Exemplo n.º 1
    public bool CaptureScreenShot(long stationID)
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            var station = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.StationID == stationID
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

            if (station != null)
                station.Available = true;

                var entity = new Message
                    StationID = stationID,
                    Text = "",
                    Command = "Screenshot",
                    Type = "Status",
                    UserID = 1L,
                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now



        catch (Exception)
            return false;

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public bool SendMessageToGroup(long groupID, MessageViewModel message)
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            var grouping = (from s in container.Groupings
                            where s.GroupingID == groupID
                            select s).FirstOrDefault<Grouping>();

            if (grouping != null)
                foreach (Station station in grouping.Stations)
                    station.Available = false;

                    var entity = new Message
                        DateAdded = DateTime.Now,
                        StationID = station.StationID,
                        Text = message.Text,
                        Command = message.Command,
                        Type = message.Type,
                        UserID = message.UserID



        catch (Exception)
            return false;

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public List<MessageViewModel> GetAllMyMessages(long clientID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return (from c in
                (from s in container.Messages
                 where (s.StationID == clientID) && !s.Sent
                 select s).ToList<Message>()
                select c.CreateModel()).ToList<MessageViewModel>();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ScheduleModel Schedule(string serverKey, string hardwareKey, string version)
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();
            Mosaic mosaic = null;
            Mosaic profilemosaic = null;
            if ((from s in container.Stations
                 where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                 select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>() != null)
                var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                                where m.Mosaic != null
                                select m).FirstOrDefault<Grouping>();

                if (grouping != null)
                    mosaic = grouping.Mosaic;
                    profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(mo => mo.MosaicID == grouping.ProfileMosaicID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (mosaic == null)
                mosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "General").FirstOrDefault();

            if (profilemosaic == null)
                profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "Profile").FirstOrDefault();
            var schedule = new ScheduleModel()
                Items = new List<ScheduleLayout>()
                new ScheduleLayout()
                    File = mosaic.MosaicID.ToString(),
                    FromDate = "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                    ToDate = "2030-01-19 00:00:00",
                    ScheduleId = 0,
                    Priority = 0,
                    Default = true,
                    Type =mosaic.Type,
                    Hash = mosaic.Hash
                 new ScheduleLayout()
                    File = profilemosaic.MosaicID.ToString(),
                    FromDate = "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                    ToDate = "2030-01-19 00:00:00",
                    ScheduleId = 0,
                    Priority = 0,
                    Default = true,
                    Type =profilemosaic.Type,
                    Hash = profilemosaic.Hash

            return schedule;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public List <StationViewModel> GetAllStations()
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            return((from c in container.Stations.ToList() select c.CreateModel()).ToList <StationViewModel>());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public FilesModel RequiredFiles(string serverKey, string hardwareKey, string version)
            lock (RequiredFilesLock)
                // Get Mosaic For station
                var container = new eAdDataContainer();

                var thisStation = (from s in container.Stations
                                   where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                                   select s).FirstOrDefault <Station>();

                if (thisStation == null)
                    thisStation             = new Station();
                    thisStation.HardwareKey = hardwareKey;
                    thisStation.Name        = hardwareKey;
                    thisStation.LastCheckIn = DateTime.Now;
                    thisStation.Status      = "Registered";
                    thisStation.LastCheckIn = DateTime.Now;
                    thisStation.Status      = "Online";

                Mosaic mosaic        = null;
                Mosaic profilemosaic = null;
                if (thisStation != null)
                    var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                                    where m.Mosaic != null
                                    select m).FirstOrDefault <Grouping>();

                    if (grouping != null)
                        mosaic        = grouping.Mosaic;
                        profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(mo => mo.MosaicID == grouping.ProfileMosaicID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (mosaic == null)
                    mosaic = (from m in container.Mosaics
                              where m.Name.Contains("as")
                              select m).FirstOrDefault();

                if (profilemosaic == null)
                    profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "Profile").FirstOrDefault();

                var mosaicCache        = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + mosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";
                var profilemosaicCache = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + profilemosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";

                if (File.Exists(mosaicCache))
                    if (new FileInfo(mosaicCache).CreationTime < mosaic.Updated)
                        UpdateMosaicCache(mosaic, mosaicCache);
                    UpdateMosaicCache(mosaic, mosaicCache);

                if (File.Exists(profilemosaicCache))
                    if (new FileInfo(profilemosaicCache).CreationTime < mosaic.Updated)
                        UpdateMosaicCache(profilemosaic, profilemosaicCache);
                    UpdateMosaicCache(profilemosaic, profilemosaicCache);

                var files = CreateFileModel(new List <Mosaic> {
                    mosaic, profilemosaic
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static FilesModel CreateFileModel(List <Mosaic> mosaics)
            FilesModel files = new FilesModel();

            var list = new List <RequiredFileModel>();

