Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task e621SearchSort(int sort, [Remainder] string srch)
            await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();

            if (srch.Contains("loli") || srch.Contains("foalcon") || srch.Contains("cub"))
                await ReplyAsync("Those search terms(loli, foalcon, or cub) are not allowed! Try again!");

            //if sort integer is too small or big, give help
            if (sort - 1 > sortingOptions.Length || sort < 0)
                await ReplyAsync("Sorting integers are: \n```0:Default, newest to oldest. \n1:Oldest to newest. \n2:Score. \n3:FavCount. \n4:Random.```" +
                                 "\nManual sorting can be done by using this chart https://e621.net/help/show/cheatsheet#sorting and inserting it into a search as a tag. " +
                                 "\nEx: Overriding default search order with mpixels order.```~e order:mpixels horse```");

            //url for use, explicit images and inserts provided tags straight in.
            string url;

            //if channel is not on the explicit channels list,
            if (!DBTransaction.isChannelWhitelisted(Context.Channel.Id) && !Context.IsPrivate)
                url = $"https://e621.net/posts.json?tags=order:{sortingOptions[sort]}+{srch}+rating:s&limit=50";
                url = $"https://e621.net/posts.json?tags=order:{sortingOptions[sort]}+{srch}+-cub+-loli+-foalcon&limit=50";
            string respond = e621.getJSON(url).Result;

            if (respond == "failure")
                await ReplyAsync("An error occurred! " + url);

            ImageList responseList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImageRoot>(respond).posts;

            if (responseList.Count == 0)
                await ReplyAsync("No results! The tag may be misspelled, or the results could be filtered out due to channel!");
                Global.e621Searches[Context.Channel.Id] = respond;
                Random rand = new Random();
                Global.e621SearchIndex[Context.Channel.Id] = rand.Next(0, responseList.Count);
                e621.Post       chosenImage = responseList[Global.e621SearchIndex[Context.Channel.Id]];
                RestUserMessage msg         = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(chosenImage.file.url + "\n" + string.Join(",", chosenImage.tags.artist));

                await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("▶"));

                //set random info for running ~enext through emoji reactions.
                Global.e621Context[Context.Channel.Id]        = Context;
                Global.e621MessageToTrack[Context.Channel.Id] = msg.Id;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Takes an e621.Image object and returns formatted tag string.</summary>
        /// <param name="img">An e621.Image object that will have tags extracted</param>
        /// <returns>Formatted tag and artist string.</returns>
        public static string Builde621Tags(e621.Post img)
            // Adds commas to tags, for easier reading.
            //put the artist and general tags List together, so I can Join them all at once.
            List <string> allTagsList = img.tags.character;

            string tagString = String.Join(", ", allTagsList);
            // Create string with ratings and artist tags
            string artistAndRating = ratings[img.rating.ToString()] + "**Artist(s):** " + string.Join(", ", img.tags.artist);

            //return string with lots of formatting!
            return("**Info:** " + artistAndRating + "\n\n" + "All tags: \n```" + tagString + "```");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task e621Tags()
            await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();

            if (Global.e621Searches.ContainsKey(Context.Channel.Id))
                ImageList responseList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImageRoot>(Global.e621Searches[Context.Channel.Id]).posts;
                e621.Post chosen       = responseList.ElementAt(Global.e621SearchIndex[Context.Channel.Id]);
                if (responseList.Count == 0)
                    await ReplyAsync("No results! The tag may be misspelled, or the results could be filtered out due to channel!");


                await ReplyAsync(e621Helper.Builde621Tags(chosen));
                await ReplyAsync("You have to make a search first! Try running ~e <tag(s)>");