Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("delete from User_Profile WHERE UserID='" + PPHfunction.decodeBase64(Request.QueryString["Param"].ToString()) + "'");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Delete Success');window.location.href='../../../.." + PPHfunction.decodeBase64(Request.QueryString["url"].ToString()) + "';</script>");
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("delete from  Vendor_Group where VendorID='" + Request.QueryString["vdID"].ToString() + "'");
            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("delete from  Vendor_Info  where VendorID='" + Request.QueryString["vdID"].ToString() + "'");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Delete Success !!');document.location.href='./master_vender.aspx?r=" + Request.QueryString["r"].ToString() + "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString() + "&seName=" + Request.QueryString["seName"].ToString() + "&seCode=" + Request.QueryString["seCode"].ToString() + "';</script>");
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update User_Profile set Passwd_Expired_Date='" + DateTime.Now + "', Passwd='" + PH_EncrptHelper.MD5Encryp("P@ssw0rd") + "' WHERE UserID='" + PPHfunction.decodeBase64(Request.QueryString["Param"].ToString()) + "'");

            Response.Write("<script>alert('Password Reset Already');window.location.href='../../../.." + PPHfunction.decodeBase64(Request.QueryString["url"].ToString()) + "';</script>");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private bool InsertData(string path)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Year"), new DataColumn("Tesco_WK"), new DataColumn("Period_StartDate"), new DataColumn("Period_EndDate"), new DataColumn("Tesco_FY"), new DataColumn("Tesco_Period") });
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            string connectionString     = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " + path + " ; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
            string connectionStringXLSX = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= " + path + " ; Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=Yes;TypeGuessRows=0;ImportMixedTypes=Text\"";

            connectionString = (path.IndexOf("xlsx") > 0) ? connectionStringXLSX : connectionString;

            OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);

            if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)

                #region Insert

                string          sql    = "select * from [DateWeek$]";
                OleDbCommand    cmd    = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
                OleDbDataReader drRead = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (drRead.Read())
                    if (drRead[0].ToString() != "" && drRead[1].ToString() != "")
                        string   strBetweenS, strBetweenE, strBetween;
                        string[] arrSDate       = drRead[2].ToString().Split('/'); strBetweenS = arrSDate[1] + " " + PPHfunction.chrShortMonth(arrSDate[0]) + " " + arrSDate[2].Substring(2, 2);
                        string[] arrESDate      = drRead[3].ToString().Split('/'); strBetweenE = arrESDate[1] + " " + PPHfunction.chrShortMonth(arrESDate[0]) + " " + arrESDate[2].Substring(2, 2);
                        string   insert_dayweek = drRead[1].ToString();
                        if (insert_dayweek.Length == 1)
                            insert_dayweek = "0" + insert_dayweek;
                        strBetween = strBetweenS + " - " + strBetweenE;
                        PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Date_Week_Info (Tesco_Year, Tesco_Week, Period_StartDate, Period_EndDate, Between_Date, Tesco_FY, Tesco_Period) values ('" + drRead[0] + "','" + insert_dayweek + "','" + drRead[2] + "','" + drRead[3] + "','" + strBetween + "', '" + drRead[4] + "', '" + drRead[5] + "')");


            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["varType"]))
         if (Request.Form["varType"].ToString() == "delete")
             main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
             PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("delete from  DC_Info where DC_NO='" + Request.Form["varID"].ToString() + "'");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            if (Request.Form["var02"].ToString() != "")
                string inID = Request.Form["var02"].ToString().Replace("||", "','");
                inID = inID.Replace("|", "'");
                string inIDCO = Request.Form["var03"].ToString().Replace("||", "','");
                inIDCO = inIDCO.Replace("|", "'");
                //Response.Write("update Vendor_Group set Vendor_UserName='******' where VendorID in (" + inID + ") and Vendor_Code in (" + inIDCO + ")");
                PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update Vendor_Group set Vendor_UserName='******' where VendorID in (" + inID + ") and Vendor_Code in (" + inIDCO + ")");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            string        varDelete   = Request.Form["var01"].ToString();

