//Konstruktor public ControllerCore(short _iPort, char _cProtocolDelimiter, char _cDataDelimiter, string _sAesKey, string _sDatabaseDriver, string _sDBHostIp, short _sDBPort, string _sDBUser, string _sDBPass, string _sDBDefaultDB, string _sLogPath) { //Logging initialisations Logger = new logWriter(_sLogPath); Logger.writeInLog(true, "Logging class initialized!"); //Database Initialisations if (_sDatabaseDriver == "mysql") { DatabaseEngine = new DBMysqlDataManager(_sDBHostIp, _sDBUser, _sDBPass, _sDBPort, _sDBDefaultDB); } else if (_sDatabaseDriver == "mssql") { DatabaseEngine = new DBMssqlDataManager(_sDBHostIp, _sDBUser, _sDBPass, _sDBPort, _sDBDefaultDB); } //Database test if (DatabaseEngine.testDBConnection()) { Logger.writeInLog(true, "Database test successfull!"); } else { Logger.writeInLog(true, "ERROR: Database test was not successfull!"); return; } //Network Initialisations ActiveConnections = new List <networkServer.networkClientInterface>(); sAesKey = _sAesKey; this.cProtocolDelimiter = _cProtocolDelimiter; this.cDataDelimiter = _cDataDelimiter; TcpServer = new networkServer(NetworkProtocol, _sAesKey, IPAddress.Any, _iPort, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Logger.writeInLog(true, "TCP Server ready for start!"); //TESTCASE networkServer.networkClientInterface dummy = new networkServer.networkClientInterface(); //Auth // networkProtocol("#104;Anderson2;Lars;Pickelin;miau1234;[email protected]", ref dummy); // networkProtocol("#102;Anderson2;miau1x234", ref dummy); //Content //Get all rooms // networkProtocol("#201", ref dummy); //Get all rooms of a specific user // NetworkProtocol("#211;18", ref dummy); //Add new or update room //NetworkProtocol("#203;5;1;Avelinas Test raum;Hallo Welt;1;http://www.AvelinaLerntArrays.net", ref dummy); //Get all workouts of room id 2 // NetworkProtocol("#205;Hadd e", ref dummy); //Get Levels of workout with id 1 // NetworkProtocol("#207;1", ref dummy); //Get all excercises of workout 1 // NetworkProtocol("#209;1", ref dummy); //Delete room //NetworkProtocol("#213;114", ref dummy); }
//Konstruktor /// <summary> /// To initial the core we need to know many parameters to be flexible for different clients. /// We for example want the client to decide where to save the log file /// </summary> /// <param name="_ApplicationName"></param> Name of the application, that each client can have more then one game running on this server /// <param name="LatestClientVersion"></param> ////////////////////////////////////////// what is this for? usecase? /// <param name="_iPort"></param> port for connection to the clients. Connection is made with the NetworkServer /// <param name="_cProtocolDelimiter"></param> This is the delemiter used to seperate the values of each protocol for the client site! Only the c code is using this dilimiter. The recieved protocols have all ; as delemiter /// <param name="_EncryptionKey"></param> /////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_EncryptionIV"></param> //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_PingTimer"></param> The client can decide how often the clients need to ping, e.g. every second. This is to check if the client somehow killed our application /// <param name="SessionLength"></param> How long shall be the session ID, that is generated randomly /// <param name="_sDatabaseDriver"></param> only mssql supported yet. Mysql in planning /// <param name="_sDBHostIp"></param> /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_sDBPort"></param> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_sDBUser"></param> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_sDBPass"></param> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_sDBDefaultDB"></param> //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <param name="_sLogPath"></param> Where is the logging file going to be saved /// <param name="LogLevel"></param> What level shall be logged? Everything = 3, All but debug = 2, Critical and Error = 1, only critical = 0 /// <param name="PathGameDll"></param> Where is the game specific dll saved? This is needed for dynamicaly use functions for all kind of games like blocking a user. public ControllerCore(string _ApplicationName, int LatestClientVersion, short _iPort, char _cProtocolDelimiter, string _EncryptionKey, string _EncryptionIV, int _PingTimer, int SessionLength, string _sDatabaseDriver, string _sDBHostIp, short _sDBPort, string _sDBUser, string _sDBPass, string _sDBDefaultDB, string _sLogPath, int LogLevel, string PathGameDll) { //Logging initialisations Support.logWriter Logger = new