Exemplo n.º 1
  * ==============
  * R_RemoveEdges
  * ==============
 static void R_RemoveEdges(edge_t pedge)
         pedge.next.prev = pedge.prev;
         pedge.prev.next = pedge.next;
     } while ((pedge = pedge.nextremove) != null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            edge_t[] edges = new edge_t[100];
            int      NV; // Количество вершин в графе
            int      NE; // Количество ребер в графе
            int      i;

            if (File.Exists(path)) //если файл с данными существует
                readLine     = File.ReadAllLines(path);
                consoleInput = false; //будем читать с файла
                consoleInput = true; //будем читать с клавиатуры
            Console.WriteLine("Введите количество вершин и ребер: ");
            NV = Convert.ToInt32(consoleInput ? Console.ReadLine() : ReadFromFile(0));
            NE = Convert.ToInt32(consoleInput ? Console.ReadLine() : ReadFromFile(1));
            for (i = 0; i < NV; i++)
                nodes[i] = -1 - i;  //присваиваем уникальный цвет для каждой вершины
            Console.WriteLine("Введите матрицу: Начало, Конец, Вес ");
            for (i = 0; i < NE; i++)
                string[] OutS = (consoleInput ? Console.ReadLine() : ReadFromFile(2 + i)).Split(' '); //массив вершин и веса ребра между ними
                edges[i].x = Convert.ToInt32(OutS[0]);                                                //вершина "начало"
                edges[i].y = Convert.ToInt32(OutS[1]);                                                //вершина "конец"
                edges[i].w = Convert.ToInt32(OutS[2]);                                                //вес ребра между вершинами "начало" и "конец"

            Console.WriteLine("Минимальный остов: ");

            var sVes = from h in edges orderby h.w select h; //сортируем ребра по весу (ро возрастанию)

            foreach (var s in sVes)                          //для каждого ребра
                int c = getColor(s.y);                       //сохраняем цвет с номером ребра "конец"
                if (getColor(s.x) != c)
                    // Если ребро соединяет вершины различных цветов-мы его добавляем
                    // и перекрашиваем вершину в last_n
                    nodes[last_n] = s.y;
                    Console.WriteLine(s.x + " =>> " + s.y + "   с весом:" + s.w);   //вывод строки

Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void BubbleSort()
     for (int i = edges.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
             if (edges[j].len < edges[j + 1].len)
                 edge_t temp = edges[j];
                 edges[j]     = edges[j + 1];
                 edges[j + 1] = temp;
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            edge_t[] edges = new edge_t[100];
            int      NV;            // Количество вершин в графе
            int      NE;            // Количество ребер в графе
            int      i;
            Random   ran = new Random();

            Console.WriteLine("Введите количество вершин: ");
            NV = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Введите количество ребер: ");
            NE = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            for (i = 0; i < NV; i++)
                nodes[i] = -1 - i;
            Console.WriteLine("Введите матрицу: ");
            for (i = 0; i < NE; i++)
                edges[i].x = Convert.ToInt32(ran.Next(10));
                edges[i].y = Convert.ToInt32(ran.Next(10));
                edges[i].w = Convert.ToInt32(ran.Next(10));
            Console.WriteLine("\nОстовный граф: ");

            var sVes = from h in edges orderby h.w select h;

            foreach (var s in sVes)
                for (i = 0; i < NE; i++)
                { // пока не прошли все ребра
                    int c = getColor(s.y);
                    if (getColor(s.x) != c)
                        // Если ребро соединяет вершины различных цветов-мы его добавляем
                        // и перекрашиваем вершины
                        nodes[last_n] = s.y;
                        Console.Write(s.x + " " + s.y + " " + s.w + " ");

Exemplo n.º 5
         * ==============
         * R_InsertNewEdges
         * Adds the edges in the linked list edgestoadd, adding them to the edges in the
         * linked list edgelist.  edgestoadd is assumed to be sorted on u, and non-empty (this is actually newedges[v]).  edgelist is assumed to be sorted on u, with a
         * sentinel at the end (actually, this is the active edge table starting at
         * edge_head.next).
         * ==============
        static void R_InsertNewEdges(edge_t edgestoadd, edge_t edgelist)
            edge_t next_edge;

                next_edge = edgestoadd.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                goto edgesearch;

