// Update is called once per frame
    void LateUpdate()
        if (!game.paused)
            //The Update logic does:
            //	Checks whether or not mecanim told us to check for a hit
            //		Mecanim is great for sending us this info because it can play animations at any speed, rather than calculate the time
            //		we use it to tell us the appropriate hit time
            //	Get UI input from keyboard, and mouse clicks
            //	Tells mecanim what animation we should be playing based on variables such as idling, pain or death
            //	Handle movement and direction


            /// ABILITY SYSTEM

            if (stats.hitCheck)           //hitCheck is a boolean variable, it gets set by mecanim attack states, if mecanim set it...then we need to do hit checks right now
                wasAttacking = true;
                //code for chained attacks should go here
                //animator.SetInteger("AttackIndex", abilities[abilityIndex].ability.animIndex);

                ///RUNGY you have to setup for chained attacks HERE
                for (int collisionIndex = 0; collisionIndex < abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks.Length; collisionIndex++)
                    if (ahc < 1)
                        ahc = 1;                        //we may have a "double pulse" coming from Mecanim so...
                    ASCollCheck abilColl = new ASCollCheck();
                    abilColl = abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks[collisionIndex];
                    if (abilColl.checkType == CollCheckType.angleRange)
                        //ANGLE RANGE which can be used for any angle/range including radial attacks
                        for (int i = 0; i < game.enemies.Length; i++)                  //loop throught the enemies
                            CheckForHit(game.enemies[i], abilColl);
                        ahc -= 1;                      // some abilities have multiple checks, so when we use an ability, we set ahc to the number of hits in the ability (combo punches for example)

                    if (abilColl.checkType == CollCheckType.worldPoint)
                        Transform  tm      = (Transform)Instantiate(abilColl.spawns[0].prefab);
                        Vector3    tempPos = tm.position;
                        Quaternion tempRot = tm.rotation;
                        tm.parent        = transform;
                        tm.localPosition = tempPos;
                        tm.localRotation = tempRot;

                        if (abilColl.spawns[0].parent == ParentType.Self)
                            tm.parent = transform;
                stats.hitCheck = false;                // we are done checking, reset the hitCheck bool
                //targetedEnemy = null;

            if (!useThird && !mounted)
                //if the mouse pointer is over an enemy, then set aim vectors to do aim blending and look at that enemy
                //but only if we are "somewhat" facing that enemy
                float aimX2 = 0.998f;
                float aimY2 = 0.0f;
                if (targetedEnemy)
                    Vector3 tempDelta = (targetedEnemy.position - transform.position).normalized;
                    aimY2 = tempDelta.y;
                    Vector3 flatdelta = new Vector3(tempDelta.x, 0.0f, tempDelta.z);
                    aimX2     = Vector3.Distance(Vector3.zero, flatdelta);
                    flatdelta = flatdelta.normalized;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, flatdelta) < 0.9f)                //we need to be "somewhat" facing the target direction
                        aimX2 = 0.998f;
                        aimY2 = 0.0f;
                aimX = Mathf.Lerp(aimX, aimX2, Time.deltaTime * 20.0f);
                aimY = Mathf.Lerp(aimY, aimY2, Time.deltaTime * 20.0f);
                animator.SetFloat("AimY", aimY);
                animator.SetFloat("AimX", aimX);
            else if (useThird)
                animator.SetFloat("AimY", aimY);
                animator.SetFloat("AimX", aimX);

            //	ATTACKS UI
            ////Right MOUSE BUTTON
            if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))            // if we're changing camera transforms, do not use "USE"
                if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))               // are we using the right button?
                    if (rightButtonDown != true)           // was it previously down? if so we are already using "USE" bailout (we don't want to repeat attacks 800 times a second...just once per press please
                        abilityUse   = true;
                        abilityIndex = abilityKeys[0];
                    rightButtonDown = false;
            ///		KEYBOARD