logWriter(_sLogPath, LogLevel); Logger.Seperate(); Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Logging class initialized!"); DBEngine dBEngine = null; //Database Initialisations if (_sDatabaseDriver == "mysql") { // mysql isn't supported yet // CCstDatabase.DatabaseEngine = new DBMysqlDataManager(_sDBHostIp,_sDBUser,_sDBPass,_sDBPort,_sDBDefaultDB); } else if (_sDatabaseDriver == "mssql") { // create the mssql manager dBEngine = new DBMssqlDataManager(_sDBHostIp, _sDBUser, _sDBPass, _sDBPort, _sDBDefaultDB); } //Database test if (dBEngine.testDBConnection()) { Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.DATABASE, "Database test successfull!"); } else { Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.ERROR, Support.LoggerType.DATABASE, "Database test was not successfull!"); return; } // try to get the application ID for the given application out of the DB Application = SApplication.GetByName(_ApplicationName, dBEngine); // QUESTION: usually the procedure creates a new ID for a new application so this case should never apear? if (Application == null) { Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.ERROR, Support.LoggerType.DATABASE, "The application name was not found in the database!"); return; } Logger.ApplicationID = Application.ID; // Create a new config object to be able to use specific functions like logging in all classes by getting the insance via application information CCstData Config = new CCstData(Application, dBEngine, Logger); // test if connection to database is still working after safing it in the config if (CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).DatabaseEngine.testDBConnection()) { CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Instance successfully created!"); } else { Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.ERROR, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "Instance could not be created!"); return; } // fill the config with the needed values CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).LatestClientVersion = LatestClientVersion; CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).EncryptionKey = _EncryptionKey; CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).EncryptionIV = _EncryptionIV; CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).PingTimer = _PingTimer; CCstData.GetInstance(Application.ID).SessionIDLength = SessionLength; // Check if the user really included the path with the needed URL. if (!File.Exists(PathGameDll)) { // this would be a critical error because we need the functions of the DLL to be a productive server Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.CRITICAL, LoggerType.SERVER, String.Format("Game Dll not found! Path: {0}", PathGameDll)); return; } // create the path to the config file. It always MUST have the name: config.ini string ConfigPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(PathGameDll), "config.ini"); if (!File.Exists(ConfigPath)) { // this would be a critical error because we need the functions of the config file to be a productive server Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.CRITICAL, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, String.Format("Game Config file not found! Path: ", ConfigPath)); return; } // save the found DLL in our universal config object CCstData.GetInstance(Application).GameDLL = new Utility.ApplicationAdapter(Path.GetFullPath(PathGameDll), Application); // check if the constructor of the given DLL is working. This is important to make sure that we included the right DLL if (!CCstData.GetInstance(Application).GameDLL.ConstructorSuccessful) { return; } CCstData.GetInstance(Application).GameDLL.PrepareServer(ConfigPath); //Block Linux Ports /*SshClient unixSshConnectorAccept = new SshClient(LinuxIP, LinuxPort, LinuxLogin, LinuxPass); * * try * { * unixSshConnectorAccept.Connect(); * if (!unixSshConnectorAccept.IsConnected) * return; * unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("/root/.firewall.sh"); * Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.GAMEDLL, "IP Table command executed!"); * //if (Res.Error.Length != 0) * //CCstData.GetInstance(Application).Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.CRITICAL, LoggerType.GAMEDLL, "Cannot execute start command!"); * } * catch (Exception e) * { * Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.ERROR, Support.LoggerType.GAMEDLL, "Cannot connect to Linux Server"); * return; * } * finally * { * unixSshConnectorAccept.Disconnect(); * } * * string PuttyStringBuilder = ""; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " service iptables stop"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -F"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -Z"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -X"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j DROP"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && iptables -I INPUT -p all -s -j ACCEPT"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && service iptables save"; * //PuttyStringBuilder += " && service iptables start"; * * //SshCommand testing = unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand(PuttyStringBuilder); * //string Result1 = testing.Result; * //string Err = testing.Error; * //SshCommand test = unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("service iptables stop"); * * //SshCommand Test4 = unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("cd ../etc/ppp/"); * //SshCommand Test3 = unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("ls -l"); * //string Res = Test3.Result; * //string Res2 = Test2.Result; * * //SshCommand Test1=unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("./PX2000.sh"); * //string Error = Test1.Error; * //string Error2 = Test2.Error; * * * * //Clear IPTables * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -F"); * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -Z"); * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -X"); * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -F FORWARD"); * * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -F OUTPUT"); * //Block World-Ports * if (DeactivatePortBlocking) * return; * * List<string> Ports = new List<string>(); * Ports.Add("12001"); * Ports.Add("12002"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * Ports.Add("12003"); * //Ports.Add("entextnetwk"); * * * foreach (string item in Ports) * { * //Bestimmte Ports blocken * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport " + item + " -j DROP"); * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port " + item + " -j DROP"); * } * * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("service iptables save"); * //unixSshConnectorAccept.RunCommand("service iptables start"); * * //unixSshConnectorAccept.Disconnect(); */ //Network Initialisations, this list includes all active connections to the client part of our project // this is needed for sending them protocols because there is no permanent connection to each client // it is also needed to check if all of them are still pinging ActiveConnections = new List <networkServer.networkClientInterface>(); sAesKey = ""; this.cProtocolDelimiter = _cProtocolDelimiter; this.cDataDelimiter = _cProtocolDelimiter; TcpServer = new networkServer(NetworkProtocol, sAesKey, Application.ID, IPAddress.Any, _iPort, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // QUESTION: What is this doing? ProtocolController.SendProtocol += this.SendProtocol; Logger.writeInLog(1, LogCategory.OK, Support.LoggerType.SERVER, "TCP Server ready for start!"); Logger.Seperate(); ProtocolController = new ProtocolController(ref ActiveConnections, Application.ID); /*//TESTCASE * networkServer.networkClientInterface dummy = new networkServer.networkClientInterface(); * //Registration * ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(dummy, "500;98765;Test;Windoofs 7;Deutsch;1"); * string SessionID = "ASDASD"; * ActiveConnections[0].SessionID = SessionID; * * ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(dummy, String.Format("600;{0}", SessionID)); * System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); * ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(dummy, String.Format("600;{0}", SessionID)); * * //ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(dummy, String.Format("701;{0};Prozess", SessionID)); * * dummy.SessionID = SessionID; * ProtocolController.ReceivedProtocol(dummy, String.Format("701;{0};Process;Window;Class;MD5",SessionID)); */ //Auth // networkProtocol("#104;Anderson2;Lars;Pickelin;miau1234;[email protected]", ref dummy); // networkProtocol("#102;Anderson2;miau1x234", ref dummy); //Content //Get all rooms // networkProtocol("#201", ref dummy); //Get all rooms of a specific user // NetworkProtocol("#218", ref dummy); //Add new or update room //NetworkProtocol("#203;5;1;Avelinas Test raum;Hallo Welt;1;http://www.AvelinaLerntArrays.net", ref dummy); //Get all workouts of room id 2 // NetworkProtocol("#205;Hadd e", ref dummy); //Get Levels of workout with id 1 // NetworkProtocol("#207;1", ref dummy); //Get all excercises of workout 1 // NetworkProtocol("#209;1", ref dummy); //Delete room //NetworkProtocol("#213;114", ref dummy); }