Exemplo n.º 1
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Desc:
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    internal override exUpdateFlags UpdateBuffers(exList <Vector3> _vertices, exList <Vector2> _uvs, exList <Color32> _colors32, exList <int> _indices = null)
        if ((updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Transparent) != 0)
            updateFlags &= ~exUpdateFlags.Transparent;
            if (transparent_)
                Vector3 anyPoint = _vertices.buffer[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < vertexCount_; ++i)
                    _vertices.buffer[vertexBufferIndex + i] = anyPoint;
                updateFlags &= ~exUpdateFlags.Vertex;
                updateFlags |= exUpdateFlags.Vertex;
            return(exUpdateFlags.Transparent | exUpdateFlags.Vertex);
        else if (transparent_ && (updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0)
            updateFlags &= ~exUpdateFlags.Vertex;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// Add sprite's geometry data to buffers
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    internal virtual void FillBuffers(exList <Vector3> _vertices, exList <Vector2> _uvs, exList <Color32> _colors32)
        vertexBufferIndex = _vertices.Count;
        if (_colors32 != null)
        updateFlags |= exUpdateFlags.AllExcludeIndex;
Exemplo n.º 3
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// \return the update flags of changed buffer
 /// Update sprite's geometry data to buffers selectively depending on what has changed. 
 /// NOTE: 这个方法不应修改对象中除了updateFlags外的其它字段
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal abstract exUpdateFlags UpdateBuffers(exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<Color32> _colors32, exList<int> _indices = null);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Desc:
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void TiledUpdateBuffers(exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<int> _indices)
Exemplo n.º 5
    // Overridable functions
    // TODO: check border change if sliced
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Desc:
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    internal override exUpdateFlags UpdateBuffers(exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<Color32> _colors32, exList<int> _indices)
        exDebug.Assert(textureInfo_ != null, "textureInfo_ == null");

        switch (spriteType_) {
        case exSpriteType.Simple:
            SpriteBuilder.SimpleUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.Self, _vertices, _uvs, _indices, 0, 0);
        case exSpriteType.Sliced:
            SpriteBuilder.SlicedUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.Self, _vertices, _uvs, _indices, 0, 0);
        case exSpriteType.Tiled:
            SpriteBuilder.TiledUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, tiledSpacing_, Space.Self, _vertices, _uvs, _indices, 0, 0);
        case exSpriteType.Diced:
            SpriteBuilder.DicedUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.Self, _vertices, _uvs, _indices, 0, 0);
        if ((updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Color) != 0 && _colors32 != null) {
            Color32 color32 = new Color (color_.r, color_.g, color_.b, color_.a);
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount_; ++i) {
                _colors32.buffer [i] = color32;
        exUpdateFlags applyedFlags = updateFlags;
        updateFlags = exUpdateFlags.None;
        return applyedFlags;
Exemplo n.º 6
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Desc:
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal override exUpdateFlags UpdateBuffers(exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<Color32> _colors32, exList<int> _indices)
     return SpriteFontBuilder.UpdateBuffers (this, Space.Self, 1.0f, _vertices, _uvs, _colors32, _indices, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
    protected new void OnDestroy()
        vertices = null;
        indices = null;
        uvs = null;
        colors32 = null;

        if (mesh != null) {
        mesh = null;
        cachedRenderer.sharedMaterial = null;
        cachedRenderer_ = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Desc:
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void TiledUpdateBuffers(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Vector2 _tiledSpacing, Space _space, 
                                               exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<int> _indices, int _vbIndex, int _ibIndex)
            if (_vertices.Count == 0) {
            SpriteBuilder.SimpleUpdateBuffers(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space,
                                              _vertices, _uvs, _indices, _vbIndex, _ibIndex);

            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0) {
                TiledUpdateVertexBuffer(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _tiledSpacing, _space, _vertices, _vbIndex);

            int colCount, rowCount;
            exSpriteUtility.GetTilingCount ((exISprite)_sprite, out colCount, out rowCount);
            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0 && _indices != null) {
                /* tile index:
                8  9  10 11
                4  5  6  7
                0  1  2  3
                int v = _vbIndex;
                int i = _ibIndex;
                int quadCount = colCount * rowCount;
                for (int q = 0; q < quadCount; ++q) {
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 1;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 2;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 2;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 3;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v;
                    v += exMesh.QUAD_VERTEX_COUNT;

