Exemplo n.º 1
    //creates a new big bubbles using two bubbles in game and their pair
    private GameObject CreateNewBigBubble(GameObject bubbleA, GameObject bubbleB, IntPair pair)
        GameObject BiggestBubble = (GameObject)Instantiate(biggerBubble, new Vector3(xvalues, yvalues, 0f), Quaternion.identity);

        //giving bubble context
        BiggestBubble.AddComponent <hasSmallBubbles>();
        hasSmallBubbles item = BiggestBubble.GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>();
        Vector3         size = new Vector3(0.008f, 0.008f, 0f);

        BiggestBubble.transform.localScale = size;
        item.spriteNum = 0;
        item.colorNum  = 0;
        item.bubbleA   = bubbleA;
        item.bubbleB   = bubbleB;
        item.pair      = pair;
Exemplo n.º 2
    //Remove dead bubbles - kinect bug workaround
    private void clearDeadBubbles()
        for (int t = 0; t < bigBubsCreated.Count; t++)
            // Get context of bigBubsCreated[t]
            hasSmallBubbles item = bigBubsCreated[t].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ();
            GameObject      bubbleA;
            GameObject      bubbleB;

            bubbleA = item.bubbleA;
            bubbleB = item.bubbleB;

            if ((bubbleA == null) || (bubbleB == null))
                //Destory Big Bubble

                //Reshow Smaller Bubble if still exists
                if (bubbleA != null)
                    bubbleA.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true;

                if (bubbleB != null)
                    bubbleB.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true;

                //Remove things from activated arrays
Exemplo n.º 3
    }     // End checkHighFive

    public void checkHandShake()
        //Check through BigBubs to see if they are hand shaking
        for (int k = 0; k < bigBubsCreated.Count; k++)
            //Get each bubble from big bubble
            hasSmallBubbles item    = bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>();
            GameObject      BubbleA = item.bubbleA;
            GameObject      BubbleB = item.bubbleB;

            //create list of kinect bodies
            List <Body> trackedIDs = new List <Body>();
            foreach (Body body in bodies)
                if (body == null)
                if (body.IsTracked)

            //Get Kinect objects of Bubble A and Bubble B
            for (int i = 0; i < trackedIDs.Count; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(trackedIDs[i].TrackingId) == Int64.Parse(BubbleA.name))
                    KinectA = trackedIDs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < trackedIDs.Count; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(trackedIDs[i].TrackingId) == Int64.Parse(BubbleB.name))
                    KinectB = trackedIDs[i];

            //Get Hand and shoulder of Bubble A and Bubble B
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectA_Hand     = KinectA.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectB_Hand     = KinectB.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectB_Shoulder = KinectB.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectA_Shoulder = KinectA.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];

            bool handshakeDetected = false;
            //Check if they are highshaking
            if (KinectA_Hand.Position.Y < KinectA_Shoulder.Position.Y &&
                KinectB_Hand.Position.Y < KinectB_Shoulder.Position.Y &&
                ObjectDistanceKinectJoint(KinectA_Hand, KinectB_Hand) < 0.1f)
                handshakeDetected = true;

            //if highshaking do something (floor bubble change color)
            if (handshakeDetected)
                //startColor = colors[0];

                //for(int i = 0; i<colors.Length; i++) {
                //    currentColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, colors[i], Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, 5));

                Renderer renderer = bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <Renderer>();
                //renderer.material.color = currentColor;

                //What is the current sprite
                if (bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().delay < 0)
                    if (bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().colorNum == colors.Length - 1)
                        bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color     = colors[0];
                        bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().colorNum = 0;

                        renderer.material.color = colors[0];
                        Debug.Log("I am in the last color list " + colors[0]);
                        bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().colorNum++;
                        int changeme = bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().colorNum;
                        bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = colors[changeme];

                        renderer.material.color = colors[changeme];
                        Debug.Log("I am in going through the list " + colors[changeme]);

                    bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>().delay = 0.5f;
    } // End checkHandShake
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void checkHighFive()
        //Check through BigBubs to see if they are high fiving
        for (int k = 0; k < bigBubsCreated.Count; k++)
            //Get each bubble from big bubble
            hasSmallBubbles item    = bigBubsCreated[k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles>();
            GameObject      BubbleA = item.bubbleA;
            GameObject      BubbleB = item.bubbleB;

            //create list of kinect bodies
            List <Body> trackedIDs = new List <Body>();
            foreach (Body body in bodies)
                if (body == null)
                if (body.IsTracked)

            //Get Kinect objects of Bubble A and Bubble B
            for (int i = 0; i < trackedIDs.Count; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(trackedIDs[i].TrackingId) == Int64.Parse(BubbleA.name))
                    KinectA = trackedIDs[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < trackedIDs.Count; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt64(trackedIDs[i].TrackingId) == Int64.Parse(BubbleB.name))
                    KinectB = trackedIDs[i];

