public void resetState()
        this.curState = fighterState.GROUNDED;
        curSkill      = null;
        initialFrame  = 0;
        isDash        = false;
        isGlide       = false;

    // Performs attack that was last selected
    private void Attack(GameObject player, float minHeight, GameObject mySound)
        int forward = (int)player.transform.localScale.x;

        if (curSkill == null)
            AttackSel(player, minHeight, mySound);

        // If the move is special cancelable, check if a special was inputted
        if (this.curSkill.isSpecialCancelable() && this.curSkill.getHasHit())
            // Check the three most recent input
            bool      skillDetected = false;
            KeyCode[] inputChain    = { KeyCode.None, KeyCode.None, KeyCode.None };
            readBuffer(inputChain, 15);
            // Flip order of inputs
            inputChain[2] = inputChain[0];
            inputChain[0] = inputChain[1];
            inputChain[1] = inputChain[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.skillList.Count && i < (this.curLevel - 5) / 10 && !skillDetected; i++)
                bool      correctInput = true;
                KeyCode[] input        = (KeyCode[])this.skillList[i].getInput().Clone();

                // Swap left and right keys if the player is facing the other way
                if (player.transform.localScale.x < 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
                        if (input[j] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT])
                            input[j] = DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT];
                        else if (input[j] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT])
                            input[j] = DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT];

                if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B1])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B1];
                else if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B2])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B2];
                else if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B3])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B3];
                for (int j = 0; j < inputChain.Length - 1 && correctInput; j++)
                    if (j >= input.Length || input[j] != inputChain[j])
                        correctInput = false;

                if (correctInput)
                    this.curSkill = this.skillList[i];
                    skillDetected = true;

                    // Play skill sound effect
                    if (curSkill != null)
                        mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = curSkill.getSFX();
                        mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

        // Check for normal cancel
        if ((this.normalSkill.Contains(curSkill) || this.crouchingSkill.Contains(curSkill)) && this.curSkill.getHasHit())
            int skillOrder = 0;
            if (this.normalSkill.Contains(curSkill))
                skillOrder = this.normalSkill.IndexOf(curSkill);
                skillOrder = this.crouchingSkill.IndexOf(curSkill);

            // Find last attack input
            if (onPress[(int)key.B1] && skillOrder < 1)
                if (pressing[(int)key.DOWN])
                    this.curSkill = crouchingSkill[0];
                    this.curSkill = normalSkill[0];

                // Play skill sound effect
                if (curSkill != null)
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = curSkill.getSFX();
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
            else if (onPress[(int)key.B2] && skillOrder < 2)
                if (pressing[(int)key.DOWN])
                    this.curSkill = crouchingSkill[1];
                    this.curSkill = normalSkill[1];

                // Play skill sound effect
                if (curSkill != null)
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = curSkill.getSFX();
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
            else if (onPress[(int)key.B3] && skillOrder < 3)
                if (pressing[(int)key.DOWN])
                    this.curSkill = crouchingSkill[2];
                    this.curSkill = normalSkill[2];

                // Play skill sound effect
                if (curSkill != null)
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = curSkill.getSFX();
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

        // Check if player has jump canceled the attack
        if (this.curSkill.isJumpCancelable() && pressing[(int)key.UP])
            this.curSkill = null;
            this.curState = fighterState.GROUNDED;
        // Otherwise play the move until the first active frame of the move
        else if (!WaitForXFrames(this.curSkill.firstActive()))
            player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = this.curSkill.playSkill(forward == 1);
            player.transform.Translate(forward * this.curSkill.getXShift() * Time.deltaTime, this.curSkill.getYShift() * Time.deltaTime, 0);

            if (this.curSkill.hitboxOut(player.transform.localScale.x == 1, Time.frameCount - initialFrame) && this.curSkill.isProjectile())
                this.projectileOut = true;

            // If jumping attack, apply gravity
            if (this.jumpingSkill.Contains(this.curSkill))

                // Check if player touched the ground
                if (player.transform.localPosition.y <= minHeight)
                    this.jumpCount = 0;
                    player.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(player.transform.localPosition.x, minHeight);
                    this.curState = fighterState.GROUNDED;
                    curSkill = null;
                // Slide back player
                if (slideBack > 0)
                    player.transform.Translate(-1 * curSkill.getBasePow() * forward * slideBack * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
                    slideBack -= Time.deltaTime * 10;
        // Reset everything once the attack is done
            this.curSkill = null;

