_state && m_enabled)
         // check the watchdog
         if (m_vblank_count != 0)
             if (--m_counter == 0)
Exemplo n.º 19
        bool m_first_time;       // indicates that the system is starting (scanline timers only)

        // construction/destruction
        //  timer_device - constructor
        timer_device(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock)
            : base(mconfig, TIMER, tag, owner, clock)
            m_type        = timer_type.TIMER_TYPE_GENERIC;
            m_callback    = null;
            m_ptr         = null;
            m_start_delay = attotime.zero;
            m_period      = attotime.zero;
            m_param       = 0;
            m_screen_tag  = null;
            m_screen      = null;
            m_first_vpos  = 0;
            m_increment   = 0;
            m_timer       = null;
            m_first_time  = true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        // callbacks
        //static void static_timed_trigger_callback(running_machine &machine, void *ptr, int param);

        //  on_vblank - calls any external callbacks
        //  for this screen
        void on_vblank(screen_device screen, bool vblank_state)
            // ignore VBLANK end
            if (!vblank_state)

            // generate the interrupt callback
                if (m_vblank_interrupt != null)
Exemplo n.º 21
        string m_name = "";        // name of png file

        // construction/destruction
        //  render_crosshair - constructor
        public render_crosshair(running_machine machine, int player)
            m_machine = machine;
            m_player  = player;
            m_used    = false;
            m_mode    = CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_OFF;
            m_visible = false;
            m_texture = null;
            m_x       = 0.0f;
            m_y       = 0.0f;
            m_last_x  = 0.0f;
            m_last_y  = 0.0f;
            m_time    = 0;

            // for now, use the main screen
            m_screen = new screen_device_enumerator(machine.root_device()).first();
Exemplo n.º 22
        //  device_start - perform device-specific
        //  startup
        protected override void device_start()
            // fetch the screen
            if (m_screen_tag != null)
                m_screen = (screen_device)machine().device(m_screen_tag);  //machine().device<screen_device>(m_screen_tag);
            // allocate the timer
            m_timer = timer_alloc();

            //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false

            // register for save states
            save_item(m_first_time, "m_first_time");
Exemplo n.º 23
        // snapshot/movie helpers

        //  create_snapshot_bitmap - creates a
        //  bitmap containing the screenshot for the
        //  given screen
        //typedef software_renderer<UINT32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, true> snap_renderer_bilinear;
        //typedef software_renderer<UINT32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, false> snap_renderer;

        void create_snapshot_bitmap(screen_device screen)
            // select the appropriate view in our dummy target
            if (m_snap_native && screen != null)
                screen_device_enumerator iter = new screen_device_enumerator(machine().root_device());
                int view_index = iter.indexof(screen);
                assert(view_index != -1);

            // get the minimum width/height and set it on the target and bitmap
            s32 width;
            s32 height;

            compute_snapshot_size(out width, out height);
            m_snap_target.set_bounds(width, height);
            if (width != m_snap_bitmap.width() || height != m_snap_bitmap.height())
                m_snap_bitmap.resize(width, height);

            // render the screen there
            render_primitive_list primlist = m_snap_target.get_primitives();

            if (machine().options().snap_bilinear())
                //typedef software_renderer<u32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, true> snap_renderer_bilinear;
                //snap_renderer_bilinear::draw_primitives(primlist, &m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), width, height, m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                software_renderer <u32, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_16, int_const_8, int_const_0, bool_const_false, bool_const_true> .draw_primitives(primlist, m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), (u32)width, (u32)height, (u32)m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                //typedef software_renderer<u32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, false> snap_renderer;
                //snap_renderer::draw_primitives(primlist, &m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), width, height, m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                software_renderer <u32, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_16, int_const_8, int_const_0, bool_const_false, bool_const_false> .draw_primitives(primlist, m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), (u32)width, (u32)height, (u32)m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
Exemplo n.º 24
        *  Common video update

        uint32_t screen_update_galaxian(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            /* draw the background layer (including stars) */
            m_draw_background_ptr(bitmap, cliprect);

            /* draw the tilemap characters over top */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* render the sprites next. Some custom pcbs (eg. zigzag, fantastc) have more than one sprite generator (ideally, this should be rendered in parallel) */
            for (int i = 0; i < m_numspritegens; i++)
                sprites_draw(bitmap, cliprect, new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_spriteram.op, m_sprites_base + i * 0x20));

