Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Setup(Vector3 target, houses home, main m)
     m_main              = m;
     m_target            = target;
     m_home              = home;
     m_speed            *= Random.Range(speed_variation.x, speed_variation.y);
     lookingForAlternate = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void assignNewHouses(int ces)
     for (int i = 0; i < ces; i++)
         houses template = new houses();
         template.no        = ++no;
         template.houseType = decideToHouseType();
         template.ekoz      = decideEos();
         (template.roomNumber, template.saloonNumber) = decideRoomNumber(template.houseType);
         template.price = decideToPrice(template);
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// finds house according to no(id).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="no">id of house</param>
    /// <param name="type">is house bought or new or old?
    /// 1= new
    /// 2= bought
    /// 3= old (will be add)
    /// enter this value to faster find
    /// </param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    houses searchHouse(int no, int type = 0)
        if (type == 0)
            foreach (houses template in newHouses)
                if (no == template.no)
            foreach (houses template in boughtHouses)
                if (no == template.no)
        if (type == 1)//new
            foreach (houses template in newHouses)
                if (no == template.no)
        if (type == 2)//bought
            foreach (houses template in boughtHouses)
                if (no == template.no)
        houses garbageHouse = new houses();

        garbageHouse.Name = "garbage";
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void buyingHouse(int no, int uiNo)
        print("no: " + no + " uiNo: " + uiNo);
        houses boughtHouse = searchHouse(no, 1);

        if (player.money >= boughtHouse.price)
            player.money -= boughtHouse.price;
            //increaseColor(newHouses[uiNo].transform.Find("transparent").gameObject, 0f, 110);
            print("u have no enough money dude");
Exemplo n.º 5
 /* *********************************************************
      *  Arguments: th = sidereal time (angle 0..360 degrees
      *             hsy = letter code for house system;
      *                   A  equal
      *                   E  equal
      *                   B  Alcabitius
      *                   C  Campanus
      *                   G  36 Gauquelin sectors
      *                   H  horizon / azimut
      *                   K  Koch
      *                   M  Morinus
      *                   O  Porphyry
      *                   P  Placidus
      *                   R  Regiomontanus
      *                   T  Polich/Page ("topocentric")
      *                   U  Krusinski-Pisa-Goelzer
      *                   V  equal Vehlow
      *                   W  equal, whole sign
      *                   X  axial rotation system/ Meridian houses
      *                   Y  APC houses
      *             fi = geographic latitude
      *             ekl = obliquity of the ecliptic
      *             iteration_count = number of iterations in
      *             Placidus calculation; can be 1 or 2.
      * *********************************************************
      *  Koch and Placidus don't work in the polar circle.
      *  We swap MC/IC so that MC is always before AC in the zodiac
      *  We than divide the quadrants into 3 equal parts.
      * *********************************************************
      *  All angles are expressed in degrees.
      *  Special trigonometric functions sind, cosd etc. are
      *  implemented for arguments in degrees.
 int CalcH(
     double th, double fi, double ekl, char hsy,
     int iteration_count, houses hsp)
     double tane, tanfi, cosfi, tant, sina, cosa, th2;
     double a, c, f, fh1, fh2, xh1, xh2, rectasc, ad3, acmc, vemc;
     int i, ih, ih2, retc = SwissEph.OK;
     double sine, cose;
     double[] x = new double[3]; double krHorizonLon; /* BK 14.02.2006 */
     cose = cosd(ekl);
     sine = sind(ekl);
     tane = tand(ekl);
     /* north and south poles */
     if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(fi) - 90) < VERY_SMALL) {
         if (fi < 0)
             fi = -90 + VERY_SMALL;
             fi = 90 - VERY_SMALL;
     tanfi = tand(fi);
     /* mc */
     if (Math.Abs(th - 90) > VERY_SMALL
         && Math.Abs(th - 270) > VERY_SMALL) {
         tant = tand(th);
         hsp.mc = atand(tant / cose);
         if (th > 90 && th <= 270)
             hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
     } else {
         if (Math.Abs(th - 90) <= VERY_SMALL)
             hsp.mc = 90;
             hsp.mc = 270;
     } /*  if */
     hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc);
     /* ascendant */
     hsp.ac = Asc1(th + 90, fi, sine, cose);
     hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
     hsp.cusp[10] = hsp.mc;
     if (hsy > 95) hsy = (char)(hsy - 32);/* translate into capital letter */
     switch (hsy) {
         case 'A':	/* equal houses */
         case 'E':
              * within polar circle we swap AC/DC if AC is on wrong side
             acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             if (acmc < 0) {
                 hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                 hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
             for (i = 2; i <= 12; i++)
                 hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[1] + (i - 1) * 30);
