Exemplo n.º 1
    public static void RefreshScene2(Scene scene, ftLightmapsStorage storage)
        MeshRenderer r;
        int          id;

        for (int i = 0; i < storage.bakedRenderers.Count; i++)
            r = storage.bakedRenderers[i];
            if (r == null)

            id = storage.bakedIDs[i];
            r.lightmapIndex = (id < 0 || id >= storage.idremap.Length) ? id : storage.idremap[id];

        Terrain r2;

        for (int i = 0; i < storage.bakedRenderersTerrain.Count; i++)
            r2 = storage.bakedRenderersTerrain[i];
            if (r2 == null)

            id = storage.bakedIDsTerrain[i];
            r2.lightmapIndex = (id < 0 || id >= storage.idremap.Length) ? id : storage.idremap[id];
Exemplo n.º 2
/*    public static void RefreshScene(int sceneID, ref List<LightmapData> lmaps, int lmCounter) {
 *      RefreshScene(scene);
 *  }*/

    static Texture2D GetEmptyDirectionTex(ftLightmapsStorage storage)
        if (storage.emptyDirectionTex == null)
            storage.emptyDirectionTex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Bakery/emptyDirection.tga", typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
Exemplo n.º 3
/*    public static void RefreshScene(int sceneID, ref List<LightmapData> lmaps, int lmCounter) {
 *      RefreshScene(scene);
 *  }*/

    static Texture2D GetEmptyDirectionTex(ftLightmapsStorage storage)
        if (storage.emptyDirectionTex == null)
            var bakeryRuntimePath = GetRuntimePath();
            storage.emptyDirectionTex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(bakeryRuntimePath + "emptyDirection.tga", typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
 public void CopySettings(ftLightmapsStorage src, ftLightmapsStorage dest)
     dest.renderSettingsBounces              = src.renderSettingsBounces;
     dest.renderSettingsGISamples            = src.renderSettingsGISamples;
     dest.renderSettingsGIBackFaceWeight     = src.renderSettingsGIBackFaceWeight;
     dest.renderSettingsTileSize             = src.renderSettingsTileSize;
     dest.renderSettingsPriority             = src.renderSettingsPriority;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsPerUnit        = src.renderSettingsTexelsPerUnit;
     dest.renderSettingsForceRefresh         = src.renderSettingsForceRefresh;
     dest.renderSettingsForceRebuildGeometry = src.renderSettingsForceRebuildGeometry;
     dest.renderSettingsPerformRendering     = src.renderSettingsPerformRendering;
     dest.renderSettingsUserRenderMode       = src.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
     dest.renderSettingsDistanceShadowmask   = src.renderSettingsDistanceShadowmask;
     dest.renderSettingsSettingsMode         = src.renderSettingsSettingsMode;
     dest.renderSettingsFixSeams             = src.renderSettingsFixSeams;
     dest.renderSettingsDenoise              = src.renderSettingsDenoise;
     dest.renderSettingsEncode              = src.renderSettingsEncode;
     dest.renderSettingsEncodeMode          = src.renderSettingsEncodeMode;
     dest.renderSettingsOverwriteWarning    = src.renderSettingsOverwriteWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsAutoAtlas           = src.renderSettingsAutoAtlas;
     dest.renderSettingsUnwrapUVs           = src.renderSettingsUnwrapUVs;
     dest.renderSettingsMaxAutoResolution   = src.renderSettingsMaxAutoResolution;
     dest.renderSettingsMinAutoResolution   = src.renderSettingsMinAutoResolution;
     dest.renderSettingsUnloadScenes        = src.renderSettingsUnloadScenes;
     dest.renderSettingsGILODMode           = src.renderSettingsGILODMode;
     dest.renderSettingsGILODModeEnabled    = src.renderSettingsGILODModeEnabled;
     dest.renderSettingsCheckOverlaps       = src.renderSettingsCheckOverlaps;
     dest.renderSettingsSkipOutOfBoundsUVs  = src.renderSettingsSkipOutOfBoundsUVs;
     dest.renderSettingsHackEmissiveBoost   = src.renderSettingsHackEmissiveBoost;
     dest.renderSettingsHackIndirectBoost   = src.renderSettingsHackIndirectBoost;
     dest.renderSettingsTempPath            = src.renderSettingsTempPath;
     dest.renderSettingsOutPath             = src.renderSettingsOutPath;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAOIntensity     = src.renderSettingsHackAOIntensity;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAOSamples       = src.renderSettingsHackAOSamples;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAORadius        = src.renderSettingsHackAORadius;
     dest.renderSettingsShowAOSettings      = src.renderSettingsShowAOSettings;
     dest.renderSettingsShowTasks           = src.renderSettingsShowTasks;
     dest.renderSettingsShowTasks2          = src.renderSettingsShowTasks2;
     dest.renderSettingsShowPaths           = src.renderSettingsShowPaths;
     dest.renderSettingsOcclusionProbes     = src.renderSettingsOcclusionProbes;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsPerMap        = src.renderSettingsTexelsPerMap;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsColor         = src.renderSettingsTexelsColor;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsMask          = src.renderSettingsTexelsMask;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsDir           = src.renderSettingsTexelsDir;
     dest.renderSettingsShowDirWarning      = src.renderSettingsShowDirWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsRenderDirMode       = src.renderSettingsRenderDirMode;
     dest.renderSettingsShowCheckerSettings = src.renderSettingsShowCheckerSettings;
     dest.renderSettingsSamplesWarning      = src.renderSettingsSamplesWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsPrefabWarning       = src.renderSettingsPrefabWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsSplitByScene        = src.renderSettingsSplitByScene;
     dest.renderSettingsUVPaddingMax        = src.renderSettingsUVPaddingMax;
     dest.renderSettingsBeepOnFinish        = src.renderSettingsBeepOnFinish;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void CopySettings(ftGlobalStorage src, ftLightmapsStorage dest)
     dest.renderSettingsBounces              = src.renderSettingsBounces;
     dest.renderSettingsGISamples            = src.renderSettingsGISamples;
     dest.renderSettingsGIBackFaceWeight     = src.renderSettingsGIBackFaceWeight;
     dest.renderSettingsTileSize             = src.renderSettingsTileSize;
     dest.renderSettingsPriority             = src.renderSettingsPriority;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsPerUnit        = src.renderSettingsTexelsPerUnit;
     dest.renderSettingsForceRefresh         = src.renderSettingsForceRefresh;
     dest.renderSettingsForceRebuildGeometry = src.renderSettingsForceRebuildGeometry;
     dest.renderSettingsPerformRendering     = src.renderSettingsPerformRendering;
     dest.renderSettingsUserRenderMode       = src.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
     dest.renderSettingsDistanceShadowmask   = src.renderSettingsDistanceShadowmask;
     dest.renderSettingsSettingsMode         = src.renderSettingsSettingsMode;
     dest.renderSettingsFixSeams             = src.renderSettingsFixSeams;
     dest.renderSettingsDenoise              = src.renderSettingsDenoise;
     dest.renderSettingsDenoise2x            = src.renderSettingsDenoise2x;
     dest.renderSettingsEncode                   = src.renderSettingsEncode;
     dest.renderSettingsEncodeMode               = src.renderSettingsEncodeMode;
     dest.renderSettingsOverwriteWarning         = src.renderSettingsOverwriteWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsAutoAtlas                = src.renderSettingsAutoAtlas;
     dest.renderSettingsUnwrapUVs                = src.renderSettingsUnwrapUVs;
     dest.renderSettingsForceDisableUnwrapUVs    = src.renderSettingsForceDisableUnwrapUVs;
     dest.renderSettingsMaxAutoResolution        = src.renderSettingsMaxAutoResolution;
     dest.renderSettingsMinAutoResolution        = src.renderSettingsMinAutoResolution;
     dest.renderSettingsUnloadScenes             = src.renderSettingsUnloadScenes;
     dest.renderSettingsAdjustSamples            = src.renderSettingsAdjustSamples;
     dest.renderSettingsGILODMode                = src.renderSettingsGILODMode;
     dest.renderSettingsGILODModeEnabled         = src.renderSettingsGILODModeEnabled;
     dest.renderSettingsCheckOverlaps            = src.renderSettingsCheckOverlaps;
     dest.renderSettingsSkipOutOfBoundsUVs       = src.renderSettingsSkipOutOfBoundsUVs;
     dest.renderSettingsHackEmissiveBoost        = src.renderSettingsHackEmissiveBoost;
     dest.renderSettingsHackIndirectBoost        = src.renderSettingsHackIndirectBoost;
     dest.renderSettingsTempPath                 = src.renderSettingsTempPath;
     dest.renderSettingsOutPath                  = src.renderSettingsOutPath;
     dest.renderSettingsUseScenePath             = src.renderSettingsUseScenePath;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAOIntensity          = src.renderSettingsHackAOIntensity;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAOSamples            = src.renderSettingsHackAOSamples;
     dest.renderSettingsHackAORadius             = src.renderSettingsHackAORadius;
     dest.renderSettingsShowAOSettings           = src.renderSettingsShowAOSettings;
     dest.renderSettingsShowTasks                = src.renderSettingsShowTasks;
     dest.renderSettingsShowTasks2               = src.renderSettingsShowTasks2;
     dest.renderSettingsShowPaths                = src.renderSettingsShowPaths;
     dest.renderSettingsShowNet                  = src.renderSettingsShowNet;
     dest.renderSettingsOcclusionProbes          = src.renderSettingsOcclusionProbes;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsPerMap             = src.renderSettingsTexelsPerMap;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsColor              = src.renderSettingsTexelsColor;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsMask               = src.renderSettingsTexelsMask;
     dest.renderSettingsTexelsDir                = src.renderSettingsTexelsDir;
     dest.renderSettingsShowDirWarning           = src.renderSettingsShowDirWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsRenderDirMode            = src.renderSettingsRenderDirMode;
     dest.renderSettingsShowCheckerSettings      = src.renderSettingsShowCheckerSettings;
     dest.renderSettingsSamplesWarning           = src.renderSettingsSamplesWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsPrefabWarning            = src.renderSettingsPrefabWarning;
     dest.renderSettingsSplitByScene             = src.renderSettingsSplitByScene;
     dest.renderSettingsUVPaddingMax             = src.renderSettingsUVPaddingMax;
     dest.renderSettingsPostPacking              = src.renderSettingsPostPacking;
     dest.renderSettingsHoleFilling              = src.renderSettingsHoleFilling;
     dest.renderSettingsBeepOnFinish             = src.renderSettingsBeepOnFinish;
     dest.renderSettingsExportTerrainAsHeightmap = src.renderSettingsExportTerrainAsHeightmap;
     dest.renderSettingsRTXMode                  = src.renderSettingsRTXMode;
     dest.renderSettingsLightProbeMode           = src.renderSettingsLightProbeMode;
     dest.renderSettingsClientMode               = src.renderSettingsClientMode;
     dest.renderSettingsServerAddress            = src.renderSettingsServerAddress;
     dest.renderSettingsUnwrapper                = src.renderSettingsUnwrapper;
     dest.renderSettingsDenoiserType             = src.renderSettingsDenoiserType;
     dest.renderSettingsExportTerrainTrees       = src.renderSettingsExportTerrainTrees;
     dest.renderSettingsShowPerf                 = src.renderSettingsShowPerf;
     dest.renderSettingsSampleDiv                = src.renderSettingsSampleDiv;
     dest.renderSettingsBatchPoints              = src.renderSettingsBatchPoints;
     dest.renderSettingsRTPVExport               = src.renderSettingsRTPVExport;
     dest.renderSettingsRTPVSceneView            = src.renderSettingsRTPVSceneView;
     dest.renderSettingsRTPVWidth                = src.renderSettingsRTPVWidth;
     dest.renderSettingsRTPVHeight               = src.renderSettingsRTPVHeight;
     dest.renderSettingsAtlasPacker              = src.renderSettingsAtlasPacker;
     dest.renderSettingsAutoAtlas                = src.renderSettingsAutoAtlas;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref texCached, ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue);