            /* if we have bullets to draw, render them following */
            if (m_draw_bullet_ptr != null)
                bullets_draw(bitmap, cliprect, new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_spriteram.op, m_bullets_base));

Exemplo n.º 25
        *  Video render

        u32 screen_update_m52(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            int offs;
            var paldata = m_sp_palette.op0.pens();

            bitmap.fill(paldata[0], cliprect);

            if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x20) != 0))
                if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x10) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg2xpos, m_bg2ypos, 0); /* distant mountains */
                // only one of these be drawn at once (they share the same scroll register) (alpha1v leaves everything enabled)
                if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x02) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg1xpos, m_bg1ypos, 1); /* hills */
                else if (!((m_bgcontrol & 0x04) != 0))
                    draw_background(bitmap, cliprect, m_bg1xpos, m_bg1ypos, 2); /* cityscape */

            m_tx_tilemap.set_flip((flip_screen() != 0) ? TILEMAP_FLIPX | TILEMAP_FLIPY : 0);

            m_tx_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = 0x3c; offs <= m_spritelimit; offs += 0x40)
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, offs);

Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: empty.cs Projeto: kwanboy/mcs
 public static u32 screen_update____empty(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), cliprect);
Exemplo n.º 27
        // snapshots

        //bool snap_native() const { return m_snap_native; }
        //render_target &snapshot_target() { return *m_snap_target; }

        //  save_snapshot - save a snapshot to the given
        //  file handle
        void save_snapshot(screen_device screen, emu_file file)
            throw new emu_unimplemented();
Exemplo n.º 28
        public uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            rectangle visarea = screen.visible_area();
            float     xscale  = 1.0f / (65536 * visarea.width());
            float     yscale  = 1.0f / (65536 * visarea.height());
            float     xoffs   = (float)visarea.min_x;
            float     yoffs   = (float)visarea.min_y;

            int curpointIdx = 0;  //point *curpoint;
            int lastx       = 0;
            int lasty       = 0;

            curpointIdx = 0;  //curpoint = m_vector_list.get();
            var curpoint = m_vector_list;

            screen.container().add_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA) | PRIMFLAG_VECTORBUF(1));

            for (int i = 0; i < m_vector_index; i++)
                render_bounds coords = new render_bounds();

                float intensity        = (float)curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity / 255.0f; //float intensity = (float)curpoint->intensity / 255.0f;
                float intensity_weight = normalized_sigmoid(intensity, vector_options.s_beam_intensity_weight);

                // check for static intensity
                float beam_width = m_min_intensity == m_max_intensity
                    ? vector_options.s_beam_width_min
                    : vector_options.s_beam_width_min + intensity_weight * (vector_options.s_beam_width_max - vector_options.s_beam_width_min);

                // normalize width
                beam_width *= 1.0f / (float)VECTOR_WIDTH_DENOM;

                // apply point scale for points
                if (lastx == curpoint[curpointIdx].x && lasty == curpoint[curpointIdx].y)  //if (lastx == curpoint->x && lasty == curpoint->y)
                    beam_width *= vector_options.s_beam_dot_size;

                coords.x0 = ((float)lastx - xoffs) * xscale;
                coords.y0 = ((float)lasty - yoffs) * yscale;
                coords.x1 = ((float)curpoint[curpointIdx].x - xoffs) * xscale; //coords.x1 = ((float)curpoint->x - xoffs) * xscale;
                coords.y1 = ((float)curpoint[curpointIdx].y - yoffs) * yscale; //coords.y1 = ((float)curpoint->y - yoffs) * yscale;

                if (curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity != 0)                      //if (curpoint->intensity != 0)
                        coords.x0, coords.y0, coords.x1, coords.y1,
                        new rgb_t(((uint32_t)curpoint[curpointIdx].intensity << 24) | (curpoint[curpointIdx].col & 0xffffff)),  //(curpoint->intensity << 24) | (curpoint->col & 0xffffff),

                lastx = curpoint[curpointIdx].x; //lastx = curpoint->x;
                lasty = curpoint[curpointIdx].y; //lasty = curpoint->y;

                curpointIdx++;                   //curpoint++;

Exemplo n.º 29
 /* draws crosshair(s) in a given screen, if necessary */
 public void render(screen_device screen)
     //throw new emu_unimplemented();
Exemplo n.º 30
 void animate(screen_device device, bool vblank_state)
     //throw new emu_unimplemented();