Exemplo n.º 1
        Creates  neural  network  with  NIn  inputs,  NOut outputs, without hidden
        layers, with linear output layer. Network weights are  filled  with  small
        random values.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreate0(int nin,
            int nout,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int[] lsizes = new int[0];
            int[] ltypes = new int[0];
            int[] lconnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lconnlast = new int[0];
            int layerscount = 0;
            int lastproc = 0;

            layerscount = 1+2;
            // Allocate arrays
            lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            // Layers
            addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            // Create
            mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network);
Exemplo n.º 2
        Same as MLPCreate0, but with two hidden layers (NHid1 and  NHid2  neurons)
        with non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreate2(int nin,
            int nhid1,
            int nhid2,
            int nout,
            multilayerperceptron network)
            int[] lsizes = new int[0];
            int[] ltypes = new int[0];
            int[] lconnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lconnlast = new int[0];
            int layerscount = 0;
            int lastproc = 0;

            layerscount = 1+3+3+3;
            // Allocate arrays
            lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            // Layers
            addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(-5, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            // Create
            mlpcreate(nin, nout, lsizes, ltypes, lconnfirst, lconnlast, layerscount, false, network);
            fillhighlevelinformation(network, nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, false, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        Unserialization of MultiLayerPerceptron strucure

            RA      -   real array which stores network

            Network -   restored network

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 29.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpunserialize(ref double[] ra,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int i = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int sigmalen = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((int)Math.Round(ra[1])==mlpvnum, "MLPUnserialize: incorrect array!");
            // Unload StructInfo from IA
            offs = 3;
            ssize = (int)Math.Round(ra[2]);
            network.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1];
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                network.structinfo[i] = (int)Math.Round(ra[offs+i]);
            offs = offs+ssize;
            // Unload info from StructInfo
            ssize = network.structinfo[0];
            nin = network.structinfo[1];
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            wcount = network.structinfo[4];
            if( network.structinfo[6]==0 )
                sigmalen = nin+nout;
                sigmalen = nin;
            // Allocate space for other fields
            network.weights = new double[wcount-1+1];
            network.columnmeans = new double[sigmalen-1+1];
            network.columnsigmas = new double[sigmalen-1+1];
            network.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1];
            network.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1];
            network.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network.x = new double[nin-1+1];
            network.y = new double[nout-1+1];
            network.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            // Copy parameters from RA
            i1_ = (offs) - (0);
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                network.weights[i_] = ra[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+wcount;
            i1_ = (offs) - (0);
            for(i_=0; i_<=sigmalen-1;i_++)
                network.columnmeans[i_] = ra[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+sigmalen;
            i1_ = (offs) - (0);
            for(i_=0; i_<=sigmalen-1;i_++)
                network.columnsigmas[i_] = ra[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+sigmalen;
Exemplo n.º 4
        Copying of neural network