            string[] arrDelete = varDelete.Split('|');
            for (int i = 1; i < arrDelete.Length; i++)
                string[] sqlDelete = arrDelete[i].Split('-');
                PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("delete From Vendor_Group Where VendorID='" + sqlDelete[0] + "'  and Vendor_Code='" + sqlDelete[1] + "'");
                //Response.Write("delete From Vendor_Group Where VendorID='" + sqlDelete[0] + "'  and Vendor_Code='" + sqlDelete[1] + "'");
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            if (Request.QueryString["force"].ToString() == "Y")
                PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update User_Profile set User_Status='" + Request.QueryString["status"].ToString() + "', Passwd_Expired_Date='" + DateTime.Now + "', Passwd='" + PH_EncrptHelper.MD5Encryp("P@ssw0rd") + "' WHERE UserID='" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString() + "'");
                PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update User_Profile set User_Status='" + Request.QueryString["status"].ToString() + "' WHERE UserID='" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString() + "'");
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Status Updated Success');window.location.href='../../../.." + PPHfunction.decodeBase64(Request.QueryString["url"].ToString()) + "';</script>");
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            string        dateEndUse;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["var03"] as string))
                string[] arrDate = Request.Form["var03"].ToString().Split('/');
                dateEndUse = "'" + arrDate[2] + "-" + arrDate[1] + "-" + arrDate[0] + "'";
                dateEndUse = "NULL";
            //Response.Write("update DC_Info set DC_Name='" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "', EndDate='" + dateEndUse + "' where DC_NO='" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "'");
            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update DC_Info set DC_Name='" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "', EndDate=" + dateEndUse + ", dc_abbr='" + Request.Form["var04"].ToString() + "', DC_Flag='" + Request.Form["var05"].ToString() + "' where DC_NO='" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "'");
Exemplo n.º 10
 protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
         if (PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update VAT_Default set VAT_Rate='" + txtVatRate.Text + "'"))
             lblErr.Text = "";
             Response.Write("<script>alert('Save Success');</script>");
     catch (Exception ex)
         lblErr.Text = ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            cs_checkFiled getLast     = new cs_checkFiled();
            string        vnID        = getLast.sql_getAjaxAnswer("SELECT VendorID FROM Vendor_Info order by VendorID desc");
            int           m           = Int32.Parse(vnID);
            string        vendor_type = "";

            if (Request.Form["var04"].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "B")
                vendor_type = "BH";
            else if (Request.Form["var04"].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "F")
                vendor_type = "FZ";
                vendor_type = "VD";
            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Vendor_Info (VendorID, Vendor_TaxID, Vendor_Name_En, Vendor_Name_Th, StampTime, vendor_type) values ('" + (m + 1) + "', '" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + vendor_type + "')");
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            objConn = new SqlConnection();
            objConn.ConnectionString = strConnString;

            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            int           i           = 0;
            string        istring     = "|";
            string        sql_list    = "select Distinct vendor_code,vendor_name, (select top 1 count(Vendor_Download_Log.DownloadLogID) from Vendor_Download_Log where Vendor_Download_Log.Tesco_Year_Week=transportation.year_week_upload and Vendor_Download_Log.Vendor_UserID=" + Request.Form["var01"] + " and Vendor_Download_Log.File_Name=vendor_code+'_" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + ".xls') as statusDownload from transportation where year_week_upload='" + Request.Form["var02"] + "' and calc_date is not null and vendor_code in (select vendor_code from vendor_group where Vendor_UserName= (select UserName from User_Profile where UserID=" + Request.Form["var01"] + ") )";
            SqlCommand    rs_list     = new SqlCommand(sql_list, objConn);
            SqlDataReader obj_list    = rs_list.ExecuteReader();