         case 'C': /* Campanus houses and Horizon or Azimut system */
         case 'H':
             if (hsy == 'H') {
                 if (fi > 0)
                     fi = 90 - fi;
                     fi = -90 - fi;
                 /* equator */
                 if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(fi) - 90) < VERY_SMALL) {
                     if (fi < 0)
                         fi = -90 + VERY_SMALL;
                         fi = 90 - VERY_SMALL;
                 th = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 180);
             fh1 = asind(sind(fi) / 2);
             fh2 = asind(Math.Sqrt(3.0) / 2 * sind(fi));
             cosfi = cosd(fi);
             if (Math.Abs(cosfi) == 0) {	/* '==' should be save! */
                 if (fi > 0)
                     xh1 = xh2 = 90; /* cosfi = VERY_SMALL; */
                     xh1 = xh2 = 270; /* cosfi = -VERY_SMALL; */
             } else {
                 xh1 = atand(Math.Sqrt(3.0) / cosfi);
                 xh2 = atand(1 / Math.Sqrt(3.0) / cosfi);
             hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(th + 90 - xh1, fh1, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(th + 90 - xh2, fh2, sine, cose);
             if (hsy == 'H')
                 hsp.cusp[1] = Asc1(th + 90, fi, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(th + 90 + xh2, fh2, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(th + 90 + xh1, fh1, sine, cose);
             /* within polar circle, when mc sinks below horizon and
              * ascendant changes to western hemisphere, all cusps
              * must be added 180 degrees.
              * houses will be in clockwise direction */
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                     hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
                     for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                         hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
             if (hsy == 'H') {
                 for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                     hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
                 for (i = 11; i <= 12; i++)
                     hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
                 /* restore fi and th */
                 if (fi > 0)
                     fi = 90 - fi;
                     fi = -90 - fi;
                 th = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 180);
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
         case 'K': /* Koch houses */
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 retc = SwissEph.ERR;
                 goto porphyry;
             sina = sind(hsp.mc) * sine / cosd(fi);
             if (sina > 1) sina = 1;
             if (sina < -1) sina = -1;
             cosa = Math.Sqrt(1 - sina * sina);		/* always >> 0 */
             c = atand(tanfi / cosa);
             ad3 = asind(sind(c) * sina) / 3.0;
             hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(th + 30 - 2 * ad3, fi, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(th + 60 - ad3, fi, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(th + 120 + ad3, fi, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(th + 150 + 2 * ad3, fi, sine, cose);
         case 'O':	/* Porphyry houses */
              * within polar circle we swap AC/DC if AC is on wrong side
             acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             if (acmc < 0) {
                 hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                 hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             hsp.cusp[2] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + (180 - acmc) / 3);
             hsp.cusp[3] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + (180 - acmc) / 3 * 2);
             hsp.cusp[11] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + acmc / 3);
             hsp.cusp[12] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + acmc / 3 * 2);
         case 'R':	/* Regiomontanus houses */
             fh1 = atand(tanfi * 0.5);
             fh2 = atand(tanfi * cosd(30));
             hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(30 + th, fh1, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(60 + th, fh2, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(120 + th, fh2, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(150 + th, fh1, sine, cose);
             /* within polar circle, when mc sinks below horizon and
              * ascendant changes to western hemisphere, all cusps
              * must be added 180 degrees.
              * houses will be in clockwise direction */
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                     hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
                     for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                         hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
         case 'T':	/* 'topocentric' houses */
             fh1 = atand(tanfi / 3.0);
             fh2 = atand(tanfi * 2.0 / 3.0);
             hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(30 + th, fh1, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(60 + th, fh2, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(120 + th, fh2, sine, cose);
             hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(150 + th, fh1, sine, cose);
             /* within polar circle, when mc sinks below horizon and
              * ascendant changes to western hemisphere, all cusps
              * must be added 180 degrees.