            Network1 -   original

            Network2 -   copy

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcopy(ref multilayerperceptron network1,
            ref multilayerperceptron network2)
            int i = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            // Unload info
            ssize = network1.structinfo[0];
            nin = network1.structinfo[1];
            nout = network1.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network1.structinfo[3];
            wcount = network1.structinfo[4];
            // Allocate space
            network2.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1];
            network2.weights = new double[wcount-1+1];
            if( mlpissoftmax(ref network1) )
                network2.columnmeans = new double[nin-1+1];
                network2.columnsigmas = new double[nin-1+1];
                network2.columnmeans = new double[nin+nout-1+1];
                network2.columnsigmas = new double[nin+nout-1+1];
            network2.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network2.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1];
            network2.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1];
            network2.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network2.x = new double[nin-1+1];
            network2.y = new double[nout-1+1];
            network2.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            // Copy
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                network2.structinfo[i] = network1.structinfo[i];
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                network2.weights[i_] = network1.weights[i_];
            if( mlpissoftmax(ref network1) )
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    network2.columnmeans[i_] = network1.columnmeans[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    network2.columnsigmas[i_] = network1.columnsigmas[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin+nout-1;i_++)
                    network2.columnmeans[i_] = network1.columnmeans[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin+nout-1;i_++)
                    network2.columnsigmas[i_] = network1.columnsigmas[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++)
                network2.neurons[i_] = network1.neurons[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++)
                network2.dfdnet[i_] = network1.dfdnet[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                network2.x[i_] = network1.x[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                network2.y[i_] = network1.y[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++)
                network2.derror[i_] = network1.derror[i_];
Exemplo n.º 5
        Internal subroutine, chunked gradient
        private static void mlpchunkedgradient(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int cstart,
            int csize,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad,
            bool naturalerrorfunc)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int kl = 0;
            int n1 = 0;
            int n2 = 0;
            int w1 = 0;
            int w2 = 0;
            int c1 = 0;
            int c2 = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            double f = 0;
            double df = 0;
            double d2f = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double s = 0;
            double fown = 0;
            double deown = 0;
            double net = 0;
            double lnnet = 0;
            double mx = 0;
            bool bflag = new bool();
            int istart = 0;
            int ineurons = 0;
            int idfdnet = 0;
            int iderror = 0;
            int izeros = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            // Read network geometry, prepare data
            nin = network.structinfo[1];
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            istart = network.structinfo[5];
            c1 = cstart;
            c2 = cstart+csize-1;
            ineurons = 0;
            idfdnet = ntotal;
            iderror = 2*ntotal;
            izeros = 3*ntotal;
            for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                network.chunks[izeros,j] = 0;
            // Forward pass:
            // 1. Load inputs from XY to Chunks[0:NIn-1,0:CSize-1]
            // 2. Forward pass
            for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                    if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[i])!=(double)(0) )
                        network.chunks[i,j] = (xy[c1+j,i]-network.columnmeans[i])/network.columnsigmas[i];
                        network.chunks[i,j] = xy[c1+j,i]-network.columnmeans[i];
            for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++)
                offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth;
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 )
                    // Activation function:
                    // * calculate F vector, F(i) = F(NET(i))
                    n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                    for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                        network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[n1,i_];
                    for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                        mlpactivationfunction(network.chunks[i,j], network.structinfo[offs+0], ref f, ref df, ref d2f);
                        network.chunks[i,j] = f;
                        network.chunks[idfdnet+i,j] = df;
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 )
                    // Adaptive summator:
                    // * calculate NET vector, NET(i) = SUM(W(j,i)*Neurons(j),j=N1..N2)
                    n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                    n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3];
                    w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                        network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[izeros,i_];
                    for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++)
                        v = network.weights[w1+j-n1];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                            network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[i,i_] + v*network.chunks[j,i_];
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 )
                    bflag = false;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 )
                        // input neuron, left unchanged
                        bflag = true;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 )
                        // "-1" neuron
                        for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++)
                            network.chunks[i,k] = -1;
                        bflag = true;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 )
                        // "0" neuron
                        for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++)
                            network.chunks[i,k] = 0;
                        bflag = true;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPChunkedGradient: internal error - unknown neuron type!");
            // Post-processing, error, dError/dOut
            for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                    network.chunks[iderror+i,i_] = network.chunks[izeros,i_];
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(network.structinfo[6]==0 | network.structinfo[6]==1, "MLPChunkedGradient: unknown normalization type!");
            if( network.structinfo[6]==1 )
                // Softmax output, classification network.
                // For each K = 0..CSize-1 do:
                // 1. place exp(outputs[k]) to NWBuf[0:NOut-1]
                // 2. place sum(exp(..)) to NET
                // 3. calculate dError/dOut and place it to the second block of Chunks
                for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++)
                    // Normalize
                    mx = network.chunks[ntotal-nout,k];
                    for(i=1; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        mx = Math.Max(mx, network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,k]);
                    net = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,k]-mx);
                        net = net+network.nwbuf[i];
                    // Calculate error function and dError/dOut
                    if( naturalerrorfunc )
                        // Natural error func.
                        s = 1;
                        lnnet = Math.Log(net);
                        kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[cstart+k,nin]);
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            if( i==kl )
                                v = 1;
                                v = 0;
                            network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,k] = s*network.nwbuf[i]/net-v;
                            e = e+safecrossentropy(v, network.nwbuf[i]/net);
                        // Least squares error func
                        // Error, dError/dOut(normalized)
                        kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[cstart+k,nin]);
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            if( i==kl )
                                v = network.nwbuf[i]/net-1;
                                v = network.nwbuf[i]/net;
                            network.nwbuf[nout+i] = v;
                            e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(v)/2;
                        // From dError/dOut(normalized) to dError/dOut(non-normalized)
                        i1_ = (0)-(nout);
                        v = 0.0;
                        for(i_=nout; i_<=2*nout-1;i_++)
                            v += network.nwbuf[i_]*network.nwbuf[i_+i1_];
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            fown = network.nwbuf[i];
                            deown = network.nwbuf[nout+i];
                            network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,k] = (-v+deown*fown+deown*(net-fown))*fown/AP.Math.Sqr(net);
                // Normal output, regression network
                // For each K = 0..CSize-1 do:
                // 1. calculate dError/dOut and place it to the second block of Chunks
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                        v = network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,j]*network.columnsigmas[nin+i]+network.columnmeans[nin+i]-xy[cstart+j,nin+i];
                        network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,j] = v*network.columnsigmas[nin+i];
                        e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(v)/2;
            // Backpropagation
            for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--)
                // Extract info
                offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth;
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 )
                    // Activation function
                    n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                    for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++)
                        network.chunks[iderror+i,k] = network.chunks[iderror+i,k]*network.chunks[idfdnet+i,k];
                    for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                        network.chunks[iderror+n1,i_] = network.chunks[iderror+n1,i_] + network.chunks[iderror+i,i_];
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 )
                    // "Normal" activation function
                    n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                    n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3];
                    w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++)
                        v = 0.0;
                        for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                            v += network.chunks[n1+j-w1,i_]*network.chunks[iderror+i,i_];
                        grad[j] = grad[j]+v;
                    for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++)
                        v = network.weights[w1+j-n1];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++)
                            network.chunks[iderror+j,i_] = network.chunks[iderror+j,i_] + v*network.chunks[iderror+i,i_];
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 )
                    bflag = false;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 )
                        // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required
                        bflag = true;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown neuron type!");
Exemplo n.º 6
        Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlpcreate(int nin,
            int nout,
            ref int[] lsizes,
            ref int[] ltypes,
            ref int[] lconnfirst,
            ref int[] lconnlast,
            int layerscount,
            bool isclsnet,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int nprocessed = 0;
            int wallocated = 0;
            int[] localtemp = new int[0];
            int[] lnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lnsyn = new int[0];

