/// <summary>
        /// Performs the ReadProviderOrganisation call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request used to perform the ReadProviderOrganisation.</param>
        /// <returns>The response returned from the ReadProviderOrganisation call.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">Any exceptions returned from the call.</exception>
        public readProviderOrganisationResponse ReadProviderOrganisation(readProviderOrganisation request)
            var timestamp = new TimestampType
                created          = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                expires          = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToUniversalTime(),
                expiresSpecified = true

            var readProviderOrganisationRequest = new readProviderOrganisationRequest(
                product, new SignatureContainerType(), timestamp, user, request);

            LastSoapRequestTimestamp = readProviderOrganisationRequest.timestamp;

            readProviderOrganisationResponse1 response = null;

                response = providerReadProviderOrganisationClient.readProviderOrganisation(readProviderOrganisationRequest);
            catch (Exception ex)
                FaultHelper.ProcessAndThrowFault <ServiceMessagesType>(ex);

            if (response != null && response.readProviderOrganisationResponse != null)

            throw new ApplicationException(Properties.Resources.UnexpectedServiceResponse);
        public void Sample()
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Set up
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Obtain the certificate by serial number
            X509Certificate2 tlsCert = X509CertificateUtil.GetCertificate(
                "Serial Number",

            // The same certificate is used for signing the request.
            // This certificate will be different to TLS cert for some operations.
            X509Certificate2 signingCert = tlsCert;

            // Set up client product information (PCIN)
            // Values below should be provided by Medicare
            ProductType product = new ProductType
                platform       = "Your system platform (Eg. Windows XP SP3)", // Can be any value
                productName    = "Product Name",                              // Provided by Medicare
                productVersion = "Product Version",                           // Provided by Medicare
                vendor         = new QualifiedId()
                    id        = "Vendor Id",       // Provided by Medicare
                    qualifier = "Vendor Qualifier" // Provided by Medicare

            // Set up user identifier details
            QualifiedId user = new QualifiedId
                id        = "OMO", // The OMO of the certificate
                qualifier = "http://<anything>/id/<anything>/userid/1.0"
                                   // Eg: http://ns.medicareaustralia.gov.au/id/hi/distinguishedname/1.0

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Client instantiation and invocation
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Instantiate the client
            var client = new ProviderReadProviderOrganisationClient(
                new Uri("https://HIServiceEndpoint"),

            // Create the request
            var directoryEntry = new readProviderOrganisation
                hpioNumber     = "http://ns.electronichealth.net.au/id/hi/hpio/1.0/" + "HPIO Number Here",
                linkSearchType = "link Search Type Here"

            // Submit the request
                var response = client.ReadProviderOrganisation(directoryEntry);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If an error is encountered, client.LastSoapResponse often provides a more
                // detailed description of the error.
                string soapResponse = client.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;