Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void testWebGrowthCompensation()
            doc = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode         n    = doc.getJDFRoot();
            JDFResourcePool rp   = n.getCreateResourcePool();
            JDFResource     lo   = n.addResource("Layout", EnumResourceClass.Parameter, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);
            JDFLayout       losh = (JDFLayout)lo.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.SheetName, "Sheet1");
            JDFLayout       lofr = (JDFLayout)losh.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, EnumSide.Front.getName());

            rp.appendXMLComment("LayoutShift SHOULD be partitioned: at least Side and Separation will make sense", null);

            JDFResource los = n.addResource("LayoutShift", EnumResourceClass.Parameter, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);

            los.appendXMLComment("Note that the interpolation algorithm between positions is implementation dependent", null);
            los = los.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Side, "Front");
            VString vSep = new VString("Cyan Magenta Yellow Black", " ");

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                int x               = 720 * (i % 4);
                int y               = 1000 * (i / 4);
                int ord             = i % 8;
                JDFContentObject co = lofr.appendContentObject();
                co.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y));
                JDFMarkObject mo = lofr.appendMarkObject();
                mo.setOrdID(i + 100);
                mo.setCTM(new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x + 700, y + 900));
            for (int j = 0; j < vSep.Count; j++)
                KElement sepShift = los.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, vSep.stringAt(j));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 2)
                    int      x           = 720 * (i % 4);
                    int      y           = 1000 * (i / 4);
                    KElement shiftObject = sepShift.appendElement("ShiftPoint");

                    shiftObject.setAttribute("Position", new JDFXYPair(x + 360, y + 500).ToString());
                    shiftObject.setAttribute("CTM", new JDFMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, j + i / 4, j + i % 4).ToString());
            doc.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "WebgrowthPartition.jdf", 2, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void testCombinedVarnish()
            JDFDoc  d            = new JDFDoc("JDF");
            JDFNode n            = d.getJDFRoot();
            VString vCombiNodes  = new VString("ConventionalPrinting Varnishing", " ");
            VString vSeparations = new VString("Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Varnish", " ");


            JDFConventionalPrintingParams cpp = (JDFConventionalPrintingParams)n.addResource(ElementName.CONVENTIONALPRINTINGPARAMS, null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);

            cpp.setModuleAvailableIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList("1 ~ 6"));
            cpp.setModuleIndex(new JDFIntegerRangeList("1 ~ 4 6"));
            cpp.appendXMLComment("Module 0 and 7 are varnishing modules, 1-4 are process colors and 6 is the ink module used to varnish", null);
            n.appendMatchingResource("Component", JDFNode.EnumProcessUsage.AnyOutput, null);
            JDFExposedMedia xm = (JDFExposedMedia)n.appendMatchingResource("ExposedMedia", JDFNode.EnumProcessUsage.Plate, null);

            JDFMedia media = xm.appendMedia();

            JDFInk ink = (JDFInk)n.appendMatchingResource("Ink", JDFNode.EnumProcessUsage.AnyInput, null);

            JDFResource     vp           = n.addResource("VarnishingParams", EnumResourceClass.Parameter, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);
            JDFExposedMedia xmVarnish    = (JDFExposedMedia)n.addResource("ExposedMedia", null, EnumUsage.Input, null, null, null, null);
            JDFMedia        mediaVarnish = xmVarnish.appendMedia();

            mediaVarnish.setAttribute("MediaType", "Sleeve");

            JDFResourceLink    rl = n.getLink(xmVarnish, null);
            JDFColorantControl cc = (JDFColorantControl)n.appendMatchingResource(ElementName.COLORANTCONTROL, JDFNode.EnumProcessUsage.AnyInput, null);

            cc.getCreateDeviceColorantOrder().appendXMLComment("Should the VarnishingParams seps be excluded, as is shown here?", null);

            rl.setCombinedProcessIndex(new JDFIntegerList("1"));
            vSeparations.addAll(new VString("PreVarnish Varnish2", " "));

            for (int i = 0; i < vSeparations.Count; i++)
                string sep = vSeparations.stringAt(i);
                ink.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                if (!sep.Equals("PreVarnish") && !sep.Equals("Varnish2"))
                    xm.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                if (sep.Equals("Varnish2"))
                    vp.appendXMLComment("full varnishing in a varnishing module with or wihtout a sleeve. Full varnishing means to cover the complete media surface.", null);
                    xmVarnish.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    JDFResource varnishPart = vp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("ModuleIndex", "7");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishMethod", "Sleeve");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishArea", "Spot");
                else if (sep.Equals("Varnish"))
                    vp.appendXMLComment("varnishing in a printing module only  with a mandatory plate. The plate may be exposed or not, for example,  for full varnihing. ", null);
                    // xmVarnish.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    JDFResource varnishPart = vp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("ModuleIndex", "6");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishMethod", "Plate");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishArea", "Full");
                else if (sep.Equals("PreVarnish"))
                    vp.appendXMLComment("varnishing in a varnishing module only with a mandatory prepared sleeve ", null);
                    xmVarnish.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    JDFResource varnishPart = vp.addPartition(EnumPartIDKey.Separation, sep);
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("ModuleIndex", "0");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishMethod", "Sleeve");
                    varnishPart.setAttribute("VarnishArea", "Full");

            d.write2File(sm_dirTestDataTemp + "varnishing.jdf", 2, true);