            // Check
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(layerscount>0, "MLPCreate: wrong parameters!");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ltypes[0]==-2, "MLPCreate: wrong LTypes[0] (must be -2)!");
            for(i=0; i<=layerscount-1; i++)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lsizes[i]>0, "MLPCreate: wrong LSizes!");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lconnfirst[i]>=0 & (lconnfirst[i]<i | i==0), "MLPCreate: wrong LConnFirst!");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lconnlast[i]>=lconnfirst[i] & (lconnlast[i]<i | i==0), "MLPCreate: wrong LConnLast!");
            // Build network geometry
            lnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lnsyn = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ntotal = 0;
            wcount = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=layerscount-1; i++)
                // Analyze connections.
                // This code must throw an assertion in case of unknown LTypes[I]
                lnsyn[i] = -1;
                if( ltypes[i]>=0 )
                    lnsyn[i] = 0;
                    for(j=lconnfirst[i]; j<=lconnlast[i]; j++)
                        lnsyn[i] = lnsyn[i]+lsizes[j];
                    if( ltypes[i]==-2 | ltypes[i]==-3 | ltypes[i]==-4 )
                        lnsyn[i] = 0;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lnsyn[i]>=0, "MLPCreate: internal error #0!");
                // Other info
                lnfirst[i] = ntotal;
                ntotal = ntotal+lsizes[i];
                if( ltypes[i]==0 )
                    wcount = wcount+lnsyn[i]*lsizes[i];
            ssize = 7+ntotal*nfieldwidth;
            // Allocate
            network.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1];
            network.weights = new double[wcount-1+1];
            if( isclsnet )
                network.columnmeans = new double[nin-1+1];
                network.columnsigmas = new double[nin-1+1];
                network.columnmeans = new double[nin+nout-1+1];
                network.columnsigmas = new double[nin+nout-1+1];
            network.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1];
            network.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1];
            network.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            network.x = new double[nin-1+1];
            network.y = new double[nout-1+1];
            network.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1];
            // Fill structure: global info
            network.structinfo[0] = ssize;
            network.structinfo[1] = nin;
            network.structinfo[2] = nout;
            network.structinfo[3] = ntotal;
            network.structinfo[4] = wcount;
            network.structinfo[5] = 7;
            if( isclsnet )
                network.structinfo[6] = 1;
                network.structinfo[6] = 0;
            // Fill structure: neuron connections
            nprocessed = 0;
            wallocated = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=layerscount-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=lsizes[i]-1; j++)
                    offs = network.structinfo[5]+nprocessed*nfieldwidth;
                    network.structinfo[offs+0] = ltypes[i];
                    if( ltypes[i]==0 )
                        // Adaptive summator:
                        // * connections with weights to previous neurons
                        network.structinfo[offs+1] = lnsyn[i];
                        network.structinfo[offs+2] = lnfirst[lconnfirst[i]];
                        network.structinfo[offs+3] = wallocated;
                        wallocated = wallocated+lnsyn[i];
                        nprocessed = nprocessed+1;
                    if( ltypes[i]>0 )
                        // Activation layer:
                        // * each neuron connected to one (only one) of previous neurons.
                        // * no weights
                        network.structinfo[offs+1] = 1;
                        network.structinfo[offs+2] = lnfirst[lconnfirst[i]]+j;
                        network.structinfo[offs+3] = -1;
                        nprocessed = nprocessed+1;
                    if( ltypes[i]==-2 | ltypes[i]==-3 | ltypes[i]==-4 )
                        nprocessed = nprocessed+1;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(wallocated==wcount, "MLPCreate: internal error #1!");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nprocessed==ntotal, "MLPCreate: internal error #2!");
            // Fill weights by small random values
            // Initialize means and sigmas
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5;
            for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++)
                network.columnmeans[i] = 0;
                network.columnsigmas[i] = 1;
            if( !isclsnet )
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    network.columnmeans[nin+i] = 0;
                    network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
        Same as MLPCreateB0 but with non-linear hidden layer.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreateb1(int nin,
            int nhid,
            int nout,
            double b,
            double d,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int[] lsizes = new int[0];
            int[] ltypes = new int[0];
            int[] lconnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lconnlast = new int[0];
            int layerscount = 0;
            int lastproc = 0;
            int i = 0;