              * houses will be in clockwise direction */
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                     hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
                     for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                         hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
         case 'V':	/* equal houses after Vehlow */
             * within polar circle we swap AC/DC if AC is on wrong side
             acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             if (acmc < 0) {
                 hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                 hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
             hsp.cusp[1] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac - 15);
             for (i = 2; i <= 12; i++)
                 hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[1] + (i - 1) * 30);
         case 'W':	/* equal, whole-sign houses */
             * within polar circle we swap AC/DC if AC is on wrong side
             acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             if (acmc < 0) {
                 hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                 hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
             hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac - (hsp.ac % 30.0);
             for (i = 2; i <= 12; i++)
                 hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[1] + (i - 1) * 30);
         case 'X': {
                  * Meridian or axial rotation system:
                  * ecliptic points whose rectascensions
                  * are armc + n * 30
                 int j;
                 double a2 = th;
                 for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
                     j = i + 10;
                     if (j > 12) j -= 12;
                     a2 = SE.swe_degnorm(a2 + 30);
                     if (Math.Abs(a2 - 90) > VERY_SMALL
                       && Math.Abs(a2 - 270) > VERY_SMALL) {
                         tant = tand(a2);
                         hsp.cusp[j] = atand(tant / cose);
                         if (a2 > 90 && a2 <= 270)
                             hsp.cusp[j] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[j] + 180);
                     } else {
                         if (Math.Abs(a2 - 90) <= VERY_SMALL)
                             hsp.cusp[j] = 90;
                             hsp.cusp[j] = 270;
                     } /*  if */
                     hsp.cusp[j] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[j]);
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
         case 'M': {
                  * Morinus
                  * points of the equator (armc + n * 30) are transformed
                  * into the ecliptic coordinate system
                 int j;
                 double a3 = th;
                 double[] x3 = new double[3];
                 for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
                     j = i + 10;
                     if (j > 12) j -= 12;
                     a3 = SE.swe_degnorm(a3 + 30);
                     x3[0] = a3;
                     x3[1] = 0;
                     SE.swe_cotrans(x3, x3, ekl);
                     hsp.cusp[j] = x3[0];
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
         case 'B': {	/* Alcabitius */
                 /* created by Alois 17-sep-2000, followed example in Matrix
                    electrical library. The code reproduces the example!
                    See http://www.astro.com/cgi/adict.cgi query: alcabitius
                    in the resuotl page, see program code example.
                    I think the Alcabitius code in Walter Pullen's Astrolog 5.40
                    is wrong, because he remains in RA and forgets the transform to
                    the ecliptic. */
                 double dek, r, sna, sda, sn3, sd3;
     #if FALSE
     if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
       retc = ERR;
       goto porphyry;
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                     hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
                     acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 dek = asind(sind(hsp.ac) * sine);	/* declination of Ascendant */
                 /* must treat the case fi == 90 or -90 */
                 r = -tanfi * tand(dek);
                 /* must treat the case of abs(r) > 1; probably does not happen
                  * because dek becomes smaller when fi is large, as ac is close to
                  * zero Aries/Libra in that case.
