Exemplo n.º 1
    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        Rigidbody otherRb  = other.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        Vector3   otherPos = other.transform.position;
        float     zdist    = otherPos.z - startPosZ;
        float     xdist    = otherPos.x - rb.transform.position.x;
        //Debug.Log("We hit " + other.name + " at: " + xdist + " (x), " + zdist + " (z).");

        Vector3 blastForce;

        //blastForce.z = 10000 / zdist;
        //blastForce.x = 100 * xdist;
        //blastForce.y = (2500 / zdist) - Mathf.Abs(10 * xdist);
        blastForce.z = 1800 + (zdist * -40);
        blastForce.x = 150 * xdist;
        blastForce.y = 500 + (zdist * -15);

        //Vector3 blastTorque;

        //blastTorque.z = 100;
        //blastTorque.x = 100;
        //blastTorque.y = 100;


        obstacleMovementScript = other.GetComponent <obstacle_movement>();
    public void changeLanes(float frontTimeToCollision, Collider otherFront, float otherFrontVelocity)
        if (currentLane == destinationLane)
            needToCheckCurrentLanePreference = false;
            preferCurrentLaneToLeft          = false;
            preferCurrentLaneToRight         = false;

            rightLaneChangeSafe = false;
            leftLaneChangeSafe  = false;

            Vector3 overlapBoxSize = new Vector3(4f, 0.25f, 10f);
            Vector3 centerPosition = rb.position;

            Collider[] proximityCheck = Physics.OverlapBox(centerPosition, overlapBoxSize, Quaternion.identity, layermask);

            List <Collider> proximityCheckList = new List <Collider>(proximityCheck);


            obstacle_movement closeObstacleScript = otherFront.gameObject.GetComponent <obstacle_movement>();
            int frontDestinationLane = closeObstacleScript.destinationLane;
            int frontCurrentlane     = closeObstacleScript.currentLane;

            float leftTimeToCollision  = 50f;
            float rightTimeToCollision = 50f;

            if (frontDestinationLane == frontCurrentlane) // the obstacle in front is not changing lanes
                needToCheckCurrentLanePreference = true;
            else if (frontDestinationLane > frontCurrentlane) // the obstacle in front is changing lanes to the right
                rightTimeToCollision = frontTimeToCollision;
            else if (frontDestinationLane < frontCurrentlane) // the obstalce in front is changing lanes to the left
                leftTimeToCollision = frontTimeToCollision;

            //string myMessage = rb.name + " wants to change lanes, in da house is: ";

            foreach (Collider go in proximityCheckList)
                //if (go != col)

                closeObstacleScript = go.gameObject.GetComponent <obstacle_movement>();
                int closeDestinationLane = closeObstacleScript.destinationLane;
                int closeCurrentLane     = closeObstacleScript.currentLane;

                //myMessage += go.name + " (destlane = " + closeDestinationLane;

                if (closeDestinationLane == (currentLane + 1))
                    Rigidbody closeRb            = go.attachedRigidbody;
                    float     distanceFromCenter = closeRb.position.z - transform.position.z;

                    if (distanceFromCenter < 2 && distanceFromCenter > -2)
                        //myMessage += ", right collision hazard is guaranteed";
                        rightTimeToCollision = 0;
                        float closeVelocityDifferenceRight = rb.velocity.z - closeRb.velocity.z;

                        if (closeVelocityDifferenceRight != 0)
                            float newRightTimeToCollision = distanceFromCenter / closeVelocityDifferenceRight;
                            //myMessage += ", right time to collision = " + newRightTimeToCollision;
                            if (newRightTimeToCollision > 0 && newRightTimeToCollision < rightTimeToCollision)
                                rightTimeToCollision = newRightTimeToCollision;
                                if (needToCheckCurrentLanePreference == true)
                                    preferCurrentLaneToRight = false;

                                    if (distanceFromCenter > 0)
                                        if (closeRb.velocity.z < otherFrontVelocity)
                                            preferCurrentLaneToRight = true;
                    //else if (distanceFromCenter < 1 && distanceFromCenter > -1)
                    //    rightTimeToCollision = 0;
                    //    myMessage += ", right collision hazard is guaranteed";
                else if (closeDestinationLane == (currentLane - 1))
                    Rigidbody closeRb            = go.attachedRigidbody;
                    float     distanceFromCenter = closeRb.position.z - transform.position.z;

                    if (distanceFromCenter < 2 && distanceFromCenter > -2)
                        //myMessage += ", left collision hazard is guaranteed";
                        leftTimeToCollision = 0;
                        float closeVelocityDifferenceLeft = rb.velocity.z - closeRb.velocity.z;

                        if (closeVelocityDifferenceLeft != 0)
                            float newLeftTimeToCollision = distanceFromCenter / closeVelocityDifferenceLeft;
                            //myMessage += ", left time to collision = " + newLeftTimeToCollision;
                            if (newLeftTimeToCollision > 0 && newLeftTimeToCollision < leftTimeToCollision)
                                leftTimeToCollision = newLeftTimeToCollision;
                                if (needToCheckCurrentLanePreference == true)
                                    preferCurrentLaneToLeft = false;