            layerscount = 1+3+3;
            if( (double)(d)>=(double)(0) )
                d = 1;
                d = -1;
            // Allocate arrays
            lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            // Layers
            addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(3, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            // Create
            mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network);
            // Turn on ouputs shift/scaling.
            for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++)
                network.columnmeans[i] = b;
                network.columnsigmas[i] = d;
Exemplo n.º 8
        Error function for neural network, internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlperror(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            double result = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            double e = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            result = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y);
                if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                    // class labels outputs
                    k = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]);
                    if( k>=0 & k<nout )
                        network.y[k] = network.y[k]-1;
                    // real outputs
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        network.y[i_] = network.y[i_] - xy[i,i_+i1_];
                e = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                    e += network.y[i_]*network.y[i_];
                result = result+e/2;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        Natural error function for neural network, internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlperrorn(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            double result = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            double e = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            result = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                // Process vector
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y);
                // Update error function
                if( network.structinfo[6]==0 )
                    // Least squares error function
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        network.y[i_] = network.y[i_] - xy[i,i_+i1_];
                    e = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        e += network.y[i_]*network.y[i_];
                    result = result+e/2;
                    // Cross-entropy error function
                    k = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]);
                    if( k>=0 & k<nout )
                        result = result+safecrossentropy(1, network.y[k]);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
        Tells whether network is SOFTMAX-normalized (i.e. classifier) or not.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static bool mlpissoftmax(ref multilayerperceptron network)
            bool result = new bool();

            result = network.structinfo[6]==1;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 11

            Network -   neural network
            X       -   input vector,  array[0..NIn-1].

            Y       -   result. Regression estimate when solving regression  task,
                        vector of posterior probabilities for classification task.
                        Subroutine does not allocate memory for this vector, it is
                        responsibility of a caller to allocate it. Array  must  be
                        at least [0..NOut-1].

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpprocess(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[] x,
            ref double[] y)
            mlpinternalprocessvector(ref network.structinfo, ref network.weights, ref network.columnmeans, ref network.columnsigmas, ref network.neurons, ref network.dfdnet, ref x, ref y);
Exemplo n.º 12
        Returns information about initialized network: number of inputs, outputs,

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpproperties(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref int nin,
            ref int nout,
            ref int wcount)
            nin = network.structinfo[1];
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            wcount = network.structinfo[4];
Exemplo n.º 13
        Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpinitpreprocessor(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int jmax = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int istart = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            double[] means = new double[0];
            double[] sigmas = new double[0];
            double s = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            istart = network.structinfo[5];
            // Means/Sigmas
            if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                jmax = nin-1;
                jmax = nin+nout-1;
            means = new double[jmax+1];
            sigmas = new double[jmax+1];
            for(j=0; j<=jmax; j++)
                means[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                    means[j] = means[j]+xy[i,j];
                means[j] = means[j]/ssize;
                sigmas[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                    sigmas[j] = sigmas[j]+AP.Math.Sqr(xy[i,j]-means[j]);
                sigmas[j] = Math.Sqrt(sigmas[j]/ssize);
            // Inputs
            for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++)
                network.columnmeans[i] = means[i];
                network.columnsigmas[i] = sigmas[i];
                if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[i])==(double)(0) )
                    network.columnsigmas[i] = 1;
            // Outputs
            if( !mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    offs = istart+(ntotal-nout+i)*nfieldwidth;
                    ntype = network.structinfo[offs+0];
                    // Linear outputs
                    if( ntype==0 )
                        network.columnmeans[nin+i] = means[nin+i];
                        network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = sigmas[nin+i];
                        if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])==(double)(0) )
                            network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1;
                    // Bounded outputs (half-interval)
                    if( ntype==3 )
                        s = means[nin+i]-network.columnmeans[nin+i];
                        if( (double)(s)==(double)(0) )
                            s = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i]);
                        if( (double)(s)==(double)(0) )
                            s = 1.0;
                        network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])*Math.Abs(s);
                        if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])==(double)(0) )
                            network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
        Randomization of neural network weights and standartisator

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlprandomizefull(ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int i = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int istart = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int ntype = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            istart = network.structinfo[5];
            // Process network
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5;
            for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++)
                network.columnmeans[i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1;
                network.columnsigmas[i] = 1.5*AP.Math.RandomReal()+0.5;
            if( !mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    offs = istart+(ntotal-nout+i)*nfieldwidth;
                    ntype = network.structinfo[offs+0];
                    if( ntype==0 )
                        // Shifts are changed only for linear outputs neurons
                        network.columnmeans[nin+i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1;
                    if( ntype==0 | ntype==3 )
                        // Scales are changed only for linear or bounded outputs neurons.
                        // Note that scale randomization preserves sign.
                        network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])*(1.5*AP.Math.RandomReal()+0.5);
Exemplo n.º 15
        Batch gradient calculation (natural error function). Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpgradnbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad)
            int i = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                grad[i] = 0;
            e = 0;
            i = 0;
            while( i<=ssize-1 )
                mlpchunkedgradient(ref network, ref xy, i, Math.Min(ssize, i+chunksize)-i, ref e, ref grad, true);
                i = i+chunksize;
Exemplo n.º 16
        Classification error

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static int mlpclserror(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize)
            int result = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            double[] workx = new double[0];
            double[] worky = new double[0];
            int nn = 0;
            int ns = 0;
            int nmax = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            workx = new double[nin-1+1];
            worky = new double[nout-1+1];
            result = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                // Process
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    workx[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mlpprocess(ref network, ref workx, ref worky);
                // Network version of the answer
                nmax = 0;
                for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                    if( (double)(worky[j])>(double)(worky[nmax]) )
                        nmax = j;
                nn = nmax;
                // Right answer
                if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                    ns = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]);
                    nmax = 0;
                    for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                        if( (double)(xy[i,nin+j])>(double)(xy[i,nin+nmax]) )
                            nmax = j;
                    ns = nmax;
                // compare
                if( nn!=ns )
                    result = result+1;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 17
        Batch Hessian calculation using R-algorithm.
        Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 26.01.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey.