                 sda = Math.Acos(r) * SwissEph.RADTODEG;	/* semidiurnal arc, measured on equator */
                 sna = 180 - sda;		/* complement, seminocturnal arc */
                 sd3 = sda / 3;
                 sn3 = sna / 3;
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(th + sd3);	/* cusp 11 */
                 /* project rectasc onto eclipitic with pole height 0, i.e. along the
                 declination circle */
                 hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(rectasc, 0, sine, cose);
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 2 * sd3);	/* cusp 12 */
                 hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(rectasc, 0, sine, cose);
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 180 - 2 * sn3);	/* cusp 2 */
                 hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(rectasc, 0, sine, cose);
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 180 - sn3);	/* cusp 3 */
                 hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(rectasc, 0, sine, cose);
         case 'G': 	/* 36 Gauquelin sectors */
             for (i = 1; i <= 36; i++) {
                 hsp.cusp[i] = 0;
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 retc = SwissEph.ERR;
                 goto porphyry;
             /*************** forth/second quarter ***************/
             /* note: Gauquelin sectors are counted in clockwise direction */
             a = asind(tand(fi) * tane);
             for (ih = 2; ih <= 9; ih++) {
                 ih2 = 10 - ih;
                 fh1 = atand(sind(a * ih2 / 9) / tane);
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm((90 / 9) * ih2 + th);
                 tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh1, sine, cose))));
                 if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                     hsp.cusp[ih] = rectasc;
                 } else {
                     /* pole height */
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) * ih2 / 9) / tant);
                     hsp.cusp[ih] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                     for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                         tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[ih])));
                         if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                             hsp.cusp[ih] = rectasc;
                         /* pole height */
                         f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) * ih2 / 9) / tant);
                         hsp.cusp[ih] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 hsp.cusp[ih + 18] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[ih] + 180);
             /*************** first/third quarter ***************/
             for (ih = 29; ih <= 36; ih++) {
                 ih2 = ih - 28;
                 fh1 = atand(sind(a * ih2 / 9) / tane);
                 rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(180 - ih2 * 90 / 9 + th);
                 tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh1, sine, cose))));
                 if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                     hsp.cusp[ih] = rectasc;
                 } else {
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) * ih2 / 9) / tant);
                     /*  pole height */
                     hsp.cusp[ih] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                     for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                         tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[ih])));
                         if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                             hsp.cusp[ih] = rectasc;
                         f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) * ih2 / 9) / tant);
                         /*  pole height */
                         hsp.cusp[ih] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 hsp.cusp[ih - 18] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[ih] + 180);
             hsp.cusp[1] = hsp.ac;
             hsp.cusp[10] = hsp.mc;
             hsp.cusp[19] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
             hsp.cusp[28] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
         case 'U': /* Krusinski-Pisa */
              * The following code was written by Bogdan Krusinski in 2006.
              * [email protected]
              * Definition:
              * "Krusinski - house system based on the great circle passing through
              * ascendant and zenith. This circle is divided into 12 equal parts
              * (1st cusp is ascendent, 10th cusp is zenith), then the resulting
              * points are projected onto the ecliptic through meridian circles.
              * The house cusps in space are half-circles perpendicular to the equator
              * and running from the north to the south celestial pole through the
              * resulting cusp points on the house circle. The points where they
              * cross the ecliptic mark the ecliptic house cusps."
              * Description of the algorithm:
              * Transform into great circle running through Asc and zenit (where arc
              * between Asc and zenith is always 90 deg), and then return with
              * house cusps into ecliptic. Eg. solve trigonometrical triangle
              * with three transformations and two rotations starting from ecliptic.
              * House cusps in space are meridian circles.
              * Notes:
              * 1. In this definition we assume MC on ecliptic as point where
              *    half-meridian (from north to south pole) cuts ecliptic,
              *    so MC may be below horizon in arctic regions.
              * 2. Houses could be calculated in all latitudes except the poles
              *    themselves (-90,90) and points on arctic circle in cases where
              *    ecliptic is equal to horizon and then ascendant is undefined.
              *    But ascendant when 'horizon=ecliptic' could be deduced as limes
              *    from both sides of that point and houses with that provision can
              *    be computed also there.
              * Starting values for calculations:
              *	   - Asc ecliptic longitude
              *	   - right ascension of MC (RAMC)
              *	   - geographic latitude.
              * within polar circle we swap AC/DC if AC is on wrong side
             acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
             if (acmc < 0) {
                 hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
             /* A0. Start point - ecliptic coords of ascendant */
             x[0] = hsp.ac; /* Asc longitude   */
             x[1] = 0.0;     /* Asc declination */
             x[2] = 1.0;     /* Radius to test validity of subsequent transformations. */
             SE.swe_cotrans(x, x, -ekl);      /* A1. Transform into equatorial coords */
             x[0] = x[0] - (th - 90);        /* A2. Rotate                           */
             SE.swe_cotrans(x, x, -(90 - fi));  /* A3. Transform into horizontal coords */
             krHorizonLon = x[0];          /* ...save asc lon on horizon to get back later with house cusp */
             x[0] = x[0] - x[0];           /* A4. Rotate                           */
             SE.swe_cotrans(x, x, -90);       /* A5. Transform into this house system great circle (asc-zenith) */
             /* As it is house circle now, simple add 30 deg increments... */
             for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                 /* B0. Set 'n-th' house cusp.
