Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task UpdateProject(ge_project from, ge_project to)
            to.name      = from.name;
            to.managerId = from.managerId;

            await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddFile(ge_project project, string filename, ge_user user)
            if (File.Exists(filename))
                System.IO.FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename);

                project.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId       = user.Id,
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    filename        = fi.Name,
                    fileext         = fi.Extension,
                    filetype        = "text/plain",
                    filesize        = fi.Length,
                    filedate        = fi.LastWriteTime,
                    encoding        = "ascii",
                    datumProjection = datumProjection.NONE,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                    version         = "P01.1",
                    vstatus         = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus         = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description     = fi.Name,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file            = new ge_data_file {
                        data_string = File.ReadAllText(filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ge_project> CreateProject(ge_project newProject)
            await _unitOfWork.Project.AddAsync(newProject);

            await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();

Exemplo n.º 4
 public static bool IsUserApprover(this ge_DbContext context, ge_project project, string userId)
     if (context == null || project == null || userId == String.Empty)
     return(DoesUserHaveOperation(context, Constants.ApproveOperationName, project, userId));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <operation_request> GetOperationRequest(string userId, ge_project project)
            ge_user_ops group_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdGroupId(userId, project.groupId);

            ge_user_ops project_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdProjectId(userId, project.Id);

            operation_request req = new operation_request(project, group_user, project_user);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <Boolean> AreProjectOperationsAllowed(string userId, ge_project project, string request_ops)
            ge_user_ops group_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdGroupId(userId, project.groupId);

            ge_user_ops project_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdProjectId(userId, project.Id);

            operation_request req = new operation_request(project, group_user, project_user);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <string> GetAllowedOperations(string userId, ge_project project)
            ge_user_ops group_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdGroupId(userId, project.groupId);

            ge_user_ops project_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdProjectId(userId, project.Id);

            operation_request req = new operation_request(project, group_user, project_user);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <Boolean> DoesUserHaveOperation(string operation, ge_project project, ge_user user)
            var user_ops = await GetByUserIdProjectIdIncludeProject(user.Id, project.Id);

            if (user_ops == null)

Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <EsriConnectionSettings> GetEsriConnectionSettingsByProjectId(Guid Id)
            ge_project project = await _unitOfWork.Project.FindByIdAsync(Id);

            if (project.esriConnectId == null)

            EsriConnectionSettings ecs = await GetFileAsClass <EsriConnectionSettings>(project.esriConnectId.Value);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static bool IsUserLastAdmin(this ge_DbContext context, ge_project project, string userId)
            string LastAdminUserId = context.lastAdminUserId(project);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastAdminUserId))
                if (LastAdminUserId == userId)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static bool DoesUserHaveAnyOperations(this ge_DbContext context, ge_project project, string userEmail)
            if (context == null || project == null || userEmail == String.Empty)
            var user_project = context.ge_user_ops
                               .Include(u => u.user)
                               .Where(u => u.user.Email == userEmail && u.projectId == project.Id);

Exemplo n.º 12
        private string createKML(ge_project project)
            ge_KML g = new ge_KML();

            g._href = getHostHref() + constHref;

            g.createContainer(ge_KML.kmlContainer.DOCUMENT, project.name, project.description, project.Id.ToString());
            foreach (var d in project.data)
                g.process_loc(d, d.filename, d.Id.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <Boolean> IsUserProjectAdmin(string userId, ge_project project)
            ge_user_ops group_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdGroupId(userId, project.groupId);

            if (group_user.user_operations.Contains("Admin"))

            ge_user_ops project_user = await _unitOfWork.UserOps.GetByUserIdProjectId(userId, project.Id);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public bool write(ge_project project, XmlNode parent)
            write_base(project, parent);
            write_location(project, parent);

            try {
                AddNode("Id", project.Id.ToString(), parent);
                AddNode("keywords", project.keywords, parent);

            } catch {
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(Guid groupId)
            var userId = GetUserIdAsync().Result;
            var group  = await _context.ge_group.FindAsync(groupId);

            if (group == null)

            project                 = new ge_project();
            project.name            = "My Project " + (_context.GetUserProjectCount(userId) + 1).ToString();
            project.managerId       = userId;
            project.createdId       = userId;
            project.group           = group;
            project.groupId         = groupId;
            project.start_date      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            project.operations      = "Read;Update;Delete";
            project.data_operations = "Create;Read;Download;Update;Delete";

            if (IsCreateAllowed() != geOPSResp.Allowed)
            var UserAuthorize = await IsUserCreateAuthorised();

            if (!UserAuthorize.Succeeded)
            var groups = await _context.GroupSearchByOperation(userId, "Create", "").ToListAsync();

            var groupList = new SelectList(groups, "Id", "name", groupId.ToString());