             Hessian calculation based on R-algorithm described in
             "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian",
             B. A. Pearlmutter,
             Neural Computation, 1994.
        public static void mlphessianbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad,
            ref double[,] h)
            mlphessianbatchinternal(ref network, ref xy, ssize, false, ref e, ref grad, ref h);
Exemplo n.º 18
        Relative classification error on the test set

            Network -   network
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            percent of incorrectly classified cases. Works both for
            classifier networks and general purpose networks used as

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 25.12.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlprelclserror(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;

            result = (double)(mlpclserror(ref network, ref xy, npoints))/(double)(npoints);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
        Internal subroutine for Hessian calculation.

        WARNING!!! Unspeakable math far beyong human capabilities :)
        private static void mlphessianbatchinternal(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int ssize,
            bool naturalerr,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad,
            ref double[,] h)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int istart = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int kl = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int n1 = 0;
            int n2 = 0;
            int w1 = 0;
            int w2 = 0;
            double s = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double et = 0;
            bool bflag = new bool();
            double f = 0;
            double df = 0;
            double d2f = 0;
            double deidyj = 0;
            double mx = 0;
            double q = 0;
            double z = 0;
            double s2 = 0;
            double expi = 0;
            double expj = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] desiredy = new double[0];
            double[] gt = new double[0];
            double[] zeros = new double[0];
            double[,] rx = new double[0,0];
            double[,] ry = new double[0,0];
            double[,] rdx = new double[0,0];
            double[,] rdy = new double[0,0];
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            istart = network.structinfo[5];
            // Prepare
            x = new double[nin-1+1];
            desiredy = new double[nout-1+1];
            zeros = new double[wcount-1+1];
            gt = new double[wcount-1+1];
            rx = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1];
            ry = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1];
            rdx = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1];
            rdy = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1];
            e = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                zeros[i] = 0;
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                grad[i_] = zeros[i_];
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    h[i,i_] = zeros[i_];
            // Process
            for(k=0; k<=ssize-1; k++)
                // Process vector with MLPGradN.
                // Now Neurons, DFDNET and DError contains results of the last run.
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = xy[k,i_];
                if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                    // class labels outputs
                    kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[k,nin]);
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        if( i==kl )
                            desiredy[i] = 1;
                            desiredy[i] = 0;
                    // real outputs
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        desiredy[i_] = xy[k,i_+i1_];
                if( naturalerr )
                    mlpgradn(ref network, ref x, ref desiredy, ref et, ref gt);
                    mlpgrad(ref network, ref x, ref desiredy, ref et, ref gt);
                // grad, error
                e = e+et;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    grad[i_] = grad[i_] + gt[i_];
                // Hessian.
                // Forward pass of the R-algorithm
                for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++)
                    offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        rx[i,i_] = zeros[i_];
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        ry[i,i_] = zeros[i_];
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 )
                        // Activation function
                        n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rx[i,i_] = ry[n1,i_];
                        v = network.dfdnet[i];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            ry[i,i_] = v*rx[i,i_];
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 )
                        // Adaptive summator
                        n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                        n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                        w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3];
                        w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                        for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++)
                            v = network.weights[w1+j-n1];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                rx[i,i_] = rx[i,i_] + v*ry[j,i_];
                            rx[i,w1+j-n1] = rx[i,w1+j-n1]+network.neurons[j];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            ry[i,i_] = rx[i,i_];
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 )
                        bflag = true;
                        if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 )
                            // input neuron, left unchanged
                            bflag = false;
                        if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 )
                            // "-1" neuron, left unchanged
                            bflag = false;
                        if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 )
                            // "0" neuron, left unchanged
                            bflag = false;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!bflag, "MLPHessianNBatch: internal error - unknown neuron type!");
                // Hessian. Backward pass of the R-algorithm.
                // Stage 1. Initialize RDY
                for(i=0; i<=ntotal+nout-1; i++)
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        rdy[i,i_] = zeros[i_];
                if( network.structinfo[6]==0 )
                    // Standardisation.
                    // In context of the Hessian calculation standardisation
                    // is considered as additional layer with weightless
                    // activation function:
                    // F(NET) := Sigma*NET
                    // So we add one more layer to forward pass, and
                    // make forward/backward pass through this layer.
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        n1 = ntotal-nout+i;
                        n2 = ntotal+i;
                        // Forward pass from N1 to N2
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rx[n2,i_] = ry[n1,i_];
