Exemplo n.º 1
            private void calculate_grid_info(Locationwp loc, ref grid_info info)
                // grids start on integer degrees. This makes storing terrain data
                // on the SD card a bit easier
                info.lat_degrees = (int8_t)((loc.lat < 0 ? (loc.lat - 9999999L) : loc.lat) / (10 * 1000 * 1000L));
                info.lon_degrees = (int16_t)((loc.lng < 0 ? (loc.lng - 9999999L) : loc.lng) / (10 * 1000 * 1000L));

                // create reference position for this rounded degree position
                Locationwp ref1 = new Locationwp();

                ref1.lat = info.lat_degrees * 10 * 1000 * 1000L;
                ref1.lng = info.lon_degrees * 10 * 1000 * 1000L;

                // find offset from reference
                Vector3 offset = location_diff(ref1, loc);

                // get indices in terms of grid_spacing elements
                uint32_t idx_x = (uint32_t)(offset.x / grid_spacing);
                uint32_t idx_y = (uint32_t)(offset.y / grid_spacing);

                // find indexes into 32*28 grids for this degree reference. Note
                // the use of TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_{X,Y} which gives a one square
                // overlap between grids
                info.grid_idx_x = (ushort)(idx_x / TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X);
                info.grid_idx_y = (ushort)(idx_y / TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y);

                // find the indices within the 32*28 grid
                info.idx_x = (byte)(idx_x % TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X);
                info.idx_y = (byte)(idx_y % TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y);

                // find the fraction (0..1) within the square
                info.frac_x = (float)((offset.x - idx_x * grid_spacing) / grid_spacing);
                info.frac_y = (float)((offset.y - idx_y * grid_spacing) / grid_spacing);

                // calculate lat/lon of SW corner of 32*28 grid_block
                                info.grid_idx_x * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X * (float)grid_spacing,
                                info.grid_idx_y * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y * (float)grid_spacing);
                info.grid_lat = (int32_t)ref1.lat;
                info.grid_lon = (int32_t)ref1.lng;

                //ASSERT_RANGE(info.idx_x,0, TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X-1);
                //ASSERT_RANGE(info.idx_y,0, TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y-1);
Exemplo n.º 2
            public void test()
                var fs = File.Open(@"C:\Users\michael\Documents\Mission Planner\sitl\d0\terrain\S36E149.DAT", FileMode.Open);
                var br = new BinaryReader(fs);

                var buffer = new byte[2048];

                while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length)
                    grid_info info = new grid_info();
                    var       loc  = new Locationwp()
                        lat = -35.363261 * 1.0e7, lng = 149.165230 * 1.0e7
                    calculate_grid_info(loc, ref info);

                    disk_block.block.lat         = info.grid_lat;
                    disk_block.block.lon         = info.grid_lon;
                    disk_block.block.spacing     = grid_spacing;
                    disk_block.block.grid_idx_x  = info.grid_idx_x;
                    disk_block.block.grid_idx_y  = info.grid_idx_y;
                    disk_block.block.lat_degrees = info.lat_degrees;
                    disk_block.block.lon_degrees = info.lon_degrees;
                    disk_block.block.version     = TERRAIN_GRID_FORMAT_VERSION;

                    // 29,5 = 1792000


                    var off = br.BaseStream.Position;

                    br.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    disk_block = buffer.ByteArrayToStructure <grid_io_block>(0);

                    if (disk_block.block.bitmap > 0 && disk_block.block.lat != 0 && disk_block.block.lon != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Got {0} - {1} at idx {2},{3} off {4}", disk_block.block.lat, disk_block.block.lon, disk_block.block.grid_idx_x, disk_block.block.grid_idx_y, off);