void Start () { for (int i =1; i< level; i++) { sco+=i*100; } bb = new GUIStyle(); bb.normal.background = null; //这是设置背景填充的 bb.normal.textColor=new Color(1,0,0); //设置字体颜色的 bb.fontSize = 50; //当然,这是字体颜色 aa = new GUIStyle(); aa.normal.background = null; //这是设置背景填充的 aa.normal.textColor=new Color(1,0,0); //设置字体颜色的 aa.fontSize = 30; //当然,这是字体颜色 level1.Initial (); InitBgSrc();//动态加载物体 GameObject heroobj = GameObject.Find ("hero"); //调用脚本background中的地图 heroscript = (hero)heroobj.GetComponent (typeof(hero)); GameObject moneyobj = GameObject.Find ("enemy"); //调用脚本background中的地图 moneyscript = (money)moneyobj.GetComponent (typeof(money)); GameObject startspt = GameObject.Find ("startbtn"); //调用脚本background中的地图 stspt = (startscript)startspt.GetComponent (typeof(startscript)); }
public IHttpActionResult Puthero(int id, hero hero) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != hero.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(hero).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!heroExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IHttpActionResult Posthero(hero hero) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.heroes.Add(hero); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (heroExists(hero.ID)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = hero.ID }, hero)); }
public void addSkillBuff(List<hero> heros,hero mainHero) { mainHero.skill = new List<skill> (); mainHero.buffNum = new buff (); mainHero.buffPer = new buff (); foreach (hero h in heros) { h.buffNum = new buff (); h.buffPer = new buff (); foreach(skill s in h.skill){ if(s.target==0){ mainHero.skill.Add(s); if(s.NumPer==0) mainHero.buffNum.addBuff(1,s); else mainHero.buffPer.addBuff(1,s); } else if(s.target==1){ if(s.NumPer==0) h.buffNum.addBuff(1,s); else h.buffPer.addBuff(1,s); } } } }
void Start() { for (int i = 1; i < level; i++) { sco += i * 100; } bb = new GUIStyle(); bb.normal.background = null; //这是设置背景填充的 bb.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 0, 0); //设置字体颜色的 bb.fontSize = 50; //当然,这是字体颜色 aa = new GUIStyle(); aa.normal.background = null; //这是设置背景填充的 aa.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 0, 0); //设置字体颜色的 aa.fontSize = 30; //当然,这是字体颜色 level1.Initial(); InitBgSrc(); //动态加载物体 GameObject heroobj = GameObject.Find("hero"); //调用脚本background中的地图 heroscript = (hero)heroobj.GetComponent(typeof(hero)); GameObject moneyobj = GameObject.Find("enemy"); //调用脚本background中的地图 moneyscript = (money)moneyobj.GetComponent(typeof(money)); GameObject startspt = GameObject.Find("startbtn"); //调用脚本background中的地图 stspt = (startscript)startspt.GetComponent(typeof(startscript)); }
void getMainData() { heroMainData = new hero(); heroMainData.name = "playerMain"; GM.getData (heroMainData,HeroData); GM.addSkillBuff(HeroData,heroMainData); heroMainData.thisData.clone (heroMainData.maxData); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GM=GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<gameManager> (); mainPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> (); thisHero = new hero (); thisToggleGroup = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("heroUIToggle").GetComponent<ToggleGroup>(); thisToggle.group = thisToggleGroup; heroNumber = 0; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { speed = 0; heroNumber = 0; GM=GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<gameManager> (); mainPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> (); heroPicture=GetComponent<Image>(); thisHero = new hero (); }
public IHttpActionResult Gethero(int id) { hero hero = db.heroes.Find(id); if (hero == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(hero)); }
public void setCode(hero T) { // code = T; // thisHero = new hero (); // foreach (hero go in GM.enemyData) { // if(go.code==code){ // thisHero=go; // return; // } // } thisHero = T; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { dinoWeaponScript = GameObject.Find("dinoWeapon").GetComponent <dinoWeapon>(); princessScript = GameObject.Find("_princess").GetComponent <hero>(); anim = GameObject.Find("dinoSprite").GetComponent <Animator>(); bar = transform.Find("bar"); barColor = GameObject.Find("health"); rend = barColor.GetComponent <Renderer>(); roarSound = GameObject.Find("roar").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); laserSound = GameObject.Find("laser").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); winSound = GameObject.Find("winSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); rend.material.color = Color.green; }
