Exemplo n.º 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     playerStatistics = GameObject.Find(GameConst.PLAYER_OBJECT_NAME).GetComponent <PlayerStatistics>();
     dialogueEvent    = GameObject.Find("Dialogue Canvas").GetComponent <DialogueManager>().dialogueEvent;
     //UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener<int>(dialogueEvent, dialogueEventHandler);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        dialogueManager = GameObject.Find("Dialogue Canvas").GetComponent <DialogueManager>();
        dialogueEvent   = dialogueManager.dialogueEvent;

        //UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener<int>(dialogueEvent, dialogueEventHandler);
        //dialogueEvent.AddListener((int i) => { Debug.Log("Event triggered index of: " + i); });
    public nodeTextLine(string text, int index, Sprite defaultSprite)
        List <string> temp = new List <string>(text.Split('|'));

        name = temp[0];
        line = string.Join("|", temp.ToArray()); //Parse the rest of the List<string> as a single string, replacing the delimiter that was removed with the first 'split' call
        treeIndex       = index;
        triggeredEvent  = null;
        spriteToDisplay = defaultSprite;
    public dialogueTree(string fullDialogueText, nodeEvent nodeEvent, Sprite defaultSprite)
        managerEvent = nodeEvent;
        string[]     dialogueLines = fullDialogueText.Split('\n');
        string[]     encoding      = dialogueLines[0].Split('-');
        nodeTextLine currentParentNode;

        //Because of the extra encoding data line we offset the list by adding a blank constructor so the index of the object in the list is the same as the index of the line in the raw text file
        treeMember.Add(new nodeTextLine());

        //We also have to add the first real node because the code works by making the correct amount of children for each node and it needs a parent node to start on
        //We don't have to worry about creating it's children yet because it starts on this object and makes children from there
        treeMember.Add(new nodeTextLine(dialogueLines[currentChildIndex], currentChildIndex++, defaultSprite));

        //Encoding[0] is the encoded tree structure. First we take the layers
        foreach (string treeLayer in encoding[0].Split('|'))
            //Then for each layer we split it again to get the individual nodes
            foreach (string sNumChildren in treeLayer.Split(':'))
                currentParentNode = treeMember[currentParentIndex++];
                //The number tells us how many children to make, so we parse the string into an int and make children
                for (int numChildren = int.Parse(sNumChildren); numChildren > 0; numChildren--)
                    treeMember.Add(new nodeTextLine(dialogueLines[currentChildIndex], currentChildIndex, defaultSprite));
                //Prints out every member in order with children indexes, very useful for debugging
        //Encoding[1] has the nodes to add events to
        if (encoding.Length > 1)
            foreach (string nodeWithEvent in encoding[1].Split(':'))
 public void setEvent(nodeEvent managerEvent)
     triggeredEvent = managerEvent;