                  *     Note that IC/MC are also calculated here to check
                  *     if really this is the asc-zenith great circle. */
                 x[0] = 30.0 * i;
                 x[1] = 0.0;
                 SE.swe_cotrans(x, x, 90);                 /* B1. Transform back into horizontal coords */
                 x[0] = x[0] + krHorizonLon;            /* B2. Rotate back.                          */
                 SE.swe_cotrans(x, x, 90 - fi);              /* B3. Transform back into equatorial coords */
                 x[0] = SE.swe_degnorm(x[0] + (th - 90));    /* B4. Rotate back -> RA of house cusp as result. */
                 /* B5. Where's this house cusp on ecliptic? */
                 /* ... so last but not least - get ecliptic longitude of house cusp: */
                 hsp.cusp[i + 1] = atand(tand(x[0]) / cosd(ekl));
                 if (x[0] > 90 && x[0] <= 270)
                     hsp.cusp[i + 1] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i + 1] + 180);
                 hsp.cusp[i + 1] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i + 1]);
                 hsp.cusp[i + 7] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i + 1] + 180);
         case 'Y':     /* APC houses */
             for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
                 hsp.cusp[i] = apc_sector(i, fi * SwissEph.DEGTORAD, ekl * SwissEph.DEGTORAD, th * SwissEph.DEGTORAD);
             hsp.ac = hsp.cusp[1];
             hsp.mc = hsp.cusp[10];
             /* within polar circle, when mc sinks below horizon and
              * ascendant changes to western hemisphere, all cusps
              * must be added 180 degrees.
              * houses will be in clockwise direction */
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 acmc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.ac, hsp.mc);
                 if (acmc < 0) {
                     hsp.ac = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.ac + 180);
                     hsp.mc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.mc + 180);
                     for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                         hsp.cusp[i] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[i] + 180);
         default:	/* Placidus houses */
             //#ifndef _WINDOWS
             //if (hsy != 'P')
             //  fprintf (stderr, "swe_houses: make Placidus, unknown key %c\n", hsy);
             if (Math.Abs(fi) >= 90 - ekl) {  /* within polar circle */
                 retc = SwissEph.ERR;
                 goto porphyry;
             a = asind(tand(fi) * tane);
             fh1 = atand(sind(a / 3) / tane);
             fh2 = atand(sind(a * 2 / 3) / tane);
             /* ************  house 11 ******************** */
             rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(30 + th);
             tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh1, sine, cose))));
             if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                 hsp.cusp[11] = rectasc;
             } else {
                 /* pole height */
                 f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 3) / tant);
                 hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                     tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[11])));
                     if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                         hsp.cusp[11] = rectasc;
                     /* pole height */
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 3) / tant);
                     hsp.cusp[11] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
             /* ************  house 12 ******************** */
             rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(60 + th);
             tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh2, sine, cose))));
             if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                 hsp.cusp[12] = rectasc;
             } else {
                 f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 1.5) / tant);
                 /*  pole height */
                 hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                     tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[12])));
                     if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                         hsp.cusp[12] = rectasc;
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 1.5) / tant);
                     /*  pole height */
                     hsp.cusp[12] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
             /* ************  house  2 ******************** */
             rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(120 + th);
             tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh2, sine, cose))));
             if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                 hsp.cusp[2] = rectasc;
             } else {
                 f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 1.5) / tant);
                 /*  pole height */
                 hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                     tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[2])));