private hero test_hero;//测试 void Start() { event_manager.Instance.add_event_listener(event_manager.EVT_LOGIC_FRAME_UPDATE, this.evt_logic_frame_update); GameObject hero = GameObject.Instantiate(this.hero_characters[ugames.Instance.usex]); hero.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); hero.transform.position = this.entry_A.transform.position; hero ctrl = hero.AddComponent <hero>(); ctrl.is_ghost = false; // 自己来控制; ctrl.logic_init(hero.transform.position); //逻辑数据部分的初始化 this.test_hero = ctrl; }
void Awake() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (s == null) { s = this; } else { Debug.LogError("Hero.Awake()- Attempted to assign second hero.s"); } //fireDelegate += TempFire; }
public IHttpActionResult Deletehero(int id) { hero hero = db.heroes.Find(id); if (hero == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.heroes.Remove(hero); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(hero)); }
// Trigger limits collision void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Flip(); if (other.gameObject.name.Equals("hero")) { if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("skeleton_atack")) { hero hero = other.gameObject.GetComponent <hero> (); if (hero != null) { hero.ReceiveDamage(); } } } }
//Vector3 laserPointPosition; // Vector3 beginPos; void Start() { pop = GameObject.Find("pop").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); dinoWeaponScript = GameObject.Find("dinoWeapon").GetComponent <dinoWeapon>(); healthScript = GameObject.Find("HealthBar").GetComponent <healthBar>(); healthScript.roaring(); princesss = GameObject.Find("_princess"); laserPoint = dinoWeaponScript.newPoint; princessScript = princesss.GetComponent <hero>(); lr = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lr.SetPosition(0, transform.position); //birthtime = Time.time; Destroy(laserPoint, 4f); Destroy(gameObject, 4f); //beginPos = transform.position; //laserPointPosition = laserPoint.transform.position; }
void getHeroData() { hero = GM.playerHero; good = GM.playerGood; HeroData = new List<hero> (); foreach (playerHero playerGo in hero) foreach (hero allGo in GM.allHero) if(playerGo.code==allGo.code){ hero go=new hero(); go.clone(allGo); go.level=playerGo.level; GM.changeAttributeLevel(go); go.thisData.clone(go.maxData); HeroData.Add(go); continue; } }
private void on_sync_last_logic_frame(FrameOpts frame_opt) { //把所有英雄的输入进行处理 //同步的时间间隔就是 逻辑帧的时间间隔 for (int i = 0; i < frame_opt.opts.Count; i++) { int seatid = frame_opt.opts[i].seatid; hero h = this.get_hero(seatid); if (!h) { Debug.LogError("cannot find here: " + seatid); continue; } h.on_sync_last_logic_frame(frame_opt.opts[i]); } }
private hero place_hero_at(PlayerMatchInfo match_info, int index) { int side = match_info.side; user_info uinfo = ugame.Instance.get_user_info(match_info.seatid); GameObject h_object = GameObject.Instantiate(this.hero_characters[uinfo.usex]); h_object.name = uinfo.unick; h_object.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); Vector3 center_pos; if (side == 0) { center_pos = this.map_entry_A.transform.position; } else { center_pos = this.map_entry_B.transform.position; } if (index == 0) { center_pos.z -= 3.0f; } else { center_pos.z += 3.0f; } h_object.transform.position = center_pos; hero ctrl = h_object.AddComponent <hero>(); ctrl.is_ghost = (match_info.seatid != ugame.Instance.self_seatid); ctrl.logic_init(h_object.transform.position); ctrl.seatid = match_info.seatid; ctrl.side = side; //创建要给ui血条 UI_show_blood ui_blood = this.ui_blood_mgr.place_ui_blood_on_hero(side); ctrl.ui_blood = ui_blood; //end return(ctrl); }
public static float attack(hero a,hero b){ float thisDamage = -1; if (isHit(a.thisData.hi, b.thisData.av)) { float atPer=a.thisData.atpro-b.thisData.atpro; if(atPer<0) atPer=0; thisDamage=a.thisData.at*(1+atPer); if(isCr(a.thisData.cr)) thisDamage*=(1+a.thisData.cpro); if(a.name=="playerMain"){ thisDamage=thisDamage*(1+a.buffPer.clDem+a.buffPer.damage)+a.buffNum.clDem+a.buffNum.damage; } else{ thisDamage=thisDamage*(1+a.buffPer.damage)+a.buffNum.damage; } } return thisDamage; }
static void Main(string[] args) { hero newHero = new hero(); newHero.sName = "맥스"; newHero.nHP = 10; newHero.nPower = 2; Console.WriteLine("이름 : {0}, 체력 : {1}, 공격력 : {2}", newHero.sName, newHero.nHP, newHero.nPower); newHero.Attack("허수아비"); myclass mycat = new myclass(3, "Cat1"); mycat.meow(); myclass mycat2 = new myclass(5, "Cat2"); mycat2.meow(); }