            ViewData["groupId"]             = groupList;
            ViewData["managerId"]           = _context.getGroupUsers(groups.FirstOrDefault().Id);
            ViewData["selectRUDOperations"] = Constants.RUD_OperationsArray.Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                Text = x, Value = x
            ViewData["selectCRUDDOperations"] = Constants.CRUDD_OperationsArray.Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                Text = x, Value = x

Exemplo n.º 16
        private string createXML(ge_project project)
            ge_XML g = new ge_XML();
            //  g._href = getHostHref() + constHref;

            XmlNode xmlproject = g.createChild("project", project.Id.ToString(), null);

            g.write(project, xmlproject);
            foreach (var d in project.data)
                XmlNode xmldata = g.createChild("data", d.Id.ToString(), xmlproject);
                g.write(d, xmldata);

Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <IActionResult> xmlGet(Guid?projectId)
            if (projectId == null)

            project = await _context.ge_project
                      .Include(p => p.data)
                      .FirstAsync(p => p.Id == projectId);

            if (project == null)
                return(UnprocessableEntity("project is null"));

            string data_string = "";

            data_string = createXML(project);

Exemplo n.º 18
        public static string lastAdminUserId(this ge_DbContext context, ge_project project)
            if (context == null || project == null)

            string userId = "";

            var admin_user_proj = context.ge_user_ops
                                  .Where(p => p.user_operations.Contains(Constants.AdminOperationName) && p.projectId == project.Id);

            if (admin_user_proj.Count() > 1)
                userId = String.Empty;
                userId = admin_user_proj.FirstOrDefault().userId;
            admin_user_proj = null;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private async Task <int> AddSurveyData(ge_project project)
            //     string[] AllPoints = new string[] {""};

            //     MOND = new List<MOND>();
            //     MONV = new List<MONV>();

            //     var resp = await new ge_gINTController (_context,
            //                                             _authorizationService,
            //                                             _userManager,
            //                                             _env ,
            //                                             _ge_config
            //                                                 ).getMONG(project.Id,AllPoints);
            //     var okResult = resp as OkObjectResult;

            //     if (okResult == null) {
            //         return -1;
            //     }

            //     MONG = okResult.Value as List<MONG>;
            //         if (MONG==null) {
            //         return -1;
            //         }

            //     resp = await new ge_gINTController (_context,
            //                                             _authorizationService,
            //                                             _userManager,
            //                                             _env ,
            //                                             _ge_config
            //                                                 ).getPOINT(project.Id,AllPoints);

            //     okResult = resp as OkObjectResult;
            //         if (okResult.StatusCode!=200) {
            //         return -1;
            //         }

            //     POINT = okResult.Value as List<POINT>;
            //         if (POINT==null) {
            //         return -1;
            //         }

            //     int projectId = POINT.FirstOrDefault().gINTProjectID;

            // foreach (LTM_Survey_Data2 survey in Survey_Data) {

            //     if (survey==null) {
            //        continue;
            //     }

            //     string point_id = survey.hole_id;

            //     if (map_hole_id.ContainsKey(survey.hole_id)) {
            //         point_id = map_hole_id[survey.hole_id];
            //     }

            //     POINT pt = POINT.Find(p=>p.PointID==point_id);

            //     if (pt==null) {
            //         if ((survey.pack.Contains("A") && projectId==1) ||
            //             (survey.pack.Contains("B") && projectId==2) ||
            //             (survey.pack.Contains("C") && projectId==3) ||
            //             (survey.pack.Contains("D") && projectId==4)) {
            //         Console.WriteLine ("Package {0} survey.hole_id [{1}] not found", survey.pack, survey.hole_id);
            //         }
            //         continue;

            //     }

            //     List<MONG> pt_mg = MONG.Where(m=>m.PointID==pt.PointID).ToList();

            //     if (pt_mg.Count == 0) {
            //         Console.WriteLine ("Package {0} monitoring point for survey.hole_id {1} not found", survey.pack, survey.hole_id);
            //         continue;
            //     }