            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[1];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[2];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[3];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[4];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.G))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[5];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.H))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[6];
                    keyHeld      = true;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.J))
                if (!keyHeld)
                    abilityUse   = true;
                    abilityIndex = abilityKeys[7];
                    keyHeld      = true;
                keyHeld = false;

            if (abilityUse && abilities[abilityIndex].ability.cost == CostType.energy)
                if (stats.energy > abilities[abilityIndex].ability.costValue)
                    stats.energy -= abilities[abilityIndex].ability.costValue;
                    abilityUse = false;

            animator.SetInteger("WeaponState", abilities[abilityIndex].ability.weaponState);
            animator.SetInteger("Ability", abilityIndex);

            //Abilities that just spawn are check type "none" and get processed after targeting code
            if (abilityUse && abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks[0].checkType != CollCheckType.None)
                wasAttacking = true;
                if (targetedEnemy)
                    EnemyController ec = targetedEnemy.GetComponentInChildren <EnemyController>();
                    if (ec)
                        if (ec.stats.health <= 0.0f)
                            targetedEnemy = null;

                if (!mounted && !useThird)
                    Vector3    oldAP   = attackPlane.transform.position;
                    Quaternion oldARot = attackPlane.transform.rotation;

                    if (targetedEnemy)
                        //move the attack plane to the enemies position + 1 meter high
                        attackPlane.transform.position = targetedEnemy.position + (transform.up);
                        Vector3 tempV3 = Camera.main.transform.position;
                        tempV3.y = targetedEnemy.position.y;                       //attackplane should only face camera direction not tilt at all
                        attackPlane.transform.up      = Camera.main.transform.up;
                        attackPlane.transform.forward = Camera.main.transform.forward;

                    attackPlane.enabled = true;

                    ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);                     //get a ray that goes from the camera -> "THROUGH" the mouse pointer - > and out into the scene
                    if (attackPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500.0f))
                        attackPos   = hit.point;                      // establish the point that we hit with the mouse
                        attackPos.y = transform.position.y;           //use our height for the LOOKAT function, so we stay level and dont lean the character in weird angles
                        //check if we are at idle
                        //check ability for useWhenRunning
                        //determine if we should run backwards,forwards or sideways
                        //if we are running
                        //and if we attack to the sides or behind us
                        //use appropriate run animation and fire whilst running
                        //set attackTime counter so we can exit aiming while running
                        //AND look forward again
                        if (velocityPS < 0.1)
                            lookAtPos = transform.position + (attackPos - transform.position).normalized * 0.3f;                            //lookat the target using this vector
                            movementTarget.transform.position = lookAtPos;
                        attackDelta = hit.point;                                 //we need the Vector delta which is an un-normalized direction vector
                        animator.SetTrigger("Use");                              //tell mecanim to do the attack animation(trigger)
                        ahc = abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks.Length; //ahc=ability hit counter, used for animations that have multiple hits like combos
                        //animator.SetBool("Idling", true);//stop moving
                        rightButtonDown = true;                                  //right button was not down before, mark it as down so we don't attack 800 frames a second
                        wasAttacking    = true;                                  //some mecanims will actually move us past the target, so we want to keep looking in one direction instead of spinning wildly around the target

                    attackPlane.enabled            = false;
                    attackPlane.transform.position = oldAP;
                    attackPlane.transform.rotation = oldARot;
                else if (mounted)
                    ray.origin           = game.mouseCam.transform.position;
                    ray.direction        = (aimPoint.transform.position - ray.origin).normalized;
                    mountedPlane.enabled = true;
                    if (mountedPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500.0f))
                        attackPos   = hit.point;                                 // establish the point that we hit with the mouse
                        attackPos.y = transform.position.y;                      //use our height for the LOOKAT function, so we stay level and dont lean the character in weird angles
                        attackDelta = hit.point;                                 //we need the Vector delta which is an un-normalized direction vector
                        animator.SetTrigger("Use");                              //tell mecanim to do the attack animation(trigger)
                        ahc = abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks.Length; //ahc=ability hit counter, used for animations that have multiple hits like combos
                        animator.SetBool("Idling", true);                        //stop moving
                        rightButtonDown = true;                                  //right button was not down before, mark it as down so we don't attack 800 frames a second
                        wasAttacking    = true;                                  //some mecanims will actually move us past the target, so we want to keep looking in one direction instead of spinning wildly around the target
                    mountedPlane.enabled = false;
                else if (useThird)
                    targetedEnemy = null;
                    ray.origin    = game.mouseCam.transform.position;
                    ray.direction = game.mouseCam.transform.forward;
                    attackPos     = (ray.origin + ray.direction * 1.0f);
                    //lookAtPos = (transform.position + transform.forward).normalized * 0.3f;//lookat the target using this vector
                    //movementTarget.transform.position = lookAtPos;
                    attackDelta = attackPos;                                 //we need the Vector delta which is an un-normalized direction vector
                    animator.SetTrigger("Use");                              //tell mecanim to do the attack animation(trigger)
                    ahc = abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks.Length; //ahc=ability hit counter, used for animations that have multiple hits like combos
                    //animator.SetBool("Idling", true);//stop moving
                    rightButtonDown = true;                                  //right button was not down before, mark it as down so we don't attack 800 frames a second
                    wasAttacking    = true;                                  //some mecanims will actually move us past the target, so we want to keep looking in one direction instead of spinning wildly around the target