            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.UV) != 0) {
                Vector2 uv0 = _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 0];
                Vector2 uv2 = _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2];
                Vector2 uv3 = _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 3];
                Vector2 lastTileRawSize = new Vector2(_sprite.width % (_textureInfo.width + _tiledSpacing.x), _sprite.height % (_textureInfo.height + _tiledSpacing.y));
                Vector2 clippedUv2 = uv2;
                if (0.0f < lastTileRawSize.y && lastTileRawSize.y < _textureInfo.height) {  // clipped last row
                    float stepY = lastTileRawSize.y / _textureInfo.height;
                    if (_textureInfo.rotated == false)
                        clippedUv2.y = Mathf.Lerp(uv0.y, uv2.y, stepY);
                        clippedUv2.x = Mathf.Lerp(uv0.x, uv2.x, stepY);
                if (0.0f < lastTileRawSize.x && lastTileRawSize.x < _textureInfo.width) {   // clipped last column
                    float stepX = lastTileRawSize.x / _textureInfo.width;
                    if (_textureInfo.rotated == false)
                        clippedUv2.x = Mathf.Lerp(uv0.x, uv2.x, stepX);
                        clippedUv2.y = Mathf.Lerp(uv0.y, uv2.y, stepX);
                int i = _vbIndex;
                if (_textureInfo.rotated == false) {
                    for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
                        float rowTopUv = (r < rowCount - 1) ? uv2.y : clippedUv2.y;
                        for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = uv0;
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = new Vector2(uv0.x, rowTopUv);
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = new Vector2(uv2.x, rowTopUv);
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = uv3;
                        // clip last column
                        _uvs.buffer[i - 2].x = clippedUv2.x;
                        _uvs.buffer[i - 1].x = clippedUv2.x;
                else {
                    for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
                        float rowTopUv = (r < rowCount - 1) ? uv2.x : clippedUv2.x;
                        for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = uv0;
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = new Vector2(rowTopUv, uv0.y);
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = new Vector2(rowTopUv, uv2.y);
                            _uvs.buffer[i++] = uv3;
                        // clip last column
                        _uvs.buffer[i - 2].y = clippedUv2.y;
                        _uvs.buffer[i - 1].y = clippedUv2.y;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Change vertex buffer from simple to sliced
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void SimpleVertexBufferToSliced(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo textureInfo_, exList<Vector3> _vertices, int _startIndex)
            /* vertex index:
            12 13 14 15
            8  9  10 11
            4  5  6  7
            0  1  2  3
            // get border size
            float leftBorderSize, rightBorderSize, topBorderSize, bottomBorderSize;
            exISprite iSprite = _sprite as exISprite;
            if (iSprite.customBorderSize) {
                leftBorderSize = iSprite.leftBorderSize;
                rightBorderSize = iSprite.rightBorderSize;
                topBorderSize = iSprite.topBorderSize;
                bottomBorderSize = iSprite.bottomBorderSize;
            else {
                leftBorderSize = (float)textureInfo_.borderLeft;
                rightBorderSize = (float)textureInfo_.borderRight;
                topBorderSize = (float)textureInfo_.borderTop;
                bottomBorderSize = (float)textureInfo_.borderBottom;

            // left right columns
            Vector3 v0 = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 0];
            Vector3 v12 = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 1];
            Vector3 v15 = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 2];
            Vector3 v3 = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 3];
            //_vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 0] = v0;
            //_vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 3] = v3;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 12] = v12;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 15] = v15;
            float height = _sprite.height;
            float yStep1 = bottomBorderSize / height;        // position step, not uv step
            float yStep2 = (height - topBorderSize) / height;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 4] = v0 + (v12 - v0) * yStep1;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 7] = v3 + (v15 - v3) * yStep1;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 8] = v0 + (v12 - v0) * yStep2;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 11] = v3 + (v15 - v3) * yStep2;

