Exemplo n.º 1
 private void Update_sldMoj_Value(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_Primitives_RangeBase_Value(this.obj3, obj);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void Update_ImageContent_RecommendSize_Height(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_MaxHeight(this.obj2, obj);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void Update_slid_Value(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_Width(this.obj2, obj);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void Update_LineModel_visible1(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Shapes_Shape_StrokeThickness(this.obj7, obj);
 private void Update_FinalSumma(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj7, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void Update_MainVM_TodoIconAlpha(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_UIElement_Opacity(this.obj28, obj);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void Update_ZoomLevel(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_Maps_MapControl_ZoomLevel(this.obj2, obj);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void Update_current(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj17, (global::System.String) this.LookupConverter("StringFormatConverter").Convert(obj, typeof(global::System.String), "{0:c}", null), null);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void Update_vm_CurrentTripDataRepo_Pitch(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // Views\TripView.xaml line 70
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_Maps_MapControl_DesiredPitch(this.obj3, obj);
 private void Update_dAmount(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // Pages\AccountingManagementPage.xaml line 107
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj6, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void Update_NavView_CompactModeThresholdWidth(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         // MainPage.xaml line 18
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_AdaptiveTrigger_MinWindowWidth(this.obj2, obj);
 private void Update_ViewModel_AddLabel(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // MainPage.xaml line 115
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBox_Text(this.obj11, obj.ToString(), null);
 private void Update_ViewModel_TestAccuracy(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // MainPage.xaml line 220
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj5, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new statement object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="debit">Initial value of the Debit property.</param>
        /// <param name="credit">Initial value of the Credit property.</param>
        public static statement Createstatement(global::System.Double debit, global::System.Double credit)
            statement statement = new statement();

            statement.Debit  = debit;
            statement.Credit = credit;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private void Update_ProductPrice(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         // Views\ProductViews.xaml line 69
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj6, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void Update_ViewModel_selectedItem_imgSize(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_Width(this.obj2, obj);
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_Height(this.obj2, obj);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Soba(Hotel hotelSobe, global::System.Double cijenaPoNoci, global::System.Int32 brojKreveta, global::System.Boolean balkon)
     this.hotelSobe    = hotelSobe;
     this.cijenaPoNoci = cijenaPoNoci;
     this.brojKreveta  = brojKreveta;
     this.balkon       = balkon;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void Update_vm_CurrentTripDataRepo_Accuracy(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // Views\TripView.xaml line 89
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_TZDriver_Controls_Navigation_LocationAccuraccy(this.obj22, obj);
 private void Update_MasterMenuItem_OrderTotal(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // Views\MasterDetailDetailControl.xaml line 34
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj8, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void Update_ViewModel_AvValue(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // Controls\ChartUC.xaml line 48
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_TextBlock_Text(this.obj13, obj.ToString(), null);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Order object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Initial value of the ID property.</param>
        /// <param name="dollarAmount">Initial value of the DollarAmount property.</param>
        public static Order CreateOrder(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Double dollarAmount)
            Order order = new Order();

            order.ID           = id;
            order.DollarAmount = dollarAmount;
Exemplo n.º 22
 private void Update_ViewModel_CurrentRealEstate_TotalRating(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // RealEstateComponent.xaml line 50
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_RatingControl_Value(this.obj10, obj);
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Créez un nouvel objet Operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Valeur initiale de la propriété ID.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Valeur initiale de la propriété Amount.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Valeur initiale de la propriété Type.</param>
        public static Operation CreateOperation(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Double amount, global::System.Int16 type)
            Operation operation = new Operation();

            operation.ID     = id;
            operation.Amount = amount;
            operation.Type   = type;
Exemplo n.º 24
 partial void OnTradesCountChanging(global::System.Double value)
     if (_tradesCountPrev == value)
     _tradesCountPrev = TradesCount;
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Car object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param>
        /// <param name="engineVolume">Initial value of the EngineVolume property.</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturingDate">Initial value of the ManufacturingDate property.</param>
        /// <param name="userProfileId">Initial value of the UserProfileId property.</param>
        public static Car CreateCar(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Double engineVolume, global::System.DateTime manufacturingDate, global::System.Int32 userProfileId)
            Car car = new Car();

            car.Id                = id;
            car.EngineVolume      = engineVolume;
            car.ManufacturingDate = manufacturingDate;
            car.UserProfileId     = userProfileId;
Exemplo n.º 26
 private void Update_DesiredHubSectionWidth(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_Width(this.obj3, obj);
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_MaxWidth(this.obj4, obj);
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_MaxWidth(this.obj5, obj);
         XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_FrameworkElement_MaxWidth(this.obj6, obj);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Product object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param>
        /// <param name="price">Initial value of the Price property.</param>
        /// <param name="caption">Initial value of the Caption property.</param>
        /// <param name="isPublished">Initial value of the IsPublished property.</param>
        public static Product CreateProduct(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Double price, global::System.String caption, global::System.Boolean isPublished)
            Product product = new Product();

            product.Id          = id;
            product.Price       = price;
            product.Caption     = caption;
            product.IsPublished = isPublished;
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new RectArea object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxX">Initial value of the MaxX property.</param>
        /// <param name="minX">Initial value of the MinX property.</param>
        /// <param name="maxY">Initial value of the MaxY property.</param>
        /// <param name="minY">Initial value of the MinY property.</param>
        public static RectArea CreateRectArea(global::System.Double maxX, global::System.Double minX, global::System.Double maxY, global::System.Double minY)
            RectArea rectArea = new RectArea();

            rectArea.MaxX = maxX;
            rectArea.MinX = minX;
            rectArea.MaxY = maxY;
            rectArea.MinY = minY;
Exemplo n.º 29
 private void Update_MySlider_Value(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED | DATA_CHANGED)) != 0)
         // MainPage.xaml line 110
         if (!isobj5ValueDisabled)
             XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_Primitives_RangeBase_Value(this.obj5, obj);
Exemplo n.º 30
 private void Update_NavView_CompactModeThresholdWidth(global::System.Double obj, int phase)
     if ((phase & ((1 << 0) | NOT_PHASED)) != 0)
         // Pages\NavigationView25-09.xaml line 50
         if (!isobj6MinWindowWidthDisabled)
             XamlBindingSetters.Set_Windows_UI_Xaml_AdaptiveTrigger_MinWindowWidth(this.obj6, obj);