Exemplo n.º 1
        public DataTable SelectMissingProcedure(model.account.Account p_oAccount,model.appointment.Appointment p_StartDate, model.appointment.Appointment p_EndDate, List<model.specialty.Specialty> p_oSpecialty, List<model.carrier.Carrier> p_oCarrier,List<model.procedure.Procedure> p_oProcedure,model.casetype.CaseType p_oCasetype,model.casestatus.CaseStatus p_oCaseStatus)
            SqlConnection oConnection = new SqlConnection(DBUtil.ConnectionString);
            SqlTransaction oTransaction = null;
                oTransaction = oConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();

                DataTable oDTCarrier = null;
                if (p_oCarrier != null && p_oCarrier.Count > 0)
                    oDTCarrier = gbmodel.carrier.type.TypeCarrier.FillDBType(p_oCarrier);

                DataTable oDTProcedure = null;
                if (p_oProcedure != null && p_oProcedure.Count > 0)
                    oDTProcedure = gbmodel.procedure.type.TypeProcedure.FillDBType(p_oProcedure);

                string sQuery = null;
                if (p_oProcedure != null && p_oProcedure.Count > 0)
                    sQuery = " select t6.sz_case_no [CaseNo], t7.sz_patient_last_name + ', ' + t7.sz_patient_first_name [PatientName], t8.sz_insurance_name [CarrierName],";
                    sQuery += " t6.dt_date_of_accident[AccidentDate],t7.sz_patient_cellno[Phone1],t7.sz_patient_phone[Phone2] from mst_case_master t6 JOIN mst_patient t7 on t7.sz_patient_id = t6.sz_patient_id AND t7.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join mst_insurance_company t8 on t8.sz_insurance_id = t6.sz_insurance_id where t6.sz_case_id not in (select t2.sz_case_id from mst_procedure_group t1";
                    sQuery += " left join txn_doctor_speciality t5 on t5.sz_procedure_group_id = t1.sz_procedure_group_id AND t1.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join mst_doctor t3 on t3.sz_doctor_id = t5.sz_doctor_id AND t3.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join txn_calendar_event t2 on t2.sz_doctor_id = t3.sz_doctor_id AND t2.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join txn_calender_event_prpcedure t6 on t6.i_event_id = t2.i_event_id and t2.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id ";
                    sQuery += " where t1.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id and t1.sz_procedure_group_id IN (@sz_specialty_id) ";
                    sQuery += " AND t6.sz_proc_code IN (SELECT sz_procedure_id FROM @tvp_procedure) ";
                    sQuery += " and t2.sz_case_id IS NOT NULL AND t2.dt_event_date between @dt_start AND @dt_end ) AND t6.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id ";

                    if (p_oCasetype != null && p_oCasetype.ID != null && p_oCasetype.ID != "NA")
                        sQuery += "and t6.sz_case_type_id=@sz_case_type_id";
                    if (p_oCaseStatus != null && p_oCaseStatus.ID != null && p_oCaseStatus.ID != "NA")
                        sQuery += " and t6.sz_case_status_id=@sz_case_status_id";
                    sQuery = " select t6.sz_case_no [CaseNo], t7.sz_patient_last_name + ', ' + t7.sz_patient_first_name [PatientName], t8.sz_insurance_name [CarrierName],";
                    sQuery += " t6.dt_date_of_accident[AccidentDate],t7.sz_patient_cellno[Phone1],t7.sz_patient_phone[Phone2] from mst_case_master t6 JOIN mst_patient t7 on t7.sz_patient_id = t6.sz_patient_id AND t7.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join mst_insurance_company t8 on t8.sz_insurance_id = t6.sz_insurance_id where t6.sz_case_id not in (select t2.sz_case_id from mst_procedure_group t1";
                    sQuery += " left join txn_doctor_speciality t5 on t5.sz_procedure_group_id = t1.sz_procedure_group_id AND t1.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join mst_doctor t3 on t3.sz_doctor_id = t5.sz_doctor_id AND t3.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " left join txn_calendar_event t2 on t2.sz_doctor_id = t3.sz_doctor_id AND t2.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id";
                    sQuery += " where t1.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id and t1.sz_procedure_group_id IN (@sz_specialty_id)";
                    sQuery += " and t2.sz_case_id IS NOT NULL AND t2.dt_event_date between @dt_start AND @dt_end ) AND t6.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id ";

                    if (p_oCasetype != null && p_oCasetype.ID != null && p_oCasetype.ID != "NA")
                        sQuery += "and t6.sz_case_type_id=@sz_case_type_id";
                    if (p_oCaseStatus != null && p_oCaseStatus.ID != null && p_oCaseStatus.ID != "NA")
                        sQuery += " and t6.sz_case_status_id=@sz_case_status_id";

                if (oDTCarrier != null && oDTCarrier.Rows.Count > 0)
                    sQuery += " AND (t6.sz_insurance_id IN (SELECT sz_insurance_id FROM mst_insurance_company tc where tc.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id and ltrim(rtrim(tc.sz_insurance_name)) IN (SELECT ltrim(rtrim(sz_name)) FROM @tvp_carrier)))";

                sQuery += " order by t6.sz_case_id ";