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Sky color. Multiplies texture color."));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Color multiplier"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture, new GUIContent("Sky texture", "Cubemap"));
            if (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue != null)
                var angles = (target as BakerySkyLight).transform.eulerAngles;
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Cubemap angles: " + angles.x + ", " + angles.y + ", " + angles.z);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rotate this GameObject to change cubemap angles.");
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples, new GUIContent("Samples", "The amount of rays tested for this light. Rays are emitted hemispherically."));

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightHemi, new GUIContent("Hemispherical", "Only emit light from upper hemisphere"));

            //ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
            int prevVal = ftraceLightBitmask.intValue;
            int newVal  = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
            if (prevVal != newVal)
                ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = newVal;

            //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightBakeToIndirect, new GUIContent("Bake to indirect", "Add direct contribution from this light to indirect-only lightmaps"));

            if (storage == null)
                storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
            var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
            if (rmode != (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.FullLighting)
                ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat contrib;
                if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue)
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectAndIndirect;
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly;
                var prevContrib = contrib;

                contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, directContributionOptions);

                if (prevContrib != contrib)
                    if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly)
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true;

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIndirectIntensity, new GUIContent("Indirect intensity", "Non-physical GI multiplier for this light"));

            showExperimental = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showExperimental, "Experimental", EditorStyles.foldout);
            if (showExperimental)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceTangentSH, new GUIContent("Tangent-space SH", "Only affects single-color skylights. When baking in SH mode, harmonics will be in tangent space. Can be useful for implementing skinned model specular occlusion in custom shaders."));


        var    skyMat      = RenderSettings.skybox;
        bool   match       = false;
        bool   skyboxValid = true;
        string why         = "";

        if (skyMat != null)
            if (skyMat.HasProperty("_Tex") && skyMat.HasProperty("_Exposure") && skyMat.HasProperty("_Tint"))
                if (skyMat.GetTexture("_Tex") == ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue)
                    float exposure     = skyMat.GetFloat("_Exposure");
                    bool  exposureSRGB = skyMat.shader.name == "Skybox/Cubemap";
                    if (exposureSRGB)
                        exposure  = Mathf.Pow(exposure, 2.2f);                                  // can't detect [Gamma] keyword...
                        exposure *= PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear ? 4.59f : 2; // weird unity constant
                    if (Mathf.Abs(exposure - ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue) < 0.0001f)
                        if (skyMat.GetColor("_Tint") == ftraceLightColor.colorValue)
                            bool    anglesMatch = true;
                            var     angles      = (target as BakerySkyLight).transform.eulerAngles;
                            Vector3 matMatrixX  = Vector3.right;
                            Vector3 matMatrixY  = Vector3.up;
                            Vector3 matMatrixZ  = Vector3.forward;
                            float   matAngleY   = 0;
                            bool    hasYAngle   = skyMat.HasProperty("_Rotation");
                            bool    hasXZAngles = skyMat.HasProperty("_MatrixRight");
                            if (hasYAngle)
                                matAngleY = skyMat.GetFloat("_Rotation");
                            if (hasXZAngles)
                                matMatrixX = skyMat.GetVector("_MatrixRight");
                                matMatrixY = skyMat.GetVector("_MatrixUp");
                                matMatrixZ = skyMat.GetVector("_MatrixForward");