                // AIM ASSIST
                // DOT each enemy with the attack vector
                // the one with the highest dot value will be our vector
                // only values above .85 should be considered
                // attackDelta IS a hit point for missiles
                // attackPos IS locked to player's y(height)for beams
                float   closestOne  = -2.0f;
                Vector3 clickVector = (attackPos - transform.position).normalized;
                if (useThird || mounted)
                    clickVector = (aimPoint.transform.position - game.mouseCam.transform.position).normalized;
                Vector3 eVector3;

                if (!targetedEnemy)
                    for (int i = 0; i < game.enemies.Length; i++)
                        if (game.enemies[i].stats.health > 0.0f)
                            eVector3 = (game.enemies[i].transform.position - transform.position).normalized;
                            if (Vector3.Dot(clickVector, eVector3) > closestOne)
                                closestOne = Vector3.Dot(clickVector, eVector3);
                                if (Vector3.Dot(clickVector, eVector3) > 0.85f)
                                    //we use a secondary targeted type known as aimAssist
                                    //we do this because forcing data into targetedEnemy would screw mouse over behavior badly
                                    aimAssist = game.enemies[i].transform;
                                    attackTarget.transform.position = aimAssist.position;
                if (targetedEnemy)
                    attackTarget.transform.position = targetedEnemy.position;
                    attackTarget.transform.position = attackPos;
                abilityUse = false;
                //the check type = none...process the ability which in all likeliness is just a spawner
                if (abilityUse && abilities[abilityIndex].ability.collChecks[0].checkType == CollCheckType.None)
                    wasAttacking = true;

                abilityUse = false;

            //ATTACKS reset right mouse button
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))            //ok, we can clear the right mouse button and use it for the next attack
                if (rightButtonDown == true)
                    rightButtonDown = false;

            if (!mounted)
                /// JUMPING start
                foundFloor = false;                ///declaring it here because we use it elsewhere as well

                //jump key pressed
                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && !jumping && !falling)
                    //RUNGY ADD THIS IN loop througbh the ability bar, do we have a jump?

                if (jumping)
                    lookAtPos.y = transform.position.y;
                    if (Vector3.Distance(movementTarget.transform.position, transform.position) < 0.5f)
                        //movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position;
                        lookAtPos = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);

                if (!jumping)
                    if (!wasAttacking)
                        if (Vector3.Distance(lookAtPos, transform.position) > 0.5f)
                            animator.SetBool("Idling", false);
                            animator.SetFloat("MoveType", moveType);
                            animator.SetBool("Idling", true);
                            movementTarget.enabled = false;
                            lookAtPos = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                    {                    //this level of else means wasAttacking is true
                        //as long aas the ability is not a use moving type, we can look at our target
                        if (!abilities[abilityIndex].ability.useMoving)
                            lookAtPos   = attackPos;
                            lookAtPos.y = transform.position.y;
                            movementTarget.transform.position = lookAtPos;
                            if (Vector3.Distance(attackPos, transform.position) < 0.5f)
                                animator.SetBool("Idling", true);
                                movementTarget.enabled            = false;
                                movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position;
                                lookAtPos = transform.position + transform.forward;