            // mid columns
            float width = _sprite.width;
            float xStep1 = leftBorderSize / width;
            float xStep2 = (width - rightBorderSize) / width;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i += 4) {
                Vector3 left = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + i];
                Vector3 right = _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + i + 3];
                _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + i + 1] = left + (right - left) * xStep1;
                _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + i + 2] = left + (right - left) * xStep2;
Exemplo n.º 10
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Desc:
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void SimpleVertexBufferToDiced(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, exList<Vector3> _vertices, int _startIndex)
            /* dice index:
            8  9  10 11
            4  5  6  7
            0  1  2  3
            if (_textureInfo.isDiced == false) {

            Vector3 v0 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 0];
            Vector3 v1 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 1];
            Vector3 v2 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 2];

            int colCount, rowCount;
            exSpriteUtility.GetDicingCount (_textureInfo, out colCount, out rowCount);
            Vector2 lastTileRawSize = new Vector2();
            if (_textureInfo.diceUnitWidth > 0) {
                lastTileRawSize.x = _textureInfo.width % _textureInfo.diceUnitWidth;
            if (_textureInfo.diceUnitHeight > 0) {
                lastTileRawSize.y = _textureInfo.height % _textureInfo.diceUnitHeight;
            Vector3 diceLeftToRight, diceBottomToTop;
            if (lastTileRawSize.x > 0.0f) {
                float perc = lastTileRawSize.x / _textureInfo.diceUnitWidth;
                diceLeftToRight = (v2 - v1) / (colCount - 1 + perc);
            else {
                diceLeftToRight = (v2 - v1) / colCount;
            if (lastTileRawSize.y > 0.0f) {
                float perc = lastTileRawSize.y / _textureInfo.diceUnitHeight;
                diceBottomToTop = (v1 - v0) / (rowCount - 1 + perc);
            else {
                diceBottomToTop = (v1 - v0) / rowCount;
            Vector3 l2rStepPerTile = diceLeftToRight / _textureInfo.diceUnitWidth;
            Vector3 b2tStepPerTile = diceBottomToTop / _textureInfo.diceUnitHeight;

            int i = _startIndex;
            Vector3 rowBottomLeft = v0;
            DiceEnumerator diceEnumerator = _textureInfo.dices;
            for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
                Vector3 bottomLeft = rowBottomLeft;
                Vector3 topLeft = bottomLeft + diceBottomToTop;
                for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
                    bool hasNext = diceEnumerator.MoveNext ();
                    if (hasNext == false) {
                        // 后面都被Trim掉了
                    exTextureInfo.Dice dice = diceEnumerator.Current;
                    if (dice.sizeType == exTextureInfo.DiceType.Max) {
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = topLeft;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = topLeft + diceLeftToRight;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + diceLeftToRight;
                    else if (dice.sizeType == exTextureInfo.DiceType.Trimmed) {
                        Vector3 offsetX = l2rStepPerTile * dice.offset_x;
                        Vector3 offsetY = b2tStepPerTile * dice.offset_y;
                        Vector3 offsetEndX = l2rStepPerTile * (dice.offset_x + dice.width);
                        Vector3 offsetEndY = b2tStepPerTile * (dice.offset_y + dice.height);
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + offsetX + offsetY;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + offsetX + offsetEndY;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + offsetEndX + offsetEndY;
                        _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + offsetEndX + offsetY;
                    bottomLeft += diceLeftToRight;  // next column
                    topLeft += diceLeftToRight;     // next column
                // next row
                rowBottomLeft += diceBottomToTop;
            exDebug.Assert(diceEnumerator.MoveNext() == false, string.Format("row: {0} col: {1} ", rowCount, colCount));
Exemplo n.º 11
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Desc:
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void SimpleUpdateVertexBuffer(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Space _space, exList<Vector3> _vertices, int _startIndex)
            Vector2 anchorOffset;
            float halfHeight = _textureInfo.height * 0.5f;
            float halfWidth = _textureInfo.width * 0.5f;

