Exemplo n.º 1
 public asteroid_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag) :
     base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_maincpu  = new required_device <m6502_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_dvg      = new required_device <dvg_device>(this, "dvg");
     m_earom    = new optional_device <er2055_device>(this, "earom");
     m_discrete = new required_device <discrete_sound_device>(this, "discrete");
     m_dsw1     = new required_ioport(this, "DSW1");
     m_dsw_sel  = new required_device <ttl153_device>(this, "dsw_sel");
     m_cocktail = new optional_ioport(this, "COCKTAIL");
     m_ram1     = new optional_memory_bank(this, "ram1");
     m_ram2     = new optional_memory_bank(this, "ram2");
     m_sram1    = new memory_share_creator <u8>(this, "ram1", 0x100, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE);
     m_sram2    = new memory_share_creator <u8>(this, "ram2", 0x100, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // constructor
        public dac_device_base(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock, u8 bits, dac_mapper_callback mapper, stream_buffer_sample_t gain)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_sound_interface_dac_device_base(mconfig, this));  //device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this);
            m_disound = GetClassInterface <device_sound_interface_dac_device_base>();

            m_stream    = null;
            m_curval    = 0;
            m_value_map = new std.vector <stream_buffer_sample_t>(1 << bits);
            m_bits      = bits;
            m_mapper    = mapper;
            m_gain      = gain;
            m_range_min = (bits == 1) ? (stream_buffer_sample_t)0.0 : (stream_buffer_sample_t)(-1.0);
            m_range_max = (stream_buffer_sample_t)1.0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public centiped_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_maincpu                = new required_device <m6502_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_rambase                = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "rambase");
     m_videoram               = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "videoram");
     m_spriteram              = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "spriteram");
     m_paletteram             = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "paletteram");
     m_bullsdrt_tiles_bankram = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "bullsdrt_bank");
     m_outlatch               = new required_device <ls259_device>(this, "outlatch");
     m_earom     = new optional_device <er2055_device>(this, "earom");
     m_gfxdecode = new required_device <gfxdecode_device>(this, "gfxdecode");
     m_screen    = new required_device <screen_device>(this, "screen");
     m_palette   = new required_device <palette_device>(this, "palette");
     m_aysnd     = new optional_device <ay8910_device>(this, "aysnd");
Exemplo n.º 4
 public pacman_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_maincpu            = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_mainlatch          = new optional_device <ls259_device>(this, "mainlatch");
     m_namco_sound        = new optional_device <namco_device>(this, "namco");
     m_watchdog           = new required_device <watchdog_timer_device>(this, "watchdog");
     m_spriteram          = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "spriteram");
     m_spriteram2         = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "spriteram2");
     m_s2650_spriteram    = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "s2650_spriteram");
     m_videoram           = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "videoram");
     m_colorram           = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "colorram");
     m_s2650games_tileram = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "s2650_tileram");
     m_rocktrv2_prot_data = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "rocktrv2_prot");
     m_gfxdecode          = new required_device <gfxdecode_device>(this, "gfxdecode");
     m_palette            = new required_device <palette_device>(this, "palette");
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected input_merger_device(
     machine_config mconfig,
     device_type type,
     string tag,
     device_t owner,
     uint32_t clock,
     u32 initval,
     u32 xorval,
     int active)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
     m_output_handler = new devcb_write_line(this);
     m_initval        = initval;
     m_xorval         = xorval;
     m_active         = active;
     m_state          = initval;
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected irem_audio_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
     m_audio_SINH = new optional_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "snd_nl:sinh");
     m_cpu        = new required_device <m6803_cpu_device>(this, "iremsound");
     m_adpcm1     = new required_device <msm5205_device>(this, "msm1");
     m_adpcm2     = new optional_device <msm5205_device>(this, "msm2");
     m_ay_45L     = new required_device <ay8910_device>(this, "ay_45l");
     m_ay_45M     = new required_device <ay8910_device>(this, "ay_45m");
     m_port1      = 0;
     m_port2      = 0;
     m_soundlatch = 0;
     m_audio_BD   = new optional_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "snd_nl:ibd");
     m_audio_SD   = new optional_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "snd_nl:isd");
     m_audio_OH   = new optional_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "snd_nl:ioh");
     m_audio_CH   = new optional_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "snd_nl:ich");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void saveChanges()
            using (var db = new PlanningContext())
                device_type data = null;