                        v = network.columnsigmas[nin+i];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            ry[n2,i_] = v*rx[n2,i_];
                        // Initialization of RDY
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdy[n2,i_] = ry[n2,i_];
                        // Backward pass from N2 to N1:
                        // 1. Calculate R(dE/dX).
                        // 2. No R(dE/dWij) is needed since weight of activation neuron
                        //    is fixed to 1. So we can update R(dE/dY) for
                        //    the connected neuron (note that Vij=0, Wij=1)
                        df = network.columnsigmas[nin+i];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdx[n2,i_] = df*rdy[n2,i_];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdy[n1,i_] = rdy[n1,i_] + rdx[n2,i_];
                    // Softmax.
                    // Initialize RDY using generalized expression for ei'(yi)
                    // (see expression (9) from p. 5 of "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian").
                    // When we are working with softmax network, generalized
                    // expression for ei'(yi) is used because softmax
                    // normalization leads to ei, which depends on all y's
                    if( naturalerr )
                        // softmax + cross-entropy.
                        // We have:
                        // S = sum(exp(yk)),
                        // ei = sum(trn)*exp(yi)/S-trn_i
                        // j=i:   d(ei)/d(yj) = T*exp(yi)*(S-exp(yi))/S^2
                        // j<>i:  d(ei)/d(yj) = -T*exp(yi)*exp(yj)/S^2
                        t = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            t = t+desiredy[i];
                        mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout];
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]);
                        s = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx);
                            s = s+network.nwbuf[i];
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                                if( j==i )
                                    deidyj = t*network.nwbuf[i]*(s-network.nwbuf[i])/AP.Math.Sqr(s);
                                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                        rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+i,i_];
                                    deidyj = -(t*network.nwbuf[i]*network.nwbuf[j]/AP.Math.Sqr(s));
                                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                        rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+j,i_];
                        // For a softmax + squared error we have expression
                        // far beyond human imagination so we dont even try
                        // to comment on it. Just enjoy the code...
                        // P.S. That's why "natural error" is called "natural" -
                        // compact beatiful expressions, fast code....
                        mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout];
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]);
                        s = 0;
                        s2 = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx);
                            s = s+network.nwbuf[i];
                            s2 = s2+AP.Math.Sqr(network.nwbuf[i]);
                        q = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            q = q+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])*network.nwbuf[i];
                        for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                            z = -q+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])*s;
                            expi = network.nwbuf[i];
                            for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                                expj = network.nwbuf[j];
                                if( j==i )
                                    deidyj = expi/AP.Math.Sqr(s)*((z+expi)*(s-2*expi)/s+expi*s2/AP.Math.Sqr(s));
                                    deidyj = expi*expj/AP.Math.Sqr(s)*(s2/AP.Math.Sqr(s)-2*z/s-(expi+expj)/s+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])-(network.y[j]-desiredy[j]));
                                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                    rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+j,i_];
                // Hessian. Backward pass of the R-algorithm
                // Stage 2. Process.
                for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--)
                    // Possible variants:
                    // 1. Activation function
                    // 2. Adaptive summator
                    // 3. Special neuron
                    offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 )
                        n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                        // First, calculate R(dE/dX).
                        mlpactivationfunction(network.neurons[n1], network.structinfo[offs+0], ref f, ref df, ref d2f);
                        v = d2f*network.derror[i];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdx[i,i_] = df*rdy[i,i_];
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdx[i,i_] = rdx[i,i_] + v*rx[i,i_];
                        // No R(dE/dWij) is needed since weight of activation neuron
                        // is fixed to 1.
                        // So we can update R(dE/dY) for the connected neuron.
                        // (note that Vij=0, Wij=1)
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdy[n1,i_] = rdy[n1,i_] + rdx[i,i_];
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 )
                        // Adaptive summator
                        n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                        n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                        w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3];
                        w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                        // First, calculate R(dE/dX).
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            rdx[i,i_] = rdy[i,i_];
                        // Then, calculate R(dE/dWij)
                        for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++)
                            v = network.neurons[n1+j-w1];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                h[j,i_] = h[j,i_] + v*rdx[i,i_];
                            v = network.derror[i];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                h[j,i_] = h[j,i_] + v*ry[n1+j-w1,i_];
                        // And finally, update R(dE/dY) for connected neurons.
                        for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++)
                            v = network.weights[j];
                            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                rdy[n1+j-w1,i_] = rdy[n1+j-w1,i_] + v*rdx[i,i_];
                            rdy[n1+j-w1,j] = rdy[n1+j-w1,j]+network.derror[i];
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 )
                        bflag = false;
                        if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 )
                            // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required
                            bflag = true;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPHessianNBatch: unknown neuron type!");
Exemplo n.º 20
        Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set