            if (_useTextureOffset) {
                switch (_sprite.anchor) {
                case Anchor.TopLeft:
                    anchorOffset.x = halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x;
                    anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height);
                case Anchor.TopCenter:
                    anchorOffset.x = _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width) * 0.5f;
                    anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height);
                case Anchor.TopRight:
                    anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width);
                    anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height);
                case Anchor.MidLeft:
                    anchorOffset.x = halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x;
                    anchorOffset.y = _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height) * 0.5f;
                case Anchor.MidCenter:
                    anchorOffset.x = _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width) * 0.5f;
                    anchorOffset.y = _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height) * 0.5f;
                case Anchor.MidRight:
                    anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width);
                    anchorOffset.y = _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height) * 0.5f;
                case Anchor.BotLeft:
                    anchorOffset.x = halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x;
                    anchorOffset.y = halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y;
                case Anchor.BotCenter:
                    anchorOffset.x = _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width) * 0.5f;
                    anchorOffset.y = halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y;
                case Anchor.BotRight:
                    anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth + _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width);
                    anchorOffset.y = halfHeight + _textureInfo.trim_y;
                    anchorOffset.x = _textureInfo.trim_x - (_textureInfo.rawWidth - _textureInfo.width) * 0.5f;
                    anchorOffset.y = _textureInfo.trim_y - (_textureInfo.rawHeight - _textureInfo.height) * 0.5f;
            else {
                switch ( _sprite.anchor ) {
                case Anchor.TopLeft   : anchorOffset.x = halfWidth;   anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight;  break;
                case Anchor.TopCenter : anchorOffset.x = 0.0f;        anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight;  break;
                case Anchor.TopRight  : anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth;  anchorOffset.y = -halfHeight;  break;

                case Anchor.MidLeft   : anchorOffset.x = halfWidth;   anchorOffset.y = 0.0f;         break;
                case Anchor.MidCenter : anchorOffset.x = 0.0f;        anchorOffset.y = 0.0f;         break;
                case Anchor.MidRight  : anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth;  anchorOffset.y = 0.0f;         break;

                case Anchor.BotLeft   : anchorOffset.x = halfWidth;   anchorOffset.y = halfHeight;   break;
                case Anchor.BotCenter : anchorOffset.x = 0.0f;        anchorOffset.y = halfHeight;   break;
                case Anchor.BotRight  : anchorOffset.x = -halfWidth;  anchorOffset.y = halfHeight;   break;

                default               : anchorOffset.x = 0.0f;        anchorOffset.y = 0.0f;         break;

            //v1 v2
            //v0 v3
            Vector3 v0 = new Vector3 (-halfWidth + anchorOffset.x, -halfHeight + anchorOffset.y, 0.0f);
            Vector3 v1 = new Vector3 (-halfWidth + anchorOffset.x, halfHeight + anchorOffset.y, 0.0f);
            Vector3 v2 = new Vector3 (halfWidth + anchorOffset.x, halfHeight + anchorOffset.y, 0.0f);
            Vector3 v3 = new Vector3 (halfWidth + anchorOffset.x, -halfHeight + anchorOffset.y, 0.0f);
            if (_sprite.customSize) {
                Vector2 customSizeScale = new Vector2 (_sprite.width / _textureInfo.width, _sprite.height / _textureInfo.height);
                v0.x *= customSizeScale.x;  v0.y *= customSizeScale.y;
                v1.x *= customSizeScale.x;  v1.y *= customSizeScale.y;
                v2.x *= customSizeScale.x;  v2.y *= customSizeScale.y;
                v3.x *= customSizeScale.x;  v3.y *= customSizeScale.y;

            Vector3 offset = _sprite.offset;
            v0 += offset; v1 += offset; v2 += offset; v3 += offset;