                if (!this._isCreateMode)
                    var id = Convert.ToInt32(this.device_type_id.Text);
                    data = db.device_type.Where(d => d.device_type_id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data == null)
                        this._mainInterface.statusText = $"ERROR: ID '{this.device_type_id.Text}' does not exist.";
                    data = new device_type();

                data.device_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(this.device_type_id.Text);
                data.description    = /**/ (this.description.Text);
                data.is_active      = (bool)this.is_active.IsChecked;
                data.comment        = /**/ (this.comment.Text);
                data.unit           = new Func <unit>(() => { foreach (var v in db.units)
                                                                  if (v.unit_id == (this.unit.item as unit).unit_id)
                                                              return(null); })();

                if (this._isCreateMode)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void deleteItem(object item)
            if (item == null)

            device_type data = item as device_type;

            if (data == null)

            using (var db = new PlanningContext())
                db.device_type.Remove(db.device_type.Where(d => d.device_type_id == data.device_type_id).First());
Exemplo n.º 9
 public galaxian_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_maincpu           = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_audiocpu          = new optional_device <cpu_device>(this, "audiocpu");
     m_ay8910            = new optional_device_array <ay8910_device, u32_const_3>(this, "8910.{0}", 0, (base_, tag_) => { return(new device_finder <ay8910_device, bool_const_false>(base_, tag_)); });  // "8910.%u"
     m_ay8910_cclimber   = new optional_device <ay8910_device>(this, "cclimber_audio:aysnd");
     m_ppi8255           = new optional_device_array <i8255_device, u32_const_3>(this, "ppi8255_{0}", 0, (base_, tag_) => { return(new device_finder <i8255_device, bool_const_false>(base_, tag_)); }); // ppi8255_%u
     m_gfxdecode         = new required_device <gfxdecode_device>(this, "gfxdecode");
     m_screen            = new required_device <screen_device>(this, "screen");
     m_palette           = new required_device <palette_device>(this, "palette");
     m_soundlatch        = new optional_device <generic_latch_8_device>(this, "soundlatch");
     m_netlist           = new optional_device <netlist_mame_sound_device>(this, "konami");
     m_filter_ctl        = new optional_device_array <netlist_mame_logic_input_device, u32_const_12>(this, "konami:ctl{0}", 0, (base_, tag_) => { return(new device_finder <netlist_mame_logic_input_device, bool_const_false>(base_, tag_)); });
     m_ckong_coinage     = new optional_ioport(this, "COINAGE");
     m_spriteram         = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "spriteram");
     m_videoram          = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "videoram");
     m_decrypted_opcodes = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "decrypted_opcodes");
     m_lamps             = new output_finder <u32_const_2>(this, "lamp{0}", 0U); //"lamp%u"
Exemplo n.º 10
 i8255_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock, bool is_ams40489)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
     m_force_portb_in            = is_ams40489;
     m_force_portc_out           = is_ams40489;
     m_dont_clear_output_latches = is_ams40489;
     m_in_pa_cb  = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_in_pb_cb  = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_in_pc_cb  = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_out_pa_cb = new devcb_write8(this);
     m_out_pb_cb = new devcb_write8(this);
     m_out_pc_cb = new devcb_write8(this);
     m_tri_pa_cb = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_tri_pb_cb = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_tri_pc_cb = new devcb_read8(this);
     m_control   = 0;
     m_intr      = new int[2] {
         0, 0
Exemplo n.º 11
        // construction/destruction

        //  driver_device - constructor

        public driver_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, null, 0)
            m_system        = mconfig.gamedrv();
            m_flip_screen_x = 0;
            m_flip_screen_y = 0;

