Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CalculateNeighbourData(global::CreativeSpore.SuperTilemapEditor.Tilemap tilemap, int gridX, int gridY, uint tileData)
            s_needsSubTiles = false;
            s_brushId       = (int)((tileData & Tileset.k_TileDataMask_BrushId) >> 16);
            bool autotiling_N = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX, gridY + 1);
            bool autotiling_E = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX + 1, gridY);
            bool autotiling_S = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX, gridY - 1);
            bool autotiling_W = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX - 1, gridY);

            s_neighIdx = 0;
            if (autotiling_N)
                s_neighIdx |= 1;
            if (autotiling_E)
                s_neighIdx |= 2;
            if (autotiling_S)
                s_neighIdx |= 4;
            if (autotiling_W)
                s_neighIdx |= 8;

            s_needsSubTiles = (s_neighIdx == 0 || s_neighIdx == 1 || s_neighIdx == 2 || s_neighIdx == 4 ||
                               s_neighIdx == 5 || s_neighIdx == 8 || s_neighIdx == 10);

            // diagonals
                bool autotiling_NE = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX + 1, gridY + 1);
                bool autotiling_SE = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX + 1, gridY - 1);
                bool autotiling_SW = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX - 1, gridY - 1);
                bool autotiling_NW = AutotileWith(tilemap, s_brushId, gridX - 1, gridY + 1);

                s_showDiagonal[0] = !autotiling_SW && autotiling_S && autotiling_W;
                s_showDiagonal[1] = !autotiling_SE && autotiling_S && autotiling_E;
                s_showDiagonal[2] = !autotiling_NW && autotiling_N && autotiling_W;
                s_showDiagonal[3] = !autotiling_NE && autotiling_N && autotiling_E;

                s_tileData = TileIds[s_neighIdx];
                bool foundTrueDiagonal = false;
                for (int i = 0; !s_needsSubTiles && i < s_showDiagonal.Length; ++i)
                    if (s_showDiagonal[i])
                        // if only a diagonal is true and it's surrounded by tiles s_neighIdx == 15, we don't need subtiles, instead the right corner tile will be taken
                        s_needsSubTiles   = foundTrueDiagonal || s_neighIdx != 15;
                        foundTrueDiagonal = true;
                        if (!s_needsSubTiles)
                            s_tileData = InteriorCornerTileIds[InteriorCornerTileIds.Length - i - 1];
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override uint Refresh(global::CreativeSpore.SuperTilemapEditor.Tilemap tilemap, int gridX, int gridY, uint tileData)
            CalculateNeighbourData(tilemap, gridX, gridY, tileData);

            uint brushTileData = RefreshLinkedBrush(tilemap, gridX, gridY, s_tileData);

            // overwrite flags
            brushTileData &= ~Tileset.k_TileDataMask_Flags;
            brushTileData |= s_tileData & Tileset.k_TileDataMask_Flags;
            // overwrite brush id
            brushTileData &= ~Tileset.k_TileDataMask_BrushId;
            brushTileData |= tileData & Tileset.k_TileDataMask_BrushId;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // '°', '├', '═', '┤', | 0, 2, 10, 8,
        // '┬', '╔', '╦', '╗', | 4, 6, 14, 12,
        // '║', '╠', '╬', '╣', | 5, 7, 15, 13,
        // '┴', '╚', '╩', '╝', | 1, 3, 11, 9,
        public override uint[] GetSubtiles(global::CreativeSpore.SuperTilemapEditor.Tilemap tilemap, int gridX, int gridY, uint tileData)
            CalculateNeighbourData(tilemap, gridX, gridY, tileData);
            // tiles that need subtile division
            if (s_needsSubTiles)
                uint[] aSubTileData = null;

                if (s_neighIdx == 0) //°
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[3], TileIds[9], TileIds[6], TileIds[12] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 4)//┬
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[6], TileIds[12], TileIds[6], TileIds[12] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 5)//║
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[7], TileIds[13], TileIds[7], TileIds[13] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 1)//┴
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[3], TileIds[9], TileIds[3], TileIds[9] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 2)//├
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[3], TileIds[3], TileIds[6], TileIds[6] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 10)//═
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[11], TileIds[11], TileIds[14], TileIds[14] };
                else if (s_neighIdx == 8)//┤
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[9], TileIds[9], TileIds[12], TileIds[12] };
                // NOTE: this case '╬' cut the tiles different (using corner tiles).
                // If it is commented, and default case is used, instead or corner tiles, it will use the center tile '╬'
                // Depending on the graphics it could be interesting add a check box to choose between using this or not.
                else if (s_neighIdx == 15)// ╬
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { InteriorCornerTileIds[0], InteriorCornerTileIds[1], InteriorCornerTileIds[2], InteriorCornerTileIds[3] };
                    aSubTileData = new uint[] { TileIds[s_neighIdx], TileIds[s_neighIdx], TileIds[s_neighIdx], TileIds[s_neighIdx] };

                for (int i = 0; i < s_showDiagonal.Length; ++i)
                    if (s_showDiagonal[i])
                        aSubTileData[i] = InteriorCornerTileIds[3 - i];
                    // Add animated tiles
                        TilesetBrush brush = Tileset.FindBrush(Tileset.GetBrushIdFromTileData(aSubTileData[i]));
                        if (brush && brush.IsAnimated())
                            TilemapChunk.RegisterAnimatedBrush(brush, i);


            // Add animated tiles
                TilesetBrush brush = Tileset.FindBrush(Tileset.GetBrushIdFromTileData(s_tileData));
                if (brush && brush.IsAnimated())