            Vector2 shear = _sprite.shear;
            if (shear.x != 0) {
                float offsetX = _sprite.GetScaleY(_space) * shear.x;
                float topOffset = offsetX * (halfHeight + anchorOffset.y);
                float botOffset = offsetX * (-halfHeight + anchorOffset.y);
                v0.x += botOffset;
                v1.x += topOffset;
                v2.x += topOffset;
                v3.x += botOffset;
            if (shear.y != 0) {
                float offsetY = _sprite.GetScaleX(_space) * shear.y;
                float leftOffset = offsetY * (-halfWidth + anchorOffset.x);
                float rightOffset = offsetY * (halfWidth + anchorOffset.x);
                v0.y += leftOffset;
                v1.y += leftOffset;
                v2.y += rightOffset;
                v3.y += rightOffset;

            if (_space == Space.World) {
                exDebug.Assert((_sprite as exLayeredSprite) != null);
                v0 = _sprite.cachedWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(v0);
                v1 = _sprite.cachedWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(v1);
                v2 = _sprite.cachedWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(v2);
                v3 = _sprite.cachedWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(v3);
                // 将z都设为0,使mesh所有mesh的厚度都为0,这样在mesh进行深度排序时会方便一些。但是不能用于3D Sprite
                v0.z = 0;
                v1.z = 0;
                v2.z = 0;
                v3.z = 0;

            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 0] = v0;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 1] = v1;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 2] = v2;
            _vertices.buffer[_startIndex + 3] = v3;

            // TODO: pixel-perfect
Exemplo n.º 12
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Desc:
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static void SimpleUpdateBuffers(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Space _space,
                                             exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<int> _indices, int _vbIndex, int _ibIndex)
     if (/*transparent_ == false && */(_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0) {
         SpriteBuilder.SimpleUpdateVertexBuffer(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space, _vertices, _vbIndex);
     if (/*transparent_ == false && */(_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0 && _indices != null) {
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex]     = _vbIndex;
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex + 1] = _vbIndex + 1;
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex + 2] = _vbIndex + 2;
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex + 3] = _vbIndex + 2;
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex + 4] = _vbIndex + 3;
         _indices.buffer[_ibIndex + 5] = _vbIndex;
     if (/*transparent_ == false && */(_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.UV) != 0) {
         Vector2 texelSize;
         if (_textureInfo.texture != null) {
             texelSize = _textureInfo.texture.texelSize;
         else {
             texelSize = new Vector2(1.0f / _textureInfo.rawWidth, 1.0f / _textureInfo.rawHeight);
         Vector2 start = new Vector2((float)_textureInfo.x * texelSize.x,
                                      (float)_textureInfo.y * texelSize.y);
         Vector2 end = new Vector2((float)(_textureInfo.x + _textureInfo.rotatedWidth) * texelSize.x,
                                    (float)(_textureInfo.y + _textureInfo.rotatedHeight) * texelSize.y);
         if ( _textureInfo.rotated ) {
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 0] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 1] = start;
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 3] = end;
         else {
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 0] = start;
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 1] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2] = end;
             _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 3] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
Exemplo n.º 13
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Desc:
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void DicedUpdateBuffers(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Space _space, 
                                               exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<int> _indices, int _vbIndex, int _ibIndex)
            if (_textureInfo.isDiced == false) {
                SimpleUpdateBuffers(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space, _vertices, _uvs, _indices, _vbIndex, _ibIndex);
            //if (_vertices.Count == 0) {
            //    return;
            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0) {
                // get entire sprite
                SimpleUpdateVertexBuffer(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space, _vertices, _vbIndex);
                SimpleVertexBufferToDiced(_sprite, _textureInfo, _vertices, _vbIndex);

            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0 && _indices != null) {
                /* dice index:
                8  9  10 11
                4  5  6  7
                0  1  2  3
                int i = _ibIndex;
                for (int v = _vbIndex; v < _vertices.Count; v += exMesh.QUAD_VERTEX_COUNT) {
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 1;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 2;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 2;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v + 3;
                    _indices.buffer[i++] = v;