                // insert edgestoadd before edgelist
                edgestoadd.next    = edgelist;
                edgestoadd.prev    = edgelist.prev;
                edgelist.prev.next = edgestoadd;
                edgelist.prev      = edgestoadd;
            } while ((edgestoadd = next_edge) != null);
Exemplo n.º 6
         * ==============
         * R_TrailingEdge
         * ==============
        static void R_TrailingEdge(surf_t surf, edge_t edge)
            espan_t span;
            int     iu;

            // don't generate a span if this is an inverted span, with the end
            // edge preceding the start edge (that is, we haven't seen the
            // start edge yet)
            if (--surf.spanstate == 0)
                if (surf.insubmodel)

                if (surf == surfaces[0].next)
                    // emit a span (current top going away)
                    iu = edge.u >> 20;
                    if (iu > surf.last_u)
                        span       = basespans[span_p++];
                        span.u     = surf.last_u;
                        span.count = iu - span.u;
                        span.v     = current_iv;
                        span.pnext = surf.spans;
                        surf.spans = span;

                    // set last_u on the surface below
                    surf.next.last_u = iu;

                surf.prev.next = surf.next;
                surf.next.prev = surf.prev;
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void R_LeadingEdge(edge_t edge)
            espan_t			span;
            surf_t			surf, surf2;
            int				iu;
            double			fu, newzi, testzi, newzitop, newzibottom;

            if (edge.surfs[1] != 0)
            // it's adding a new surface in, so find the correct place
                surf = surfaces[edge.surfs[1] - 1];

            // don't start a span if this is an inverted span, with the end
            // edge preceding the start edge (that is, we've already seen the
            // end edge)
                if (++surf.spanstate == 1)
                    if (surf.insubmodel)

                    surf2 = surfaces[0].next;

                    if (surf.key < surf2.key)
                        goto newtop;

                // if it's two surfaces on the same plane, the one that's already
                // active is in front, so keep going unless it's a bmodel
                    if (surf.insubmodel && (surf.key == surf2.key))
                    // must be two bmodels in the same leaf; sort on 1/z
                        fu = (double)(edge.u - 0xFFFFF) * (1.0 / 0x100000);
                        newzi = surf.d_ziorigin + fv*surf.d_zistepv +
                        newzibottom = newzi * 0.99;

                        testzi = surf2.d_ziorigin + fv*surf2.d_zistepv +

                        if (newzibottom >= testzi)
                            goto newtop;

                        newzitop = newzi * 1.01;
                        if (newzitop >= testzi)
                            if (surf.d_zistepu >= surf2.d_zistepu)
                                goto newtop;


                        surf2 = surf2.next;
                    } while (surf.key > surf2.key);

                    if (surf.key == surf2.key)
                    // if it's two surfaces on the same plane, the one that's already
                    // active is in front, so keep going unless it's a bmodel
                        if (!surf.insubmodel)
                            goto continue_search;

                    // must be two bmodels in the same leaf; sort on 1/z
                        fu = (double)(edge.u - 0xFFFFF) * (1.0 / 0x100000);
                        newzi = surf.d_ziorigin + fv*surf.d_zistepv +
                        newzibottom = newzi * 0.99;

                        testzi = surf2.d_ziorigin + fv*surf2.d_zistepv +

                        if (newzibottom >= testzi)
                            goto gotposition;

                        newzitop = newzi * 1.01;
                        if (newzitop >= testzi)
                            if (surf.d_zistepu >= surf2.d_zistepu)
                                goto gotposition;

                        goto continue_search;

                    goto gotposition;

                // emit a span (obscures current top)
                    iu = edge.u >> 20;

                    if (iu > surf2.last_u)
                        span = basespans[span_p++];
                        span.u = surf2.last_u;
                        span.count = iu - span.u;
                        span.v = current_iv;
                        span.pnext = surf2.spans;
                        surf2.spans = span;

                    // set last_u on the new span
                    surf.last_u = iu;

                // insert before surf2
                    surf.next = surf2;
                    surf.prev = surf2.prev;
                    surf2.prev.next = surf;
                    surf2.prev = surf;
Exemplo n.º 8

        Adds the edges in the linked list edgestoadd, adding them to the edges in the
        linked list edgelist.  edgestoadd is assumed to be sorted on u, and non-empty (this is actually newedges[v]).  edgelist is assumed to be sorted on u, with a
        sentinel at the end (actually, this is the active edge table starting at
        static void R_InsertNewEdges(edge_t edgestoadd, edge_t edgelist)
            edge_t next_edge;

                next_edge = edgestoadd.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                if (edgelist.u >= edgestoadd.u)
                    goto addedge;
                edgelist = edgelist.next;
                goto edgesearch;