            // Get Mosaic For station
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            foreach (var mosaic in mosaics)
                var mosaicCache = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + mosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";
                var allMedia    = mosaic.Positions.SelectMany(p => p.Media);

                foreach (var medium in allMedia)
                    if (list.Where(l => l.Id == medium.MediaID).Count() <= 0)
                        bool shouldCalculatenewHash = false;

                        if (medium.Hash == null || medium.Size == 0)
                            shouldCalculatenewHash = true;

                        // Calculate new hash/size
                        if (shouldCalculatenewHash)
                                using (
                                    var fs =
                                        new FileStream(
                                            System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath + ServerPath +
                                            medium.Location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                                    medium.Hash = Hashes.MD5(fs);
                                    medium.Size =
                                        new FileInfo(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                                     ServerPath + medium.Location).Length;
                            catch (Exception)

                        list.Add(new RequiredFileModel()
                            FileType = "media",
                            Path     = medium.Location,
                            Id       = medium.MediaID,
                            Size     = (long)medium.Size,
                            MD5      = medium.Hash

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mosaic.Background))
                    if (list.Where(l => l.Path == mosaic.Background).Count() <= 0)
                    // Add Background to list if not already there
                        var allmedia = (from s in container.Media
                                        where s.Location == mosaic.Background
                                        select s).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (allmedia != null)
                            list.Add(new RequiredFileModel
                                FileType = "media",
                                Path     = mosaic.Background,
                                Id       = mosaic.MosaicID,
                                Size     = allmedia.Size,
                                //    (long)
                                //    new FileInfo(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                //               ServerPath + mosaic.Background).Length,
                                MD5 = allmedia.Hash
                                      //    Hashes.MD5(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                      //    ServerPath + mosaic.Background)

                list.Add(new RequiredFileModel
                    FileType = "layout",
                    Path     = "Layouts\\" + Path.GetFileName(mosaicCache),
                    Id       = mosaic.MosaicID,
                    Size     = (long)mosaic.Size,
                    MD5      = mosaic.Hash

            files.Items = new List <RequiredFileModel>(list.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 8
    public bool DoIHaveUpdates(long stationID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return ((from s in container.Messages
                 where (s.StationID == stationID) && !s.Sent
                 select s).Count<Message>() > 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
    public long GetMosaicIDForStationKey(string hardwareKey)
        // Get Mosaic For station
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var thisStation = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

        if (thisStation != null)
            var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                            where m.Mosaic != null && m.Stations.Contains(thisStation)
                            select m).FirstOrDefault<Grouping>();

            if (grouping != null)
                return grouping.MosaicID;

        return (from m in container.Mosaics
                where m.Name.Contains("as")
                select m).FirstOrDefault<Mosaic>().MosaicID;

Exemplo n.º 10
    public long GetMosaicIDForStation(long stationID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        if ((from s in container.Stations
                where s.StationID == stationID
                select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>() != null)
            var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                            where m.Mosaic != null
                            select m).FirstOrDefault<Grouping>();

            if (grouping != null)
                return grouping.MosaicID;

        return (from m in container.Mosaics
                where m.Name.Contains("as")
                select m).FirstOrDefault<Mosaic>().MosaicID;
Exemplo n.º 11
    public string GetMediaLocation(long mediaID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return (from s in container.Media
                where s.MediaID == mediaID
                select s).FirstOrDefault<Medium>().Location;
Exemplo n.º 12
    public TimeSpan GetMediaDuration(long mediaID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return (from s in container.Media
                where s.MediaID == mediaID
                select s).FirstOrDefault<Medium>().Duration.Value;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public CustomerViewModel GetCustomerByRFID(string tag)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var car = (from e in container.Cars
                   where e.RFID == tag
                   select e).FirstOrDefault<Car>();

        if (car != null)
            Customer customer = car.Customer;

            if (customer != null)
                return customer.CreateModel();

        return CustomerViewModel.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 14
    public List<StationViewModel> GetAllStations()
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return (from c in container.Stations.ToList() select c.CreateModel()).ToList<StationViewModel>();
Exemplo n.º 15
    public List<MessageViewModel> GetAllMyMessagesKey(string hardwareKey)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var thisStation = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

        //Compress up messages


        return (container.Messages.Where(s => (s.StationID == thisStation.StationID) && !s.Sent)).ToList<Message>().Select(c => c.CreateModel()).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 16
    public bool SendMessageToStation(long stationID, MessageViewModel message)
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            var station = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.StationID == stationID
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

            if (station != null)
                station.Available = false;

                var entity = new Message
                    StationID = station.StationID,
                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now,
                    Text = message.Text,
                    Command = message.Command,
                    Type = message.Type,
                    UserID = message.UserID



        catch (Exception)
            return false;