            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.UV) != 0) {
                Vector2 texelSize;
                if (_textureInfo.texture != null) {
                    texelSize = _textureInfo.texture.texelSize;
                else {
                    texelSize = new Vector2(1.0f / _textureInfo.rawWidth, 1.0f / _textureInfo.rawHeight);
                foreach (exTextureInfo.Dice dice in _textureInfo.dices) {
                    if (dice.sizeType != exTextureInfo.DiceType.Empty) {
                        Vector2 start = new Vector2(dice.x * texelSize.x, dice.y * texelSize.y);
                        Vector2 end = new Vector2((dice.x + dice.rotatedWidth) * texelSize.x,
                                                  (dice.y + dice.rotatedHeight) * texelSize.y);
                        if ( dice.rotated ) {
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = start;
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = end;
                        else {
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = start;
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = end;
                            _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex++] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
Exemplo n.º 14
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Desc:
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal override exUpdateFlags UpdateBuffers(exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<Color32> _colors32, exList<int> _indices)
     exUpdateFlags applyedFlags = base.UpdateBuffers(_vertices, _uvs, _colors32, _indices);
     if (textureInfo_ != null) {
         switch (spriteType_) {
         case exSpriteType.Simple:
             SpriteBuilder.SimpleUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.World,
                                                _vertices, _uvs, _indices, vertexBufferIndex, indexBufferIndex);
         case exSpriteType.Sliced:
             SpriteBuilder.SlicedUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.World,
                                                _vertices, _uvs, _indices, vertexBufferIndex, indexBufferIndex);
         case exSpriteType.Tiled:
             SpriteBuilder.TiledUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, tiledSpacing_, Space.World,
                                               _vertices, _uvs, _indices, vertexBufferIndex, indexBufferIndex);
         case exSpriteType.Diced:
             SpriteBuilder.DicedUpdateBuffers (this, textureInfo_, useTextureOffset_, Space.World,
                                               _vertices, _uvs, _indices, vertexBufferIndex, indexBufferIndex);
         if ((updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Color) != 0 && _colors32 != null) {
             Color32 color32 = new Color (color_.r, color_.g, color_.b, color_.a * layer_.alpha);
             for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount_; ++i) {
                 _colors32.buffer [vertexBufferIndex + i] = color32;
     else {
         if (updateFlags != exUpdateFlags.None) {
             if (_indices != null) {
                 _vertices.buffer[vertexBufferIndex] = cachedTransform.position;
                 for (int i = indexBufferIndex; i < indexBufferIndex + indexCount_; ++i) {
                     _indices.buffer[i] = vertexBufferIndex;
                 applyedFlags |= exUpdateFlags.VertexAndIndex;
             else {
                 Vector3 pos = cachedTransform.position;
                 for (int i = vertexBufferIndex; i < vertexBufferIndex + vertexCount_; ++i) {
                     _vertices.buffer[i] = pos;
                 applyedFlags |= exUpdateFlags.Vertex;
     applyedFlags |= updateFlags;
     updateFlags = exUpdateFlags.None;
     return applyedFlags;
Exemplo n.º 15
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Change vertex buffer from simple to tiled
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void TiledUpdateVertexBuffer(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Vector2 _tiledSpacing, Space _space, 
                                                    exList<Vector3> _vertices, int _startIndex)
            /* tile index:
            8  9  10 11
            4  5  6  7
            0  1  2  3
            //if (_vertices.Count == 0) {
            //    return;
            int oriW = _textureInfo.width;
            int oriH = _textureInfo.height;
            int oriRawW = _textureInfo.rawWidth;
            int oriRawH = _textureInfo.rawHeight;
            try {
                // use entire sprite size
                _textureInfo.width = Mathf.Max((int)Mathf.Abs(_sprite.width), 1);
                _textureInfo.height = Mathf.Max((int)Mathf.Abs(_sprite.height), 1);
                _textureInfo.rawWidth = Mathf.Max(_textureInfo.width + oriRawW - oriW, 1);
                _textureInfo.rawHeight = Mathf.Max(_textureInfo.height + oriRawH - oriH, 1);
                // get entire sprite
                SimpleUpdateVertexBuffer(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space, _vertices, _startIndex);
            finally {
                // restore
                _textureInfo.width = oriW;
                _textureInfo.height = oriH;
                _textureInfo.rawWidth = oriRawW;
                _textureInfo.rawHeight = oriRawH;
            Vector3 v0 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 0];
            Vector3 v1 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 1];
            Vector3 v2 = _vertices.buffer [_startIndex + 2];

            int colCount, rowCount;
            exSpriteUtility.GetTilingCount ((exISprite)_sprite, out colCount, out rowCount);