            if (player.transform.localPosition.y > minHeight)
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);
                this.curState = fighterState.AERIAL;
                this.curState = fighterState.GROUNDED;
    private void AttackSel(GameObject player, float minHeight, GameObject mySound)
        // Determine aerial attack
        if (player.transform.localPosition.y > minHeight)
            if (onPress[(int)key.B1])
                curSkill = this.jumpingSkill[0];
            else if (onPress[(int)key.B2])
                curSkill = this.jumpingSkill[1];
                curSkill = this.jumpingSkill[2];
        else if (this.isCrouch)
            if (onPress[(int)key.B1])
                curSkill = this.crouchingSkill[0];
            else if (onPress[(int)key.B2])
                curSkill = this.crouchingSkill[1];
                curSkill = this.crouchingSkill[2];
        // Go through the entire skillList and check for combination
            // Check the three most recent input
            bool      skillDetected = false;
            KeyCode[] inputChain    = { KeyCode.None, KeyCode.None, KeyCode.None };
            readBuffer(inputChain, 15);
            // Flip order of inputs
            inputChain[2] = inputChain[0];
            inputChain[0] = inputChain[1];
            inputChain[1] = inputChain[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.skillList.Count && i < (this.curLevel - 5) / 10; i++)
                bool      correctInput = true;
                KeyCode[] input        = (KeyCode[])this.skillList[i].getInput().Clone();

                // Swap left and right keys if the player is facing the other way
                if (player.transform.localScale.x < 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
                        if (input[j] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT])
                            input[j] = DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT];
                        else if (input[j] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT])
                            input[j] = DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT];

                if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B1])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B1];
                else if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B2])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B2];
                else if (input[input.Length - 1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.B3])
                    correctInput = onPress[(int)key.B3];
                for (int j = 0; j < inputChain.Length - 1 && correctInput; j++)
                    if (j >= input.Length || input[j] != inputChain[j])
                        correctInput = false;

                if (correctInput)
                    this.curSkill = this.skillList[i];
                    skillDetected = true;

            if (!skillDetected)
                if (onPress[(int)key.B1])
                    curSkill = this.normalSkill[0];
                else if (onPress[(int)key.B2])
                    curSkill = this.normalSkill[1];
                    curSkill = this.normalSkill[2];

        // Play skill sound effect
        if (curSkill != null)
            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = curSkill.getSFX();
            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

        this.curState = fighterState.ATTACK;
    void Aerial(GameObject player, float minHeight, GameObject mySound, AudioClip[] basicSFX)
        int forward = (int)player.transform.localScale.x;

        if (isGlide)
            if (!WaitForXFrames(15))
                int direction = (int)this.xVel / (int)this.glideSpeed;
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(direction, this.glide, this.glideB);
                player.transform.Translate(this.xVel * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
                player.transform.localScale = new Vector2(direction, player.transform.localScale.y);
                isGlide = false;
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);
                this.yVel = 0;
            if (this.inJumpSquat)
                if (WaitForXFrames(1))
                    this.inJumpSquat = false;
                    this.jumpCount  += 1;
                    resetAnims(this.jump, this.jumpB);
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);
                    this.yVel = Mathf.Abs(this.gravity) * 0.4f;

                    // Play jump sound effect
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = basicSFX[0];
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

            // Start double jump
            else if (onPress[(int)key.UP] && this.jumpCount <= this.maxJumps)
                // Decide which way the character should jump
                if (pressing[(int)key.LEFT])
                    if (Mathf.Abs(this.xVel) > this.glideSpeed)
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.dashSpeed) * -1;
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.walkSpeed) * -1;
                else if (pressing[(int)key.RIGHT])
                    if (Mathf.Abs(this.xVel) > this.glideSpeed)
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.dashSpeed);
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.walkSpeed);
                    this.xVel = 0;

                // Place character in double jump squat
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.djump, this.djumpB);
                this.inDJumpSquat = true;
            else if (this.inDJumpSquat)
                if (WaitForXFrames(2))
                    this.inDJumpSquat = false;
                    this.jumpCount   += 1;
                    resetAnims(djump, djumpB);
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);
                    this.yVel = Mathf.Abs(this.gravity) * 0.4f;

                    // Play jump sound effect
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = basicSFX[0];
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

            // Check if the player inputted the right combination for gliding
            else if ((onPress[(int)key.LEFT] || onPress[(int)key.RIGHT]) && this.jumpCount <= this.maxJumps)
                // Two so that you can also do up and then a direction
                KeyCode[] lastInput = { KeyCode.None, KeyCode.None };
                readBuffer(lastInput, 15);
                if (onPress[(int)key.LEFT] && lastInput[0] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT])
                    this.isGlide    = true;
                    this.yVel       = 0;
                    this.xVel       = -this.glideSpeed;
                    this.jumpCount += 1;
                else if (onPress[(int)key.RIGHT] && lastInput[0] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT])
                    this.isGlide    = true;
                    this.yVel       = 0;
                    this.xVel       = this.glideSpeed;
                    this.jumpCount += 1;
                else if (lastInput[0] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.UP])
                    if (onPress[(int)key.LEFT] && lastInput[1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT])
                        this.isGlide    = true;
                        this.yVel       = 0;
                        this.xVel       = -this.glideSpeed;
                        this.jumpCount += 1;
                    else if (onPress[(int)key.RIGHT] && lastInput[1] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT])
                        this.isGlide    = true;
                        this.yVel       = 0;
                        this.xVel       = this.glideSpeed;
                        this.jumpCount += 1;

                if (isGlide)
                    // Play glide sound effect
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = basicSFX[2];
                    mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