public IActionResult Captain([FromServices] IConfiguration config) { hero personagem; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); string ts = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); string publicKey = config.GetSection("MarvelComicsAPI:PublicKey").Value; string hash = GerarHash(ts, publicKey, config.GetSection("MarvelComicsAPI:PrivateKey").Value); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync( config.GetSection("MarvelComicsAPI:BaseURL").Value + $"characters?ts={ts}&apikey={publicKey}&hash={hash}&" + $"name={Uri.EscapeUriString("Captain America")}").Result; try { response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string conteudo = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; dynamic resultado = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(conteudo); personagem = new hero(); personagem.Nome = resultado.data.results[0].name; personagem.Descricao = resultado.data.results[0].description; personagem.UrlImagem = resultado.data.results[0].thumbnail.path + "." + resultado.data.results[0].thumbnail.extension; personagem.UrlWiki = resultado.data.results[0].urls[1].url; return(Ok(personagem)); }catch { return(Ok("erro")); } } //return Ok(personagem); }
private void on_handler_frame_event(FrameOpts frame_opt) { //调用英雄的logic_update this.on_frame_handle_hero_logic(); //end //把所有玩家的操作带入进去 for (int i = 0; i < frame_opt.opts.Count; i++) { int seatid = frame_opt.opts[i].seatid; hero h = this.get_hero(seatid); if (!h) { Debug.LogError("cannot find here: " + seatid); continue; } h.on_handler_frame_event(frame_opt.opts[i]); } //end //小兵位置 this.on_frame_handle_monster_logic(); //end //子弹逻辑先迭代 this.on_frame_handle_tower_bullet_logic(); //end // 塔的 AI 根据我们的处理,来进行处理... this.on_frame_handle_tower_logic(); //end // 同步小兵的AI this.on_frame_handle_monster_ai(); // end //产生怪物 this.gen_moster(); //end }
public override bool run_and_Pop(Dictionary <CardTxt, step_target> data) { hero he = createrMono.creater.aEmptycard <hero>(); h2.player[0].TXT_move_card_to(he, cardWhere.space3d); h2.player[0].TXT_setHero(he); _0_camera.camera_.tarTest = he.transform; card1_tower t = createrMono.creater.aEmptycard <card1_tower>(); h2.player[0].TXT_move_card_to(t, cardWhere.hand); t = createrMono.creater.aEmptycard <card1_tower>(); h2.player[0].TXT_move_card_to(t, cardWhere.hand); weapon1 w = createrMono.creater.aEmptycard <weapon1>(); h2.player[0].TXT_move_card_to(w, cardWhere.hand); return(true); }
void do_shoot() { List <hero> heros = game_zygote.Instance.get_heros(); hero target = null; float min_len = this.config.attack_R + 1; for (int i = 0; i < heros.Count; i++) { hero h = heros[i]; if (h.side == this.side) { continue; } Vector3 dir = h.transform.position - this.transform.position; float len = dir.magnitude; if (len > this.config.attack_R) { continue; } // 在攻击范围之内,判断,是否是最近的 if (len < min_len) { min_len = len; target = h; } } if (target) { // 超这个目标发射发射一颗子弹 // target 身上0.6高度的一个部位; target角色控制器---> height * 0.6 CharacterController ctrl = target.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); Vector3 pos = target.transform.position; pos.y += (ctrl.height * 0.6f); this.shoot_at(pos); } }
bool hit_test(Vector3 start_pos, float distance) { // 发射一条射线, start_pos 前方 ---> distance 的射线,看他撞倒的是哪些物体 RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(start_pos, this.transform.forward, distance); if (hits != null && hits.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { RaycastHit hit = hits[i]; if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == (int)ObjectType.Hero) { hero h = hit.collider.GetComponent <hero>(); if (h.side == this.side) { continue; } h.on_attacked(this.attack); } } } return(false); }
public void setCode(int T) { heroNumber = T; thisHero = mainPlayer.HeroData [heroNumber]; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GM=transform.GetComponent<gameManager>(); HeroData = new List<hero> (); heroMainData = new hero (); heroUINumber =0; gold = 0; thisTime = 0; }
void Start() { karakter = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <hero>(); }
public hero clone(hero element) { this.code = element.code; this.name = element.name; this.level = element.level; this.maxData = element.maxData; this.thisData = element.thisData; this.skill = element.skill; this.buffNum = element.buffNum; this.buffPer = element.buffPer; return this; }