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void SetStationStatus(long stationID, string status)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        foreach (Station station in from s in container.Stations
                 where s.StationID == stationID
                 select s)
            station.Status = status;

Exemplo n.º 18
    public List<MediaListModel> GetMyMedia(long stationID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var source = new List<MediaListModel>();

        var station = (from s in container.Stations
                       where s.StationID == stationID
                       select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

        if (station != null)
            EntityCollection<Grouping> groupings = station.Groupings;

            foreach (Grouping grouping in groupings)
                foreach (Theme theme in grouping.Themes)
                    using (IEnumerator<Medium> enumerator3 = theme.Media.GetEnumerator())
                        Func<MediaListModel, bool> predicate = null;

                        Medium media;

                        while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
                            media = enumerator3.Current;

                            if (predicate == null)
                                predicate = l => l.MediaID == media.MediaID;

                            if (source.Where(predicate).Count<MediaListModel>() <= 0)
                                var item = new MediaListModel
                                    MediaID = media.MediaID,
                                    DisplayLocation = media.Location,
                                    Duration = media.Duration.Value


        return source;
Exemplo n.º 19
    public bool DoIHaveUpdatesKey(string hardwareKey)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var thisStation = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

        return ((from s in container.Messages
                 where (thisStation.StationID == s.StationID) && !s.Sent
                 select s).Count<Message>() > 0);
Exemplo n.º 20
    public List<PositionViewModel> GetPositionsForMosaic(long mosaicID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        List<PositionViewModel> list = new List<PositionViewModel>();
        var firstOrDefault = (container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.MosaicID == mosaicID)).FirstOrDefault();
        if (firstOrDefault != null)
            foreach (Position p in firstOrDefault.Positions)
        return list;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ScheduleModel Schedule(string serverKey, string hardwareKey, string version)
            var    container     = new eAdDataContainer();
            Mosaic mosaic        = null;
            Mosaic profilemosaic = null;

            if ((from s in container.Stations
                 where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                 select s).FirstOrDefault <Station>() != null)
                var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                                where m.Mosaic != null
                                select m).FirstOrDefault <Grouping>();

                if (grouping != null)
                    mosaic        = grouping.Mosaic;
                    profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(mo => mo.MosaicID == grouping.ProfileMosaicID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (mosaic == null)
                mosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "General").FirstOrDefault();

            if (profilemosaic == null)
                profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "Profile").FirstOrDefault();
            var schedule = new ScheduleModel()
                Items = new List <ScheduleLayout>()
                    new ScheduleLayout()
                        File       = mosaic.MosaicID.ToString(),
                        FromDate   = "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                        ToDate     = "2030-01-19 00:00:00",
                        ScheduleId = 0,
                        Priority   = 0,
                        Default    = true,
                        Type       = mosaic.Type,
                        Hash       = mosaic.Hash
                    new ScheduleLayout()
                        File       = profilemosaic.MosaicID.ToString(),
                        FromDate   = "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                        ToDate     = "2030-01-19 00:00:00",
                        ScheduleId = 0,
                        Priority   = 0,
                        Default    = true,
                        Type       = profilemosaic.Type,
                        Hash       = profilemosaic.Hash

Exemplo n.º 22
    public bool MakeStationUnAvailable(long stationID, string rfidCode = "")
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            var station = (from s in container.Stations
                           where s.StationID == stationID
                           select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

            if (station != null)
                station.Available = false;

                var entity = new Message
                    StationID = stationID,
                    Text = rfidCode,
                    Command = "Make UnAvailable",
                    Type = "Status",
                    UserID = 1L,
                    DateAdded = DateTime.Now



        catch (Exception)
            return false;

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public List <CustomerViewModel> GetAllCustomers()
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            return((from c in container.Customers.ToList() select c.CreateModel()).ToList <CustomerViewModel>());
Exemplo n.º 24
    public bool MessageRead(long messageID)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        IQueryable<Message> queryable = from s in container.Messages
                                        where (s.MessageID == messageID) && !s.Sent
                                        select s;

        foreach (Message message in queryable)
            message.Sent = true;

            message.DateReceived = DateTime.Now;


        return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static FilesModel CreateFileModel(List<Mosaic> mosaics)

            FilesModel files = new FilesModel();

            var list = new List<RequiredFileModel>();