            // set the search path to include all parents and cache it because devices search system paths
            std.set <game_driver> seen = new std.set <game_driver>();
            for (int ancestor = driver_list.clone(m_system); 0 <= ancestor; ancestor = driver_list.clone((size_t)ancestor))
                if (!seen.insert(driver_list.driver((size_t)ancestor)))
                    throw new emu_fatalerror("driver_device({0}): parent/clone relationships form a loop", m_system.name);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public galaga_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_videoram       = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "videoram");
     m_galaga_ram1    = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "galaga_ram1");
     m_galaga_ram2    = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "galaga_ram2");
     m_galaga_ram3    = new optional_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "galaga_ram3");
     m_videolatch     = new optional_device <ls259_device>(this, "videolatch");
     m_maincpu        = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_subcpu         = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "sub");
     m_subcpu2        = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "sub2");
     m_namco_sound    = new required_device <namco_device>(this, "namco");
     m_gfxdecode      = new required_device <gfxdecode_device>(this, "gfxdecode");
     m_screen         = new required_device <screen_device>(this, "screen");
     m_palette        = new required_device <palette_device>(this, "palette");
     m_leds           = new output_finder <u32_const_2>(this, "led{0}", 0U);
     m_starfield      = new optional_device <starfield_05xx_device>(this, "starfield");
     m_galaga_gfxbank = 0;
     m_main_irq_mask  = 0;
     m_sub_irq_mask   = 0;
     m_sub2_nmi_mask  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
        m6502_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_execute_interface_m6502(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_memory_interface_m6502(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_state_interface_m6502(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_disasm_interface_m6502(mconfig, this));

            sync_w          = new devcb_write_line(this);
            program_config  = new address_space_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16);
            sprogram_config = new address_space_config("decrypted_opcodes", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16);
            PPC             = 0;
            NPC             = 0;
            PC                            = 0;
            SP                            = 0;
            TMP                           = 0;
            TMP2                          = 0;
            A                             = 0;
            X                             = 0;
            Y                             = 0;
            P                             = 0;
            IR                            = 0;
            inst_state_base               = 0;
            mintf                         = null;
            inst_state                    = 0;
            inst_substate                 = 0;
            icount_.i                     = 0; //icount = 0;
            nmi_state                     = false;
            irq_state                     = false;
            apu_irq_state                 = false;
            v_state                       = false;
            nmi_pending                   = false;
            irq_taken                     = false;
            sync                          = false;
            inhibit_interrupts            = false;
            count_before_instruction_step = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public dkong_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_maincpu    = new required_device <cpu_device>(this, "maincpu");
     m_soundcpu   = new optional_device <mcs48_cpu_device>(this, "soundcpu");
     m_eeprom     = new optional_device <eeprom_serial_93cxx_device>(this, "eeprom");
     m_dev_n2a03a = new optional_device <intref>(this, "n2a03a");
     m_dev_n2a03b = new optional_device <intref>(this, "n2a03b");
     m_dev_vp2    = new optional_device <latch8_device>(this, "virtual_p2");
     m_dev_6h     = new optional_device <latch8_device>(this, "ls259.6h");
     m_ls175_3d   = new optional_device <latch8_device>(this, "ls175.3d");
     m_discrete   = new optional_device <discrete_device>(this, "discrete");
     m_m58817     = new optional_device <intref>(this, "tms");
     m_watchdog   = new optional_device <watchdog_timer_device>(this, "watchdog");
     m_video_ram  = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "video_ram");
     m_sprite_ram = new required_shared_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "sprite_ram");
     m_snd_rom    = new optional_region_ptr <uint8_t>(this, "soundcpu");
     m_vidhw      = DKONG_BOARD;
     m_sig30Hz    = 0;
     m_star_ff    = 0;
     m_blue_level = 0;
     m_cv1        = 0;
     m_cv2        = 0;
     m_vg1        = 0;
     m_vg2        = 0;
     m_vg3        = 0;
     m_cv3        = 0;
     m_cv4        = 0;
     m_vc17       = 0;
     m_pixelcnt   = 0;
     m_gfxdecode  = new required_device <gfxdecode_device>(this, "gfxdecode");
     m_screen     = new required_device <screen_device>(this, "screen");
     m_palette    = new required_device <palette_device>(this, "palette");
     m_z80dma     = new optional_device <intref>(this, "z80dma");
     m_dma8257    = new optional_device <i8257_device>(this, "dma8257");
     m_bank1      = new memory_bank_creator(this, "bank1");
     m_bank2      = new memory_bank_creator(this, "bank2");
Exemplo n.º 15
        MemoryContainer <int16_t> [] m_waveform = new MemoryContainer <int16_t> [MAX_VOLUME];  //std::unique_ptr<int16_t[]> m_waveform[MAX_VOLUME];

