Exemplo n.º 1
        static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
            const int DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE = 2048000;
            const int DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH  = (336 * 2);                                  //default buffer length

            //for loop begins
            int numberOfSDRs = 2;                                                       //only change this line to add more SDRs

            for (int z = 0; z < numberOfSDRs; z++)                                      //for # of SDRs, read and output a file
                mir_sdr_ErrT r;                                                         //ErrT object initialized (r is used to check program API success)

                mir_sdr_DeviceT[] ourDevices;                                           //array of Device structs (look at mir_sdr_DeviceT above)
                ourDevices = new mir_sdr_DeviceT[numberOfSDRs];                         //expect correct # of devices from what we told it.

                uint numberDevs  = 1;                                                   //is later changed to # of devices found by API when function is called.
                uint maximumDevs = 8;                                                   //maximum number of devices we want.
                r = mir_sdr_GetDevices(ourDevices, ref numberDevs, maximumDevs);        //fcn: takes in array of device structs, a var to store # of devices found,
                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)                                  //and maximum devices we want. If it worked, r= success.
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get the IDs of the devices.");         //otherwise, print our failure.

                uint myIdx = Convert.ToUInt32(z);                                       //convert for loop counter (z) to uint, store in myIdx
                r = mir_sdr_SetDeviceIdx(myIdx);                                        //fcn: takes in which device you want (myIdx), -we use # of devices in for loop
                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)                                  //returns success or not.
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to set Device ID.");
                //proves it is using different devices                                      //we trust that select device is working, so we trust it is using different
                //Console.WriteLine(myIdx);                                                 //devices if this outputs different numbers(if you uncomment it outputs 0 first
                //time and 1 second time and so on) and r returns success.

                //to check if it uses two different devices, doesnt work.                   //i wanted to get the device Serial Numbers to further prove using dif devices.
                //Console.WriteLine(*ourDevices[z].SerNo);                                  //however, pointers are a pain and so SerNo and DevNm don't work here while
                //Console.WriteLine(numberDevs); devices found with getdevices              //other DeviceT struct values are usable, we just trust SetDeviceIdk above is working.

                bool do_exit = false;                                                   //when we want to exit, we set this true.
                //i changed this from 0, otherwise it just reads forever.
                //if you have this it reads 500 Mbs and then exits. (can change to however many bytes we want).
                uint bytes_to_read = 500000;

                // I and Q values:
                short[] ibuf;
                short[] qbuf;

                uint   firstSample = 0;
                int    samplesPerPacket = 0, grChanged = 0, fsChanged = 0, rfChanged = 0;
                string filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename1.raw";
                //change output file depending on the device.
                if (z == 0)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename1.raw";
                else if (z == 1)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename2.raw";
                else if (z == 2)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename3.raw";
                else if (z == 3)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename4.raw";
                else if (z == 4)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename5.raw";
                else if (z == 5)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename6.raw";
                else if (z == 6)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename7.raw";
                else if (z == 7)
                    filename = @"C:\\Users\\Justin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\ConsoleApplication1\\ConsoleApplication1\\bin\\Debug\\filename8.raw";
                    Console.WriteLine("For loop is messed up.");

                int n_read;                                                             //# of read bytes

                int          gain      = 50;                                            //gain reduction related idk
                FileStream   file      = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);     //what writes to file.
                BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(file);                        //what writes to buffer (in binary)

                byte[] buffer    = new byte[DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH];                        //buffer creation
                uint   frequency = 104300000;                                           // frequency: 104.3 MHZ (a local FM station)
                uint   samp_rate = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE;
                //check to see if we connect to SDR(s)
                //mir_SDR_init: fcn: takes in gain reduction, sample frequency (MHz),
                int i, j;                                                               //tuner frequency(MHz), bandwidth, ifType (see top),
                                                                                        //and the number of samples to be returned for each readpacket