//怪物数据 void getEnemyData() { enemyData = new List<hero>(); foreach (enemyHero EH in levelEnemyHero) foreach (hero ED in allHero) { if (EH.elementCode == ED.code) { for(int i=0;i<EH.num;i++){ hero go=new hero(); go.clone(ED); go.level=EH.level; changeAttributeLevel(go); go.maxData.hp+=EH.hp; go.maxData.at+=EH.at; go.thisData.clone(go.maxData); enemyData.Add (go); } continue; } } }
private void getAllHero() { for (int i=0; i<fightUnitDataJson.Count; i++){ if(fightUnitDataJson [i] ["type"].ToString()=="0"){ hero goData=new hero(); goData.code=fightUnitDataJson [i] ["code"].ToString(); goData.name=fightUnitDataJson [i] ["name"].ToString(); goData.level=1; goData.maxData.hp=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["hp"].ToString()); goData.maxData.at=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["at"].ToString()); goData.maxData.ag=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["ag"].ToString()); goData.maxData.hi=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["hi"].ToString()); goData.maxData.av=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["av"].ToString()); goData.maxData.cr=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["cr"].ToString()); goData.maxData.cpro=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["cpro"].ToString()); goData.maxData.de=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["de"].ToString()); goData.maxData.depro=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["depro"].ToString()); goData.maxData.atpro=float.Parse(fightUnitDataJson [i]["atpro"].ToString()); goData.thisData.clone(goData.maxData); for(int j=0;j<fightUnitDataJson [i] ["skill"].Count;j++) foreach(skill S in skillData) if(fightUnitDataJson [i] ["skill"][j]["skill"].ToString()==S.code){ skill sk=new skill(); sk.clone(S); goData.skill.Add(sk); } allHero.Add(goData); } } }
void Awake() { gold = 0; goldAdd = 0; gread = 0; nextGread = 0; thislevel="t1001"; nextlevel="t1001"; fightTime = 0; isFight = false; readAllJsonData (); findObject (); allHero = new List<hero> (); allGood = new List<good>(); playerHero = new List<playerHero> (); playerGood = new List<playerGood> (); skillData = new List<skill> (); enemyHero = new List<enemyHero> (); normalPro = new List<prob> (); bestPro = new List<prob> (); levelEnemyHero=new List<enemyHero>(); enemyData = new List<hero> (); openData = new List<levelOpenData> (); levelOpen = new List<string> (); levelOpenAll = new List<List<string>> (); levelOpenAll.Add (new List<string>()); mainPlayer=transform.GetComponent<Player>(); expData = new List<exp> (); enemyData=new List<hero>(); enemyMainData=new hero(); getAllkill (); getAllHero (); getAllGood (); getPlayerHero (); getPlayerGood (); getEnemyHero (); getEnemyData (); getAllPro (); getOpenData (); getExpData (); }
public void getData(hero data,List<hero> listData) { foreach (hero ED in listData) { data.maxData.hp+=ED.maxData.hp; data.maxData.at+=ED.maxData.at; data.maxData.ag+=ED.maxData.ag; data.maxData.hi+=ED.maxData.hi; data.maxData.av+=ED.maxData.av; data.maxData.cr+=ED.maxData.cr; data.maxData.cpro+=ED.maxData.cpro; data.maxData.de+=ED.maxData.de; data.maxData.depro+=ED.maxData.depro; data.maxData.atpro+=ED.maxData.atpro; } }
//属性处理 public void changeAttributeLevel(hero data) { data.maxData.hp = data.maxData.hp * data.level; data.maxData.at = data.maxData.at * data.level; data.maxData.ag = data.maxData.ag; data.maxData.hi = data.maxData.hi; data.maxData.av = data.maxData.av; data.maxData.cr = data.maxData.cr; data.maxData.cpro = data.maxData.cpro; data.maxData.de = data.maxData.de; data.maxData.depro = data.maxData.depro; data.maxData.atpro = data.maxData.atpro; }
public void attack(hero dataA,hero dataB) { float dropHp = fight.attack (dataA,dataB); if (dropHp == -1) { return; } dataB.thisData.hp -= dropHp; }
void getMainData() { enemyMainData = new hero (); enemyMainData.code = "enemyMain"; getData (enemyMainData,enemyData); addSkillBuff(enemyData,enemyMainData); enemyMainData.thisData.clone (enemyMainData.maxData); }