            //Get Hand and shoulder of Bubble A and Bubble B
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectA_Hand     = KinectA.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectA_LeftHand = KinectA.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectB_Hand     = KinectB.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectB_LeftHand = KinectB.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectB_Shoulder = KinectB.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];
            Windows.Kinect.Joint KinectA_Shoulder = KinectA.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];

            bool highfiveDetected = false;
            //Check if they are highfiving
            if ((KinectA_Hand.Position.Y > KinectA_Shoulder.Position.Y ||
                 KinectA_LeftHand.Position.Y > KinectA_Shoulder.Position.Y) &&
                (KinectB_Hand.Position.Y > KinectB_Shoulder.Position.Y ||
                 KinectB_LeftHand.Position.Y > KinectB_Shoulder.Position.Y) &&
                (ObjectDistanceKinectJoint(KinectA_Hand, KinectB_Hand) < 0.1f ||
                 ObjectDistanceKinectJoint(KinectA_Hand, KinectB_LeftHand) < 0.1f ||
                 ObjectDistanceKinectJoint(KinectA_LeftHand, KinectB_Hand) < 0.1f ||
                 ObjectDistanceKinectJoint(KinectA_LeftHand, KinectB_LeftHand) < 0.1f))
                highfiveDetected = true;

            //if highfiving do something (loop through list of different shapes)
            if (highfiveDetected)
                //GameObject person = (GameObject)Instantiate (star, new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);

                //What is the current sprite
                if (bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().delay < 0)
                    if (bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().spriteNum == sprites.Length - 1)
                        bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite     = sprites [0];
                        bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().spriteNum = 0;
                        bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().spriteNum++;
                        int changeme = bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().spriteNum;
                        bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = sprites [changeme];

                    bigBubsCreated [k].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ().delay = 0.5f;
    }     // End checkHighFive
Exemplo n.º 5
    private void distanceStuff()
        //Create/Update list of all possible pairs

        for (int k = 0; k < pairs.Count; k++)
            IntPair pair            = pairs[k];
            int     pairFirstDigit  = pair.firstDigit;
            int     pairSecondDigit = pair.secondDigit;

            GameObject bubbleA = bubblesInGame[pairFirstDigit];
            GameObject bubbleB = bubblesInGame[pairSecondDigit];

            float distab     = objectDistance(bubbleA, bubbleB);
            float firstPosx  = (bubbleA.transform.position.x);
            float secondPosx = (bubbleB.transform.position.x);
            float firstPosy  = (bubbleA.transform.position.y);
            float secondPosy = (bubbleB.transform.position.y);

            xvalues = ((firstPosx + secondPosx) / 2f);
            yvalues = ((firstPosy + secondPosy) / 2f);

            //if distance is close enough(simulated collision)
            if (distab <= 0.9f)
                //Disables GameObject childs for lineRenderer
                //bubbleA.transform.GetChild(pairFirstDigit).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
                //bubbleB.transform.GetChild(pairSecondDigit).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;

                //check if already activated small bubbles
                bool alreadyPaired = false;
                for (int t = 0; t < activatedSmlBubs.Count; t++)
                    if (activatedSmlBubs[t] == bubbleA ||
                        activatedSmlBubs[t] == bubbleB)
                        alreadyPaired = true;

                //If small bubbles in pair are not activated, active pair them!
                if (!alreadyPaired)
                    //Check if Big Bubble already exists
                    bool existsAlready = false;
                    for (int t = 0; t < bigBubsCreated.Count; t++)
                        //get bigBubsCreated[t] context
                        hasSmallBubbles item        = bigBubsCreated [t].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ();
                        IntPair         bigBubsPair = item.pair;

                        if (pair.Equals(bigBubsPair))
                            existsAlready = true;

                    //If Big Bubble doesn't already exist, create it
                    if (!existsAlready)
                        CreateNewBigBubble(bubbleA, bubbleB, pair);

                        //add smaller bubbles to activatedSmBubs

                        //remove smaller bubbles
                        bubbleA.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false;
                        bubbleB.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false;
                        for (int p = 0; p < 6; p++)
                            LineRenderer lrA = bubbleA.transform.GetChild(p).GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                            lrA.enabled = false;
                            LineRenderer lrB = bubbleB.transform.GetChild(p).GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                            lrB.enabled = false;
                //Destroy Big Bubble
                bool isEmpty = !bigBubsCreated.Any();
                if (!isEmpty)
                    for (int t = 0; t < bigBubsCreated.Count; t++)
                        // Get context of bigBubsCreated[t]
                        hasSmallBubbles item        = bigBubsCreated [t].GetComponent <hasSmallBubbles> ();
                        IntPair         bigBubsPair = item.pair;

                        //Check if bigBubsCreated[t] is this pair or not, if not leave it, if yes destroy it
                        if (pair.Equals(bigBubsPair))
                            //Destory Big Bubble

                            //Remove things from activated arrays

                            //Show small bubbles again
                            bubbleA.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
                            bubbleB.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
                //Draw line between pair if small bubbles not already in a big bubble #nolinesluts
                bool bubblesCanLine = true;
                for (int p = 0; p < activatedSmlBubs.Count; p++)
                    if (bubbleA == activatedSmlBubs [p] ||
                        bubbleB == activatedSmlBubs [p])
                        bubblesCanLine = false;

                if (bubblesCanLine)