            Network -   neural network
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            Zero if network solves regression task.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 08.01.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlpavgce(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;

            if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
                result = mlperrorn(ref network, ref xy, npoints)/(npoints*Math.Log(2));
                result = 0;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
        Internal subroutine

        Network must be processed by MLPProcess on X
        private static void mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[] neurons,
            ref double[] weights,
            ref double[] derror,
            ref double[] grad,
            bool naturalerrorfunc)
            int i = 0;
            int n1 = 0;
            int n2 = 0;
            int w1 = 0;
            int w2 = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int istart = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            double dedf = 0;
            double dfdnet = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double fown = 0;
            double deown = 0;
            double net = 0;
            double mx = 0;
            bool bflag = new bool();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            // Read network geometry
            nin = network.structinfo[1];
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            istart = network.structinfo[5];
            // Pre-processing of dError/dOut:
            // from dError/dOut(normalized) to dError/dOut(non-normalized)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(network.structinfo[6]==0 | network.structinfo[6]==1, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown normalization type!");
            if( network.structinfo[6]==1 )
                // Softmax
                if( !naturalerrorfunc )
                    mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout];
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]);
                    net = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx);
                        net = net+network.nwbuf[i];
                    i1_ = (0)-(ntotal-nout);
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=ntotal-nout; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++)
                        v += network.derror[i_]*network.nwbuf[i_+i1_];
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        fown = network.nwbuf[i];
                        deown = network.derror[ntotal-nout+i];
                        network.nwbuf[nout+i] = (-v+deown*fown+deown*(net-fown))*fown/AP.Math.Sqr(net);
                    for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                        network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.nwbuf[nout+i];
                // Un-standardisation
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.derror[ntotal-nout+i]*network.columnsigmas[nin+i];
            // Backpropagation
            for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--)
                // Extract info
                offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth;
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 )
                    // Activation function
                    dedf = network.derror[i];
                    dfdnet = network.dfdnet[i];
                    derror[network.structinfo[offs+2]] = derror[network.structinfo[offs+2]]+dedf*dfdnet;
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 )
                    // Adaptive summator
                    n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2];
                    n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3];
                    w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1;
                    dedf = network.derror[i];
                    dfdnet = 1.0;
                    v = dedf*dfdnet;
                    i1_ = (n1) - (w1);
                    for(i_=w1; i_<=w2;i_++)
                        grad[i_] = v*neurons[i_+i1_];
                    i1_ = (w1) - (n1);
                    for(i_=n1; i_<=n2;i_++)
                        derror[i_] = derror[i_] + v*weights[i_+i1_];
                if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 )
                    bflag = false;
                    if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 )
                        // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required
                        bflag = true;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown neuron type!");
Exemplo n.º 22
        RMS error on the test set

            Network -   neural network
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            root mean square error.
            Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for
            classification task, RMS error means error when estimating posterior

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlprmserror(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            result = Math.Sqrt(2*mlperror(ref network, ref xy, npoints)/(npoints*nout));
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 23
        Same as MLPCreateR0, but with two non-linear hidden layers.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreater2(int nin,
            int nhid1,
            int nhid2,
            int nout,
            double a,
            double b,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int[] lsizes = new int[0];
            int[] ltypes = new int[0];
            int[] lconnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lconnlast = new int[0];
            int layerscount = 0;
            int lastproc = 0;
            int i = 0;

            layerscount = 1+3+3+3;
            // Allocate arrays
            lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            // Layers
            addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            // Create
            mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network);
            // Turn on outputs shift/scaling.
            for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++)
                network.columnmeans[i] = 0.5*(a+b);
                network.columnsigmas[i] = 0.5*(a-b);
Exemplo n.º 24
        Average relative error on the test set

            Network -   neural network
            XY      -   test set
            NPoints -   test set size

            Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for
            classification task, it means average relative error when estimating
            posterior probability of belonging to the correct class.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 11.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double mlpavgrelerror(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            double result = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int lk = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            result = 0;
            k = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                    network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y);
                if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                    // class labels
                    lk = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]);
                    for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                        if( j==lk )
                            result = result+Math.Abs(1-network.y[j]);
                            k = k+1;
                    // real outputs
                    for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                        if( (double)(xy[i,nin+j])!=(double)(0) )
                            result = result+Math.Abs(xy[i,nin+j]-network.y[j])/Math.Abs(xy[i,nin+j]);
                            k = k+1;
            if( k!=0 )
                result = result/k;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 25
        Same as MLPCreateC0, but with two non-linear hidden layers.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreatec2(int nin,
            int nhid1,
            int nhid2,
            int nout,
            ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int[] lsizes = new int[0];
            int[] ltypes = new int[0];
            int[] lconnfirst = new int[0];
            int[] lconnlast = new int[0];
            int layerscount = 0;
            int lastproc = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nout>=2, "MLPCreateC2: NOut<2!");
            layerscount = 1+3+3+2+1;
            // Allocate arrays
            lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1];
            // Layers
            addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout-1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            addzerolayer(ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc);
            // Create
            mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, true, ref network);
Exemplo n.º 26
        Gradient calculation. Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpgrad(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[] x,
            ref double[] desiredy,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad)
            int i = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;

            // Prepare dError/dOut, internal structures
            mlpprocess(ref network, ref x, ref network.y);
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            e = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++)
                network.derror[i] = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.y[i]-desiredy[i];
                e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])/2;
            // gradient
            mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref network, ref network.neurons, ref network.weights, ref network.derror, ref grad, false);
Exemplo n.º 27
        Serialization of MultiLayerPerceptron strucure

            Network -   original

            RA      -   array of real numbers which stores network,
            RLen    -   RA lenght