        public namco_audio_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_sound_interface_namco_audio(mconfig, this));  //device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this),
            m_disound = GetClassInterface <device_sound_interface_namco_audio>();

            m_wave_ptr     = new optional_region_ptr <uint8_t>(this, DEVICE_SELF);
            m_last_channel = null;
            m_wavedata     = null;
            m_wave_size    = 0;
            m_sound_enable = false;
            m_stream       = null;
            m_namco_clock  = 0;
            m_sample_rate  = 0;
            m_f_fracbits   = 0;
            m_voices       = 0;
            m_stereo       = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_channel_list.Length; i++)
                m_channel_list[i] = new sound_channel();
Exemplo n.º 16
        memory_access <int_const_13, int_const_0, int_const_0, endianness_t_const_ENDIANNESS_BIG> .specific m_program13 = new memory_access <int_const_13, int_const_0, int_const_0, endianness_t_const_ENDIANNESS_BIG> .specific(); //memory_access<13, 0, 0, ENDIANNESS_BIG>::specific m_program13;

        protected m6805_base_device(
            machine_config mconfig,
            string tag,
            device_t owner,
            uint32_t clock,
            device_type type,
            configuration_params params_)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
            //m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_execute_interface_m6805_base(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_memory_interface_m6805_base(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_state_interface_m6805_base(mconfig, this));
            //m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_disasm_interface_m6805_base(mconfig, this));

            m_dimemory = GetClassInterface <device_memory_interface_m6805_base>();
            m_distate  = GetClassInterface <device_state_interface_m6805_base>();


            m_params         = params_;
            m_program_config = new address_space_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, (u8)params_.m_addr_width);
Exemplo n.º 17
 // constructor
 public empty_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
Exemplo n.º 18
 //  device_add - configuration helper to add a
 //  new device
 public device_t device_add(string tag, device_type type, u32 clock)
     std.pair <string, device_t> owner = resolve_owner(tag);
     return(add_device(type.create(this, owner.first, owner.second, clock), owner.second));
Exemplo n.º 19
        // configuration state
        //uint8_t         m_command_address_bits;     // number of address bits in a command
        //bool            m_streaming_enabled;        // true if streaming is enabled
        //bool            m_output_on_falling_clock_enabled;  // true if the output pin is updated on the falling edge of the clock
        //devcb_write_line m_do_cb;                   // callback to push state of DO line

        // runtime state
        //eeprom_state    m_state;                    // current internal state
        //uint8_t         m_cs_state;                 // state of the CS line
        //attotime        m_last_cs_rising_edge_time; // time of the last CS rising edge
        //uint8_t         m_oe_state;                 // state of the OE line
        //uint8_t         m_clk_state;                // state of the CLK line
        //uint8_t         m_di_state;                 // state of the DI line
        //bool            m_locked;                   // are we locked against writes?
        //uint32_t        m_bits_accum;               // number of bits accumulated
        //uint32_t        m_command_address_accum;    // accumulator of command+address bits
        //eeprom_command  m_command;                  // current command
        //uint32_t        m_address;                  // current address extracted from command
        //uint32_t        m_shift_register;           // holds data coming in/going out

        // inline configuration helpers
        //void enable_streaming(bool enable) { m_streaming_enabled = enable; }
        //void enable_output_on_falling_clock(bool enable) { m_output_on_falling_clock_enabled = enable; }
        //auto do_callback() { return m_do_cb.bind(); }

        // construction/destruction
        protected eeprom_serial_base_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type devtype, string tag, device_t owner, eeprom_serial_streaming enable_streaming)
            : base(mconfig, devtype, tag, owner)
            throw new emu_unimplemented();
Exemplo n.º 20
        std.vector <uint8_t> m_save_blob; // state saving buffer

        // constructor
        protected ymfm_device_base(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock, device_type type, Func <ymfm_interface, ChipClass> chip_class_creator)
            : base(mconfig, tag, owner, clock, type)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_sound_interface_ymfm_device_base(mconfig, this));  //device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this);
            m_disound = GetClassInterface <device_sound_interface_ymfm_device_base>();

            m_stream = null;
            m_chip   = chip_class_creator(m_ymfm_interface); //eg, m_chip = new ym2151(this);