                            if (angles.y != 0 && !hasYAngle)
                                anglesMatch = false;
                                why         = "no _Rotation property, but light is rotated";
                            else if ((angles.x != 0 || angles.z != 0) && !hasXZAngles)
                                anglesMatch = false;
                                why         = "shader doesn't allow XZ rotation";
                                var        lightQuat = (target as BakerySkyLight).transform.rotation;
                                Quaternion matQuat;
                                if (hasXZAngles)
                                    var mtx = new Matrix4x4();
                                    mtx.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(matMatrixX.x, matMatrixX.y, matMatrixX.z, 0));
                                    mtx.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(matMatrixY.x, matMatrixY.y, matMatrixY.z, 0));
                                    mtx.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(matMatrixZ.x, matMatrixZ.y, matMatrixZ.z, 0));
                                    matQuat = QuaternionFromMatrix(mtx);
                                    matQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0, matAngleY, 0);

                                float diff = Quaternion.Angle(matQuat, lightQuat);
                                //Debug.Log("d " + diff);
                                if (Mathf.Abs(diff) > 0.01f)
                                    anglesMatch = false;
                                    why         = "angles don't match";
                            if (anglesMatch)
                                match = true;
                            why = "color doesn't match";
                        why = "exposure doesn't match";
                    why = "texture doesn't match";
                if (!skyMat.HasProperty("_Tex"))
                    why += "_Tex ";
                if (!skyMat.HasProperty("_Exposure"))
                    why += "_Exposure ";
                if (!skyMat.HasProperty("_Tint"))
                    why += "_Tint ";
                why        += "not defined";
                skyboxValid = false;
            why         = "no skybox set";
            skyboxValid = false;

        if (!match)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Skylight doesn't match skybox: " + why);

            if (skyboxValid)
                if (GUILayout.Button("Match this light to scene skybox"))
                    ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = skyMat.GetTexture("_Tex");

                    float exposure     = skyMat.GetFloat("_Exposure");
                    bool  exposureSRGB = skyMat.shader.name == "Skybox/Cubemap";
                    if (exposureSRGB)
                        exposure  = Mathf.Pow(exposure, 2.2f);                                  // can't detect [Gamma] keyword...
                        exposure *= PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear ? 4.59f : 2; // weird unity constant
                    ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = exposure;

                    ftraceLightColor.colorValue = skyMat.GetColor("_Tint");

                    float matAngle = 0;
                    if (skyMat.HasProperty("_Rotation"))
                        matAngle = skyMat.GetFloat("_Rotation");
                    var matQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0, matAngle, 0);
                    Undo.RecordObject((target as BakerySkyLight).transform, "Rotate skylight");
                    (target as BakerySkyLight).transform.rotation = matQuat;


            if (GUILayout.Button("Match scene skybox to this light"))
                var tform  = (target as BakerySkyLight).transform;
                var angles = tform.eulerAngles;
                if (angles.x != 0 || angles.z != 0)
                    if (skyboxValid && !skyMat.HasProperty("_MatrixRight"))
                        skyboxValid = false;                                                     // only ftrace skybox can handle xz rotation for now

                if (angles.y != 0 && skyboxValid && !skyMat.HasProperty("_Rotation"))
                    skyboxValid = false;                                                                   // needs _Rotation for Y angle
                if (!skyboxValid)
                    var outputPath = ftRenderLightmap.outputPath;
                    skyMat = new Material(Shader.Find(ftSkyboxShaderName));
                    if (!Directory.Exists("Assets/" + outputPath))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory("Assets/" + outputPath);
                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(skyMat, "Assets/" + outputPath + "/" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + "_skybox.asset");
                skyMat.SetTexture("_Tex", ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Cubemap);
                skyMat.SetFloat("_NoTexture", ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue == null ? 1 : 0);

                float exposure     = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                bool  exposureSRGB = skyMat.shader.name == "Skybox/Cubemap";
                if (exposureSRGB)
                    exposure /= PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear ? 4.59f : 2; // weird unity constant
                    exposure  = Mathf.Pow(exposure, 1.0f / 2.2f);                           // can't detect [Gamma] keyword...
                skyMat.SetFloat("_Exposure", exposure);

                skyMat.SetColor("_Tint", ftraceLightColor.colorValue);

                if (skyMat.HasProperty("_Rotation"))
                    skyMat.SetFloat("_Rotation", angles.y);
                if (skyMat.HasProperty("_MatrixRight"))
                    skyMat.SetVector("_MatrixRight", tform.right);
                if (skyMat.HasProperty("_MatrixUp"))
                    skyMat.SetVector("_MatrixUp", tform.up);
                if (skyMat.HasProperty("_MatrixForward"))
                    skyMat.SetVector("_MatrixForward", tform.forward);

                RenderSettings.skybox = skyMat;

Exemplo n.º 7
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        //if (showFtrace)

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Color of the light"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Color multiplier (Lux / Pi)"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowSpread, new GUIContent("Shadow spread", "Controls shadow blurriness from 0 to 1"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples, new GUIContent("Shadow samples", "The amount of rays tested for this light. Rays are emitted from lightmap texel towards the light, distributed conically. Radius of the cone depends on Shadow Spread."));

        //ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
        int prevVal = ftraceLightBitmask.intValue;
        int newVal  = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);

        if (prevVal != newVal)
            ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = newVal;

         * EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightBakeToIndirect, new GUIContent("Bake to indirect", "Add direct contribution from this light to indirect-only lightmaps"));
         * if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = false;
         * EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowmask, new GUIContent("Shadowmask", "Enable mixed lighting. Static shadows from this light will be baked, and real-time light will cast shadows from dynamic objects."));
         * if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;

        if (storage == null)
            storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
        var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;

        if (rmode != (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.FullLighting)
            BakeWhat contrib;
            if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                contrib = BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask;
            else if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue)
                contrib = BakeWhat.DirectAndIndirect;
                contrib = BakeWhat.IndirectOnly;
            var prevContrib = contrib;

            if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Indirect)
                contrib = (BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, directContributionIndirectOptions);
            else if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Shadowmask)
                contrib = (BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Baked contribution", contrib);

            if (prevContrib != contrib)
                if (contrib == BakeWhat.IndirectOnly)
                    ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = false;
                    ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                else if (contrib == BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask)
                    ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = true;
                    ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                    ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = false;
                    ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true;

            if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowmaskDenoise, new GUIContent("Denoise shadowmask", "Apply denoising to shadowmask texture. For sharp shadows it may be unnecessary."));

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIndirectIntensity, new GUIContent("Indirect intensity", "Non-physical GI multiplier for this light"));


        bool   showError = false;
        string why       = "";

        bool shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = false;

        foreach (BakeryDirectLight selectedLight in targets)
            bool match = true;

            var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
            if (light == null)
                if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                    shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true;
            if (!light.enabled)
                if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                    shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true;
            var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

            if (light.type != LightType.Directional)
                match = false;
                why   = "real-time light is not direct";

            if (light.bounceIntensity != ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue)
                match = false;
                why   = "indirect intensity doesn't match";

            var   clr = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
            float eps = 1.0f / 255.0f;
            float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
            float fr, fg, fb;
            float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
            if (isHDRP)
                fintensity *= Mathf.PI;
            if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
                fr = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                fg = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                fb = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;
                fr = clr.r;
                fg = clr.g;
                fb = clr.b;
            GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);

            if (GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity || PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                if (Mathf.Abs(lightR - fr) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightG - fg) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightB - fb) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "color doesn't match";
                else if (Mathf.Abs(lightInt - fintensity) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "intensity doesn't match";
                eps *= Mathf.Max(lightInt, fintensity);
                if (Mathf.Abs(lightR * lightInt - fr * fintensity) > eps ||
                    Mathf.Abs(lightG * lightInt - fg * fintensity) > eps ||
                    Mathf.Abs(lightB * lightInt - fb * fintensity) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "intensity doesn't match";

            if (!match)
                showError = true;

        if (shadowmaskNoDynamicLight)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: shadowmask needs enabled real-time light to work");

        if (showError)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Real-time light doesn't match lightmap: " + why);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Match lightmapped to real-time"))
                foreach (BakeryDirectLight selectedLight in targets)
                    var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                    if (light == null)
                    //if (!light.enabled) continue;
                    var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                    if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = light.color;
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = light.intensity;
                    else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                        float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
                        GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = new Color(lightR, lightG, lightB);
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = lightInt;
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = light.color;
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = light.intensity;
                    ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue = light.bounceIntensity;
                    if (isHDRP)
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue /= Mathf.PI;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Match real-time to lightmapped"))
                foreach (BakeryDirectLight selectedLight in targets)
                    var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                    if (light == null)
                    //if (!light.enabled) continue;
                    var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                    Undo.RecordObject(light, "Change light");
                    if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                        light.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                    else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                        float fr, fg, fb;
                        float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                        var   clr        = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        fr = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                        fg = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                        fb = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;