                //GROUND DETECTION


                ray.direction = transform.up * -1;                 //make a downward ray, negative "up" is "down"
                ray.origin    = transform.position + transform.up; //one meter up from our feet
                foundFloor    = false;
                float      closest = 210.0f;                       //same for this
                RaycastHit target  = new RaycastHit();

                newZone = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < currentZone.zones.Count; i++)               //loop through current zones and its connected zones
                    for (int f = 0; f < currentZone.zones[i].floors.Count; f++) //loop throught the floors of the zones
                        //If a floor is the closest...
                        if (currentZone.zones[i].floors[f].Raycast(ray, out hit, 500))
                            float dist = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, ray.origin);
                            if (!foundFloor)
                                //we are going to take the first floor we check so that we at least have one
                                target     = hit;
                                floorPlane = currentZone.zones[i].floors[f];
                                newZone    = currentZone.zones[i];
                                closest    = dist;
                                foundFloor = true;

                            if (dist <= closest)
                                closest    = dist;
                                target     = hit;
                                floorPlane = currentZone.zones[i].floors[f];
                                newZone    = currentZone.zones[i];
                                //RUNGY...need to check for PLATFORMS HERE BADLY
                                //AND SETPLATFOR

                if (newZone != null)
                    currentZone = newZone;

                foundFloor = false;                // reseting this for the next two raycasts

                //use two ground checks...one higher...the other lower
                if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1.0f))
                    //always hit if we are going up
                    if (hit.point.y > (transform.position.y + 0.02f))
                        transform.position = hit.point;
                        lookAtPos.y        = transform.position.y;
                        foundFloor         = true;                //RE-using foundFloor bool, to represent "ON FLOOR" status
                    angler.up = hit.normal;
                else if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1.2f))
                    if (!jumping)
                        // lower hit check for going down ramps
                        if (hit.point.y < (transform.position.y - 0.02f))
                            transform.position = hit.point;
                            lookAtPos.y        = transform.position.y;
                            foundFloor         = true;                    //RE-using foundFloor bool, to represent "ON FLOOR" status
                        angler.up = hit.normal;
                else if (!jumping && !foundFloor)               //we have no ground contact, and if we're not jumping, then we are falling
                    if (falling == false)
                        animator.SetBool("Falling", true);                        //start falling animation
                        fallForwardSpeed = 0.15f;
                        lookAtPos        = movementTarget.transform.position + (transform.forward);
                    falling = true;

                    transform.parent = null;
                    movementTarget.transform.parent = null;

                    fallspeed += (Time.unscaledDeltaTime / 0.015f) * 0.3f;

                    Vector3 v = new Vector3(0.0f, fallspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
                    fallForwardSpeed = fallForwardSpeed * (1.0f - (0.9f * Time.deltaTime));                    //this will diminish the forward speed, but never negate it
                    //v += -(transform.forward * fallForwardSpeed);
                    transform.position -= v;
                    transform.position += transform.forward * (fallForwardSpeed * (Time.unscaledDeltaTime / 0.015f));

                //unconditional velocity check for falling through the world
                ray.origin    = lastPosition + transform.up;
                velocityPS    = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lastPosition) / Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                ray.direction = -transform.up;                //velocity.normalized;
                float speed = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lastPosition);
                if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, speed))
                    if (hit.point.y > transform.position.y)
                        transform.position = hit.point;
                        foundFloor         = true;

                if (foundFloor)
                    fallspeed = 0.0f;
                    if (falling == true)                    //we currently have ground contact, turn off falling if we were falling
                        animator.SetBool("Falling", false); //start falling animation
                        falling = false;
                        movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                        lookAtPos = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);

                    if (jumping)                   //we were jumping and we landed on something
                        jumping = false;
                        animator.SetBool("Jumping", false);
                        jumpTarget.doTrajectory           = false;
                        rotateSpeed                       = 20.0f;
                        movementTarget.enabled            = false;
                        movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                        lookAtPos = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                    envVars envVariables = floorPlane.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <envVars>();
                    if (envVariables != null)
                        if (envVariables.isPlatform)                       //RUNGY change this to use env flags instead of string comparison
                            transform.parent = floorPlane.transform;
                            if (movementTarget.transform.parent != floorPlane.transform || lookAtTarget.transform.parent != floorPlane.transform)
                                movementTarget.transform.parent   = floorPlane.transform;
                                lookAtTarget.transform.parent     = floorPlane.transform;
                                movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                                lookAtPos = transform.position + (transform.forward * 0.2f);
                            transform.parent = null;
                            movementTarget.transform.parent = null;
                            lookAtTarget.transform.parent   = null;




