Exemplo n.º 1
        // This is the collision system.
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (!other.gameObject.CompareTag("Pickup"))

            GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(other.gameObject.GetComponent <PickupSound>().Sound, 10);

            // Tally the number collected per current block
            int BlockID = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().BlockID;



            if (--localQuota > 0)


            _playingSound = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // This function generates the tile floor. We can modify the size of this later.
        private void GenerateTileFloor()
            if (MakeFloor == true)
                var val = E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Radius * 2;

                // Setup the polygon mesh (using sensible defaults).
                int    numSides = E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSides == 0 ? 4 : E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSides;
                double tileSize = E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSize == 0.0 ? 1.0 : E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSize;
                var    col      = Data.GetColour(E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundColor);
                Mesh   mesh     = ConstructTileMesh(numSides, tileSize);

                // Generate a grid of tiles
                var xStart = E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[0] - val;
                var yStart = E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[1] - val;
                var xEnd   = xStart + (val * 2);
                var yEnd   = yStart + (val * 2);
                for (float i = xStart; i <= xEnd; i += 2)
                    for (float j = yStart; j <= yEnd; j += 2)
                        var tile = Instantiate(Wall, new Vector3(i, 0.001f, j), Quaternion.identity);
                        tile.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh         = mesh;
                        tile.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = col;
                        tile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 0.001f, 1);
                        // Use the rotate if the pattern looks off
                        //tile.transform.Rotate(0, -45, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // In start, we call the three initialize functions defined below.
        private void Start()
            var obj = Instantiate(Generator, new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity);

            _created = new List <GameObject>
            }; // The generator is immediately added to the list for destroyed objects


            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSides == 2)
                throw new Exception("Can't have floor tiles with 2 sides!");

            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundColor == null)
                GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
            else if (E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSides > 2)
                var col = Data.GetColour(E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundColor);
                GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = col;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void ComputeMovement()
            // Dont move if the quota has been reached
            if (localQuota <= 0 & E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.Quota != 0)

            // This calculates the current amount of rotation frame rate independent
            var rotation = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * DS.GetData().CharacterData.RotationSpeed *Time.deltaTime;

            // This calculates the forward speed frame rate independent
            _moveDirection  = new Vector3(0, 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
            _moveDirection  = transform.TransformDirection(_moveDirection);
            _moveDirection *= DS.GetData().CharacterData.MovementSpeed;

            // Here is the movement system
            const double tolerance = 0.0001;

            // We move iff rotation is 0
            if (Math.Abs(Mathf.Abs(rotation)) < tolerance)
                _controller.Move(_moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

            transform.Rotate(0, rotation, 0);
        private void Update()
            currBlockId = E.Get().CurrTrial.BlockID;
            currTrialId = E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialID;

            //HUD for the number of successful trials in the current Block
            if (DS.GetData().Blocks[currBlockId].ShowNumSuccesses | DS.GetData().Trials[currTrialId].ShowNumSuccesses)
                var trialsuccessText = GameObject.Find("TrailSuccesses").GetComponent <Text>();
                trialsuccessText.text = "Successful Trials: " + E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialProgress.NumSuccess;

            //HUD for the number of goals found in the current trial
            if (DS.GetData().Blocks[currBlockId].ShowTrialTotal | DS.GetData().Trials[currTrialId].ShowTrialTotal)
                var trialtotalText = GameObject.Find("TrialTotal").GetComponent <Text>();
                trialtotalText.text = "Goals Found In Trial: " + E.Get().CurrTrial.NumCollected;

            //HUD for the number of goals found in the current Block
            if (DS.GetData().Trials[currTrialId].ShowBlockTotal | DS.GetData().Blocks[currBlockId].ShowBlockTotal)
                var blocktotalText = GameObject.Find("BlockTotal").GetComponent <Text>();
                blocktotalText.text = "Goals Found In Block: " + E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialProgress.NumCollectedPerBlock[currBlockId];
        //Sets the image of the loading screen.
        public void Start()
            Debug.Log("Entering Loading Screen: " + E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialID);
            var filePath = DataSingleton.GetData().SpritesPath + E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.FileLocation;

            GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = Img2Sprite.LoadTexture(filePath);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Start the character. If init from enclosure, this allows "s" to determine the start position
        public void ExternalStart(float pickX, float pickY, bool useEnclosure = false)
            while (!_isStarted)

            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetX = pickX;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetY = pickY;