                        fr = Mathf.Pow(fr * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        fg = Mathf.Pow(fg * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        fb = Mathf.Pow(fb * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        float fint = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(fr, fg), fb);
                        fr             /= fint;
                        fg             /= fint;
                        fb             /= fint;
                        light.color     = new Color(fr, fg, fb);
                        light.intensity = fint;
                        light.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                    light.type            = LightType.Directional;
                    light.bounceIntensity = ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue;
                    if (isHDRP)

        if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
            if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: project is not set up to use linear light intensity.");
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity should be TRUE.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Fix"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true;
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Project is using linear light intensity. This is nice.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Change to non-linear"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        //if (showFtrace)

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Color of the light"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Color multiplier"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture, new GUIContent("Texture", "Texture"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightCutoff, new GUIContent("Cutoff", "Lighting distance limit. For maximum physical corectness set to a very high value. Using smaller values is useful for faster render times and to match real-time lights. Bakery uses Skyforge falloff to maintain balance between correct inverse-squared attenuation and practical limits (https://habr.com/company/mailru/blog/248873/)"));

            if (ftraceLightSelfShadow.boolValue)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples2, new GUIContent("Samples Near", "The amount of rays traced hemispherically in the proximity of this mesh. Set to 0 to only trace with 'Samples Far'."));
                ftraceLightSamples2.intValue = 0;
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples, new GUIContent("Samples Far", "The amount of sample points generated on the surface of this mesh. Distant mesh lights are approximated as clouds of directed half-point lights."));

            //ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
            int prevVal = ftraceLightBitmask.intValue;
            int newVal  = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
            if (prevVal != newVal)
                ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = newVal;

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSelfShadow, new GUIContent("Self shadow", "Determines if light mesh itself casts shadows."));

            //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightBakeToIndirect, new GUIContent("Bake to indirect", "Add direct contribution from this light to indirect-only lightmaps"));

            if (storage == null)
                storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
            var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
            if (rmode != (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.FullLighting)
                ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat contrib;
                if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue)
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectAndIndirect;
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly;
                var prevContrib = contrib;

                contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, ftSkyLightInspector.directContributionOptions);

                if (prevContrib != contrib)
                    if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly)
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true;

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIndirectIntensity, new GUIContent("Indirect intensity", "Non-physical GI multiplier for this light"));


        bool   showError     = false;
        string showErrorText = "";
        bool   isAreaLight   = false;
        bool   isMesh        = false;

        var materialValid    = new bool[targets.Length];
        int iterator         = -1;
        int numMaterialValid = targets.Length;

        foreach (BakeryLightMesh selectedLight in targets)
            var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

            var mr        = selectedLight.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            var mf        = selectedLight.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            var areaLight = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
            if (areaLight != null && areaLight.type != LightType.Area)
                areaLight = null;

            if (mr == null && areaLight == null)
                showError     = true;
                showErrorText = "Error: no mesh renderer";

            if (mf == null && areaLight == null)
                showError     = true;
                showErrorText = "Error: no mesh filter";

            float intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
            var   clr       = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;

            if (areaLight != null)
                bool   match = true;
                string why   = "";
                isAreaLight = true;

                float eps = 1.0f / 255.0f;
                float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
                float fr, fg, fb;
                if (UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
                    fr = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                    fg = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                    fb = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;
                    fr = clr.r;
                    fg = clr.g;
                    fb = clr.b;
                GetLinearLightParameters(areaLight, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);

                if (GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity || UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(lightR - fr) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightG - fg) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightB - fb) > eps)
                        match = false;
                        why   = "color doesn't match";
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(lightInt - intensity) > eps)
                        match = false;
                        why   = "intensity doesn't match";
                    eps *= Mathf.Max(lightInt, intensity);
                    if (Mathf.Abs(lightR * lightInt - fr * intensity) > eps ||
                        Mathf.Abs(lightG * lightInt - fg * intensity) > eps ||
                        Mathf.Abs(lightB * lightInt - fb * intensity) > eps)
                        match = false;
                        why   = "intensity doesn't match";

                if (Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue - areaLight.range * 1.5f) > 0.01f)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "range doesn't match";

                if (ftraceLightSelfShadow.boolValue)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "area light is not self-shadowed.";

                if (areaLight.bounceIntensity != ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "indirect intensity doesn't match";

                if (!match)
                    //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Real-time light doesn't match lightmap: " + why);
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Area light doesn't match lightmap: " + why;


            materialValid[iterator] = true;
            Material singleMat = null;
            var      mats      = mr.sharedMaterials;

            if (mats.Length == 0 || mats[0] == null)
                showError     = true;
                showErrorText = "Error: no materials set";

            isMesh = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++)
                var mat = mats[i];
                if (singleMat == null)
                    singleMat = mat;
                if (mat != null && mat != singleMat)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: different materials in mesh";
                    //match = false;
                    materialValid[iterator] = false;
                if (mat == null)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: mesh doesn't have all materials set";
                    //match = false;
                    materialValid[iterator] = false;
                bool usesftlight      = mat.shader.name == ftLightShaderName;
                bool usesUnlitColor   = mat.shader.name == "Unlit/Color";
                bool usesUnlitTexture = mat.shader.name == "Unlit/Texture";
                if (!usesftlight && !usesUnlitColor && !usesUnlitTexture)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Warning: material should output unlit color";
                    //match = false;
                    materialValid[iterator] = false;
                if (intensity > 1 && !usesftlight)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Warning: intensity > 1, but not using Bakery Light shader";
                    //match = false;
                var   mclr = mat.HasProperty("_Color") ? mat.color : Color.white;
                float eps  = 0.5f / 255.0f;
                if (Mathf.Abs(mclr.r - clr.r) > eps || Mathf.Abs(mclr.g - clr.g) > eps || Mathf.Abs(mclr.b - clr.b) > eps)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: light color doesn't match material color";
                    //match = false;
                if (usesftlight && Mathf.Abs(mat.GetFloat("intensity") - intensity) > 0.001f)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: light intensity doesn't match material intensity";
                    //match = false;
                if (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue == null && mat.HasProperty("_MainTex") && mat.GetTexture("_MainTex") != null)
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: textures don't match";
                    //match = false;
                if (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue != null && (!mat.HasProperty("_MainTex") || mat.GetTexture("_MainTex") != ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue))
                    showError     = true;
                    showErrorText = "Error: textures don't match";
                    //match = false;

