Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool SaGetPeakFreq(out double peak_freq, out float peak_pwr, double begin_freq, double end_freq, double rbw)
            double vbw         = rbw;
            double span        = end_freq - begin_freq;
            double center_freq = begin_freq + span / 2;

            //saStatus status = saStatus.saNoError;
            sa_api.saConfigCenterSpan(device_id, center_freq, span);

            //detector and scale.
            sa_api.saConfigAcquisition(device_id, sa_api.SA_MIN_AND_MAX, sa_api.SA_LOG_SCALE);
            sa_api.saConfigLevel(device_id, 0);
            sa_api.saConfigSweepCoupling(device_id, rbw, vbw, true);

            // Initialize the device with the configuration just set
            saStatus status = (sa_api.saInitiate(device_id, sa_api.SA_SWEEPING, 0));

            if (status != saStatus.saNoError) //saStatus
                // Handle unable to initialize
                //Console.WriteLine("Sa device initial error.\r\n");
                peak_freq = 0;
                peak_pwr  = 0;

            // Get sweep characteristics

            int[]    sweepLen  = new int[1];
            double[] startFreq = new double[1];
            double[] binSize   = new double[1];
            sa_api.saQuerySweepInfo(device_id, sweepLen, startFreq, binSize);

            //Console.WriteLine("total point count = " + sweepLen[0].ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("startfreq = " + startFreq[0]);
            //Console.WriteLine("binsize = " + binSize[0]);

            double res_freq = span / (sweepLen[0] - 1);

            //Console.WriteLine("res freq = " + res_freq.ToString());

            // Allocate memory for the sweep
            float[] min = new float[sweepLen[0]];
            float[] max = new float[sweepLen[0]];

            // Get one sweep
            sa_api.saGetSweep_32f(device_id, min, max);

            peak_pwr = min.Max();
            int index = Array.IndexOf <float>(min, peak_pwr);

            peak_freq = index * res_freq + startFreq[0];

            //Console.WriteLine("Find peakpower {0}dbm at {1}, freq= {2}", max_value, index, peak_freq);

Exemplo n.º 2
        //public delegate void AddLogEventHandler(String Message);

        public bool OpenDevice()
            status = sa_api.saOpenDevice(ref device_id);
            if (status != saStatus.saNoError)
                device_name = null;
                device_id   = -1;

            device_name = DeviceName;
        //public delegate void AddLogEventHandler(String Message);
        public bool OpenDevice()
            status = sa_api.saOpenDevice(ref device_id);
            if (status != saStatus.saNoError)
                device_name = null;
                device_id = -1;
                return false;

            device_name = DeviceName;
            return true;
 private static extern IntPtr saGetErrorString(saStatus status);
 public static string saGetStatusString(saStatus status)
     IntPtr str_ptr = saGetErrorString(status);
     return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(str_ptr);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static extern IntPtr saGetErrorString(saStatus status);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static string saGetStatusString(saStatus status)
            IntPtr str_ptr = saGetErrorString(status);