//Update is called once per frame void Update() { //behavours switch (behavour) { case 0: idle(); break; case 1: behavourNeutral(); break; case 2: behavourAttack(); break; case 3: behavourOnPlatform(); break; //case 4: be(); break; } if (health <= 0) { behavourDeath(); } if (enemyAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("death")) { float animationPercent = (enemyAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime % 1.0f); Debug.Log("death animation " + animationPercent); if (animationPercent > 0.9f) { Destroy(gameObject); } } else if (enemyAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("attack")) { float animationPercent = (enemyAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime % 1.0f); Debug.Log("attack animation "); if (animationPercent > 0.5f && animationPercent < 0.51f) { //hero.health = -10; GameObject go = GameObject.Find("hero"); hero heroScript = (hero)go.GetComponent(typeof(hero)); heroScript.health = health - 10; } } //movement if (movement > 0f) { transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0); rigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(movement * speed, rigidBody.velocity.y); } else if (movement < 0f) { transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); rigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(movement * speed, rigidBody.velocity.y); } else { rigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(0, rigidBody.velocity.y); } //if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && onGround) //{ // Debug.Log("hero jump"); // rigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(rigidBody.velocity.x, jumpSpeed); //} enemyAnimation.SetBool("heroClose", heroClose); enemyAnimation.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(rigidBody.velocity.x)); enemyAnimation.SetFloat("health", health); //enemyAnimation.SetBool("onGround", onGround); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); inputdata data = new inputdata(); hero myhero = new hero(this); data = new inputdata();//이거 data.key = Keys.Space; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Right; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Left; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Up; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Down; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Z; data.stat = 0; list.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Space; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Right; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Left; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Up; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Down; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Z; data.stat = 0; midlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Space; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Right; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Left; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Up; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Down; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); data = new inputdata(); data.key = Keys.Z; data.stat = 0; lastlist.Add(data); timer1.Interval = 50; timer1.Start(); timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick); for (y = 0; y < 15; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < 15; ++x) { if (map[y, x] == 1) { blocks[y, x] = new PictureBox();//이거 blocks[y, x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; blocks[y, x].Location = new Point(y * 40, x * 40); blocks[y, x].Width = 40; blocks[y, x].Height = 40; blocks[y, x].Image = Properties.Resources.removeable; blocks[y, x].Visible = true; this.Controls.Add(blocks[y, x]); } else if (map[y, x] == 2) { blocks[y, x] = new PictureBox(); blocks[y, x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; blocks[y, x].Location = new Point(y * 40, x * 40); blocks[y, x].Width = 40; blocks[y, x].Height = 40; blocks[y, x].Image = Properties.Resources.seorap; blocks[y, x].Visible = true; this.Controls.Add(blocks[y, x]); } Bubbles[y, x] = new PictureBox(); Bubbles[y, x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; Bubbles[y, x].Location = new Point(y * 40, x * 40); Bubbles[y, x].Width = 40; Bubbles[y, x].Height = 40; Bubbles[y, x].Image = Properties.Resources.bubble; Bubbles[y, x].Visible = false; floooor[y, x] = new PictureBox(); floooor[y, x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; floooor[y, x].Location = new Point(y * 40, x * 40); floooor[y, x].Width = 40; floooor[y, x].Height = 40; floooor[y, x].Image = Properties.Resources.floor; floooor[y, x].Visible = true; splash[y, x] = new PictureBox(); splash[y, x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; splash[y, x].Location = new Point(y * 40, x * 40); splash[y, x].Width = 40; splash[y, x].Height = 40; splash[y, x].Image = Properties.Resources.water; splash[y, x].Visible = true; this.Controls.Add(Bubbles[y, x]); this.Controls.Add(floooor[y, x]); this.Controls.Add(splash[y, x]); } } }
//到卡组 /到手牌/到场上 //接收任意卡牌到己方的任意位置 public void TXT_setHero(hero h) { hero = h; }