                     if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                         hsp.cusp[2] = rectasc;
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 1.5) / tant);
                     /*  pole height */
                     hsp.cusp[2] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
             /* ************  house  3 ******************** */
             rectasc = SE.swe_degnorm(150 + th);
             tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(Asc1(rectasc, fh1, sine, cose))));
             if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                 hsp.cusp[3] = rectasc;
             } else {
                 f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 3) / tant);
                 /*  pole height */
                 hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
                 for (i = 1; i <= iteration_count; i++) {
                     tant = tand(asind(sine * sind(hsp.cusp[3])));
                     if (Math.Abs(tant) < VERY_SMALL) {
                         hsp.cusp[3] = rectasc;
                     f = atand(sind(asind(tanfi * tant) / 3) / tant);
                     /*  pole height */
                     hsp.cusp[3] = Asc1(rectasc, f, sine, cose);
     } /* end switch */
     if (hsy != 'G' && hsy != 'Y') {
         hsp.cusp[4] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[10] + 180);
         hsp.cusp[5] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[11] + 180);
         hsp.cusp[6] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[12] + 180);
         hsp.cusp[7] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[1] + 180);
         hsp.cusp[8] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[2] + 180);
         hsp.cusp[9] = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.cusp[3] + 180);
     /* vertex */
     if (fi >= 0)
         f = 90 - fi;
         f = -90 - fi;
     hsp.vertex = Asc1(th - 90, f, sine, cose);
     /* with tropical latitudes, the vertex behaves strange,
      * in a similar way as the ascendant within the polar
      * circle. we keep it always on the western hemisphere.*/
     if (Math.Abs(fi) <= ekl) {
         vemc = SE.swe_difdeg2n(hsp.vertex, hsp.mc);
         if (vemc > 0)
             hsp.vertex = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.vertex + 180);
      * some strange points:
     /* equasc (equatorial ascendant) */
     th2 = SE.swe_degnorm(th + 90);
     if (Math.Abs(th2 - 90) > VERY_SMALL
       && Math.Abs(th2 - 270) > VERY_SMALL) {
         tant = tand(th2);
         hsp.equasc = atand(tant / cose);
         if (th2 > 90 && th2 <= 270)
             hsp.equasc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.equasc + 180);
     } else {
         if (Math.Abs(th2 - 90) <= VERY_SMALL)
             hsp.equasc = 90;
             hsp.equasc = 270;
     } /*  if */
     hsp.equasc = SE.swe_degnorm(hsp.equasc);
     /* "co-ascendant" W. Koch */
     hsp.coasc1 = SE.swe_degnorm(Asc1(th - 90, fi, sine, cose) + 180);
     /* "co-ascendant" M. Munkasey */
     if (fi >= 0)
         hsp.coasc2 = Asc1(th + 90, 90 - fi, sine, cose);
     else /* southern hemisphere */
         hsp.coasc2 = Asc1(th + 90, -90 - fi, sine, cose);
     /* "polar ascendant" M. Munkasey */
     hsp.polasc = Asc1(th - 90, fi, sine, cose);
     return retc;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * this function is required for very special computations
  * where no date is given for house calculation,
  * e.g. for composite charts or progressive charts.
  * cusps are returned in double cusp[13],
  *                           or cusp[37] with house system 'G'.
  * cusp[1...12]	houses 1 - 12
  * additional points are returned in ascmc[10].
  * ascmc[0] = ascendant
  * ascmc[1] = mc
  * ascmc[2] = armc
  * ascmc[3] = vertex
  * ascmc[4] = equasc		* "equatorial ascendant" *
  * ascmc[5] = coasc1		* "co-ascendant" (W. Koch) *
  * ascmc[6] = coasc2		* "co-ascendant" (M. Munkasey) *
  * ascmc[7] = polasc		* "polar ascendant" (M. Munkasey) *
 public int swe_houses_armc(
                 double armc,
                 double geolat,
                 double eps,
                 char hsys,
                 CPointer<double> cusp,
                 CPointer<double> ascmc)
     houses h = new houses();
     int i, retc = 0;
     int ito;
     if (char.ToUpper(hsys) == 'G')
         ito = 36;
         ito = 12;
     armc = SE.swe_degnorm(armc);
     retc = CalcH(armc,
              (char)hsys, 2, h);
     cusp[0] = 0;
     for (i = 1; i <= ito; i++) {
         cusp[i] = h.cusp[i];
     ascmc[0] = h.ac;        /* Asc */
     ascmc[1] = h.mc;        /* Mid */
     ascmc[2] = armc;
     ascmc[3] = h.vertex;
     ascmc[4] = h.equasc;
     ascmc[5] = h.coasc1;	/* "co-ascendant" (W. Koch) */
     ascmc[6] = h.coasc2;	/* "co-ascendant" (M. Munkasey) */
     ascmc[7] = h.polasc;	/* "polar ascendant" (M. Munkasey) */
     for (i = SwissEph.SE_NASCMC; i < 10; i++)
         ascmc[i] = 0;
     #if TRACE
     //if (swi_trace_count <= TRACE_COUNT_MAX) {
     //  if (swi_fp_trace_c != NULL) {
     //    fputs("\n/*SWE_HOUSES_ARMC*/\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  armc = %.9f;", armc);
     //    fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " geolat = %.9f;", geolat);