            Vector2 lastTileRawSize = new Vector2(_sprite.width % (_textureInfo.width + _tiledSpacing.x), _sprite.height % (_textureInfo.height + _tiledSpacing.y));
            Vector3 horizontalTileDis, verticalTileDis;
            if (lastTileRawSize.x > 0.0f) {
                float perc = lastTileRawSize.x / (_textureInfo.width + _tiledSpacing.x);
                horizontalTileDis = (v2 - v1) / (colCount - 1 + perc);
            else {
                horizontalTileDis = (v2 - v1) / colCount;
            if (lastTileRawSize.y > 0.0f) {
                float perc = lastTileRawSize.y / (_textureInfo.height + _tiledSpacing.y);
                verticalTileDis = (v1 - v0) / (rowCount - 1 + perc);
            else {
                verticalTileDis = (v1 - v0) / rowCount;
            Vector2 lastTilePercent = new Vector2(lastTileRawSize.x / _textureInfo.width, lastTileRawSize.y / _textureInfo.height);

            Vector3 trimedTileBottomToTop = verticalTileDis / (_textureInfo.height + _tiledSpacing.y) * _textureInfo.height;
            Vector3 trimedTileLeftToRight = horizontalTileDis / (_textureInfo.width + _tiledSpacing.x) * _textureInfo.width;

            int i = _startIndex;
            Vector3 rowBottomLeft = v0;
            for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; ++r) {
                Vector3 bottomLeft = rowBottomLeft;
                Vector3 topLeft;
                if (r < rowCount - 1 || lastTilePercent.y >= 1.0f || lastTilePercent.y == 0.0f) {
                    topLeft = bottomLeft + trimedTileBottomToTop;
                else {
                    topLeft = v1;   // clip last row

                for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
                    _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft;
                    _vertices.buffer[i++] = topLeft;
                    _vertices.buffer[i++] = topLeft + trimedTileLeftToRight;
                    _vertices.buffer[i++] = bottomLeft + trimedTileLeftToRight;
                    // next column
                    bottomLeft += horizontalTileDis;
                    topLeft += horizontalTileDis;

                // clip last column
                if (0.0f < lastTilePercent.x && lastTilePercent.x < 1.0f) {
                    Vector3 clipped = trimedTileLeftToRight * (1.0f - lastTilePercent.x);
                    _vertices.buffer[i - 2] -= clipped;
                    _vertices.buffer[i - 1] -= clipped;

                // next row
                rowBottomLeft += verticalTileDis;
Exemplo n.º 16
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// Actually apply all buffer changes to mesh.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static void FlushBuffers(Mesh _mesh, exUpdateFlags _updateFlags, exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<int> _indices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<Color32> _colors32)
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.VertexAndIndex) == exUpdateFlags.VertexAndIndex) {
         // if we need to update vertices, we should also clear triangles first
         _mesh.triangles = null;  // we dont use Mesh.Clear() since sometimes it goes wrong when the uv and color have not been updated
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0 ||
         (_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0) {    // if we need to update triangles, we should also update vertices, or mesh will become invisible
         _mesh.vertices = _vertices.FastToArray();
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.UV) != 0) {
         _mesh.uv = _uvs.FastToArray();
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Color) != 0) {
         _mesh.colors32 = _colors32.FastToArray();
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0) {
         _mesh.triangles = _indices.FastToArray();       // we do update triangles here
         //string bufv = "Vertex Buffer: ";
         //string vertices = "Mesh.vertices[" + _mesh.vertices.Length + "]: ";
         //foreach (var v in _mesh.vertices) {
         //    bufv += v;
         //    bufv += ", ";
         //var buf = _indices.FastToArray();
         //string triangles = "Mesh.indices[" + buf.Length + "]: ";
         //foreach (var index in buf) {
         //    triangles += index;
         //    triangles += ",";
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0 || (_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0) {
         _mesh.RecalculateBounds();  // Sometimes Unity will not automatically recalculate the bounding volume.
     if ((_updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Normal) != 0) {
         Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[_vertices.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; ++i) {
             normals[i] = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
         _mesh.normals = normals;
Exemplo n.º 17
    void OnDestroy()
        spriteList = null;
        sortedSpriteList = null;
        vertices = null;
        indices = null;
        uvs = null;
        colors32 = null;