            // No start pos specified so make it random.
            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.StartPosition.Count == 0)
                // Try to randomly place the character, checking for proximity
                // to the pickup location
                var i = 0;
                while (i++ < 100)
                    var CurrentTrialRadius = DS.GetData().Enclosures[E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialProgress.CurrentEnclosureIndex].Radius;
                    var v   = Random.insideUnitCircle * CurrentTrialRadius * 0.9f;
                    var mag = Vector3.Distance(v, new Vector2(pickX, pickY));
                    if (mag > DS.GetData().CharacterData.DistancePickup)
                        transform.position = new Vector3(v.x, 0.5f, v.y);
                        var camPos = Cam.transform.position;
                        camPos.y = DS.GetData().CharacterData.Height;
                        Cam.transform.position = camPos;
                Debug.LogError("Could not randomly place player. Probably due to" +
                               " a pick up location setting");
                var p = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.StartPosition;

                if (useEnclosure)
                    p = new List <float>()
                        pickX, pickY

                transform.position = new Vector3(p[0], 0.5f, p[1]);
                var camPos = Cam.transform.position;
                camPos.y = DS.GetData().CharacterData.Height;
                Cam.transform.position = camPos;
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Generates the landmarks, pretty similar to the data in pickup.
        private void GenerateLandmarks()
            foreach (var p in E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.LandMarks)
                var        d = DS.GetData().Landmarks[p - 1];
                GameObject prefab;
                GameObject landmark;
                if (d.Type.ToLower().Equals("3d"))
                    prefab   = (GameObject)Resources.Load("3D_Objects/" + d.Object, typeof(GameObject));
                    landmark = Instantiate(prefab);
                    landmark.AddComponent <RotateBlock>();
                    landmark.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Data.GetColour(d.Color);
                    // Load the "2D" prefab here, so we have the required components
                    prefab   = (GameObject)Resources.Load("3D_Objects/2D", typeof(GameObject));
                    landmark = Instantiate(prefab);
                    var spriteName = d.Object;
                    var pic        = Img2Sprite.LoadNewSprite(DataSingleton.GetData().SpritesPath + spriteName);
                    landmark.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pic;

                landmark.transform.localScale = d.ScaleVector;
                    landmark.transform.position = d.PositionVector;
                catch (Exception _)
                    landmark.transform.position = new Vector3(d.PositionVector.x, 0.5f, d.PositionVector.z);

                //landmark.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), d.InitialRotation);

                landmark.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Data.GetColour(d.Color);
                var sprite = d.ImageLoc;
                if (sprite != null)
                    var pic = Img2Sprite.LoadNewSprite(DataSingleton.GetData().SpritesPath + sprite);
                    landmark.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pic;

Exemplo n.º 9
        private void GenerateWalls()
            if ((int)E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.WallHeight == 0)

            //This computes the current interior angle of the given side.
            var interiorAngle = 360f / E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Sides; //This is, of course, given as 360 / num sides

            //This sets the initial angle to the one given in the preset
            float currentAngle = 0;

            GameObject.Find("Ground").transform.localScale *= E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Radius / 20f;
            GameObject.Find("Ground").transform.position    = new Vector3(E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[0], 0, E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[1]);

            //Here we interate through all the sides
            for (var i = 0; i < E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Sides; i++)
                //We compute the sin and cos of the current angle (essentially plotting points on a circle
                var x = Cos(currentAngle) * E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Radius + E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[0];
                var y = Sin(currentAngle) * E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Radius + E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Position[1];

                //This is theoreticially the perfect length of the wall. However, this causes a multitude of problems
                //Such as:
                //Gaps appearing in large wall numbers
                //Desealing some stuff. so, bad.
                var length = 2 * E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Radius *Tan(180f / E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Sides);

                //Here we create the wall
                var obj = Instantiate(Wall,
                                      new Vector3(x, E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.WallHeight / 2 - .1f, y),

                // So we add 10 because the end user won't be able to notice it anyways
                obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(length + 10, E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.WallHeight, 0.5f);

                // This rotates the walls by the current angle + 90
                obj.transform.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(0, -currentAngle - 90, 0).eulerAngles);

                // And we add the wall to the created list as to remove it later

                // And of course we increment the interior angle.
                currentAngle += interiorAngle;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void Start()
            _created = new List <GameObject>();