            //     string mong_id  = survey.mong_ID;

            //     MONG mg = null;
            //     MONG mg_topo =  null;

            //     if (map_mong_id.ContainsKey(survey.hole_id + survey.mong_ID)) {
            //         mong_id = map_mong_id[survey.hole_id + survey.mong_ID];
            //     }

            //     mg =   pt_mg.Find(m=>m.ItemKey == mong_id);

            //     if (map_mong_id_gintrecid.ContainsKey(survey.hole_id + survey.mong_ID)) {
            //         int mong_gintrecid = map_mong_id_gintrecid[survey.hole_id + survey.mong_ID];
            //         mg = pt_mg.Find(m=>m.GintRecID == mong_gintrecid);
            //     }

            //     if (mg == null) {
            //         mg = pt_mg.FirstOrDefault();
            //     }

            //     DateTime? survey_start = gINTDateTime(survey.date1_getDT());

            //     if (survey_start==null) continue;
            //             AddVisit (pt, survey);

            //     if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Dip_Approved")) {
            //             AddDip(mg, survey);
            //     }

            //     if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Purge_Approved")) {
            //             AddPurge(mg, survey);
            //     }

            //     if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Gas_Approved")) {
            //             AddGas(mg, survey);
            //     }

            //     if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Topo_Approved") &&
            //         (survey.surv_g_level != null ||
            //         survey.meas_ToC != null)) {

            //         mg_topo = pt_mg.Find(m=>m.MONG_DIS == 0);

            //         if (mg_topo == null) {
            //             mg_topo = new MONG();
            //             mg_topo.PointID = pt.PointID;
            //             mg_topo.PIPE_REF = "Pipe 1";
            //             mg_topo.ItemKey = "SM1";
            //             mg_topo.MONG_DIS = 0;
            //             mg_topo.MONG_DETL = "Ground Survey Monitoring Point";
            //             mg_topo.MONG_TYPE = "GNSS";
            //             pt_mg.Add (mg_topo);
            //             var resp_mong = await UpdateMONG (pt_mg);
            //             //if update fails set mg_topo=null;

            //         }

            //         if (mg_topo != null) {
            //             AddTopo(mg_topo, survey);
            //         }
            //     }

            // }

            // return MOND.Count();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public async Task DeleteProject(ge_project project)
     await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();
Exemplo n.º 21
        private async Task <int> AddMOND(ge_project project)
            string[] AllPoints = new string[] { "" };

            var resp = await new ge_gINTController(_context,
                                                   ).getMONG(project.Id, AllPoints);
            var okResult = resp as OkObjectResult;

            if (okResult.StatusCode != 200)

            MONG = okResult.Value as List <MONG>;
            if (MONG == null)

            resp = await new ge_gINTController(_context,
                                               ).getPOINT(project.Id, AllPoints);
            okResult = resp as OkObjectResult;
            if (okResult.StatusCode != 200)

            POINT = okResult.Value as List <POINT>;
            if (POINT == null)

            MOND = new List <MOND>();
            MONV = new List <MONV>();

            int projectId = POINT.FirstOrDefault().gINTProjectID;

            foreach (LTM_Survey_Data_Add survey in Survey_Data_Add)
                if (survey == null)

                POINT pt = POINT.Find(p => p.PointID == survey.hole_id);

                if (pt == null)
                    if ((survey.package.Contains("A") && projectId == 1) ||
                        (survey.package.Contains("B") && projectId == 2) ||
                        (survey.package.Contains("C") && projectId == 3) ||
                        (survey.package.Contains("D") && projectId == 4))
                        Console.WriteLine("Package {0} survey.hole_id [{1}] not found", survey.package, survey.hole_id);

                List <MONG> pt_mg = MONG.Where(m => m.PointID == survey.hole_id).ToList();

                if (pt_mg.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Package {0} monitoring point for survey.hole_id {1} not found", survey.package, survey.hole_id);

                MONG mg = pt_mg.Find(m => m.ItemKey == survey.mong_ID);

                if (mg == null)
                    mg = pt_mg.FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime?survey_start = gINTDateTime(survey.date1_getDT());

                if (survey_start == null)

                DateTime survey_startDT = gINTDateTime(survey.time1_getDT()).Value;
                DateTime survey_endDT   = gINTDateTime(survey.time2_getDT()).Value;