            //if (match) return;

        if (showError)

            string txt;
            if (numMaterialValid > 0)
                if (isMesh && !isAreaLight)
                    txt = "Match light to material";
                else if (!isMesh && isAreaLight)
                    txt = "Match lightmapped to area light";
                    txt = "Match lights to meshes/area lights";
                if (GUILayout.Button(txt))
                    //iterator = 0;
                    foreach (BakeryLightMesh selectedLight in targets)
                        var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                        var mr        = selectedLight.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                        var areaLight = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                        if (mr == null && areaLight == null)

                        if (areaLight != null)
                            if (UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                                ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = areaLight.color;
                                ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = areaLight.intensity;
                            else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                                float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
                                GetLinearLightParameters(areaLight, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);
                                ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = new Color(lightR, lightG, lightB);
                                ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = lightInt;
                                ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = areaLight.color;
                                ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = areaLight.intensity;
                            ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue            = areaLight.range * 1.5f;
                            ftraceLightSelfShadow.boolValue         = false;
                            ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue = areaLight.bounceIntensity;

                        var mats = mr.sharedMaterials;
                        if (mats.Length == 0 || mats[0] == null)

                        var mat = mats[0];
                        if (mat.shader.name == ftLightShaderName)
                            ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = mat.mainTexture;
                            ftraceLightColor.colorValue             = mat.color;
                            ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue         = mat.GetFloat("intensity");
                        else if (mat.shader.name == "Unlit/Color")
                            ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = null;
                            ftraceLightColor.colorValue             = mat.color;
                            ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue         = 1;
                        else if (mat.shader.name == "Unlit/Texture")
                            ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = mat.mainTexture;
                            ftraceLightColor.colorValue             = Color.white;//mat.color;
                            ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue         = 1;

            //if (mats.Length == 0) return;
            //if (mats[0] == null) return;

            if (isMesh && !isAreaLight)
                txt = "Match material to light";
            else if (!isMesh && isAreaLight)
                txt = "Match area light to lightmapped";
                txt = "Match meshes/area lights to lightmapped";
            if (GUILayout.Button(txt))
                foreach (BakeryLightMesh selectedLight in targets)
                    var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                    var mr        = selectedLight.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    var areaLight = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                    if (mr == null && areaLight == null)

                    if (areaLight != null)
                        Undo.RecordObject(areaLight, "Change light");
                        if (UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                            areaLight.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                            areaLight.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                        else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                            var   clr        = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                            float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                            float fr         = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                            float fg         = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                            float fb         = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;

                            fr = Mathf.Pow(fr * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                            fg = Mathf.Pow(fg * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                            fb = Mathf.Pow(fb * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                            float fint = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(fr, fg), fb);
                            fr /= fint;
                            fg /= fint;
                            fb /= fint;
                            areaLight.color     = new Color(fr, fg, fb);
                            areaLight.intensity = fint;
                            areaLight.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                            areaLight.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                        areaLight.bounceIntensity = ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue;

                    var mats = mr.sharedMaterials;
                    if (mats.Length == 0 || mats[0] == null)

                    float intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;

                    var mat = mats[0];
                    if (intensity > 1)
                        if (mat.shader.name != ftLightShaderName)
                            mat.shader = Shader.Find(ftLightShaderName);
                        mat.color       = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        mat.mainTexture = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Texture2D;
                        mat.SetFloat("intensity", intensity);
                        if (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue == null)
                            if (mat.shader.name != ftLightShaderName && mat.shader.name != "Unlit/Color")
                                mat.shader = Shader.Find(ftLightShaderName);
                            if (mat.shader.name != ftLightShaderName && mat.shader.name != "Unlit/Texture")
                                mat.shader = Shader.Find(ftLightShaderName);
                        mat.mainTexture = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Texture2D;
                        if (mat.shader.name == ftLightShaderName)
                            mat.color = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                            mat.SetFloat("intensity", intensity);
                            mat.color = ftraceLightColor.colorValue * intensity;

        if (UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
            if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: project is not set up to use linear light intensity.");
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity should be TRUE.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Fix"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true;
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Project is using linear light intensity. This is nice.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Change to non-linear"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
    }                                                                                   // 0x0000000181EA51A0-0x0000000181EA5240

    public static void u0925u091Bu091Cu091Eu0922u0923u0927u091Bu091Eu091Eu0920(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                            // 0x0000000181EABE60-0x0000000181EAC0A0
Exemplo n.º 10
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        //if (showFtrace)


            TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref projModeCached, ftraceLightProj.intValue);
            TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref texCached, ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue);
            TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref tex2DCached, ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue);
            TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref iesCached, ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue);

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Color of the light"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Color multiplier (Candela / PI)"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowSpread, new GUIContent("Shadow spread", "Controls shadow blurriness from 0 to 1"));

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightRealisticFalloff, new GUIContent("Physical falloff", "Use inverse-squared falloff instead of Unity falloff"));
            if (ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius, new GUIContent("Falloff min size", "As point lights don't have area, at zero distance 1/(d*d) will become infinity. This value avoids this issue by assuming the light to have some minimum radius and changing the formula to 1/(d*d+R*R)."));

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightCutoff, new GUIContent("Range", "Lighting distance limit. When 'Physical falloff' is on, for maximum corectness set to a very high value. Using smaller values is useful for faster render times and to match real-time lights. Bakery uses Skyforge falloff to maintain balance between correct inverse-squared attenuation and practical limits (https://habr.com/company/mailru/blog/248873/)"));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples, new GUIContent("Samples", "The amount of sample points generated on the surface of this light. Point light shadows are traced towards points on a sphere (with radius = shadowSpread) around the light. "));
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightProj, new GUIContent("Projection mask", "Determines additional light masking mode."));

            switch (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex)
            case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie:
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture2D, new GUIContent("Cookie texture", "Texture"));
                EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightAngle, 1, 179, new GUIContent("Angle", "Angle of projection (like in spotlights)."));

            case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone:
                EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightAngle, 1, 180, new GUIContent("Outer angle"));
                EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightInnerAngle, 0, 100, new GUIContent("Inner angle percent"));

            case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap:
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture, new GUIContent("Projected cubemap", "Cubemap"));

            case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.IES:
                ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("IES file", ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false);
                if (ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue != null)
                    var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue);
                    if (path.Length < 4 || path.Substring(path.Length - 4).ToLower() != ".ies")
                        EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Bakery", "File must have IES extension.", "OK");
                        ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue = null;


            int prevVal = ftraceLightBitmask.intValue;
            int newVal  = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings);
            if (prevVal != newVal)
                ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = newVal;

             * EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightBakeToIndirect, new GUIContent("Bake to indirect", "Add direct contribution from this light to indirect-only lightmaps"));
             * if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = false;
             * EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowmask, new GUIContent("Shadowmask", "Enable mixed lighting. Static shadows from this light will be baked, and real-time light will cast shadows from dynamic objects."));
             * if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;

            if (storage == null)
                storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
            var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
            if (rmode != (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.FullLighting)
                ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat contrib;
                if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask;
                else if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue)
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectAndIndirect;
                    contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly;
                var prevContrib = contrib;

                if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Indirect)
                    contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, ftDirectLightInspector.directContributionIndirectOptions);
                else if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Shadowmask)
                    contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Baked contribution", contrib);

                if (prevContrib != contrib)
                    if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly)
                        ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = false;
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                    else if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask)
                        ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = true;
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false;
                        ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue     = false;
                        ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true;