            GameObject.Find("CountDown").GetComponent <Text>().text = "";

            var goalText = GameObject.Find("Goal").GetComponent <Text>();

            goalText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(300, 40);
            goalText.text  = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.DisplayText ?? "Test";
            goalText.color = Color.black;

            var previousTrial = E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialProgress.PreviousTrial;

            GameObject.Find("Plane").transform.localScale *= previousTrial.enclosure.Radius / 10f;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static Data.Point ReadFromExternal(string inputFile)
            var scriptPath = DataSingleton.GetData().PythonScriptsPath + inputFile;
            var p          = new Process
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("python", "\"" + scriptPath + "\"")
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    RedirectStandardError  = true,
                    RedirectStandardInput  = true,
                    UseShellExecute        = false,
                    CreateNoWindow         = true

            p.StandardInput.Write(JsonUtility.ToJson(E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData) + "\n");

            var line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();

            while (!p.StandardError.EndOfStream)
                var outputLine = p.StandardError.ReadLine();

            if (line == null)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("PYTHON FILE ERROR! (Most likely the wrong python version/environment)");
                return(new Data.Point {
                    X = 5, Y = 0, Z = 5

            var arr = line.Split(',');

            return(new Data.Point
                X = float.Parse(arr[0]),
                Y = float.Parse(arr[2]),
                Z = float.Parse(arr[1])
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void Update()
            E.LogData(TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress, TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialStartTime, transform);

            // Wait for the sound to finish playing before ending the trial
            if (_playingSound)
                if (!GetComponent <AudioSource>().isPlaying)
                    _playingSound = false;

            // This first block is for the initial rotation of the character
            if (_currDelay < _waitTime)
                // This section rotates the camera (potentiall up 15 degrees), basically deprecated code.
                if (!_reset)
                    Cam.transform.Rotate(0, 0, 0);
                    _reset = true;

                // Move the character.
                catch (MissingComponentException e)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Skipping movement calc: instructional trial");

            _currDelay += Time.deltaTime;
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Generate walls based on the parameters of the previous enclosure
        // TODO: Make 2d trials work with their own enclosures.
        private void Generate2dWalls()
            var previousTrial = E.Get().CurrTrial.TrialProgress.PreviousTrial;
            //This computes the current interior angle of the given side.
            var interiorAngle = 360f / previousTrial.enclosure.Sides; //This is, of course, given as 360 / num sides

            //This sets the initial angle to the one given in the preset
            float currentAngle = 0;

            //Here we interate through all the sides
            for (var i = 0; i < previousTrial.enclosure.Sides; i++)
                //We compute the sin and cos of the current angle (essentially plotting points on a circle
                var x = GenerateWall.Cos(currentAngle) * previousTrial.enclosure.Radius + previousTrial.enclosure.Position[0];
                var y = GenerateWall.Sin(currentAngle) * previousTrial.enclosure.Radius + previousTrial.enclosure.Position[1];

                //This is theoreticially the perfect length of the wall. However, this causes a multitude of problems
                //Such as:
                //Gaps appearing in large wall numbers
                //Desealing some stuff. so, bad.
                var length = 2 * previousTrial.enclosure.Radius * GenerateWall.Tan(180f / previousTrial.enclosure.Sides);

                //Here we create the wall
                var obj = Instantiate(Wall,
                                      new Vector3(x, 0.001F, y),

                //So we add 10 because the end user won't be able to notice it anyways
                obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(length, 4F, 0.5f);

                //This rotates the walls by the current angle + 90
                obj.transform.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(0, -currentAngle - 90, 0).eulerAngles);

                //And we add the wall to the created list as to remove it later

                //And of course we increment the interior angle.
                currentAngle += interiorAngle;
Exemplo n.º 14
        // Here we setup the colours. This is done as a gradient utilizing data given from input.json
        private void SetupColours()
            var col = Data.GetColour(E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.WallColor);

            MakeFloor = true;
            //And here we set the color of the wall prefab to the appropriate color
            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.WallColor == "ffffff00")
                Wall.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSize = 0;
                MakeFloor = false;
            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundColor == "ffffff00")
                GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.GroundTileSize = 0;
                MakeFloor = false;

            Wall.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color = col;
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Use this for initialization
        private void Start()
            var gen = GameObject.Find("WallCreator").GetComponent <GenerateGenerateWall>();

