Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Decriptografa()
            string        fileName = "CBDecrypt.RST";
            StringBuilder msgErro  = new StringBuilder(512);

            byte[] key = new byte[16];

            var    zipDll = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + @"\Dll\zlib1.dll";
            IntPtr zibDll = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(zipDll);

            var    pathDLL = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + @"\Dll\WEBTAEncoderLib.dll";
            IntPtr pDll    = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(pathDLL);

            //oh dear, error handling here
            if (pDll == IntPtr.Zero)
                //log error

            IntPtr pAdrressDecodeKey = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fDecodeKeyFile");

            //oh dear, error handling here
            if (pAdrressDecodeKey == IntPtr.Zero)
                //log error

            fDecodeKeyFile decodeKey = (fDecodeKeyFile)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressDecodeKey, typeof(fDecodeKeyFile));

            var theResult = decodeKey(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Criptografia\\criptografia201501071224.bin", "gomes2015", key, msgErro);

            if (theResult == 1)
                IntPtr       pAdrressInitDecode = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fInitDecoder");
                fInitDecoder initDecode         = (fInitDecoder)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressInitDecode, typeof(fInitDecoder));

                IntPtr criptoHandle = initDecode(fileName, @"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Arquivo", key, msgErro);

                if (criptoHandle != null && criptoHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    IntPtr    pAdrressReadData = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fReadData");
                    fReadData readData         = (fReadData)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressReadData, typeof(fReadData));

                    IntPtr        pAdrressBufferReadData = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fDecodeBuffer");
                    fDecodeBuffer readBufferData         = (fDecodeBuffer)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressBufferReadData, typeof(fDecodeBuffer));

                    int bytesLidos = 1;

                    while (bytesLidos > 0)
                        byte[] bufferAux = new byte[8192];

                        bytesLidos = readData(criptoHandle, bufferAux, bufferAux.Length, msgErro);

                        if (bytesLidos > 0)

                    /* while (bytesLidos > 0)
                     * {
                     *   //using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Arquivo\\CB020901.TST", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
                     *   //{
                     *   //    // Read bytes from stream and interpret them as ints
                     *   //    int pos = 0;
                     *   //    // 2A.
                     *   //    // Use BaseStream.
                     *   //    int length = (int)b.BaseStream.Length;
                     *   //    // Read from the IO stream fewer times.
                     *   //    byte[] dataArray = new byte[8192];
                     *   //    dataArray = b.ReadBytes(8192);
                     *   //    bytesLidos = readData(criptoHandle, dataArray, dataArray.Length, msgErro);
                     *   //    //var i = readBufferData(dataArray, dataArray.Length, dataArray, dataArray.Length, key);
                     *   //    //for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                     *   //    //{
                     *   //    //    Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32(buffer[i]));
                     *   //    //}
                     *   //}
                     *   FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Arquivo\\CB020901.TST", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                     *   try
                     *   {
                     *       int length = (int)fileStream.Length;  // get file length
                     *       byte[] buffer = new byte[length];            // create buffer
                     *       int count;                            // actual number of bytes read
                     *       int sum = 0;                          // total number of bytes read
                     *       // read until Read method returns 0 (end of the stream has been reached)
                     *       while ((count = fileStream.Read(buffer, sum, length - sum)) > 0)
                     *       {
                     *           bytesLidos = readData(criptoHandle, buffer, length, msgErro);
                     *           if (bytesLidos > 0)
                     *           {
                     *           }
                     *           sum += count;  // sum is a buffer offset for next reading
                     *       }
                     *   }
                     *   finally
                     *   {
                     *       fileStream.Close();
                     *   }
                     * }*/
                    //IntPtr pAdrressCloseDecoder = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fCloseDecoder");
                    //fCloseDecoder closeHandle = (fCloseDecoder)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressCloseDecoder, typeof(fCloseDecoder));

                    //if (bytesLidos == 0) //Erro
                    //    closeHandle(criptoHandle, msgErro);
                    //    closeHandle(criptoHandle, msgErro);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Criptografa()
            StringBuilder msgErro = new StringBuilder(512);

            byte[]        key       = new byte[16];
            StringBuilder idCliente = new StringBuilder(21);

            var zipDll  = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + @"\Dll\zlib1.dll";
            var pathDLL = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + @"\Dll\WEBTAEncoderLib.dll";

            IntPtr zibDll = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(zipDll);
            IntPtr pDll   = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(pathDLL);

            //oh dear, error handling here
            if (pDll == IntPtr.Zero)
                //log error

            IntPtr pAdrressDecodeKey = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fDecodeKeyFile");

            //oh dear, error handling here
            if (pAdrressDecodeKey == IntPtr.Zero)
                //log error

            fDecodeKeyFile decodeKey = (fDecodeKeyFile)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressDecodeKey, typeof(fDecodeKeyFile));

            var theResult = decodeKey(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Criptografia\\criptografia201501071224.bin", "gomes2015", key, msgErro);

            if (theResult == 1)
                IntPtr           pAdrressInitKeyFile = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fDecodeKeyFileEx");
                fDecodeKeyFileEx initKeyFile         = (fDecodeKeyFileEx)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressInitKeyFile, typeof(fDecodeKeyFileEx));

                int retornoCliente = initKeyFile(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Transmissao\\transferencia201501071224.bin", "gomes2015", idCliente, key, msgErro);

                IntPtr       pAdrressInitEncoder = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fInitEncoder");
                fInitEncoder initEncode          = (fInitEncoder)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressInitEncoder, typeof(fInitEncoder));

                IntPtr criptoHandle = initEncode("CBCrypt.TST", @"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Arquivo", key, msgErro);

                if (criptoHandle != null && criptoHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    IntPtr     pAdrressWriteData = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fWriteData");
                    fWriteData writeData         = (fWriteData)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressWriteData, typeof(fWriteData));

                    IntPtr        pAdrressCloseHandle = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "fCloseEncoder");
                    fCloseEncoder closeHandle         = (fCloseEncoder)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pAdrressCloseHandle, typeof(fCloseEncoder));

                    BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(@"C:\\Temp\\WebTA\\Arquivo\\CBCrypt.TST"));

                        int length = (int)stream.BaseStream.Length;                          // get file length

                        byte[] buffer = length > 65535 ? new byte[65535] : new byte[length]; // create buffer
                        int    qtLido;                                                       // actual number of bytes read
                        int    sum = 0;                                                      // total number of bytes read

                        // read until Read method returns 0 (end of the stream has been reached)
                        while ((qtLido = stream.Read(buffer, sum, length - sum)) > 0)
                            if (writeData(criptoHandle, buffer, qtLido, msgErro) == 0)
                                closeHandle(criptoHandle, msgErro);
                            sum += qtLido;  // sum is a buffer offset for next reading
                        closeHandle(criptoHandle, msgErro);