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 29.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpserialize(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[] ra,
            ref int rlen)
            int i = 0;
            int ssize = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int sigmalen = 0;
            int offs = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            // Unload info
            ssize = network.structinfo[0];
            nin = network.structinfo[1];
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            wcount = network.structinfo[4];
            if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) )
                sigmalen = nin;
                sigmalen = nin+nout;
            //  RA format:
            //      LEN         DESRC.
            //      1           RLen
            //      1           version (MLPVNum)
            //      1           StructInfo size
            //      SSize       StructInfo
            //      WCount      Weights
            //      SigmaLen    ColumnMeans
            //      SigmaLen    ColumnSigmas
            rlen = 3+ssize+wcount+2*sigmalen;
            ra = new double[rlen-1+1];
            ra[0] = rlen;
            ra[1] = mlpvnum;
            ra[2] = ssize;
            offs = 3;
            for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++)
                ra[offs+i] = network.structinfo[i];
            offs = offs+ssize;
            i1_ = (0) - (offs);
            for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+wcount-1;i_++)
                ra[i_] = network.weights[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+wcount;
            i1_ = (0) - (offs);
            for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+sigmalen-1;i_++)
                ra[i_] = network.columnmeans[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+sigmalen;
            i1_ = (0) - (offs);
            for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+sigmalen-1;i_++)
                ra[i_] = network.columnsigmas[i_+i1_];
            offs = offs+sigmalen;
Exemplo n.º 28
        Gradient calculation (natural error function). Internal subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpgradn(ref multilayerperceptron network,
            ref double[] x,
            ref double[] desiredy,
            ref double e,
            ref double[] grad)
            double s = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int ntotal = 0;

            // Prepare dError/dOut, internal structures
            mlpprocess(ref network, ref x, ref network.y);
            nout = network.structinfo[2];
            ntotal = network.structinfo[3];
            for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++)
                network.derror[i] = 0;
            e = 0;
            if( network.structinfo[6]==0 )
                // Regression network, least squares
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.y[i]-desiredy[i];
                    e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])/2;
                // Classification network, cross-entropy
                s = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    s = s+desiredy[i];
                for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++)
                    network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = s*network.y[i]-desiredy[i];
                    e = e+safecrossentropy(desiredy[i], network.y[i]);
            // gradient
            mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref network, ref network.neurons, ref network.weights, ref network.derror, ref grad, true);
Exemplo n.º 29
        Randomization of neural network weights

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlprandomize(ref multilayerperceptron network)
            int i = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;

            mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5;
Exemplo n.º 30
        This function fills high level information about network created using
        internal MLPCreate() function.

        This function does NOT examine StructInfo for low level information, it
        just expects that network has following structure:

            input neuron            \
            ...                      | input layer
            input neuron            /
            "-1" neuron             \
            biased summator          |
            ...                      |
            biased summator          | hidden layer(s), if there are exists any
            activation function      |
            ...                      |
            activation function     /
            "-1" neuron            \
            biased summator         | output layer:
            ...                     |
            biased summator         | * we have NOut summators/activators for regression networks
            activation function     | * we have only NOut-1 summators and no activators for classifiers
            ...                     | * we have "0" neuron only when we have classifier
            activation function     |
            "0" neuron              /

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void fillhighlevelinformation(multilayerperceptron network,
            int nin,
            int nhid1,
            int nhid2,
            int nout,
            bool iscls,
            bool islinearout)
            int idxweights = 0;
            int idxstruct = 0;
            int idxneuro = 0;
            int idxconn = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert((iscls && islinearout) || !iscls, "FillHighLevelInformation: internal error");
            // Preparations common to all types of networks
            idxweights = 0;
            idxneuro = 0;
            idxstruct = 0;
            idxconn = 0;
            network.hlnetworktype = 0;
            // network without hidden layers
            if( nhid1==0 )
                network.hllayersizes = new int[2];
                network.hllayersizes[0] = nin;
                network.hllayersizes[1] = nout;
                if( !iscls )
                    network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*nin*nout];
                    network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nout)];
                    network.hlnormtype = 0;
                    network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*nin*(nout-1)];
                    network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nout)];
                    network.hlnormtype = 1;
                hladdinputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, nin);
                hladdoutputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 1, nin, nout, iscls, islinearout);
            // network with one hidden layers
            if( nhid2==0 )
                network.hllayersizes = new int[3];
                network.hllayersizes[0] = nin;
                network.hllayersizes[1] = nhid1;
                network.hllayersizes[2] = nout;
                if( !iscls )
                    network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*(nin*nhid1+nhid1*nout)];
                    network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nhid1+nout)];
                    network.hlnormtype = 0;
                    network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*(nin*nhid1+nhid1*(nout-1))];
                    network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nhid1+nout)];
                    network.hlnormtype = 1;
                hladdinputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, nin);
                hladdhiddenlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 1, nin, nhid1);
                hladdoutputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 2, nhid1, nout, iscls, islinearout);
            // Two hidden layers
            network.hllayersizes = new int[4];
            network.hllayersizes[0] = nin;
            network.hllayersizes[1] = nhid1;
            network.hllayersizes[2] = nhid2;
            network.hllayersizes[3] = nout;
            if( !iscls )
                network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*(nin*nhid1+nhid1*nhid2+nhid2*nout)];
                network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nhid1+nhid2+nout)];
                network.hlnormtype = 0;
                network.hlconnections = new int[hlconnfieldwidth*(nin*nhid1+nhid1*nhid2+nhid2*(nout-1))];
                network.hlneurons = new int[hlnfieldwidth*(nin+nhid1+nhid2+nout)];
                network.hlnormtype = 1;
            hladdinputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, nin);
            hladdhiddenlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 1, nin, nhid1);
            hladdhiddenlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 2, nhid1, nhid2);
            hladdoutputlayer(network, ref idxconn, ref idxneuro, ref idxstruct, ref idxweights, 3, nhid2, nout, iscls, islinearout);