                // if (survey.globalid == new Guid("bf8e8e5f-7394-4363-bfc2-9bfe876b048a")) {
                //     Console.WriteLine ("{0}       {1}", survey_startDT, survey.time1_getDT());
                // }

                MONV mv = NewMONV(pt, survey);

                mv.MONV_STAR = survey_startDT;
                mv.MONV_ENDD = survey_endDT;

                mv.MONV_DIPR = survey.dip_req;
                mv.MONV_GASR = survey.gas_mon;
                mv.MONV_LOGR = survey.logger_downld_req;

                mv.MONV_REMG = survey.gas_fail + " " + survey.gas_com;
                mv.MONV_REMD = survey.dip_fail + " " + survey.dip_com;
                mv.MONV_REML = survey.logger_fail + " " + survey.logger_com;
                mv.MONV_REMS = survey.samp_fail + " " + survey.samp_com;
                mv.PUMP_TYPE = survey.purg_pump + " " + survey.purg_pump_oth;

                mv.MONV_WEAT = survey.weath;
                mv.MONV_TEMP = survey.temp;
                mv.MONV_WIND = survey.wind;

                if (survey.dip_instr != null)
                    mv.DIP_SRLN = survey.dip_instr;
                    mv.DIP_CLBD = gINTDateTime(survey.dip_cali_d_getDT());

                if (survey.interface_instr != null)
                    mv.DIP_SRLN = survey.interface_instr;
                    mv.DIP_CLBD = gINTDateTime(survey.interface_cali_d_getDT());

                mv.FLO_SRLN = survey.purg_meter;
                mv.FLO_CLBD = gINTDateTime(survey.purg_meter_cali_d_getDT());

                mv.GAS_SRLN = survey.gas_instr;
                mv.GAS_CLBD = gINTDateTime(survey.gas_cali_d_getDT());

                mv.PID_SRLN = survey.PID_instr;
                mv.PID_CLBD = gINTDateTime(survey.PID_cali_d_getDT());

                mv.RND_REF   = survey.mon_rd_nb;
                mv.MONV_DATM = survey.dip_datum;

                mv.AIR_PRESS = survey.atmo_pressure;
                mv.AIR_TEMP  = survey.atmo_temp;

                mv.PIPE_DIA = survey.pipe_diam;

                if (survey.dip_datum_offset != null)
                    mv.MONV_DIS = ((float)survey.dip_datum_offset.Value) / 100f;

                mv.MONV_MENG = survey.Creator;

                //    if (IgnoreDataRepeat_GlobalId.Contains(survey.globalid)) {
                //        continue;
                //    }

                if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Dip_Approved"))
                    AddDip(mg, survey);

                if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Purge_Approved"))
                    AddPurge(mg, survey);

                if (survey.QA_status.Contains("Gas_Approved"))
                    AddGas(mg, survey);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void SeedLowerThamesCrossing(ge_DbContext context)
            var manager1 = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();
            var user1    = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();

            var g1 = new ge_group {
                Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                locName            = "Lower Thames Crossing Ground Investigation",
                createdDT          = DateTime.Now,
                locAddress         = "",
                locPostcode        = "",
                datumProjection    = datumProjection.NONE,
                managerId          = manager1.Id,
                operations         = "Read;Update;Delete",
                project_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete",
                projects           = new List <ge_project>(),
                users              = new List <ge_user_ops>()

            g1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                groupId         = g1.Id,
                userId          = manager1.Id,
                user_operations = "Read;Download;Create;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
            g1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                groupId         = g1.Id,
                userId          = user1.Id,
                user_operations = "Read;Download;Create;Update;Delete"

            dbConnectDetails cd1 = new dbConnectDetails()
                Type       = gINTTables.DB_DATA_TYPE,
                Server     = "EUDTC1PSQLW001",
                Database   = "ltc_ags4",
                DataSource = "",
                UserId     = "ltc_ags4",
                Password   = "******"