            _destroy = new List <GameObject>(); //This initializes the food object destroy list

            var activeGoals    = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.ActiveGoals;
            var inactiveGoals  = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.InactiveGoals;
            var invisibleGoals = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.InvisibleGoals;
            var inactiveSet    = new HashSet <int>(inactiveGoals);
            var invisibleSet   = new HashSet <int>(invisibleGoals);
            var activeSet      = new HashSet <int>(activeGoals);

            var merged = new List <int>();


            Data.Point p = new Data.Point {
                X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0
            foreach (var val in merged)
                var goalItem = DS.GetData().Goals[Mathf.Abs(val) - 1];

                // Position is not set in the config file
                if (goalItem.Position.Count == 0)
                    p = ReadFromExternal(goalItem.PythonFile);
                        p = new Data.Point {
                            X = goalItem.PositionVector.x, Y = goalItem.PositionVector.y, Z = goalItem.PositionVector.z
                    catch (Exception _)
                        p = new Data.Point {
                            X = goalItem.PositionVector.x, Y = 0.5f, Z = goalItem.PositionVector.z

                GameObject prefab;
                GameObject obj;
                var        spriteName = "";

                if (goalItem.Type.ToLower().Equals("3d"))
                    prefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("3D_Objects/" + goalItem.Object, typeof(GameObject));
                    obj    = Instantiate(prefab);
                    obj.AddComponent <RotateBlock>();
                    // Load the "2D" prefab here, so we have the required components
                    prefab     = (GameObject)Resources.Load("3D_Objects/" + goalItem.Type.ToUpper(), typeof(GameObject));
                    obj        = Instantiate(prefab);
                    spriteName = goalItem.Object;

                obj.transform.localScale = goalItem.ScaleVector;
                obj.transform.position   = new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);

                obj.AddComponent <PickupSound>();
                obj.GetComponent <PickupSound>().Sound = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Sounds/" + goalItem.Sound);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteName))
                    var pic = Img2Sprite.LoadNewSprite(DataSingleton.GetData().SpritesPath + spriteName);
                    obj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = pic;

                var color = Data.GetColour(goalItem.Color);

                    obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color;
                    obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled        = !invisibleSet.Contains(val);
                    obj.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled        = !inactiveSet.Contains(val);

                    if (activeSet.Contains(val) || invisibleSet.Contains(val))
                        obj.tag = "Pickup";
                        obj.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true;
                catch (Exception _)
                    print("Visibility not working");


            GameObject.Find("Participant").GetComponent <PlayerController>().ExternalStart(p.X, p.Z);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void Start()
                var trialText   = GameObject.Find("TrialText").GetComponent <Text>();
                var blockText   = GameObject.Find("BlockText").GetComponent <Text>();
                var currBlockId = E.Get().CurrTrial.BlockID;
                // This section sets the text
                trialText.text = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.DisplayText;
                blockText.text = DS.GetData().Blocks[currBlockId].DisplayText;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.DisplayImage))
                    var filePath     = DS.GetData().SpritesPath + E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.DisplayImage;
                    var displayImage = GameObject.Find("DisplayImage").GetComponent <RawImage>();
                    displayImage.enabled = true;
                    displayImage.texture = Img2Sprite.LoadTexture(filePath);
            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                Debug.LogWarning("Goal object not set: running an instructional trial");


            _currDelay = 0;

            // Choose a random starting angle if the value is not set in config
            if (E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.StartFacing == -1)
                _iniRotation = Random.Range(0, 360);
                _iniRotation = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.StartFacing;

            transform.Rotate(0, _iniRotation, 0);

                _controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
                _gen        = GameObject.Find("WallCreator").GetComponent <GenerateGenerateWall>();
                Cam.transform.Rotate(0, 0, 0);
            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                Debug.LogWarning("Can't set controller object: running an instructional trial");
            _waitTime  = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.Rotate;
            _reset     = false;
            localQuota = E.Get().CurrTrial.trialData.Quota;

            // This has to happen here for output to be aligned properly
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.Instructional = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().trialData.Instructional;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.EnvironmentType = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().trialData.Scene;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.CurrentEnclosureIndex = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().trialData.Enclosure - 1;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.BlockID = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().BlockID;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TrialID = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialID;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TwoDim = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().trialData.TwoDimensional;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.LastX = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetX;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.LastY = TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetY;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetX = 0;
            TrialProgress.GetCurrTrial().TrialProgress.TargetY = 0;

            _isStarted = true;
 // Use this for initialization
 private void Start()
     Create.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
     _currCreate = Instantiate(E.Get().CurrTrial.enclosure.Sides == 0 ? GenerateEnclosureFromFile : Create);