            // Go into attack state if any of the attack buttons were pressed
            else if (onPress[(int)key.B1] || onPress[(int)key.B2] || onPress[(int)key.B3])
                this.curState = fighterState.ATTACK;

            // Otherwise, just make the character fall down
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);

                // Check if fighter has touched the ground
                if (player.transform.localPosition.y <= minHeight)
                    this.jumpCount = 0;
                    curSkill       = null;
                    player.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(player.transform.localPosition.x, minHeight);
                    this.curState = fighterState.GROUNDED;
    private void Grounded(GameObject player, float minY, GameObject mySound, AudioClip[] basicSFX)
        int forward = (int)player.transform.localScale.x;

        // Slide back player
        if (slideBack > 0)
            player.transform.Translate(-3 * forward * slideBack * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
            slideBack -= Time.deltaTime * 10;

        // Move the player back for 13 frames if they're backhopping
        if (isBackHop)
            if (!WaitForXFrames(7))
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.inAir, this.inAirB);
                player.transform.Translate(-1 * forward * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
                this.isBackHop = false;
                this.xVel      = 0; // Prevent player from staying in backhop
        // Go into attack state if any of the attack buttons were pressed
        else if (onPress[(int)key.B1] || onPress[(int)key.B2] || onPress[(int)key.B3])
            this.curState = fighterState.ATTACK;
        else if (this.isCrouch)
            player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.crouch, this.crouchB);
            if (!pressing[(int)key.DOWN])
                this.isCrouch = false;
            // UP KEY
            if (pressing[(int)key.UP])
                // Place character in jump squat
                player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.jump, this.jumpB);
                this.inJumpSquat = true;
                this.isDash      = false;
                this.curState    = fighterState.AERIAL;

                // Decide which way the character should jump
                if (pressing[(int)key.LEFT])
                    if (Mathf.Abs(this.xVel) > this.glideSpeed)
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.dashSpeed) * -1;
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.walkSpeed) * -1;
                else if (pressing[(int)key.RIGHT])
                    if (Mathf.Abs(this.xVel) > this.glideSpeed)
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.dashSpeed);
                        this.xVel = Mathf.Abs(this.walkSpeed);
                    this.xVel = 0;

            // DOWN KEY
            else if (pressing[(int)key.DOWN])
                this.isCrouch = true;
                this.isDash   = false;

            // LEFT KEY
            else if (pressing[(int)key.LEFT])
                // Check the buffer to see if the left button was already pressed
                if (onPress[(int)key.LEFT])
                    KeyCode[] lastInput = { KeyCode.None };
                    readBuffer(lastInput, 15);
                    if (lastInput[0] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.LEFT])
                        if (forward > 0)
                            this.isBackHop = true;
                            this.isDash = true;

                            // Play dash sound effect
                            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = basicSFX[1];
                            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

                if (this.isDash && forward < 0)
                    this.xVel = -this.dashSpeed;
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.dash, this.dashB);
                    player.transform.Translate(-1 * this.dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
                    this.xVel = -this.walkSpeed;
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.walk, this.walkB);
                    player.transform.Translate(-1 * this.walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

            // RIGHT KEY
            else if (pressing[(int)key.RIGHT])
                // Check the buffer to see if the left button was already pressed
                if (onPress[(int)key.RIGHT])
                    KeyCode[] lastInput = { KeyCode.None };
                    readBuffer(lastInput, 15);
                    if (lastInput[0] == DataManager.savedOptions.controls[(int)key.RIGHT])
                        if (forward > 0)
                            this.isDash = true;

                            // Play dash sound effect
                            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = basicSFX[1];
                            mySound.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
                            this.isBackHop = true;

                if (this.isDash && forward > 0)
                    this.xVel = this.dashSpeed;
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.dash, this.dashB);
                    player.transform.Translate(this.dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
                    this.xVel = this.walkSpeed;
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.walk, this.walkB);
                    player.transform.Translate(this.walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

            // Character is idle
                this.xVel = 0;
                if (this.idleCounter < 3)
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.idle, this.idleB);

                     * if ((forward > 0 || !hasDiffBack) && this.idle.isDone())    { this.idleCounter += 1; }
                     * else if (this.idleB.isDone())                               { this.idleCounter += 1; }
                    player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = chooseAnim(forward, this.idleAct, this.idleActB);
                    if ((forward > 0 || !hasDiffBack) && this.idleAct.isDone())
                        this.idleCounter = 0;
                    else if (this.idleActB.isDone())
                        this.idleCounter = 1;

            if (released[(int)key.LEFT] || released[(int)key.RIGHT])
                this.isDash = false;