            #region CreateProjects
            var p1 = new ge_project {
                Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                locName         = "Lower Thames Crossing Package A",
                locAddress      = "",
                locPostcode     = "",
                description     = "Monitoring Data for Lower Thames Crossing Package A",
                keywords        = "",
                createdId       = user1.Id,
                createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                editedId        = user1.Id,
                editedDT        = DateTime.Now,
                start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                datumProjection = datumProjection.NONE,
                managerId       = manager1.Id,
                operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data_operations = "Read;Create;Update;Delete",
                data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

            p1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p1.Id,
                userId          = manager1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
            p1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p1.Id,
                userId          = user1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

            var p2 = new ge_project {
                Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                locName         = "Lower Thames Crossing Package B",
                locAddress      = "",
                locPostcode     = "",
                description     = "Monitoring Data for Lower Thames Crossing Package B",
                createdId       = user1.Id,
                createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                editedId        = user1.Id,
                editedDT        = DateTime.Now,
                keywords        = "",
                start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                datumProjection = datumProjection.NONE,
                managerId       = manager1.Id,
                operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()
            p2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p1.Id,
                userId          = manager1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
            p2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p1.Id,
                userId          = user1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

            var p3 = new ge_project {
                Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                locName         = "Lower Thames Crossing Package C",
                locAddress      = "",
                locPostcode     = "",
                description     = "Monitoring Data for Lower Thames Crossing Package C",
                createdId       = user1.Id,
                createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                editedId        = user1.Id,
                editedDT        = DateTime.Now,
                keywords        = "",
                start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                datumProjection = datumProjection.NONE,
                managerId       = manager1.Id,
                operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

            p3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p3.Id,
                userId          = manager1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
            p3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p3.Id,
                userId          = user1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

            string folder = @"\\eu.aecomnet.com\euprojectvol\UKCRD1-TI\Projects\14\geotech1\Projects\Lower Thames Crossing\Package C\02 WIP\LTM Data Round0";

            AddFile(p3, folder + "\\" + "Logger_Data 2019-11-14 to 2019-12-16.csv", user1);
            AddFile(p3, folder + "\\" + "Package B Round0 Long Term Monitoring data 2020-01-31.csv", user1);

            var p4 = new ge_project {
                Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                locName         = "Lower Thames Crossing Package D",
                locAddress      = "",
                locPostcode     = "",
                description     = "Monitoring Data for Lower Thames Crossing Package D",
                createdId       = user1.Id,
                createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                editedId        = user1.Id,
                editedDT        = DateTime.Now,
                keywords        = "",
                start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                datumProjection = datumProjection.NONE,
                managerId       = manager1.Id,
                operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

            p4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p4.Id,
                userId          = manager1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
            p4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                projectId       = p4.Id,
                userId          = user1.Id,
                user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"


Exemplo n.º 23
 public void insertProject(ge_project project)
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static bool DoesUserHaveOperation(this ge_DbContext context, string operation, ge_project project, string userId)
            if (context == null || project == null || operation == null || userId == null)

            if (userId == String.Empty)

            bool retvar = false;

            ge_user_ops user_proj  = null;
            ge_user_ops user_group = null;

            if (project.Id == Guid.Empty && operation == geOPS.Create.Name)
                if (project.group == null)
                return(DoesUserHaveOperation(context, geOPS.Create.Name, project.group, userId));
            user_proj = context.ge_user_ops
                        .Where(p => p.userId == userId && p.projectId == project.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user_proj != null)
                if (user_proj.user_operations.Contains(operation))
                    retvar = true;
                    retvar = false;
                user_group = context.ge_user_ops
                             .Where(u => u.userId == userId && u.groupId == project.groupId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (user_group.user_operations.Contains(operation))
                    retvar = true;
                    retvar = false;

Exemplo n.º 25
        public static int IsOperationAllowed(this ge_DbContext context, string operation, ge_project project, ge_transform transform)
            if (context == null || transform == null || project == null || operation == String.Empty)

            // check project record status
            if (project.data_operations == null)
            if (!project.data_operations.Contains(operation))
            if (operation == Constants.UpdateOperationName || operation == Constants.DeleteOperationName)
                if (project.pstatus == Constants.PublishStatus.Approved)

            //Check data record status

            if (transform.Id == Guid.Empty)

            // if (operation == geOPS.Update || operation==geOPS.Delete) {
            //    if (transform.pstatus == Constants.PublishStatus.Approved) {
            //        return geOPSResp.DataApproved;
            //    }
            // }

            if (transform.operations == null)
            if (!transform.operations.Contains(operation))

Exemplo n.º 26
        public static int IsOperationAllowed(this ge_DbContext context, string operation, ge_group group, ge_project project, ge_data data)
            if (context == null || data == null || project == null || group == null || operation == String.Empty)

            // Check at group level;
            if (group.project_operations == null)

            if (!group.project_operations.Contains(operation))

