Exemplo n.º 1
        //These 3 functions are all the same function but are timing different sor
        //ts. In this case if we could tell this function
        //which sorting function to use, we could just utilize one. Your job is to repace this function with one function that will
        //Call the appropriate sorting function
        static void timeSortingRoutine(int [] unsortedData, delegateSorter dTime)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            TimeSpan ts = sw.Elapsed;

            Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed {0} milliseconds.", ts.TotalMilliseconds);
Exemplo n.º 2

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] data    = File.ReadAllLines("..\\..\\input.txt");
            int[]    intdata = new int[data.Length];
            int      count   = 0;

            foreach (string s in data)
                intdata[count] = Convert.ToInt32(s);

            int[] copyData = new int[intdata.Length];

            reset(intdata, copyData);

            //In this section we are calling the three different methods. Instead we need to use delegates to create 3
            //pointers to the different sorting routine and passing them to one method to run the sorting mechanism.

            delegateSorter dBubble    = new delegateSorter(bubblesort);
            delegateSorter dSelection = new delegateSorter(selectionSort);
            delegateSorter dQuick     = new delegateSorter(Quicksort_Starter);

            Console.WriteLine("Bubble Sort");
            timeSortingRoutine(copyData, dBubble);

            reset(intdata, copyData);

            Console.WriteLine("Selection Sort");
            timeSortingRoutine(copyData, dSelection);

            reset(intdata, copyData);

            Console.WriteLine("Quick Sort");
            timeSortingRoutine(copyData, dQuick);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");