                //make a forward ray, that's about waist high
                ray.direction = transform.forward;
                //on meter up from our feet
                ray.origin = transform.position + transform.up;
                target     = new RaycastHit();
                for (int i = 0; i < currentZone.zones.Count; i++)
                    for (int f = 0; f < currentZone.zones[i].floors.Count; f++)
                        //If a floor is the closest...
                        if (currentZone.zones[i].floors[f].Raycast(ray, out hit, 0.8f))
                            animator.SetBool("Idling", true);
                            movementTarget.enabled = false;

                            if (jumping)
                                jumping = false;
                                animator.SetBool("Jumping", false);
                                jumpTarget.doTrajectory = false;
                                rotateSpeed             = 20.0f;

                if (transform.parent == floorPlane.transform)
                    lookAtPos = movementTarget.transform.position;
                lookAtPos.y = transform.position.y;
                Quaternion tempRot = transform.rotation;                        //save current rotation
                Quaternion hitRot = transform.rotation;                         // store the new rotation
                // now we slerp orientation
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(tempRot, hitRot, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed);

                Vector3 gv = new Vector3(0.0f, fallspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
                transform.position -= gv;


                /// LEFT MOUSE CLICK

                if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))                  //if we are not using the ALT key(camera control)...
                    // RUNGY THIRD PERSON INTERCEPT
                    // floor goal
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))                   //is the left mouse button being clicked?
                        //RUNGY, this is where you setup your close third person controller
                        if (useThird)
                            foundFloor = false;                         ///declaring it here because we use it elsewhere as well
                            destFloor  = null;
                            closest    = 210.0f;                        //same for this
                            ray        = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                            for (int i = 0; i < currentZone.zones.Count; i++)
                                for (int f = 0; f < currentZone.zones[i].floors.Count; f++)
                                    //If a floor is the closest...
                                    if (currentZone.zones[i].floors[f].Raycast(ray, out hit, 500))
                                        float dist = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, ray.origin);
                                        if (!foundFloor)
                                            target     = hit;
                                            closest    = dist;
                                            foundFloor = true;
                                            destFloor  = currentZone.zones[i].floors[f];
                                        //Rungy this is wrong, it could potentially pick an equals to over a less than value
                                        if (dist <= closest)
                                            closest   = dist;
                                            target    = hit;
                                            destFloor = currentZone.zones[i].floors[f];
                            if (destFloor != null)
                                clickedFloor = destFloor;
                                attackTarget.transform.position = target.point;
                                //Rungy, this is where you need to use a cursor object with a character controller on it
                                //placing the controller on the spot wherre you hit, getting the name of the object...doing another downward trce to it for the actual position

                                movementTarget.transform.position = target.point;                                //mark it where it hit
                                movementTarget.transform.up       = target.normal;
                                movementTarget.enabled            = true;

                                envVars envVariables = destFloor.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <envVars>();
                                if (envVariables != null)
                                    if (envVariables.isPlatform)                                   //RUNGY change this to use env flags instead of string comparison
                                        movementTarget.transform.parent = destFloor.transform;

                                lookAtPos    = target.point;
                                lookAtPos.y  = transform.position.y;
                                wasAttacking = false;                                //we're moving now, not attacking
                Debug.DrawLine((movementTarget.transform.position + transform.up * 2), movementTarget.transform.position);               //useful for visuals in editor
                lookAtTarget.transform.position = lookAtPos;

                lastDir      = (transform.position - lastPosition).normalized;
                lastPosition = transform.position;