     //    fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " eps = %.9f;", eps);
     //    fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, " hsys = %d;\n", hsys);
     //    fprintf(swi_fp_trace_c, "  retc = swe_houses_armc(armc, geolat, eps, hsys, cusp, ascmc);\n");
     //    fputs("  printf(\"swe_houses_armc: %f\\t%f\\t%f\\t%c\\t\\n\", ", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  armc, geolat, eps, hsys);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  printf(\"retc = %d\\n\", retc);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  printf(\"cusp:\\n\");\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("    printf(\"  %d\\t%f\\n\", i, cusp[i]);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  printf(\"ascmc:\\n\");\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fputs("    printf(\"  %d\\t%f\\n\", i, ascmc[i]);\n", swi_fp_trace_c);
     //    fflush(swi_fp_trace_c);
     //  }
     //  if (swi_fp_trace_out != NULL) {
     trace("swe_houses_armc: %f\t%f\t%f\t%c\t\n", armc, geolat, eps, hsys);
     trace("retc = %d\n", retc);
     for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
         trace("  %d\t%f\n", i, cusp[i]);
     for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         trace("  %d\t%f\n", i, ascmc[i]);
     //    fflush(swi_fp_trace_out);
     //  }
     //#if 0
     ///* for test of swe_house_pos().
     // * 1st house will be 0, second 30, etc. */
     //for (i = 1; i <=12; i++) {
     //  double x[6];
     //  x[0] = cusp[i]; x[1] = 0; x[2] = 1;
     //  cusp[i] = (swe_house_pos(armc, geolat, eps, hsys, x, NULL) - 1) * 30;
     return retc;
Exemplo n.º 7
    int decideToPrice(houses house)
        int price = 0;

        if (house.houseType == 1)
            /*1= bahçe  2= teras  3= havuz
            foreach (int i in house.ekoz)
                if (i == 1)
                    price += 10000;
                if (i == 3)
                    price += 30000;
                if (i == 2)
                    price += 100000;
            if (house.roomNumber != 3)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 450001);
                if (house.roomNumber == 7)
                    price += 100000;
                else if (house.roomNumber == 6)
                    price += 70000;
                else if (house.roomNumber == 5)
                    price += 50000;
                else if (house.roomNumber == 4)
                    price += 10000;
                price += Random.Range(50000, 250001);
        else if (house.houseType == 2)
            /*1= bahçe  2= teras  3= havuz
            foreach (int i in house.ekoz)
                if (i == 1)
                    price += 100000;
                if (i == 3)
                    price += 50000;
                if (i == 2)
                    price += 100000;
            if (house.roomNumber == 2)
                price += 50000;
            else if (house.roomNumber == 3)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 200001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 4)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 750001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 5)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 750001);
                price += 300000;
            else if (house.roomNumber == 6)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 750001);
                price += 600000;
        else if (house.houseType == 4)
            /*1= bahçe  2= teras  3= havuz
            foreach (int i in house.ekoz)
                if (i == 1)
                    price += 300000;
                if (i == 3)
                    price += 500000;
                if (i == 2)
                    price += 400000;
            if (house.roomNumber == 3)
                price += Random.Range(500000, 1500001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 4)
                price += Random.Range(500000, 4500001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 5)
                price += Random.Range(500000, 4500001);
                price += 300000;
            else if (house.roomNumber == 6)
                price += Random.Range(500000, 4500001);
                price += 500000;
            else if (house.roomNumber == 7)
                price += Random.Range(50000, 750001);
                price += 800000;
        else if (house.houseType == 3)
            /*1= bahçe  2= teras  3= havuz
            foreach (int i in house.ekoz)
                if (i == 1)
                    price += 100000;
                if (i == 3)
                    price += 400000;
                if (i == 2)
                    price += 300000;
            if (house.roomNumber == 2)
                price += Random.Range(200000, 300001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 3)
                price += Random.Range(200000, 600001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 4)
                price += Random.Range(200000, 1300001);
            else if (house.roomNumber == 5)
                price += Random.Range(200000, 1300001);
                price += 100000;
            else if (house.roomNumber == 6)
                price += Random.Range(200000, 1300001);
                price += 400000;
        price -= price % 1000;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void AddHouse(houses h)