            // insert edgestoadd before edgelist
                edgestoadd.next = edgelist;
                edgestoadd.prev = edgelist.prev;
                edgelist.prev.next = edgestoadd;
                edgelist.prev = edgestoadd;
            } while ((edgestoadd = next_edge) != null);
Exemplo n.º 9
        static void LoadFaces(BinaryReader br, Header header)
            // Read vertexes..
            br.BaseStream.Seek(header.lumps[3].fileofs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int nVertexes = header.lumps[3].filelen / 12;
            Vector3[] loadedverts = new Vector3[nVertexes];
            for (int i = 0; i < nVertexes; i++)
                Vector3 vec = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle());
                // swap z and y axis
                vec = SwapZY(vec);
                loadedverts[i] = vec;

            // Reade edge lump
            br.BaseStream.Seek(header.lumps[12].fileofs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int nEdges = header.lumps[12].filelen / (sizeof(short) * 2);
            edge_t[] edges = new edge_t[nEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; i++)
                edge_t edge;
                edge.v = new ushort[] { br.ReadUInt16(), br.ReadUInt16() };
                edges[i] = edge;
            world.edges = edges;
            // Read surfedges
            br.BaseStream.Seek(header.lumps[13].fileofs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int nSurfEdges = header.lumps[13].filelen / sizeof(int);
            int[] surfEdges = new int[nSurfEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < nSurfEdges; i++)
                surfEdges[i] = br.ReadInt32();
            world.surfEdges = surfEdges;

            // Read faces
            br.BaseStream.Seek(header.lumps[7].fileofs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int nFaces = header.lumps[7].filelen / 56;
            if (header.lumps[7].filelen % 56 > 0)
                Common.Instance.Error("Weird faces lumpsize");
            world.faces_t = new face_t[nFaces];
            world.faces = new Face[world.faces_t.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
                face_t face;
                face.planenum = br.ReadUInt16();
                face.side = br.ReadByte();
                face.onNode = br.ReadByte();
                face.firstedge = br.ReadInt32();
                face.numedges = br.ReadInt16();
                face.texinfo = br.ReadInt16();
                face.dispinfo = br.ReadInt16();
                face.surfaceFogVolumeID = br.ReadInt16();
                face.styles = br.ReadBytes(4);
                face.lightlumpofs = br.ReadInt32();
                if (face.lightlumpofs > -1)
                    face.lightlumpofs /= 4; // From 4byte offset to 1color offset
                face.area = br.ReadSingle();
                face.LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels = new int[] { br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32() };
                face.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels = new int[] { br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32() };
                face.origFace = br.ReadInt32();
                face.numPrims = br.ReadUInt16();
                face.firstPrimID = br.ReadUInt16();
                face.smoothingGroups = br.ReadUInt32();

                // Prepare Faces structure
                Face face2 = new Face();
                face.face = face2;
                face2.face_t = face;

                face2.nVerts = face.numedges;
                face2.plane_t = world.planes[face.planenum];
                face2.texinfo = world.texinfos[face.texinfo];
                if ((face2.texinfo.flags & (SurfFlags.SURF_NODRAW | SurfFlags.SURF_HINT | SurfFlags.SURF_FLOWING | SurfFlags.SURF_NOLIGHT | SurfFlags.SURF_SKIP)) == 0)
                    nVertIndex += face.numedges;
                world.faces[i] = face2;
                world.faces_t[i] = face;

                // Reverse mapping from displacement to face
                if (face.dispinfo != -1 && face.dispinfo < world.ddispinfos.Length)
                    world.DispIndexToFaceIndex[face.dispinfo] = i;