            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIndirectIntensity, new GUIContent("Indirect intensity", "Non-physical GI multiplier for this light"));


        bool   showWarningCant = false;
        bool   showError       = false;
        string why             = "";

        bool shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = false;

        foreach (BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets)
            bool match = true;
            //string why = "";
            var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
            if (light == null)
                if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                    shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true;
            if (!light.enabled)
                if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue)
                    shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true;

            if (isHDRP)
                if (!ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue || Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue - 0.01f) > 0.0001f)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "falloff doesn't match HDRP";
                    match = CompareWithHDRP(light, ref why);

            if (isLWRP)
                if (!ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue || Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue - 0.01f) > 0.0001f)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "falloff doesn't match URP";
                    match = CompareWithLWRP(light, ref why);

            var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

            if (ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue != light.bounceIntensity)
                match = false;
                why   = "indirect intensity doesn't match";

            if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.IES)
                showWarningCant = true;
            else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni)
                if (light.type != LightType.Point)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light is not point";
                else if (light.cookie != null)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light has cookie";
            else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap)
                if (light.type != LightType.Point)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light is not point";
                else if (light.cookie == null)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light has no cookie";
            else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie)
                if (light.type != LightType.Spot)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light is not spot";
                else if (light.cookie == null && ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue != spotCookieTexture)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "wrong cookie texture";
                else if (light.cookie != null && ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue != light.cookie)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "wrong cookie texture";
                else if (light.spotAngle != ftraceLightAngle.floatValue)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "spot angle doesn't match";
            else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone)
                if (light.type != LightType.Spot)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "real-time light is not spot";
                else if (light.spotAngle != ftraceLightAngle.floatValue)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "outer angle doesn't match";

            var   clr = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
            float eps = 1.0f / 255.0f;
            float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
            float fr, fg, fb;
            float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
            if (isHDRP)
                fintensity *= Mathf.PI;
            if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
                fr = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                fg = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                fb = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;
                fr = clr.r;
                fg = clr.g;
                fb = clr.b;
            GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);

            if (GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity || PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                if (Mathf.Abs(lightR - fr) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightG - fg) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightB - fb) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "color doesn't match";
                else if (Mathf.Abs(lightInt - fintensity) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "intensity doesn't match";
                eps *= Mathf.Max(lightInt, fintensity);
                if (Mathf.Abs(lightR * lightInt - fr * fintensity) > eps ||
                    Mathf.Abs(lightG * lightInt - fg * fintensity) > eps ||
                    Mathf.Abs(lightB * lightInt - fb * fintensity) > eps)
                    match = false;
                    why   = "intensity doesn't match";

            if (Mathf.Abs(light.range - ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue) > 0.001f)
                match = false;
                why   = "range doesn't match";

            if (!match)
                showError = true;

        if (shadowmaskNoDynamicLight)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: shadowmask needs enabled real-time light to work");

        if (showWarningCant)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: real-time light can't match baked IES light");

        if (showError)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Real-time light doesn't match lightmap: " + why);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Match lightmapped to real-time"))
                foreach (BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets)
                    var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                    if (light == null)
                    //if (!light.enabled) continue;
                    var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                    if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = light.color;
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = light.intensity;
                    else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                        float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt;
                        GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt);
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = new Color(lightR, lightG, lightB);
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = lightInt;
                        ftraceLightColor.colorValue     = light.color;
                        ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = light.intensity;
                    ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue = light.range;
                    ftraceLightAngle.floatValue  = light.spotAngle;

                    if (light.type == LightType.Point)
                        if (light.cookie == null)
                            ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex          = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni;
                            ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = null;
                            ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex          = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap;
                            ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = light.cookie;
                    else if (light.type == LightType.Spot)
                        ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie;
                        if (light.cookie == null)
                            ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue = spotCookieTexture;
                            ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue = light.cookie;
                    ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue = light.bounceIntensity;

                    if (isHDRP)
                    if (isLWRP)

            if (GUILayout.Button("Match real-time to lightmapped"))
                foreach (BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets)
                    var light = selectedLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                    if (light == null)
                    //if (!light.enabled) continue;
                    var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight);

                    Undo.RecordObject(light, "Change light");
                    if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear)
                        light.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                    else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                        var   clr        = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                        float fr         = clr.linear.r; // * fintensity;
                        float fg         = clr.linear.g; // * fintensity;
                        float fb         = clr.linear.b; // * fintensity;

                        fr = Mathf.Pow(fr * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        fg = Mathf.Pow(fg * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        fb = Mathf.Pow(fb * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f);
                        float fint = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(fr, fg), fb);
                        fr             /= fint;
                        fg             /= fint;
                        fb             /= fint;
                        light.color     = new Color(fr, fg, fb);
                        light.intensity = fint;
                        light.color     = ftraceLightColor.colorValue;
                        light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue;
                    light.range     = ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue;
                    light.spotAngle = ftraceLightAngle.floatValue;

                    if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni)
                        light.type   = LightType.Point;
                        light.cookie = null;
                    else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap)
                        light.type   = LightType.Point;
                        light.cookie = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Cubemap;
                    else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie)
                        light.type   = LightType.Spot;
                        light.cookie = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue == spotCookieTexture ? null : (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Texture2D);
                    else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone)
                        light.type = LightType.Spot;
                    light.bounceIntensity = ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue;

                    if (isHDRP)
                    if (isLWRP)

        if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear)
            if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: project is not set up to use linear light intensity.");
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity should be TRUE.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Fix"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true;
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Project is using linear light intensity. This is nice.");
                if (GUILayout.Button("Change to non-linear"))
                    GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = false;
Exemplo n.º 11
    private static Texture2D u091Fu091Eu091Fu0925u091Bu0921u0921u0922u0929u091Eu091E(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E) => default;     // 0x0000000181E9F030-0x0000000181E9F050

    public static void u0923u091Du0921u0920u0927u0921u0929u0928u0921u0927u0920(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA5B90-0x0000000181EA5EF0
Exemplo n.º 12
    public static void UnloadScene(ftLightmapsStorage storage)
        if (lightmapRefCount == null)
        if (storage.idremap == null)

        //int idx = loadedStorages.IndexOf(storage);
        //if (idx >= 0) loadedStorages.RemoveAt(idx);

        LightmapData[] existingLmaps = null;
        List <LightmapAdditionalData> existingLmapsAdditional = null;

        //bool rebuild = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < storage.idremap.Length; i++)
            int currentID = storage.idremap[i];

            // just never unload the 1st lightmap to prevent Unity from losing LM encoding settings
            // remapping all IDs at runtime would introduce a perf hiccup
            if (currentID == 0)

            if (lightmapRefCount.Count <= currentID)
            //Debug.LogError("rem: "+currentID+" "+lightmapRefCount[currentID]);
            if (lightmapRefCount[currentID] == 0)
                if (existingLmaps == null)
                    existingLmaps = LightmapSettings.lightmaps;

                if (existingLmaps.Length > currentID)
                    existingLmaps[currentID].lightmapColor = null;
                    existingLmaps[currentID].lightmapDir   = null;
                    existingLmaps[currentID].shadowMask    = null;

                    if (existingLmapsAdditional == null)
                        existingLmapsAdditional = globalMapsAdditional;
                    if (existingLmapsAdditional != null && existingLmapsAdditional.Count > currentID)
                        var emptyEntry = new LightmapAdditionalData();
                        existingLmapsAdditional[currentID] = emptyEntry;
                //if (currentID == 0) rebuild = true;