                //attempting to replace mir_sdr_init with mir_sdr_streaminit
                int    gainReduction    = 50;
                double fsMegaHz         = 0;
                double rfMegaHz         = 0;
                int    LNAposition      = 4;
                int    gainReductionSys = 0;
                mir_sdr_StreamCallbackDel_t StreamCbFn2     = new mir_sdr_StreamCallbackDel_t(mir_sdr_StreamCallback_t);
                mir_sdr_GainChangeDel_t     GainChangeCbFn2 = new mir_sdr_GainChangeDel_t(mir_sdr_GainChangeCallback_t);

                r = mir_sdr_StreamInit(ref gainReduction, fsMegaHz, rfMegaHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT.mir_sdr_BW_1_536,
                                       mir_sdr_If_kHzT.mir_sdr_IF_Zero, LNAposition, ref gainReductionSys,
                                       mir_sdr_SetGrModeT.mir_sdr_USE_SET_GR, ref samplesPerPacket,
                                       GainChangeCbFn2, cbContext2);

                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)                                   //do we connect?
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to open SDRplay RSP device with streaminit.");

                //end streaminit attempt

                r = mir_sdr_Init(40, 2.0, 100.00, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT.mir_sdr_BW_1_536, mir_sdr_If_kHzT.mir_sdr_IF_Zero,
                                 ref samplesPerPacket);

                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)                                  //do we connect?
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to open SDRplay RSP device.");
                mir_sdr_Uninit();                                                       //end connection check.

                mir_sdr_SetParam(201, 1);                                               //fcn: set different settings on SDR before init. look online.
                mir_sdr_SetParam(202, 0);                                               //takes in paramID and value to set.
                r = mir_sdr_Init(gain, (samp_rate / 1e6), (frequency / 1e6),            //init again for real.
                                 mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT.mir_sdr_BW_1_536, mir_sdr_If_kHzT.mir_sdr_IF_Zero, ref samplesPerPacket);
                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to open SDRplay RSP device.");            //it work?
                //fcn: reduce sample_rate by factor
                uint enabledecimation   = 0;                                            //0 or 1 (on)
                uint factorofdecimation = 16;                                           //factor of: 2,4,8,16,32
                uint bandwidesignal     = 0;                                            //half band filter or averaging (1 or 0)
                r = mir_sdr_DecimateControl(enabledecimation, factorofdecimation, bandwidesignal);

                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("failed to decimate.");

                // configure DC tracking in tuner
                mir_sdr_SetDcMode(4, 0);                                                // select one-shot tuner DC offset correction with speedup
                mir_sdr_SetDcTrackTime(63);                                             // with maximum tracking time
                ibuf = new short[samplesPerPacket];                                     //match each buffer with size.
                qbuf = new short[samplesPerPacket];

                Console.WriteLine("Writing samples...");                                //their while loop which writes 8 bit I/Q to file.
                while (!do_exit)
                {                                                                       //get packet data from API
                    r = mir_sdr_ReadPacket(ibuf, qbuf, ref firstSample, ref grChanged, ref rfChanged,
                                           ref fsChanged);

                    if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)
                        Console.WriteLine("WARNING: ReadPacket failed.");

                    j = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < samplesPerPacket; i++)
                        // I and Q values are 16-bits values; here we convert them to 8-bits to be compatible with RTL-SDR format.
                        buffer[j++] = (byte)(ibuf[i] >> 8);
                        buffer[j++] = (byte)(qbuf[i] >> 8);

                    n_read = (samplesPerPacket * 2);

                    if ((bytes_to_read > 0) && (bytes_to_read <= (uint)n_read))
                        n_read = (int)bytes_to_read;

                        do_exit = true;


                    if (bytes_to_read > 0)
                        bytes_to_read -= (uint)n_read;

                binWriter.Close();                                              //this is to reset variables to prepare for next for loop iteration.

                //release Device
                r = mir_sdr_ReleaseDeviceIdx();                                 //let go of device so we can pick a different one. (IMPORTANT)
                if (r != mir_sdr_ErrT.mir_sdr_Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to release (or access for that matter) the Device.");
                //clear arrays so they can be used again in next iteration of for loop.
                Array.Clear(ibuf, 0, ibuf.Length);
                Array.Clear(qbuf, 0, qbuf.Length);
                Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            //read console (need to press button in console if uncommented.)
Exemplo n.º 2
 private unsafe static extern mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_StreamInit(ref int gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType,
                                                              mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, int LNAstate, ref int gRdBsystem,
                                                              mir_sdr_SetGrModeT setGrMode, ref int samplesPerPacket,
                                                              mir_sdr_StreamCallbackDel_t StreamCbFn,
                                                              mir_sdr_GainChangeDel_t GainChangeCbFn, void *cbContext);