                                    if (distanceFromCenter > 0)
                                        if (closeRb.velocity.z < otherFrontVelocity)
                                            preferCurrentLaneToLeft = true;

                else if (closeDestinationLane == currentLane && closeDestinationLane != closeCurrentLane)
                    if (closeDestinationLane > closeCurrentLane)     // then they must be changing lanes to the right
                        Rigidbody closeRb            = go.attachedRigidbody;
                        float     distanceFromCenter = closeRb.position.z - transform.position.z;

                        if (distanceFromCenter < 1 && distanceFromCenter > -1)
                            leftTimeToCollision = 0;
                            float closeVelocityDifferenceLeft = rb.velocity.z - closeRb.velocity.z;

                            if (closeVelocityDifferenceLeft != 0)
                                float newLeftTimeToCollision = distanceFromCenter / closeVelocityDifferenceLeft;
                                if (newLeftTimeToCollision > 0 && newLeftTimeToCollision < leftTimeToCollision)
                                    leftTimeToCollision = newLeftTimeToCollision;
                    else if (closeDestinationLane < closeCurrentLane)     // then they must be changing lanes to the left
                        Rigidbody closeRb            = go.attachedRigidbody;
                        float     distanceFromCenter = closeRb.position.z - transform.position.z;

                        if (distanceFromCenter < 1 && distanceFromCenter > -1)
                            rightTimeToCollision = 0;
                            float closeVelocityDifferenceRight = rb.velocity.z - closeRb.velocity.z;
                            if (closeVelocityDifferenceRight != 0)
                                float newRightTimeToCollision = distanceFromCenter / closeVelocityDifferenceRight;
                                if (newRightTimeToCollision > 0 && newRightTimeToCollision < rightTimeToCollision)
                                    rightTimeToCollision = newRightTimeToCollision;

                //myMessage += "); ";

                //Debug.Log(rb.name + " wants to change lanes, " + go.name + " in da house");


            if (currentLane != 3)
                if (rightTimeToCollision < 0)
                    rightLaneChangeSafe = true;
                else if (rightTimeToCollision > 2f)
                    if (preferCurrentLaneToRight == false)
                        rightLaneChangeSafe = true;
                        //Debug.Log(rb.name + " likes current lane more than right.");

                     * if (rightTimeToCollision > frontTimeToCollision)
                     * {
                     *  rightLaneChangeSafe = true;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log(rb.name + " likes current lane more than right.");
                     *  //Debug.Break();
                     * }

            if (currentLane != -3)
                if (leftTimeToCollision < 0)
                    leftLaneChangeSafe = true;
                else if (leftTimeToCollision > 2f)
                    if (preferCurrentLaneToLeft == false)
                        leftLaneChangeSafe = true;
                        //Debug.Log(rb.name + " likes current lane more than left.");

                     * if (leftTimeToCollision > frontTimeToCollision)
                     * {
                     *  leftLaneChangeSafe = true;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log(rb.name + " likes current lane more than left.");
                     *  //Debug.Break();
                     * }

                 * if (leftTimeToCollision < 0 || leftTimeToCollision > 2f)
                 * {
                 *  leftLaneChangeSafe = true;
                 * }

            if (leftLaneChangeSafe == false && rightLaneChangeSafe == false)
                //Debug.Log(rb.name + " has no safe lane to change to!");

            if (rightLaneChangeSafe == true)
                if (leftLaneChangeSafe == false)
                    rb.AddForce(75, 0, 0);

                    closeSensorScript.sensorResizeX = 1.5f;
                    closeSensorScript.sensorPosX    = 0.25f;

                    //GetComponent<Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                    material_chooser.leftOrRight = 1;
                    if (rightTimeToCollision > leftTimeToCollision)
                        rb.AddForce(75, 0, 0);

                        closeSensorScript.sensorResizeX = 1.5f;
                        closeSensorScript.sensorPosX    = 0.25f;

                        //GetComponent<Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                        material_chooser.leftOrRight = 1;
                    else if (rightTimeToCollision != leftTimeToCollision)
                        rb.AddForce(-75, 0, 0);

                        closeSensorScript.sensorResizeX = 1.5f;
                        closeSensorScript.sensorPosX    = -0.25f;

                        //GetComponent<Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                        material_chooser.leftOrRight = -1;
                        int leftOrRight = Random.Range(1, 3);
                        if (leftOrRight == 1)
                            rb.AddForce(-75, 0, 0);

                            closeSensorScript.sensorResizeX = 1.5f;
                            closeSensorScript.sensorPosX    = -0.25f;

                            //GetComponent<Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                            material_chooser.leftOrRight = -1;
                            rb.AddForce(75, 0, 0);

                            closeSensorScript.sensorResizeX = 1.5f;
                            closeSensorScript.sensorPosX    = 0.25f;

                            GetComponent <Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                            material_chooser.leftOrRight       = 1;

                     * int leftOrRight = Random.Range(0, 2);
                     * if (leftOrRight == 0)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log(rb.name + "went to to a tossup and chose left.");
                     *  destinationLane--;
                     *  rb.AddForce(-75, 0, 0);
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log(rb.name + "went to to a tossup and chose right.");
                     *  destinationLane++;
                     *  rb.AddForce(75, 0, 0);
                     * }
            else if (leftLaneChangeSafe == true)
                rb.AddForce(-75, 0, 0);

                //GetComponent<Renderer>().material = turnSignal;
                material_chooser.leftOrRight = -1;