         * // If the first lightmap was unloaded, we need to rebuild the lightmap array
         * // because Unity uses 1st lightmap to determine encoding
         * if (rebuild)
         * {
         *  int newLength = 0;
         *  for(int i=0; i<existingLmaps.Length; i++)
         *  {
         *      if (existingLmaps[i].lightmapColor != null) newLength++;
         *  }
         *  var existingLmaps2 = new LightmapData[newLength];
         *  int ctr = 0;
         *  for(int i=0; i<existingLmaps.Length; i++)
         *  {
         *      if (existingLmaps[i].lightmapColor != null)
         *      {
         *          existingLmaps2[ctr] = existingLmaps[i];
         *          ctr++;
         *      }
         *  }
         *  existingLmaps = existingLmaps2;
         *  for(int i=0; i<)
         * }

        if (existingLmaps != null)
            LightmapSettings.lightmaps = existingLmaps;
Exemplo n.º 13
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA9CE0-0x0000000181EAA010

    public static void u0922u091Du0924u0925u0923u091Au0922u0925u0922u0924u091B(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA54D0-0x0000000181EA5830
Exemplo n.º 14
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA54D0-0x0000000181EA5830

    public static void u0923u0926u0922u091Cu0924u091Cu0926u0926u0921u091Bu0924(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA7BC0-0x0000000181EA7EF0
Exemplo n.º 15
    public static GameObject u0925u0923u0928u091Bu0927u0928u091Eu0924u091Fu0925u091B(string u0929u091Au091Du091Cu091Eu0925u0921u0928u091Bu0925u091B, Scene u0921u0929u091Bu0922u0929u0927u091Du091Eu091Fu091Au091C) => default; // 0x0000000181EAE130-0x0000000181EAE2A0

    public static void u0924u091Eu0927u091Fu0920u0929u0923u0927u0929u091Du0925(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA9CE0-0x0000000181EAA010
Exemplo n.º 16
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    // 0x0000000181E9F1D0-0x0000000181EA0C40

    public static void u0927u091Du091Cu0922u0925u091Bu091Du091Bu091Bu0924u091A(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                           // 0x0000000181EAE600-0x0000000181EAE930
Exemplo n.º 17
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    // 0x0000000181EAC0A0-0x0000000181EADD40

    public static void u0920u0921u091Bu091Fu0920u0927u0928u0922u0929u0924u091B(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                            // 0x0000000181EA4F60-0x0000000181EA51A0
Exemplo n.º 18
    private static Texture2D u0920u0921u0927u0921u091Fu0929u0925u0922u091Cu0924u091E(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E) => default;     // 0x0000000181E9F030-0x0000000181E9F050

    public static void u0925u091Du0920u0925u0920u0926u091Du091Cu091Cu0929u0924(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                            // 0x0000000181EADD40-0x0000000181EADF70
Exemplo n.º 19
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    // 0x0000000181EA2940-0x0000000181EA4740

    public static void u0928u091Cu091Fu091Au091Au0921u091Eu0929u0924u091Eu0923(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                           // 0x0000000181EAEB80-0x0000000181EAED80
Exemplo n.º 20
    public static void RefreshScene(Scene scene, ftLightmapsStorage storage = null, bool updateNonBaked = false)
        var sceneCount = SceneManager.sceneCount;

        if (globalMapsAdditional == null)
            globalMapsAdditional = new List <LightmapAdditionalData>();

        var lmaps                   = new List <LightmapData>();
        var lmapsAdditional         = new List <LightmapAdditionalData>();
        var existingLmaps           = LightmapSettings.lightmaps;
        var existingLmapsAdditional = globalMapsAdditional;

        // Acquire storage
        if (storage == null)
            if (!scene.isLoaded)
                //Debug.LogError("dbg: Scene not loaded");

            var go = FindInScene("!ftraceLightmaps", scene);
            if (go == null)
                //Debug.LogError("dbg: no storage");

            storage = go.GetComponent <ftLightmapsStorage>();
            if (storage == null)
                //Debug.LogError("dbg: no storage 2");
        if (storage.idremap == null || storage.idremap.Length != storage.maps.Count)
            storage.idremap = new int[storage.maps.Count];

        // Decide which global engine lightmapping mode to use
        // TODO: allow mixing different modes
        directionalMode = storage.dirMaps.Count != 0;
        bool patchedDirection = false;

        LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode = directionalMode ? LightmapsMode.CombinedDirectional : LightmapsMode.NonDirectional;

        // Set dummy directional tex for non-directional lightmaps in directional mode
        if (directionalMode)
            for (int i = 0; i < existingLmaps.Length; i++)
                if (directionalMode && existingLmaps[i].lightmapDir == null)
                    var lm = existingLmaps[i];
                    lm.lightmapDir   = GetEmptyDirectionTex(storage);
                    existingLmaps[i] = lm;
                    patchedDirection = true;

        // Detect if changes to lightmap array are necessary
        bool sameArray = false;

        if (existingLmaps.Length == storage.maps.Count)
            sameArray = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < storage.maps.Count; i++)
                if (existingLmaps[i].lightmapColor != storage.maps[i])
                    sameArray = false;
                if (storage.rnmMaps0.Count > i && (existingLmapsAdditional.Count <= i || existingLmapsAdditional[i].rnm0 != storage.rnmMaps0[i]))
                    sameArray = false;

        if (!sameArray) // create new lightmap array
            if (sceneCount >= 1)
                // first add old
                for (int i = 0; i < existingLmaps.Length; i++)
                    // skip empty lightmaps (can be created by 5.6 ldata asset or vertex color)
                    // ... unless there are valid lightmaps around them
                    bool lightmapIsEmpty      = existingLmaps[i] == null || (existingLmaps[i].lightmapColor == null && existingLmaps[i].shadowMask == null);
                    bool lightmapCanBeSkipped = lightmapIsEmpty && (i == 0 || i == existingLmaps.Length - 1);
                    if (!lightmapCanBeSkipped)
                        if (existingLmapsAdditional.Count > i)

            for (int i = 0; i < storage.maps.Count; i++)
                var       texlm   = storage.maps[i];
                Texture2D texmask = null;
                Texture2D texdir  = null;
                Texture2D texrnm0 = null;
                Texture2D texrnm1 = null;
                Texture2D texrnm2 = null;
                int       mapMode = 0;
                if (storage.masks.Count > i)
                    texmask = storage.masks[i];
                if (storage.dirMaps.Count > i)
                    texdir = storage.dirMaps[i];
                if (storage.rnmMaps0.Count > i)
                    texrnm0 = storage.rnmMaps0[i];
                    texrnm1 = storage.rnmMaps1[i];
                    texrnm2 = storage.rnmMaps2[i];
                    mapMode = storage.mapsMode[i];

                bool found      = false;
                int  firstEmpty = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < lmaps.Count; j++)
                    if (lmaps[j].lightmapColor == texlm && lmaps[j].shadowMask == texmask)
                        // lightmap already added - reuse
                        storage.idremap[i] = j;
                        found = true;

                        //Debug.LogError("reused "+j);

                        // additional maps array could be flushed due to script recompilation - recover
                        if (texrnm0 != null && (lmapsAdditional.Count <= j || lmapsAdditional[j].rnm0 == null))
                            while (lmapsAdditional.Count <= j)
                                lmapsAdditional.Add(new LightmapAdditionalData());
                            var l = new LightmapAdditionalData();
                            l.rnm0             = texrnm0;
                            l.rnm1             = texrnm1;
                            l.rnm2             = texrnm2;
                            l.mode             = mapMode;
                            lmapsAdditional[j] = l;

                    else if (firstEmpty < 0 && lmaps[j].lightmapColor == null && lmaps[j].shadowMask == null)
                        // free (deleted) entry in existing lightmap list - possibly reuse
                        storage.idremap[i] = j;
                        firstEmpty         = j;

                if (!found)
                    LightmapData lm;
                    if (firstEmpty >= 0)
                        lm = lmaps[firstEmpty];
                        lm = new LightmapData();

                    lm.lightmapColor = texlm;
                    if (storage.masks.Count > i)
                        lm.shadowMask = texmask;
                    if (storage.dirMaps.Count > i && texdir != null)
                        lm.lightmapDir = texdir;
                    else if (directionalMode)
                        lm.lightmapDir = GetEmptyDirectionTex(storage);

                    if (firstEmpty < 0)
                        storage.idremap[i] = lmaps.Count - 1;
                        lmaps[firstEmpty] = lm;

                    if (storage.rnmMaps0.Count > i)
                        var l = new LightmapAdditionalData();
                        l.rnm0 = texrnm0;
                        l.rnm1 = texrnm1;
                        l.rnm2 = texrnm2;
                        l.mode = mapMode;