            // Prepare lightmap texture
            Texture lightmapTexture = new Texture(Renderer.Instance.device, LightmapSize.Width, LightmapSize.Height, 1, Usage.Dynamic, Format.A16B16G16R16F, (Renderer.Instance.Is3D9Ex ? Pool.Default : Pool.Managed));
            DataRectangle textureData = lightmapTexture.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.None);
            DataStream ds = textureData.Data;
            TextureNode texturePacker = new TextureNode(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, LightmapSize.Width, LightmapSize.Height), null);
            TextureNode insertedNode = null; // TExtureNode result for each face

            int vertIndex = 0;
            world.verts = new List<VertexPositionNormalTexturedLightmap>();
            for (int i = 0; i < world.faces.Length; i++)
                face_t face_t = world.faces[i].face_t;
                Face face = world.faces[i];

                if ((face.texinfo.flags & SurfFlags.SURF_NODRAW) > 0 ||
                    (face.texinfo.flags & SurfFlags.SURF_HINT) > 0 ||
                    (face.texinfo.flags & SurfFlags.SURF_FLOWING) > 0 ||
                    (face.texinfo.flags & SurfFlags.SURF_NOLIGHT) > 0 ||
                    (face.texinfo.flags & SurfFlags.SURF_SKIP) > 0)
                    continue; // Dont draw this

                // Add faces lightmap to lightmap texture
                int lmWidth = face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0] + 1;
                int lmHeight = face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1] + 1;
                int lmSize = lmWidth * lmHeight;
                for (int lightstyles = 0; lightstyles < 4; lightstyles++)
                    if (face_t.styles[lightstyles] == 255)
                    if (face_t.lightlumpofs + (lmSize * lightstyles) >= world.LightData.Length || face_t.lightlumpofs == -1)
                        Common.Instance.WriteLine("WARNING: Face wants more lightdata than is available, or no offset");
                    // Try to fit it in the texture..
                    insertedNode = texturePacker.Insert(ref world.LightData, lmWidth, lmHeight, face_t.lightlumpofs + (lmSize * lightstyles), ref ds, (face.face_t.dispinfo == -1 ? false : true));
                    if (insertedNode == null)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Could not fit lightmap into a texture :( w:" + lmWidth + " h:" + lmHeight);
                    else// if (lightstyles == 0)
                        // Save lightmap coordinates
                        face.lightOffsetX = insertedNode.Rectangle.X;
                        face.lightOffsetY = insertedNode.Rectangle.Y;

                // Build VertexPositionNormalTexturedLightmap's for face
                float s, t;
                int v;
                int pedge = face.face_t.firstedge;
                for (int j = 0;j < face.face_t.numedges; j++)
                    int edge = surfEdges[pedge++];
                    if (edge < 0)
                        v = 1;
                        edge = -edge;
                        v = 0;

                    // Base Texture
                    Vector3 vert = loadedverts[edges[edge].v[v]];

                    // Texture coordinates
                    Vector3 texs = new Vector3(face.texinfo.textureVecs[0].X, face.texinfo.textureVecs[0].Y, face.texinfo.textureVecs[0].Z);
                    Vector3 text = new Vector3(face.texinfo.textureVecs[1].X, face.texinfo.textureVecs[1].Y, face.texinfo.textureVecs[1].Z);
                    s = (Vector3.Dot(vert, texs) + face.texinfo.textureVecs[0].W) / face.texinfo.texdata_t.width;
                    t = (Vector3.Dot(vert, text) + face.texinfo.textureVecs[1].W) / face.texinfo.texdata_t.height;

                    // Generate Lightmap Coordinates
                    float l_s = 0.5f, l_t = 0.5f;
                    if (face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0] != 0 && face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1] != 0)
                        //Vector3 vecs = new Vector3(face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[0].X, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[0].Y, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[0].Z);
                        //Vector3 vect = new Vector3(face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[1].X, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[1].Y, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[1].Z);

                        l_s = Vector3.Dot(vert, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[0]) +
                            face.texinfo.lightmapVecs2[0] - face.face_t.LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[0];
                        l_s /= face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0];

                        l_t = Vector3.Dot(vert, face.texinfo.lightmapVecs[1]) +
                            face.texinfo.lightmapVecs2[1] - face.face_t.LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[1];
                        l_t /= face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1];

                        float divx = (float)(face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0]) / (LightmapSize.Width);
                        float startx = (float)(face.lightOffsetX + 0.5f) / (LightmapSize.Width);
                        l_s = divx * l_s + startx;

                        float divy = (float)(face.face_t.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1]) / (LightmapSize.Height);
                        float starty = (float)(face.lightOffsetY + 0.5f) / (LightmapSize.Height);
                        l_t = divy * l_t + starty;

                    // Set vertex offset for face
                    if (face.VertexOffset == -1)
                        face.VertexOffset = vertIndex;

                    world.verts.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexturedLightmap(vert, face.plane_t.normal, new Vector2(s, t), new Vector2(l_s, l_t)));