            // check project record status
            if (project.data_operations == null)
            if (!project.data_operations.Contains(operation))
            if (operation == Constants.UpdateOperationName || operation == Constants.DeleteOperationName)
                if (project.pstatus == Constants.PublishStatus.Approved)

            //Check data record status
            if (data.Id == Guid.Empty)
            if (operation == Constants.UpdateOperationName || operation == Constants.DeleteOperationName)
                if (data.pstatus == Constants.PublishStatus.Approved)
            if (data.operations == null)
            if (!data.operations.Contains(operation))

Exemplo n.º 27
        public static int IsOperationAllowed(this ge_DbContext context, string operation, ge_group group, ge_project project)
            if (context == null || group == null || project == null || operation == String.Empty)

            // Check at group level;
            if (group.project_operations == null)

            if (!group.project_operations.Contains(operation))

            // Check for new project
            if (project.Id == Guid.Empty)

            // Check at project level if it is approved and cannot be edited or deleted
            if (operation == Constants.UpdateOperationName || operation == Constants.DeleteOperationName)
                if (project.pstatus == Constants.PublishStatus.Approved)

            if (project.operations == null)

            if (!project.operations.Contains(operation))

Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void SeedDB(ge_DbContext context, string source)
            if (context.ge_project.Any() && context.ge_data.Any())
                return;    // DB has been seeded

            try {
                #region snippit_CreateOffices
                var manager1 = context.Users.Where(user => user.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();
                var user1    = context.Users.Where(user => user.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();

                var g1 = new ge_group {
                    Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    locName            = "Croydon",
                    createdDT          = DateTime.Now,
                    locAddress         = "Sunley House, 4 Bedford Park, Surrey, Croydon",
                    locPostcode        = "CR0 2AP",
                    datumProjection    = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    managerId          = manager1.Id,
                    operations         = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    project_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete",
                    projects           = new List <ge_project>(),
                    users              = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                g1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    groupId         = g1.Id,
                    userId          = manager1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Read;Download;Create;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
                g1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    groupId         = g1.Id,
                    userId          = user1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Read;Download;Create;Update;Delete"
                var manager2  = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();
                var manager22 = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();
                var user2     = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();

                var g2 = new ge_group {
                    Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    locName            = "Aldgate",
                    createdDT          = DateTime.Now,
                    locAddress         = "2 Leman Street, London",
                    locPostcode        = "E1 8FA",
                    manager            = manager2,
                    datumProjection    = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    operations         = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    project_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete",
                    projects           = new List <ge_project>(),
                    users              = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                g2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId          = manager2.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                g2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId          = user2.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"
                g2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId          = manager22.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Admin"

                var manager3 = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();
                var user3    = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();

                var g3 = new ge_group {
                    Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    locName            = "Chelmsford",
                    createdDT          = DateTime.Now,
                    locAddress         = "Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford",
                    locPostcode        = "CM1 1HT",
                    managerId          = manager3.Id,
                    datumProjection    = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    operations         = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    project_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete",
                    projects           = new List <ge_project>(),
                    users              = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                g3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId     = manager3.Id,
                    operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                g3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId     = user3.Id,
                    operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

                var manager4 = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();;
                var user4    = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName == "*****@*****.**").Single();;

                var g4 = new ge_group {
                    Id                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    locName            = "Basingstoke",
                    createdDT          = DateTime.Now,
                    locAddress         = "Midpoint, Alencon Link, Hampshire, Basingstoke, ",
                    locPostcode        = "RG21 7PP",
                    datumProjection    = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    managerId          = manager4.Id,
                    operations         = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    project_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    projects           = new List <ge_project>(),
                    users              = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                g4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId     = manager4.Id,
                    operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                g4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    userId     = user4.Id,
                    operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"
                #region CreateProjects
                var p1 = new ge_project {
                    Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    locName         = "Burton Upon Trent SWWM Appraisal",
                    locAddress      = "Meadowside Drive, Burton, East Staffordshire, Staffordshire, West",
                    locPostcode     = "DE14 1LD",
                    description     = "Ground Investigation Data for Burton SWWM",
                    createdId       = user1.Id,
                    keywords        = " ",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    locEast         = 425388,
                    locNorth        = 323033,
                    datumProjection = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    managerId       = manager1.Id,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Create;Update;Delete",
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                p1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p1.Id,
                    userId          = manager1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
                p1.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p1.Id,
                    userId          = user1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