                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sQuery, oConnection);
                com.Transaction = oTransaction;
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_company_id", p_oAccount.ID);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt_start", p_StartDate.Date);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt_end", p_EndDate.Date);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_specialty_id", p_oSpecialty[0].ID);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_case_type_id", p_oCasetype.ID);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_case_status_id", p_oCaseStatus.ID);

                if (p_oProcedure != null && p_oProcedure.Count > 0)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamProcedure = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_procedure", oDTProcedure);
                    tvpParamProcedure.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamProcedure.TypeName = gbmodel.procedure.type.TypeProcedure.GetTypeName();

                if (oDTCarrier != null)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamCarrier = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_carrier", oDTCarrier);
                    tvpParamCarrier.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamCarrier.TypeName = gbmodel.carrier.type.TypeCarrier.GetTypeName();

                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(com);

                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0] != null)
                        return ds.Tables[0];
            catch(Exception x)
                if(oConnection != null)
                    oConnection = null;
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public DataTable Select(model.account.Account p_oAccount, model.appointment.Appointment p_oAppointment, List <model.office.Office> p_oOffice, List <model.specialty.Specialty> p_oSpecialty, List <model.physician.Physician> p_lstReferringDoctor, List <model.carrier.Carrier> p_oCarrier, List <model.carriergroup.CarrierGroup> p_oCarrierGroup, List <model.procedure.Procedure> p_oProcedure, List <model.provider.Provider> p_lstProvider)
            SqlConnection oConnection = new SqlConnection(DBUtil.ConnectionString);

            SqlTransaction oTransaction = null;

                oTransaction = oConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();

                DataTable oDTReferringDoctor = null;
                if (p_lstReferringDoctor != null && p_lstReferringDoctor.Count > 0)
                    oDTReferringDoctor = gbmodel.physician.type.TypePhysician.FillDBType(p_lstReferringDoctor);

                DataTable oDTSpecialty = null;
                if (p_oSpecialty != null && p_oSpecialty.Count > 0)
                    oDTSpecialty = gbmodel.specialty.type.TypeSpecialty.FillDBType(p_oSpecialty);

                DataTable oDTOffice = null;
                if (p_oOffice != null && p_oOffice.Count > 0)
                    oDTOffice = gbmodel.office.type.TypeOffice.FillDBType(p_oOffice);

                DataTable oDTCarrier = null;
                if (p_oCarrier != null && p_oCarrier.Count > 0)
                    oDTCarrier = gbmodel.carrier.type.TypeCarrier.FillDBType(p_oCarrier);

                DataTable oDTCarrierGroup = null;

                oDTCarrierGroup = gbmodel.carriergroup.type.TypeCarrierGroup.FillDBType(p_oCarrierGroup);

                //Procedure Codes

                DataTable oDTProcedure = null;
                if (p_oProcedure != null && p_oProcedure.Count > 0)
                    oDTProcedure = gbmodel.procedure.type.TypeProcedure.FillDBType(p_oProcedure);

                // Provider

                DataTable oDTProvider = null;
                if (p_lstProvider != null && p_lstProvider.Count > 0)
                    oDTProvider = gbmodel.provider.type.TypeProvider.FillDBType(p_lstProvider);

                string sQuery = null;

                sQuery  = " SELECT DISTINCT t2.sz_case_no [CaseNo],t3.sz_patient_last_name + ', ' + t3.sz_patient_first_name [PatientName],";
                sQuery += " t4.sz_case_type_name [CaseType],t5.sz_insurance_id [InsuranceID],t5.sz_insurance_name [InsuranceName],dt_event_date [AppointmentDate],";
                sQuery += " t1.i_status [AppointmentStatus],CASE WHEN t1.i_status = 2 THEN 'Completed'	WHEN t1.i_status = 0 THEN 'Scheduled' END [Appointment Status] , CASE WHEN ISNULL(t1.bt_status, 0) = 1 	THEN 'Billed' ELSE 'UnBilled'END [IsBilled],";
                sQuery += " t8.sz_bill_number [BillNumber],ISNULL(t6.sz_doctor_name, 'N/A') [ReferringDoctor],ISNULL(t7.sz_office, 'N/A') [ReferringOffice],";
                sQuery += " dbo.fnc_get_procedure_codes_selected(t1.i_event_id,@tvp_procedure) [EventProcedures],dbo.fnc_get_procedure_sum_for_event(t1.i_event_id,@tvp_procedure) [ProcedureSum],t8.flt_bill_amount [BillAmount]";
                sQuery += " FROM txn_calendar_event t1 JOIN mst_case_master t2 ON t2.sz_case_id = t1.sz_case_id";
                sQuery += " JOIN mst_patient t3 ON t3.sz_patient_id = t2.sz_patient_id 	JOIN mst_case_type t4 ON t4.sz_case_type_id = t2.sz_case_type_id ";
                sQuery += " JOIN mst_office t7 ON t7.sz_office_id = t1.sz_reffering_office_id AND t1.sz_reffering_office_id IN (SELECT sz_office_id FROM @tvp_office) ";
                sQuery += " JOIN mst_doctor t6 ON t6.sz_doctor_id = t1.sz_reffering_doctor_id ";