            //DispCollTree[] dispCollTrees = new DispCollTree[world.ddispinfos.Length];
            //for (int i = 0; i < dispCollTrees.Length; i++)
            //    dispCollTrees[i] = new DispCollTree();

            // Handle displacement face
            int iCurVert = 0, iCurTri = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < world.ddispinfos.Length; i++)
                int nFaceIndex = world.DispIndexToFaceIndex[i];

                // Check for missing mapping to face
                if (nFaceIndex == 0)

                // Get the displacement info
                ddispinfo_t currentDispInfo = world.ddispinfos[i];
                Face face = world.faces[nFaceIndex];

                //// Read in vertices
                //int nVerts = (((1 << (currentDispInfo.power)) + 1) * ((1 << (currentDispInfo.power)) + 1));
                //List<dDispVert> dispVerts = new List<dDispVert>();
                //for (int j = 0; j < nVerts; j++)
                //    dispVerts.Add(world.dispVerts[iCurVert + j]);
                //iCurVert += nVerts;

                //// Read in triangles
                //int nTris = ((1 << (currentDispInfo.power)) * (1 << (currentDispInfo.power)) * 2);
                //List<dDispTri> dispTris = new List<dDispTri>();
                //for (int j = 0; j < nTris; j++)
                //    dispTris.Add(world.dispTris[iCurTri + j]);
                //iCurTri += nTris;

                //Displacement disp = new Displacement();
                //DispSurface dispSurf = disp.Surface;
                //dispSurf.m_PointStart = currentDispInfo.startPosition;
                //dispSurf.m_Contents = currentDispInfo.contents;

                //disp.InitDispInfo(currentDispInfo.power, currentDispInfo.minTess, currentDispInfo.smoothingAngle, dispVerts, dispTris);

                //// Hook the disp surface to the face
                //dispSurf.m_Index = nFaceIndex;

                //// get points
                //if (world.faces_t[nFaceIndex].numedges > 4)
                //    continue;

                //face_t fac = world.faces_t[nFaceIndex];

                //Vector3[] surfPoints = new Vector3[4];
                //dispSurf.m_PointCount = fac.numedges;
                //int h = 0;
                //for (h = 0; h < fac.numedges; h++ )
                //    int eIndex = surfEdges[fac.firstedge + h];
                //    if (eIndex < 0)
                //    {
                //        surfPoints[h] = world.verts[edges[-eIndex].v[1]].position;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        surfPoints[h] = world.verts[edges[eIndex].v[0]].position;
                //    }

                //for (h = 0; h < 4; h++)
                //    dispSurf.m_Points[h] = surfPoints[h];


                //// generate the collision displacement surfaces
                //DispCollTree dispTree = dispCollTrees[i];
                //dispTree.Power = 0;

                //// check for null faces, should have been taken care of in vbsp!!!
                //int pointCount = dispSurf.m_PointCount;
                //if (pointCount != 4)
                //    continue;


                //DispCollTree pDispTree = dispCollTrees[i];
                //pDispTree.Power = 0;

                // Generate the displacement surface
                createDispSurface(face, currentDispInfo, world, nFaceIndex);

            //world.dispCollTrees = dispCollTrees;
            world.LightmapTexture = lightmapTexture;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static bool CheckIncorrect(edge_t edge1, edge_t edge2)
     return((edge1.vertex1 == edge2.vertex1 && edge1.vertex2 == edge2.vertex2) ||
            (edge1.vertex1 == edge2.vertex2 && edge1.vertex2 == edge2.vertex1) ||
            edge1.vertex1 == edge1.vertex2);
Exemplo n.º 11
        static void R_StepActiveU(edge_t pedge)
            edge_t		pnext_edge, pwedge;

            while (true)
                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                goto nextedge;

                if (pedge == edge_aftertail)

            // push it back to keep it sorted
                pnext_edge = pedge.next;

            // pull the edge out of the edge list
                pedge.next.prev = pedge.prev;
                pedge.prev.next = pedge.next;

            // find out where the edge goes in the edge list
                pwedge = pedge.prev.prev;

                while (pwedge.u > pedge.u)
                    pwedge = pwedge.prev;