                p1.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user1.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "E7037A_Burton SWWM_Final Factual Report AGS4.ags",
                    fileext     = ".ags",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 948423,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "AGS data downloaded from BGS website",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_string = File.ReadAllText(source + @"\E7037A_Burton SWWM\E7037A_Burton SWWM_Final Factual Report AGS4.ags")

                var p11 = new ge_project {
                    Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    name            = "AGS Dictionary",
                    description     = "Developement of AGS Reference Dictionary for converting from AGS to XML and SQL data formats",
                    createdId       = user1.Id,
                    keywords        = "ags, xml ",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                    locEast         = 529565,
                    locNorth        = 177615,
                    datumProjection = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    managerId       = manager1.Id,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                p11.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p1.Id,
                    userId          = manager1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"
                p11.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p1.Id,
                    userId          = user1.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

                p11.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user1.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "DictionaryAgsml_0.0.14.xml",
                    fileext     = ".xml",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 948423,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Final,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "AGS data dictionary",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_string = File.ReadAllText(source + @"\AGS Dictionary\DictionaryAgsml_0.0.14.xml")
                p11.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user1.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "DictionaryAgsml.xsl",
                    fileext     = ".xsl",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 2582,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.Owned,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Final,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "AGS xml data template",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_string = File.ReadAllText(source + @"\AGS Dictionary\DictionaryAgsml.xsl")

                var p2 = new ge_project {
                    name            = "Tideway C410 HEAPS",
                    description     = "Ground Invetsigation Data close to the CSO shaft HEAPS",
                    createdId       = user2.Id,
                    keywords        = "London Clay;London Basin;Lambeth Group;Pressuremeter;Small Strain",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2017, 11, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    locEast         = 529565,
                    locNorth        = 177615,
                    managerId       = manager2.Id,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                p2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p2.Id,
                    userId          = manager2.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                p2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p2.Id,
                    userId          = user2.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"
                p2.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p2.Id,
                    userId          = manager22.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Approve;Admin"

                p2.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user2.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "heaps_boreholes_3d_03-Geological Plan2.pdf",
                    fileext     = ".pdf",
                    filetype    = "application/pdf",
                    filesize    = 2177973,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "Surfaces created from gINT Civil Tools for HEAPS",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Tideway HEAPS\heaps_boreholes_3d_03-Geological Plan.pdf")

                p2.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user2.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "4602-FLOJV-HEAPS-180-GG-MD-900001.gpj",
                    fileext     = ".gpj",
                    filetype    = "application/gINT",
                    filesize    = 19427328,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "Tideway database exports of gINT database for HEAPS local GI data",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Tideway HEAPS\4602-FLOJV-HEAPS-180-GG-MD-900001.gpj")

                var p3 = new ge_project {
                    locName         = "Ryhad Metro",
                    name            = "Ryad Metro",
                    description     = "Bridge 1-5 1A1P30",
                    createdId       = user3.Id,
                    keywords        = "Rock sockets",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2018, 06, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    datumProjection = datumProjection.OSGB36NG,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                p3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p3.Id,
                    userId          = manager3.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                p3.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p3.Id,
                    userId          = user3.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"
                p3.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user3.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "M-BD4-1A1VDA-CSVD-EDR-100532_Updated with Orientation.dwg",
                    fileext     = ".dwg",
                    filetype    = "application/autocad",
                    filesize    = 19427328,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "Tideway database exports of gINT database for HEAPS local GI data",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Ryhad Metro\M-BD4-1A1VDA-CSVD-EDR-100532_Updated with Orientation.dwg")
                p3.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user3.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "1A1P30 and 1A1P31 Plaxis Embedded Pile Results 2017-03-09.xlsx",
                    fileext     = ".xls",
                    filetype    = "application/excel",
                    filesize    = 19427328,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.AECOMFactual,
                    description = "Results from Plaxis Analysis",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Ryhad Metro\1A1P30 and 1A1P31 Plaxis Embedded Pile Results 2017-03-09.xlsx")

                var p31 = new ge_project {
                    locName         = "Silvertown Tunnel",
                    name            = "Silvertown Tunnel Development Tender Phase",
                    description     = "Tender design for Silvertown Tunnel",
                    createdId       = user3.Id,
                    keywords        = "Road Tunnel;Lambeth Group;London;Infrastructure;",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2018, 06, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>()