            OUTPUTS = (int)m_chip.OUTPUTS;                   //static constexpr int OUTPUTS = ChipClass.OUTPUTS;
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected m6805_hmos_device(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock, device_type type, u32 addr_width, unsigned ram_size)
            : base(mconfig, tag, owner, clock, type, new configuration_params(addr_width > 13 ? s_hmos_b_ops : s_hmos_s_ops, s_hmos_cycles, addr_width, 0x007f, 0x0060, M6805_VECTOR_SWI), null)  //map)

            //m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_execute_interface_m6805_hmos(mconfig, this));

            m_timer           = new m6805_timer(this);
            m_port_open_drain = new bool [PORT_COUNT] {
                false, false, false, false
            m_port_mask = new u8 [PORT_COUNT] {
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
            m_port_input = new u8 [PORT_COUNT] {
                0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
            m_port_latch = new u8 [PORT_COUNT] {
                0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
            m_port_ddr = new u8 [PORT_COUNT] {
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
            m_port_cb_r = new devcb_read8.array <u64_const_PORT_COUNT>(this, () => { return(new devcb_read8(this)); });
            m_port_cb_w = new devcb_write8.array <u64_const_PORT_COUNT>(this, () => { return(new devcb_write8(this)); });
            m_ram_size  = ram_size;
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected m68705_device(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock, device_type type, u32 addr_width, unsigned ram_size)
            : base(mconfig, tag, owner, clock, type, addr_width, ram_size)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_execute_interface_m68705(mconfig, this));
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_nvram_interface_m68705(mconfig, this));  //device_nvram_interface(mconfig, *this)

            m_diexecute       = GetClassInterface <device_execute_interface_m68705>();
            m_nvram_interface = GetClassInterface <device_nvram_interface_m68705>();

            m_user_rom = new required_region_ptr <u8>(this, DEVICE_SELF);
            m_vihtp    = CLEAR_LINE;
            m_pcr      = 0xff;
            m_pl_data  = 0xff;
            m_pl_addr  = 0xffff;
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected m68705p_device(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock, device_type type)
            : base(mconfig, tag, owner, clock, type, 11, 112)
            m_class_interfaces.Add(new device_disasm_interface_m68705p(mconfig, this));

            set_port_open_drain <u32_const_0>(true);   // Port A is open drain with internal pull-ups
            set_port_mask <u32_const_2>(0xf0);         // Port C is four bits wide
            set_port_mask <u32_const_3>(0xff);         // Port D isn't present
Exemplo n.º 24
 galaxian_sound_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
     m_discrete = new required_device <discrete_sound_device>(this, "discrete");
     m_lfo_val  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public pong_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_sw1a = new required_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "maincpu:sw1a");
     m_sw1b = new required_device <netlist_mame_logic_input_device>(this, "maincpu:sw1b");
Exemplo n.º 26
 public sprite16_device_ind16(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, int dirty_granularity = 3) : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, dirty_granularity)
     sprite_device_after_ctor((base_, width, height, rowpixels) => { return(new bitmap_ind16(base_, width, height, rowpixels)); });
Exemplo n.º 27
 public defender_state(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag) :
     base(mconfig, type, tag)
     m_bankc000 = new required_device <address_map_bank_device>(this, "bankc000");
Exemplo n.º 28
 protected dac_word_device_base(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, u32 clock, u8 bits, dac_mapper_callback mapper, stream_buffer_sample_t gain)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock, bits, mapper, gain)
Exemplo n.º 29
 protected m6802_cpu_device(machine_config mconfig, device_type type, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock, op_func [] insn, uint8_t [] cycles)
     : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock, insn, cycles, ram_map)//, this)
     m_ram_enable = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
        devcb_write8 [] m_io_write = new devcb_write8[2]; // up to 2 output port handlers

        // constructor
        protected ym_generic_device(machine_config mconfig, string tag, device_t owner, uint32_t clock, device_type type)
            : base(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
            //device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this),

            m_ymfm_interface = new ymfm_interface_ym_generic_device(this);

            m_timer      = new emu_timer[] { null, null };
            m_update_irq = new devcb_write_line(this);
            m_io_read    = new devcb_read8[] { new devcb_read8(this), new devcb_read8(this) };
            m_io_write   = new devcb_write8[] { new devcb_write8(this), new devcb_write8(this) };