            // put the edge back into the edge list
                pedge.next = pwedge.next;
                pedge.prev = pwedge;
                pedge.next.prev = pedge;
                pwedge.next = pedge;

                pedge = pnext_edge;
                if (pedge == edge_tail)
Exemplo n.º 12
  * ==============
  * R_LeadingEdgeBackwards
  * ==============
 static void R_LeadingEdgeBackwards(edge_t edge)
Exemplo n.º 13
         * ==============
         * R_StepActiveU
         * ==============
        static void R_StepActiveU(edge_t pedge)
            edge_t pnext_edge, pwedge;

            while (true)
                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                pedge.u += pedge.u_step;
                if (pedge.u < pedge.prev.u)
                    goto pushback;
                pedge = pedge.next;

                goto nextedge;

                if (pedge == edge_aftertail)

                // push it back to keep it sorted
                pnext_edge = pedge.next;

                // pull the edge out of the edge list
                pedge.next.prev = pedge.prev;
                pedge.prev.next = pedge.next;

                // find out where the edge goes in the edge list
                pwedge = pedge.prev.prev;

                while (pwedge.u > pedge.u)
                    pwedge = pwedge.prev;

                // put the edge back into the edge list
                pedge.next      = pwedge.next;
                pedge.prev      = pwedge;
                pedge.next.prev = pedge;
                pwedge.next     = pedge;

                pedge = pnext_edge;
                if (pedge == edge_tail)
Exemplo n.º 14
 static void R_LeadingEdgeBackwards(edge_t edge)
Exemplo n.º 15
         * ==============
         * R_LeadingEdge
         * ==============
        static void R_LeadingEdge(edge_t edge)
            espan_t span;
            surf_t  surf, surf2;
            int     iu;
            double  fu, newzi, testzi, newzitop, newzibottom;

            if (edge.surfs[1] != 0)
                // it's adding a new surface in, so find the correct place
                surf = surfaces[edge.surfs[1] - 1];

                // don't start a span if this is an inverted span, with the end
                // edge preceding the start edge (that is, we've already seen the
                // end edge)
                if (++surf.spanstate == 1)
                    if (surf.insubmodel)

                    surf2 = surfaces[0].next;

                    if (surf.key < surf2.key)
                        goto newtop;

                    // if it's two surfaces on the same plane, the one that's already
                    // active is in front, so keep going unless it's a bmodel
                    if (surf.insubmodel && (surf.key == surf2.key))
                        // must be two bmodels in the same leaf; sort on 1/z
                        fu    = (double)(edge.u - 0xFFFFF) * (1.0 / 0x100000);
                        newzi = surf.d_ziorigin + fv * surf.d_zistepv +
                                fu * surf.d_zistepu;
                        newzibottom = newzi * 0.99;

                        testzi = surf2.d_ziorigin + fv * surf2.d_zistepv +
                                 fu * surf2.d_zistepu;

                        if (newzibottom >= testzi)
                            goto newtop;

                        newzitop = newzi * 1.01;
                        if (newzitop >= testzi)
                            if (surf.d_zistepu >= surf2.d_zistepu)
                                goto newtop;


                        surf2 = surf2.next;
                    } while (surf.key > surf2.key);

                    if (surf.key == surf2.key)
                        // if it's two surfaces on the same plane, the one that's already
                        // active is in front, so keep going unless it's a bmodel
                        if (!surf.insubmodel)
                            goto continue_search;

                        // must be two bmodels in the same leaf; sort on 1/z
                        fu    = (double)(edge.u - 0xFFFFF) * (1.0 / 0x100000);
                        newzi = surf.d_ziorigin + fv * surf.d_zistepv +
                                fu * surf.d_zistepu;
                        newzibottom = newzi * 0.99;

                        testzi = surf2.d_ziorigin + fv * surf2.d_zistepv +
                                 fu * surf2.d_zistepu;

                        if (newzibottom >= testzi)
                            goto gotposition;

                        newzitop = newzi * 1.01;
                        if (newzitop >= testzi)
                            if (surf.d_zistepu >= surf2.d_zistepu)
                                goto gotposition;

                        goto continue_search;

                    goto gotposition;

                    // emit a span (obscures current top)
                    iu = edge.u >> 20;

                    if (iu > surf2.last_u)
                        span        = basespans[span_p++];
                        span.u      = surf2.last_u;
                        span.count  = iu - span.u;
                        span.v      = current_iv;
                        span.pnext  = surf2.spans;
                        surf2.spans = span;

