Exemplo n.º 1
 public async Task <int> CommitBulkAsync()
     return(await Task.Run(() => {
         row_states ret = _table.get_row_states();
         ret.updated = _table.BulkUpdate();
         return ret.updated;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override async Task <int> UpdateRangeAsync(IEnumerable <MOND> save_items,
                                                          string where = null)
            string wherePointID       = "";
            double?whereMONG_DIS      = null;
            int?   wheregINTProjectID = null;

            var holes = save_items.Select(mond => new { mond.PointID })

            if (holes.Count == 1)
                wherePointID = holes[0].PointID;

            var mong_dis = save_items.Select(mond => new { mond.MONG_DIS })

            if (mong_dis.Count == 1)
                whereMONG_DIS = mong_dis[0].MONG_DIS;

            var gintprojectid = save_items.Select(mond => new { mond.gINTProjectID })

            if (gintprojectid.Count == 1)
                wheregINTProjectID = gintprojectid[0].gINTProjectID;
                if (wheregINTProjectID == null)
                    wheregINTProjectID = _gINTProjectID;

            DateTime minDateTime = save_items.Min(e => e.DateTime).GetValueOrDefault();
            DateTime maxDateTime = save_items.Max(e => e.DateTime).GetValueOrDefault();

            return(await Task.Run(() =>

                // reduce the dataset, all logger records could be massive

                if (where != null && wherePointID == "")
                    _table.sqlWhere($"gINTProjectID={wheregINTProjectID} and {where} and DateTime>='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",minDateTime)}' and DateTime<='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",maxDateTime)}'");

                if (where == null && wherePointID == "")
                    _table.sqlWhere($"gINTProjectID={wheregINTProjectID} and DateTime>='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",minDateTime)}' and DateTime<='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",maxDateTime)}'");

                if (where != null && wherePointID != "" && whereMONG_DIS == null)
                    _table.sqlWhere($"gINTProjectID={wheregINTProjectID} and {where} and PointID='{wherePointID}' and DateTime>='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",minDateTime)}' and DateTime<='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",maxDateTime)}'");

                if (where != null && wherePointID != "" && whereMONG_DIS != null)
                    _table.sqlWhere($"gINTProjectID={wheregINTProjectID} and {where} and PointID='{wherePointID}' and DateTime>='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",minDateTime)}' and DateTime<='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",maxDateTime)}' and MONG_DIS={whereMONG_DIS.Value}");

                DataTable dt = _table.getDataTable();

                Boolean checkExisting = false;

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    checkExisting = true;

                foreach (MOND item in save_items)
                    DataRow row = null;

                    if (item.gINTProjectID == 0)
                        item.gINTProjectID = wheregINTProjectID.Value;

                    if (checkExisting == true)
                        //check for existing records
                        if (item.GintRecID > 0)
                            row = dt.Select($"GintRecID={item.GintRecID}").SingleOrDefault();

                        // if (row == null && item.ge_otherid!=null) {
                        // try and check for existing ge_generated records, but some ge_source and ge_otherid
                        // combination may results in mutiple matches in the MOND table
                        // so this is not a reliable way of identifying singular records
                        //      try {
                        //         row = dtMOND.Select ($"ge_source='{item.ge_source}' and ge_otherId='{item.ge_otherid}' and MOND_TYPE='{item.MOND_TYPE}'").SingleOrDefault();
                        //      } catch {
                        //      row = null;
                        //      }
                        //  }

                        if (item.DateTime == DateTime.Parse("21 Oct 2019 12:45PM"))

                        //check for unique records
                        if (row == null)
                            string s1 = $"gINTProjectID={item.gINTProjectID} and PointId='{item.PointID}' and ItemKey='{item.ItemKey}' and MONG_DIS={item.MONG_DIS} and MOND_TYPE='{item.MOND_TYPE}' and DateTime='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",item.DateTime)}' and MOND_REF='{item.MOND_REF}'";
                            if (item.MOND_REF != null)
                                row = dt.Select($"gINTProjectID={item.gINTProjectID} and PointId='{item.PointID}' and ItemKey='{item.ItemKey}' and MONG_DIS={item.MONG_DIS} and MOND_TYPE='{item.MOND_TYPE}' and DateTime='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",item.DateTime)}' and MOND_REF='{item.MOND_REF}'").SingleOrDefault();
                            if (item.MOND_REF == null)
                                row = dt.Select($"gINTProjectID={item.gINTProjectID} and PointId='{item.PointID}' and ItemKey='{item.ItemKey}' and MONG_DIS={item.MONG_DIS} and MOND_TYPE='{item.MOND_TYPE}' and DateTime='{String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}",item.DateTime)}' and MOND_REF is null").SingleOrDefault();

                    if (row == null)
                        row = _table.NewRow();

                    set_values(item, row);
                row_states ret = _table.get_row_states();
                return ret.updated;