Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static Hashtable make_post_json_table(int iid, String type, Boolean dev)
            //posting post = ActiveRecordBase<posting>.Find(iid);
            List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            //if (!usedev) filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("revision", 0));
            if (iid > 0)
                posting tmp = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(iid);

                if (tmp.children.Count > 0)
                    filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("parent", tmp));
                    filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("baseid", iid));
                filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("is_default", true));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", false));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                                                new List <AbstractCriterion>()
                    Expression.Eq("alias", type)
            posting post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindFirst(new Order[] { Order.Desc("revision"), Order.Desc("version") }, filtering.ToArray());

            Hashtable post_json_obj = new Hashtable();

            Hashtable post_options_object = new Hashtable();

            String        post_type  = post.post_type.alias;
            List <string> properties = objectService.get_type_properties("posting");
            Assembly      assembly   = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            dynamic       item       = assembly.CreateInstance("stellar.Models." + type);

            foreach (String prop in properties)
                PropertyInfo propInfo  = post.GetType().GetProperty(prop);
                String       prop_type = propInfo.PropertyType.Namespace;
                if (prop_type == "System")  //keep it to the basics to aviod a circular reference while serializing

                    dynamic value = propInfo.GetValue(post, null);

                    if (prop == "static_file")
                        if (post.post_type.alias == "media")
                            string   uploads_path          = file_info.relative_site_uploads_path();
                            string[] generalized_file_path = value.Split(new String[] { "uploads/", "images/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            string   file_path             = file_handler.normalize_path(uploads_path.Trim('/') + "/images/" + generalized_file_path[generalized_file_path.Length - 1].Trim('/'));
                            value = file_path;

                    post_options_object.Add(prop, value);

            Hashtable post_content_object = new Hashtable();

            post_content_object.Add("is_Code", post.is_Code);
            post_content_object.Add("useTiny", post.useTiny);

            List <Hashtable> post_partents = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (posting par_post in post.postparents)
                Hashtable post_partent = new Hashtable();
                post_partent.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_partent.Add("alias", par_post.alias);
                post_partent.Add("name", par_post.name);
                post_partent.Add("post_type", par_post.post_type.alias);
            post_content_object.Add("post_parents", post_partents);

            List <Hashtable> post_children = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (posting par_post in post.postchildren)
                Hashtable post_child = new Hashtable();
                post_child.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_child.Add("alias", par_post.alias);
                post_child.Add("name", par_post.name);
                post_child.Add("post_type", par_post.post_type.alias);
            post_content_object.Add("post_children", post_children);

            List <Hashtable> post_editors = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (appuser par_post in post.editors)
                Hashtable post_editor = new Hashtable();
                post_editor.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_editor.Add("alias", par_post.nid);
                post_editor.Add("name", par_post.display_name);
            post_content_object.Add("editors", post_editors);

            post_content_object.Add("fields", post.fields);

            post_content_object.Add("content", post.content);

            post_content_object.Add("post_type", post.post_type.alias);

            post_json_obj.Add("post_content", post_content_object);

            post_json_obj.Add("post_options", post_options_object);
            post_json_obj.Add("meta_data", post.get_all_meta());
            post_json_obj.Add("post_id", post.baseid);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This take a file, regardless of if there is a post already for this file,
        /// and ingests it to the database as a posting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">What file to use</param>
        /// <param name="name">Basic post data.</param>
        /// <param name="theme">What theme should it respond to?</param>
        /// <param name="posting_type">What posting type should be used</param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="version">The starting version</param>
        /// <param name="revision">The starting revision</param>
        /// <param name="user">the user the post belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="loads_file">Should the post use the file or the database.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>A new pst from file may only be created from a file with in the working folder or it'll fail to make the post.</remarks>
        public static posting create_post_from_file(String file, String name, String theme, String posting_type, String mode, int version, int revision, appuser user, Boolean loads_file)
            posting doc_tmp = new posting();
            site    site    = siteService.getCurrentSite();

            file = file_handler.normalize_path(file);

            String[] fpath       = file.Split(new string[] { posting_type + "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            String   static_file = fpath[fpath.Length - 1].Trim('/');

            String dst = "";

            String basepath = themeService.theme_path(site, theme, mode, posting_type);

            dst = basepath.Trim('/') + "/" + static_file.Trim('/');

            if (!file_info.file_exists(dst))
                basepath = themeService.theme_path(site, "base", mode, posting_type);
                dst      = basepath.Trim('/') + "/" + static_file.Trim('/');

            /*if (!file_info.is_relative_path(file)) { //if it's not absoulte then lets try to figure out what was wanted
             * } else {
             *  //the path was absolute so lets trust it's what was meant to be
             *  dst = file;
             * }*/
            if (file_info.file_exists(dst))
                posting_type ptype = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("alias", posting_type) }.ToArray());

                Hashtable fileinfo = get_post_file_info(dst);
                // if there was any file metadata that belongs to this app, apply it to the post
                doc_tmp = new posting()
                    loads_file  = loads_file,
                    static_file = static_file,
                    content     = file_handler.read_from_file(dst),
                    post_type   = ptype,
                    useTiny     = ptype.useTiny,
                    is_Code     = ptype.is_Code,
                    owner       = user,
                    editors     = new List <appuser>()

                // loop over the object properties and see if they are in the file meta info
                // if they are apply them.
                List <string> properties = objectService.get_type_properties("posting");
                foreach (String property in fileinfo.Keys)
                    if (properties.Contains(property))
                        PropertyInfo propInfo = doc_tmp.GetType().GetProperty(property);
                        if (propInfo != null)
                            String prop_type = propInfo.PropertyType.Namespace;
                            if (prop_type == "System")
                                String value = fileinfo[property].ToString();
                                if (value != null && value != "")
                                    dynamic val = Convert.ChangeType(value, propInfo.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    propInfo.SetValue(doc_tmp, val, null);
                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .SaveAndFlush(doc_tmp);

                //backup minimums for a respectably factioning out object
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.name))
                    doc_tmp.name = name;
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.alias))
                    doc_tmp.alias = doc_tmp.name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower();
                if (doc_tmp.version > 0)
                    doc_tmp.version = version;
                if (doc_tmp.revision > 0)
                    doc_tmp.revision = revision;
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.theme))
                    doc_tmp.theme = theme;
                if (fileinfo["is_core"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_core = ptype.is_core;
                if (fileinfo["is_admin"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_admin = ptype.is_admin;
                if (fileinfo["is_frontend_editable"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_frontend_editable = true;
                if (fileinfo["is_visible"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_visible = true;
                if (fileinfo["is_default"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_default = true;

                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(doc_tmp);

                doc_tmp = versionService.make_working_post(doc_tmp, static_file);