                    // set last_u on the new span
                    surf.last_u = iu;

                    // insert before surf2
                    surf.next       = surf2;
                    surf.prev       = surf2.prev;
                    surf2.prev.next = surf;
                    surf2.prev      = surf;
Exemplo n.º 16
 static void R_RemoveEdges(edge_t pedge)
         pedge.next.prev = pedge.prev;
         pedge.prev.next = pedge.next;
     } while ((pedge = pedge.nextremove) != null);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void R_NewMap()
            int i;

            // clear out efrags in case the level hasn't been reloaded
            // FIXME: is this one short?
            for (i = 0; i < client.cl.worldmodel.numleafs; i++)
                client.cl.worldmodel.leafs[i].efrags = null;

            r_viewleaf = null;

            r_cnumsurfs = (int)r_maxsurfs.value;

            if (r_cnumsurfs <= MINSURFACES)
                r_cnumsurfs = MINSURFACES;

            if (r_cnumsurfs <= NUMSTACKSURFACES)
                surfaces = new surf_t[r_cnumsurfs];
                for (int kk = 0; kk < r_cnumsurfs; kk++) surfaces[kk] = new surf_t();
                surface_p = 0;
                surf_max = r_cnumsurfs;
                r_surfsonstack = false;
                // surface 0 doesn't really exist; it's just a dummy because index 0
                // is used to indicate no edge attached to surface
                r_surfsonstack = true;

            r_maxedgesseen = 0;
            r_maxsurfsseen = 0;

            r_numallocatededges = (int)r_maxedges.value;

            if (r_numallocatededges < MINEDGES)
                r_numallocatededges = MINEDGES;

            if (r_numallocatededges <= NUMSTACKEDGES)
                auxedges = new edge_t[r_numallocatededges];
                for (int kk = 0; kk < r_numallocatededges; kk++) auxedges[kk] = new edge_t();

            r_dowarpold = false;
            r_viewchanged = false;
Exemplo n.º 18
        static void R_TrailingEdge(surf_t surf, edge_t edge)
            espan_t			span;
            int				iu;

            // don't generate a span if this is an inverted span, with the end
            // edge preceding the start edge (that is, we haven't seen the
            // start edge yet)
            if (--surf.spanstate == 0)
                if (surf.insubmodel)

                if (surf == surfaces[0].next)
                // emit a span (current top going away)
                    iu = edge.u >> 20;
                    if (iu > surf.last_u)
                        span = basespans[span_p++];
                        span.u = surf.last_u;
                        span.count = iu - span.u;
                        span.v = current_iv;
                        span.pnext = surf.spans;
                        surf.spans = span;

                // set last_u on the surface below
                    surf.next.last_u = iu;

                surf.prev.next = surf.next;
                surf.next.prev = surf.prev;
Exemplo n.º 19
         * ===============
         * R_NewMap
         * ===============
        public static void R_NewMap()
            int i;

            // clear out efrags in case the level hasn't been reloaded
            // FIXME: is this one short?
            for (i = 0; i < client.cl.worldmodel.numleafs; i++)
                client.cl.worldmodel.leafs[i].efrags = null;

            r_viewleaf = null;

            r_cnumsurfs = (int)r_maxsurfs.value;

            if (r_cnumsurfs <= MINSURFACES)
                r_cnumsurfs = MINSURFACES;

            if (r_cnumsurfs <= NUMSTACKSURFACES)
                surfaces = new surf_t[r_cnumsurfs];
                for (int kk = 0; kk < r_cnumsurfs; kk++)
                    surfaces[kk] = new surf_t();
                surface_p      = 0;
                surf_max       = r_cnumsurfs;
                r_surfsonstack = false;
                // surface 0 doesn't really exist; it's just a dummy because index 0
                // is used to indicate no edge attached to surface
                r_surfsonstack = true;

            r_maxedgesseen = 0;
            r_maxsurfsseen = 0;

            r_numallocatededges = (int)r_maxedges.value;

            if (r_numallocatededges < MINEDGES)
                r_numallocatededges = MINEDGES;

            if (r_numallocatededges <= NUMSTACKEDGES)
                auxedges = new edge_t[r_numallocatededges];
                for (int kk = 0; kk < r_numallocatededges; kk++)
                    auxedges[kk] = new edge_t();

            r_dowarpold   = false;
            r_viewchanged = false;