            // Get Mosaic For station
            var container = new eAdDataContainer();

            foreach (var mosaic in mosaics)

                var mosaicCache = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + mosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";
                var allMedia = mosaic.Positions.SelectMany(p => p.Media);

                foreach (var medium in allMedia)
                    if (list.Where(l => l.Id == medium.MediaID).Count() <= 0)
                        bool shouldCalculatenewHash = false;

                        if (medium.Hash == null || medium.Size == 0)
                            shouldCalculatenewHash = true;

                        // Calculate new hash/size
                        if (shouldCalculatenewHash)

                                using (
                                    var fs =
                                        new FileStream(
                                            System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath + ServerPath +
                                            medium.Location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                                    medium.Hash = Hashes.MD5(fs);
                                    medium.Size =
                                        new FileInfo(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                                     ServerPath + medium.Location).Length;
                            catch (Exception)


                        list.Add(new RequiredFileModel()
                                         FileType = "media",
                                         Path = medium.Location,
                                         Id = medium.MediaID,
                                         Size = (long)medium.Size,
                                         MD5 = medium.Hash

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mosaic.Background))
                    if (list.Where(l => l.Path == mosaic.Background).Count() <= 0)
                    // Add Background to list if not already there
                        var allmedia = (from s in container.Media
                                        where s.Location == mosaic.Background
                                        select s).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (allmedia != null)
                            list.Add(new RequiredFileModel
                                             FileType = "media",
                                             Path = mosaic.Background,
                                             Id = mosaic.MosaicID,
                                             Size = allmedia.Size,
                                             //    (long)
                                             //    new FileInfo(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                             //               ServerPath + mosaic.Background).Length,
                                             MD5 = allmedia.Hash
                                             //    Hashes.MD5(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath +
                                             //    ServerPath + mosaic.Background)

                list.Add(new RequiredFileModel
                                 FileType = "layout",
                                 Path = "Layouts\\" + Path.GetFileName(mosaicCache),
                                 Id = mosaic.MosaicID,
                                 Size = (long)mosaic.Size,
                                 MD5 = mosaic.Hash

            files.Items = new List<RequiredFileModel>(list.ToArray());
            return files;

Exemplo n.º 26
    public string SayHiKey(string hardwareKey)
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        var station = (from s in container.Stations
                       where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                       select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

        if (station != null)
            station.Available = false;

            station.LastCheckIn = DateTime.Now;


            return "Hi there";

        return "Invalid";
Exemplo n.º 27
        public FilesModel RequiredFiles(string serverKey, string hardwareKey, string version)
            lock (RequiredFilesLock)

                // Get Mosaic For station
                var container = new eAdDataContainer();

                var thisStation = (from s in container.Stations
                                   where s.HardwareKey == hardwareKey
                                   select s).FirstOrDefault<Station>();

                if (thisStation == null)
                    thisStation = new Station();
                    thisStation.HardwareKey = hardwareKey;
                    thisStation.Name = hardwareKey;
                    thisStation.LastCheckIn = DateTime.Now;
                    thisStation.Status = "Registered";
                    thisStation.LastCheckIn = DateTime.Now;
                    thisStation.Status = "Online";

                Mosaic mosaic = null;
                Mosaic profilemosaic = null;
                if (thisStation != null)
                    var grouping = (from m in container.Groupings
                                    where m.Mosaic != null
                                    select m).FirstOrDefault<Grouping>();

                    if (grouping != null)
                        mosaic = grouping.Mosaic;
                        profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(mo => mo.MosaicID == grouping.ProfileMosaicID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (mosaic == null)
                    mosaic = (from m in container.Mosaics
                              where m.Name.Contains("as")
                              select m).FirstOrDefault();

                if (profilemosaic == null)
                    profilemosaic = container.Mosaics.Where(m => m.Type == "Profile").FirstOrDefault();

                var mosaicCache = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + mosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";
                var profilemosaicCache = AppPath + "Layouts\\" + profilemosaic.MosaicID + ".mosaic";

                if (File.Exists(mosaicCache))
                    if (new FileInfo(mosaicCache).CreationTime < mosaic.Updated)
                        UpdateMosaicCache(mosaic, mosaicCache);


                    UpdateMosaicCache(mosaic, mosaicCache);


                if (File.Exists(profilemosaicCache))
                    if (new FileInfo(profilemosaicCache).CreationTime < mosaic.Updated)
                        UpdateMosaicCache(profilemosaic, profilemosaicCache);


                    UpdateMosaicCache(profilemosaic, profilemosaicCache);


                var files = CreateFileModel(new List<Mosaic> { mosaic, profilemosaic });
                return files;
Exemplo n.º 28
    public List<CustomerViewModel> GetAllCustomers()
        var container = new eAdDataContainer();

        return (from c in container.Customers.ToList() select c.CreateModel()).ToList<CustomerViewModel>();