                // add referring doctor only if selected
                if (p_lstReferringDoctor != null && p_lstReferringDoctor.Count > 0)
                    sQuery += "AND t1.sz_reffering_doctor_id IN (SELECT sz_doctor_id FROM @tvp_doctor) ";
                sQuery += " JOIN mst_doctor t9 ON t9.sz_doctor_id = t1.sz_doctor_id AND t9.sz_doctor_id IN (select sz_doctor_id from txn_doctor_speciality";
                sQuery += " WHERE txn_doctor_speciality.sz_procedure_group_id IN (SELECT sz_specialty_id FROM @tvp_specialty)";
                sQuery += " AND sz_company_id = @sz_company_id) AND t9.sz_doctor_id IN (SELECT sz_doctor_id FROM mst_doctor WHERE sz_office_id IN (SELECT sz_provider_id FROM @tvp_provider)) ";
                sQuery += " LEFT JOIN mst_insurance_company t5 ON t5.sz_insurance_id = t2.sz_insurance_id";
                sQuery += " LEFT JOIN txn_bill_transactions t8 on t8.sz_bill_number = t1.sz_bill_number	";

                //when procedure code is selected
                if (oDTProcedure != null && oDTProcedure.Rows.Count > 0)
                    sQuery += "JOIN txn_calender_event_prpcedure t10 ON t10.i_event_id = t1.i_event_id AND (t10.sz_proc_code IN (SELECT sz_procedure_id FROM @tvp_procedure))";

                sQuery += " WHERE t1.sz_company_id = @sz_company_id AND t1.sz_reffering_office_id IS NOT NULL ";

                sQuery += " AND t1.sz_reffering_office_id <> ''";

                // when start date and end date is selected
                if (p_oAppointment.Date != null && p_oAppointment.LastVisitDate != null)
                    if (p_oAppointment.Date != String.Empty && p_oAppointment.LastVisitDate != String.Empty)
                        sQuery += " AND t1.dt_event_date BETWEEN @dt_visit_start AND @dt_visit_end";

                sQuery += " AND (t5.sz_insurance_id IN (SELECT sz_insurance_id FROM @tvp_carrier)";
                sQuery += " OR t5.sz_insurance_id IN (select sz_insurance_id from mst_insurance_groups where sz_company_id = @sz_company_id AND sz_group_name IN (select sz_name from @tvp_carriergroup)))";
                sQuery += " ORDER BY t1.dt_event_date DESC ";

                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sQuery, oConnection);
                com.Transaction = oTransaction;
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sz_company_id", p_oAccount.ID);

                if (p_oAppointment.Date != null && p_oAppointment.LastVisitDate != null)
                    if (p_oAppointment.Date != String.Empty && p_oAppointment.LastVisitDate != String.Empty)
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt_visit_start", p_oAppointment.Date);
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt_visit_end", p_oAppointment.LastVisitDate);

                if (oDTReferringDoctor != null && oDTReferringDoctor.Rows.Count > 0)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamPhysician = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_doctor", oDTReferringDoctor);
                    tvpParamPhysician.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamPhysician.TypeName  = gbmodel.physician.type.TypePhysician.GetTypeName();

                if (oDTSpecialty != null && oDTSpecialty.Rows.Count > 0)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamSpecialty = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_specialty", oDTSpecialty);
                    tvpParamSpecialty.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamSpecialty.TypeName  = gbmodel.specialty.type.TypeSpecialty.GetTypeName();

                if (oDTOffice != null && oDTOffice.Rows.Count > 0)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamOffice = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_office", oDTOffice);
                    tvpParamOffice.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamOffice.TypeName  = gbmodel.office.type.TypeOffice.GetTypeName();

                if (oDTCarrier != null)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamCarrier = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_carrier", oDTCarrier);
                    tvpParamCarrier.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamCarrier.TypeName  = gbmodel.carrier.type.TypeCarrier.GetTypeName();

                SqlParameter tvpParamcarriergroup = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                    "@tvp_carriergroup", oDTCarrierGroup);
                tvpParamcarriergroup.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                tvpParamcarriergroup.TypeName  = gbmodel.carriergroup.type.TypeCarrierGroup.GetTypeName();

                if (p_oProcedure != null)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamProcedure = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_procedure", oDTProcedure);
                    tvpParamProcedure.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamProcedure.TypeName  = gbmodel.procedure.type.TypeProcedure.GetTypeName();

                if (p_lstProvider != null)
                    SqlParameter tvpParamProcedure = com.Parameters.AddWithValue(
                        "@tvp_provider", oDTProvider);
                    tvpParamProcedure.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
                    tvpParamProcedure.TypeName  = gbmodel.provider.type.TypeProvider.GetTypeName();

                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(com);

                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0] != null)
            catch (Exception x)
                throw x;
                if (oConnection != null)
                    oConnection = null;