                p31.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p3.Id,
                    userId          = manager3.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                p31.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p3.Id,
                    userId          = user3.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

                p31.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user3.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "20110770 - 2016-03-03 1540 - Final - 2.ags",
                    fileext     = ".ags",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 19787,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    folder      = "tender-data",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Final,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.ThirdPartyFactual,
                    description = "Silvertown AGS data recieved at tender",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Silvertown Tunnel\20110770 - 2016-03-03 1540 - Final - 2.ags")
                p31.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user3.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "TA7510F17.ags",
                    fileext     = ".ags",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 8479000,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    folder      = "tender_data",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Final,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.ThirdPartyFactual,
                    description = "Silvertown additional AGS data recieved at tender",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Silvertown Tunnel\TA7510F17.ags")
                p31.data.Add(new ge_data
                    createdId   = user3.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filename    = "SilvertownGI.xml",
                    fileext     = ".xml",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    filesize    = 5653000,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    folder      = "tender_data",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Final,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.ThirdPartyFactual,
                    description = "Silvertown additional AGS data recieved at tender",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\Silvertown Tunnel\SilvertownGI.xml")

                var p4 = new ge_project {
                    locName         = "West Midlands to Crewe",
                    name            = "High Speed 2 Package 2A",
                    description     = "Historic Ground Investigation Data fro HS2 Package 2A",
                    createdId       = user4.Id,
                    keywords        = "Mercia Mudstone;Earthworks;Monitoring",
                    start_date      = new DateTime(2018, 06, 15),
                    createdDT       = DateTime.Now,
                    pstatus         = PublishStatus.Uncontrolled,
                    cstatus         = ConfidentialityStatus.ClientApproved,
                    data            = new List <ge_data>(),
                    users           = new List <ge_user_ops>(),
                    operations      = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    data_operations = "Read;Update;Delete"

                p4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p4.Id,
                    userId          = manager4.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete;Reject;Approve;Admin"
                p4.users.Add(new ge_user_ops {
                    projectId       = p4.Id,
                    userId          = user4.Id,
                    user_operations = "Create;Read;Update;Delete"

                p4.data.Add(new ge_data
                    filename    = "HS2 PH2B AGS EXPORT 2018-12-18.ags",
                    fileext     = ".ags",
                    filetype    = "text/plain",
                    createdId   = user4.Id,
                    createdDT   = DateTime.Now,
                    filesize    = 2183000,
                    filedate    = new DateTime(2018, 06, 28),
                    locEast     = 425388.43,
                    locNorth    = 323032.67,
                    pstatus     = PublishStatus.Approved,
                    cstatus     = ConfidentialityStatus.RequiresClientApproval,
                    version     = "P01.1",
                    vstatus     = VersionStatus.Intermediate,
                    qstatus     = QualitativeStatus.ThirdPartyFactual,
                    description = "Routewide historical borehole data compiled from BGS",
                    operations  = "Read;Update;Delete",
                    file        = new ge_data_file {
                        data_binary = File.ReadAllBytes(source + @"\HS2\HS2 PH2B AGS EXPORT 2018-12-18.ags")

                #region AddProjectsToOffices






//            var user5 = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName=="*****@*****.**").Single();
//            var admin = context.Users.Where(a => a.UserName=="*****@*****.**").Single();

            }   catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void updateProject(ge_project project)
Exemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGIS(Guid projectId, string format)
            if (projectId == null)

            if (format == null)

            project = await _context.ge_project
                      .Include(p => p.data)
                      .FirstAsync(p => p.Id == projectId);

            if (project == null)

            var user = await GetUserAsync();

            if (user != null)

            var new_data = new ge_data();

            int     IsCreateAllowed = _context.IsOperationAllowed(Constants.CreateOperationName, project, new_data);
            Boolean CanUserCreate   = _context.DoesUserHaveOperation(Constants.CreateOperationName, project, user.Id);

            if (IsCreateAllowed != geOPSResp.Allowed)

            if (!CanUserCreate)

            string data_string = "";

            switch (format.ToLower())
            case "kml":
                data_string = createKML(project);

            case "shp":
                data_string = createSHP();

            case "xml":
                data_string = createXML(project);


            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data_string))
            string filename = project.name;

            saveGISFile(projectId, filename, user.Id, data_string, "." + format.ToLower());

            return(RedirectToPage("/Data/Index", new { projectId = projectId }));