            while (obj_list.Read())
                PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Vendor_Download_Log (Vendor_UserID,Tesco_Year_Week,File_Name, Status,Download_DateTime) values ('" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "','" + obj_list["vendor_code"].ToString() + "_" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + ".xls', 'Y', '" + DateTime.Now + "')");
                istring = istring + "" + obj_list["vendor_code"].ToString() + "|";
            Response.Write(i + "-" + istring);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            cs_checkFiled getLast     = new cs_checkFiled();
            //string vnID = getLast.sql_getAjaxAnswer("SELECT VendorID FROM Vendor_Info  where Vendor_TaxID ='" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "'");
            string vendor_type = "";

            if (Request.Form["var04"].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "B")
                vendor_type = "BH";
            else if (Request.Form["var04"].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "F")
                vendor_type = "FZ";
                vendor_type = "VD";
            string vnID = Request.Form["var02"].ToString();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Vendor_Group (VendorID, Vendor_Code, vendor_type) values ('" + vnID + "', '" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "', '" + vendor_type + "')");
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void connect()
                SqlConnection       cnn = new SqlConnection(Class.connection.conStr);
                Class.main_function cM  = new main_function();
                DataTable           Dt  = new DataTable();
                Dt             = cM.getAllData("sever", null, null, null, null);
                txtServer.Text = Dt.Rows[0]["serverName"].ToString();
                txtDB.Text     = Dt.Rows[0]["dbName"].ToString();
                txtPort.Text   = Dt.Rows[0]["portName"].ToString();
                txtUser.Text   = Dt.Rows[0]["userName"].ToString();
                txtPass.Text   = Dt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString();

                sever = txtServer.Text;
                port  = txtPort.Text;
                db    = txtDB.Text;
                user  = txtUser.Text;
                pass  = txtPass.Text;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();
            string        strS, strE, strBetweenS, strBetweenE, strBetween;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["var01"] as string))
                string[] arrSDate = Request.Form["var01"].ToString().Split('/'); strS = "'" + arrSDate[2] + "-" + arrSDate[1] + "-" + arrSDate[0] + "'"; strBetweenS = arrSDate[0] + " " + PPHfunction.chrShortMonth(arrSDate[1]) + " " + arrSDate[2].Substring(2, 2);
                strS = "NULL"; strBetweenS = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["var02"] as string))
                string[] arrESDate = Request.Form["var02"].ToString().Split('/'); strE = "'" + arrESDate[2] + "-" + arrESDate[1] + "-" + arrESDate[0] + "'"; strBetweenE = arrESDate[0] + " " + PPHfunction.chrShortMonth(arrESDate[1]) + " " + arrESDate[2].Substring(2, 2);
                strE = "NULL"; strBetweenE = "";
            strBetween = strBetweenS + " - " + strBetweenE;
            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update Date_Week_Info set Period_StartDate=" + strS + ", Period_EndDate=" + strE + ", Between_Date='" + strBetween + "', Tesco_Year='" + Request.Form["var04"].ToString() + "', Tesco_Week='" + Request.Form["var05"].ToString() + "', Tesco_FY='" + Request.Form["var06"].ToString() + "', Tesco_Period='" + Request.Form["var07"].ToString() + "' where Wk_ID='" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "'");
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Haulier_Info (Haulier_TaxID, Haulier_Name_En, Haulier_Abbr, StampTime) values ('" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "','" + DateTime.Now + "')");
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("update Vendor_Info set Vendor_TaxID='" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "', Vendor_Name_En='" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "', Vendor_Name_Th='" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "', StampTime='" + DateTime.Now + "' where VendorID='" + Request.Form["var04"].ToString() + "'");
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into DC_Info (DC_NO,DC_Name, dc_abbr, DC_Flag) values ('" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var04"].ToString() + "')");
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            main_function PPHfunction = new main_function();

            PPHfunction.QueryExecuteNonQuery("insert into Vendor_Download_Log (Vendor_UserID,Tesco_Year_Week,File_Name, Status,Download_DateTime, vendor_Code) values ('" + Request.Form["var01"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "_" + Request.Form["var02"].ToString() + ".xls', 'Y', '" + DateTime.Now + "','" + Request.Form["var03"].ToString() + "')");