                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                    moveType     = 0.0f;
                    wasAttacking = false;
                else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
                    moveType     = 2.0f;
                    wasAttacking = false;
                else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
                    moveType     = 3.0f;
                    wasAttacking = false;
                else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
                    moveType     = 1.0f;
                    wasAttacking = false;
            else            //MOUNTED
                animator.SetBool("Idling", true);
                //still need thesed variables even if we're on a mount
                lastDir      = (transform.position - lastPosition).normalized;
                velocityPS   = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lastPosition) / Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                lastPosition = transform.position;
    void Jump()
        float      closest = 210.0f;  //same for this
        RaycastHit target  = new RaycastHit();

        animator.SetBool("Idling", true);        //stop running if we are
        jumping = true;
        ray     = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        if (useThird)
            ray.origin    = Camera.main.transform.position;
            ray.direction = (aimPoint.transform.position - game.mouseCam.transform.position).normalized;
        for (int i = 0; i < currentZone.zones.Count; i++)
            for (int f = 0; f < currentZone.zones[i].floors.Count; f++)
                //If a floor is the closest...
                if (currentZone.zones[i].floors[f].Raycast(ray, out hit, 500))
                    float dist = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, ray.origin);
                    if (!foundFloor)
                        closest    = dist;
                        foundFloor = true;

                    if (dist <= closest)
                        closest   = dist;
                        target    = hit;
                        destFloor = currentZone.zones[i].floors[f];
        //RUNGY <<< here...you are unconditionally jumping if there are no hits....fix this
        transform.parent          = null;
        jumpTarget.targetLocation = target.point;
        rotateSpeed = 5.0f;
        movementTarget.transform.position = target.point;
        movementTarget.transform.up       = target.normal;
        movementTarget.enabled            = true;
        envVars envVariables = destFloor.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <envVars>();

        if (envVariables != null)
            if (envVariables.isPlatform)
                transform.parent = destFloor.transform;
                if (movementTarget.transform.parent != destFloor.transform || lookAtTarget.transform.parent != destFloor.transform)
                    movementTarget.transform.parent = destFloor.transform;
                    lookAtTarget.transform.parent   = destFloor.transform;
                transform.parent = null;
                movementTarget.transform.parent = null;
                lookAtTarget.transform.parent   = null;
        lookAtPos = target.point;
        animator.SetBool("Jumping", true);
        jumpTime = jumpTarget.InitLaunch() / 90.0f;

        //ROUGHLY calculate offset in frames for height
        // we shorten if our target is higher
        if (target.point.y > transform.position.y)
            jumpTime *= .4f;
        // we lengthen if our target is lower
        if (target.point.y > transform.position.y)
            jumpTime *= 1.9f;
        animator.SetFloat("JumpTime", jumpTime);
Exemplo n.º 3
    void LateUpdate()
        settingAngle = false;
        if (!abc.useThird && !abc.mounted)
            currentZone.collider.enabled = true;
            if (!currentZone.collider.bounds.Contains(player.position) || currentZone.world)
                currentZone.collider.enabled = false;
                bool zoneFound = false;
                foreach (Zone zone in allZones)               //for some wacko reason you cannot place this in the below loop, fails to init in time
                    zone.collider.enabled = true;
                foreach (Zone zone in allZones)
                    if (zone.collider.bounds.Contains(player.position))
                        if (!zone.world)
                            if (mouseCam.useCamAngle == true)
                                envVars tempvars = zone.GetComponentInChildren <envVars>();
                                mouseCam.camObject = tempvars.camObject;
                                currentZone  = zone;
                                zoneFound    = true;
                                settingAngle = true;
                if (!zoneFound)
                    if (mouseCam.useCamAngle == true)
                        envVars tempvars = allZones[worldIndex].GetComponentInChildren <envVars>();
                        mouseCam.camObject = tempvars.camObject;
                        currentZone  = allZones[worldIndex];
                        zoneFound    = true;
                        settingAngle = true;
                foreach (Zone zone in allZones)               //for some wacko reason you cannot place this in the above loop, fails to init in time
                    zone.collider.enabled = false;
            currentZone.collider.enabled = false;
        int eCount = 0;

        eBary = Vector3.zero;
        for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)
            if (enemies[i].playerSighted)
                if (enemies[i].playerDistance < enemies[i].visualRange)
                    eBary  += enemies[i].transform.position;
                    eCount += 1;
                eBary = eBary / eCount;