        if (mesh0 != null) {
        mesh0 = null;
        if (mesh1 != null) {
        mesh1 = null;

        cachedFilter.sharedMesh = null;
        cachedFilter = null;
        cachedRenderer.sharedMaterial = null;
        cachedRenderer = null;
Exemplo n.º 18
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Desc:
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void SlicedUpdateBuffers(exSpriteBase _sprite, exTextureInfo _textureInfo, bool _useTextureOffset, Space _space,
                                                 exList<Vector3> _vertices, exList<Vector2> _uvs, exList<int> _indices, int _vbIndex, int _ibIndex)
            SpriteBuilder.SimpleUpdateBuffers(_sprite, _textureInfo, _useTextureOffset, _space,
                                              _vertices, _uvs, _indices, _vbIndex, _ibIndex);
            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Vertex) != 0) {
                SpriteBuilder.SimpleVertexBufferToSliced(_sprite, _textureInfo, _vertices, _vbIndex);
            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.Index) != 0 && _indices != null) {
                bool borderOnly = (_sprite as exISprite).borderOnly;
                int centerIndexIfBorderOnly = borderOnly ? 5 : int.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
                    if (i != 3 && i != 7 && i != centerIndexIfBorderOnly) {     // 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10
                        int blVertexIndex = _vbIndex + i;   // bottom left vertex index
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex;
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex + 4;
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex + 5;
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex + 5;
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex + 1;
                        _indices.buffer[_ibIndex++] = blVertexIndex;
            if ((_sprite.updateFlags & exUpdateFlags.UV) != 0) {
                float xStep1, xStep2, yStep1, yStep2;
                if (_textureInfo.rotated == false) {
                    yStep1 = (float)_textureInfo.borderBottom / _textureInfo.height;  // uv step, not position step
                    yStep2 = (float)(_textureInfo.height - _textureInfo.borderTop) / _textureInfo.height;
                    xStep1 = (float)_textureInfo.borderLeft / _textureInfo.width;
                    xStep2 = (float)(_textureInfo.width - _textureInfo.borderRight) / _textureInfo.width;
                else {
                    xStep1 = (float)_textureInfo.borderBottom / _textureInfo.height;  // uv step, not position step
                    xStep2 = (float)(_textureInfo.height - _textureInfo.borderTop) / _textureInfo.height;
                    yStep1 = (float)_textureInfo.borderLeft / _textureInfo.width;
                    yStep2 = (float)(_textureInfo.width - _textureInfo.borderRight) / _textureInfo.width;
                Vector2 uv0, uv15;
                uv0 = _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 0];
                uv15 = _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2];
                Vector2 uv5 = new Vector2(uv0.x + (uv15.x - uv0.x) * xStep1, uv0.y + (uv15.y - uv0.y) * yStep1);
                Vector2 uv10 = new Vector2(uv0.x + (uv15.x - uv0.x) * xStep2, uv0.y + (uv15.y - uv0.y) * yStep2);

                if (_textureInfo.rotated == false) {
                    //_uvs.buffer[vertexBufferIndex + 0] = uv0;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv0.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv0.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv0.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 4] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv5.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 5] = uv5;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 6] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv5.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 7] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv5.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 8] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv10.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 9] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv10.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 10] = uv10;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 11] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv10.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 12] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv15.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 13] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv15.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 14] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv15.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 15] = uv15;
                else {
                    //_uvs.buffer[vertexBufferIndex + 0] = uv0;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv5.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv10.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uv0.x, uv15.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 4] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv0.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 5] = uv5;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 6] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv10.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 7] = new Vector2(uv5.x, uv15.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 8] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv0.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 9] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv5.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 10] = uv10;
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 11] = new Vector2(uv10.x, uv15.y);

                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 12] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv0.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 13] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv5.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 14] = new Vector2(uv15.x, uv10.y);
                    _uvs.buffer[_vbIndex + 15] = uv15;