                        if (firstEmpty < 0)
                            //Debug.LogError("added "+(lmaps.Count-1));
                            while (lmapsAdditional.Count < lmaps.Count - 1)
                                lmapsAdditional.Add(new LightmapAdditionalData());
                            //Debug.LogError("set " + firstEmpty);
                            while (lmapsAdditional.Count < firstEmpty + 1)
                                lmapsAdditional.Add(new LightmapAdditionalData());
                            lmapsAdditional[firstEmpty] = l;
        else // reuse existing lightmap array, only remap IDs
            for (int i = 0; i < storage.maps.Count; i++)
                storage.idremap[i] = i;

                //Debug.LogError("full reuse");

                /*if (storage.rnmMaps0.Count > i)
                 * {
                 *  var l = new LightmapAdditionalData();
                 *  l.rnm0 = storage.rnmMaps0[i];
                 *  l.rnm1 = storage.rnmMaps1[i];
                 *  l.rnm2 = storage.rnmMaps2[i];
                 *  l.mode = storage.mapsMode[i];
                 *  lmapsAdditional.Add(l);
                 * }*/

        // Set editor lighting mode
        Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode = Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand;
        Lightmapping.realtimeGI     = storage.usesRealtimeGI;
        Lightmapping.bakedGI        = true;

        // Replace the lightmap array if needed
        if (sameArray && patchedDirection)
            LightmapSettings.lightmaps = existingLmaps;
        if (!sameArray)
            LightmapSettings.lightmaps = lmaps.ToArray();
            globalMapsAdditional       = lmapsAdditional;

         * // Debug
         * var lms = LightmapSettings.lightmaps;
         * for(int i=0; i<lms.Length; i++)
         * {
         *  var name1 = ((lms[i]==null || lms[i].lightmapColor==null) ? "-" : lms[i].lightmapColor.name);
         *  var name2 = (globalMapsAdditional.Count > i ?(globalMapsAdditional[i].rnm0==null?"x":globalMapsAdditional[i].rnm0.name) : "-");
         *  Debug.LogError(i+" "+name1+" "+name2);
         * }

        // Attempt to update skybox probe
        if (RenderSettings.ambientMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Skybox)// && Lightmapping.lightingDataAsset == null)
            var probe   = RenderSettings.ambientProbe;
            int isEmpty = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    // default bugged probes are [almost] black or 1302?
                    float a = Mathf.Abs(probe[i, j]);
                    if (a > 1000.0f || a < 0.000001f)
                        isEmpty = 1;
                    if (probe[i, j] != 0)
                        isEmpty = 0;
                if (isEmpty >= 0)
            if (isEmpty != 0)

        // Set lightmap data on mesh renderers
        var emptyVec4 = new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < storage.bakedRenderers.Count; i++)
            var r = storage.bakedRenderers[i];
            if (r == null)
            //if (r.isPartOfStaticBatch) continue;
            var  id    = storage.bakedIDs[i];
            Mesh vmesh = null;
            if (i < storage.bakedVertexColorMesh.Count)
                vmesh = storage.bakedVertexColorMesh[i];

            if (vmesh != null)
                r.additionalVertexStreams = vmesh;
                r.lightmapIndex           = 0xFFFF;
                var prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                prop.SetFloat("bakeryLightmapMode", 1);

            int globalID = (id < 0 || id >= storage.idremap.Length) ? id : storage.idremap[id];
            r.lightmapIndex = globalID;

            if (!r.isPartOfStaticBatch)
                // scaleOffset is baked on static batches already
                var scaleOffset = id < 0 ? emptyVec4 : storage.bakedScaleOffset[i];
                r.lightmapScaleOffset = scaleOffset;

            if (r.lightmapIndex >= 0 && globalID < globalMapsAdditional.Count)
                var lmap = globalMapsAdditional[globalID];
                if (lmap.rnm0 != null)
                    var prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                    prop.SetTexture("_RNM0", lmap.rnm0);
                    prop.SetTexture("_RNM1", lmap.rnm1);
                    prop.SetTexture("_RNM2", lmap.rnm2);
                    prop.SetFloat("bakeryLightmapMode", lmap.mode);

        // Set lightmap data on definitely-not-baked mesh renderers (can be possibly avoided)
        if (updateNonBaked)
            for (int i = 0; i < storage.nonBakedRenderers.Count; i++)
                var r = storage.nonBakedRenderers[i];
                if (r == null)
                if (r.isPartOfStaticBatch)
                r.lightmapIndex = 0xFFFE;

        // Set lightmap data on terrains
        for (int i = 0; i < storage.bakedRenderersTerrain.Count; i++)
            var r = storage.bakedRenderersTerrain[i];
            if (r == null)
            var id = storage.bakedIDsTerrain[i];
            r.lightmapIndex = (id < 0 || id >= storage.idremap.Length) ? id : storage.idremap[id];

            var scaleOffset = id < 0 ? emptyVec4 : storage.bakedScaleOffsetTerrain[i];
            r.lightmapScaleOffset = scaleOffset;

        // Set shadowmask parameters on lights
        for (int i = 0; i < storage.bakedLights.Count; i++)
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
            var output = new LightBakingOutput();
            output.isBaked                      = true;
            output.lightmapBakeType             = LightmapBakeType.Mixed;
            output.mixedLightingMode            = MixedLightingMode.Shadowmask;
            output.occlusionMaskChannel         = storage.bakedLightChannels[i];
            output.probeOcclusionLightIndex     = storage.bakedLights[i].bakingOutput.probeOcclusionLightIndex;
            storage.bakedLights[i].bakingOutput = output;
            //var light = storage.bakedLights[i];

        // Increment lightmap refcounts
        if (lightmapRefCount == null)
            lightmapRefCount = new List <int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < storage.idremap.Length; i++)
            int currentID = storage.idremap[i];
            while (lightmapRefCount.Count <= currentID)
            if (lightmapRefCount[currentID] < 0)
                lightmapRefCount[currentID] = 0;
        //if (loadedStorages == null) loadedStorages = new List<ftLightmapsStorage>();
        //if (loadedStorages.Contains(storage)) loadedStorages.Add(storage);

        //return appendOffset;
Exemplo n.º 21
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                           // 0x0000000181EAEB80-0x0000000181EAED80

    private static Texture2D u0921u091Au091Bu091Bu0924u0922u0927u091Cu0924u091Bu0925(ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E) => default;                                                    // 0x0000000181E9F030-0x0000000181E9F050
Exemplo n.º 22
    }                                                                                    // 0x0000000181EAF010-0x0000000181EAF090

    public static void u091Cu091Eu0920u0923u0927u0922u0925u0926u0921u0920u0926(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E = null, bool u0921u0923u091Eu091Au0926u091Fu0926u0929u091Bu091Fu0928 = false /* Metadata: 0x0064FE86 */)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    // 0x0000000181EA2940-0x0000000181EA4740
Exemplo n.º 23
    }                                                                                                                                                             // 0x0000000181EA5B90-0x0000000181EA5EF0

    public static void u0926u091Eu0924u091Fu0929u0929u0922u0926u0924u091Au0927(Scene u0927u091Eu091Fu0924u0925u0923u0927u091Eu091Bu0923u0923, ftLightmapsStorage u0928u0920u091Du091Eu0929u091Au0927u0925u0924u091Fu091E)
    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                            // 0x0000000181EAE2F0-0x0000000181EAE4F0